1、雅思作文汉英对译练习1整个过程可以分为五步。1The whole procedure can be divided into five steps.2从柱状图中我们可以推导出书信不像E-mail这样流行。2 It can be concluded from the bar chart that letters are not as popular as E-mails.3该表格提供了有关美国离婚率的数据。3 The table provides some data concerning the divorce rate in America.4它主要包含以下几步。4 It mainly inc
2、ludes the following steps.5坐飞机的人数上升了30%。5 The amount of people taking airplanes increased by 30%.6全球用水量急剧增长。6 The global water use rose sharply.7男性的犯罪率比女性高许多。7 The rate of male crime is much higher than that of female.8与发展中国家相比,发达国家消耗更多能源。8 Compared with developing countries, developed countries con
3、sume more energy.9该表格提供了有关美国大学生入学率的数据。9 The table provides the data regarding the enrollment rate of Australian university students.10从1985年到2005年,该数字呈逐渐下降趋势。10 The figure showed a gradual decrease from 1985 to 2005.11该地图描述这个村庄的变化。11The map below shows the development of the village.12值得关注的是,2005年澳大
4、利亚生活在贫困中的各类家庭比例高达9%。12 What is noticeable is that in 2005, the percentage of all households living in poverty was as high as 9%.13从1985到1995年十年里,日本出国旅游的人数增长了3倍。13From 1985 to 1995, the number of Japanese tourists traveling abroad was tripled.14该图表展示了六个城市地铁系统的特点。14The table demonstrates the features
5、of the underground railway systems in 6 cities.15其它年份都呈现出逐步增长态势。15 All the other years witnessed a gradual increase16在3个部门中,A的销售额最高,其次是B和C。16Ahas the highest sales figure in the three departments, followed by B and C.17上升两个星期后,8月份开始平稳。17 The rise lasted for two weeks and then began to level off in A
6、ugust.18在5年期限的后半段,降低比较明显。18 The decrease is more noticeable during the second half of the 5year period.19从2000年的40%降到2004年的20%,然后形势逆转,2005年达到了68%。19 It fell from 40% in 2000 to 20% in 2004, and then the trend reversed, finishing at 68% in 2005.20可以看到随着年龄的增长,孩子出现交通事故的次数在不断下降。20 It can be seen that th
7、e incidence of accidents decreases as the childrens age increases.21此数字是去年的5倍。21 The number is 5 times as much as that of last year.22最大的区别是在对教师职业的选择:45%的女生愿意在毕业后从事教师职业,而只有5%的男生愿意从事这一职业。22 The most striking contrast is in the occupation of teaching: 45% of girl students would like to become teachers
8、 after graduation whereas only 5% of boys want to do this job.23男生最喜欢的职业是管理人员(40%),其次是生意人(30%)。23 What boys like to do most is to become managers (40%) and the second largest group is to be businessmen (30%).24伦敦的地铁线最长,几乎是巴黎的2倍。24Londonhas the longest underground railway distance, which is almost a
9、time thanParis.25尽管伦敦的地铁线最长,但是东京地铁的载客量却是最大的。25 Though the longest route isLondon, the most carrying capacity isTokyos subway system.26需要注意的第一点就是犯罪率的急剧增长。26The first point to note is the huge increase in the number of crime rate.27该图展示了几个趋势。27The chart reflects several trends.28该柱状图展示了能源价格的数据。28This
10、bar chart displays the numbers of fuels prices.29如曲线图所示,最近5年来世界人口飞速增长。29 As is shown in the curve graph, there has been a rapid increase in the population all over the world in the past five years.30这个工厂生产的彩电已由2004年的50000台增加到2007年的210000台。30 The number of color TV sets produced by the factory increa
11、sed from50,000 in2004 to210,000 in2007.1许多人相信科技的最大弊端就是它可能会带来一些难以想象的消极影响。1 Many people believe that the biggest disadvantage of technology is that it may give rise to some unimaginative negative influences.2计算机会使人们丧失想象和创造力这一事实使我相信其是祸而非福。2 The fact that computers deprive people of their imagination an
12、d creativity makes me believe that they are a curse rather than a blessing.3毫无疑问互联网的快速发展使得许多人相信它是万能良药然而情况并非总是如此。来源:( - 雅思写作汉英互译练习一(转)_叶毅斌全球雅思英语_新浪博客 3 It goes without saying that the eye-catching development of the Internet makes many people believe that it is cure-all solution. However, it is not a
13、lways the case.4无可否认博物馆可以扮演一个教育的作用,因为它给公众提供一个好的机会去研究他们国家的历史和传统。4 It cannot be denied that museums can play an educational role for the simple reason that they provide the public with a good opportunity to study their countries history and tradition.5许多人没能够意识到这样一个重要的事实语言的多样性将会极大的推动文化的发展。也许这就是为什么许多语言现
14、在正处于濒临灭绝的境地。5 Many people fail to take into account the vital fact that the diversity of languages will enhance the cultural development and that is why so many languages are on a verge of extinction.6没有任何的一样东西能像电视这样毁誉参半。6 Nothing has received more praise and abuse than TV.7毫无疑问,家庭成员之间的关系已经不像以前那么亲密。
15、7 There is no doubt that the relationship between family members is not as close as it used to be.8广告之所以盛行主要在于它们的信息容量很大。8 The reason why advertisements are so prevailing is that they are informative.9互连网是如此盛行因此没有人可以避免不受到它的影响。9 So prevailing is the Internet that nobody can avoid being influenced by i
16、t.10可想而知,从事兼职工作可以培养学生的独立性和团队合作精神。10 It is conceivable that students taking part-time jobs can cultivate their independence and team-work spirit. 11当前的教育模式远不能让人满意。11 The present educational patterns leave much to be desired.12造成该现象的最主要原因在于过度工业化似乎已经成了一种无法避免的趋势。12 The most obvious reason for this pheno
17、menon is that over-industrialization seems to be an unavoidable trend.13文化多元化对人类文明而言就如空气之对于地球。13 The cultural diversity is to human civilization what air is to the earth.14造成该现象的原因有许多。14 There are probably many reasons contributing to this phenomenon.15一谈到计算机,人们持有不同的看法。15 When it comes to computers,
18、 people hold divergent views.16考虑到该问题的严重性,我们必须得想出一些切合实际的措施来解决它。16 Given the seriousness of this risk, we have no alternative but to think up some practical solutions to resolve it.17没有人能否认,我们已经进入了一个全球信息化的时代。17 No one can deny the fact that we have entered a brand new era of global information.18无疑,有
19、关教育的话题总是能够引起我们的关注。18 To be sure, the topic concerning education can always attract our eyes.19在当代社会,环保总是能够引起我们的关注。19 Never does the environmental preservation fail to fascinate us in modern society.20众所周知,大学的主要作用是培养一个人的全面发展。20 As we all know, the main function of a university is to cultivate ones al
20、l-around development. 21可以毫不夸张地说学会如何合作在一个人的职业中是至关重要的因素。 21 It is no overstatement to say that learning to cooperate with others is the key factor in ones career.22手机就是一个绝佳的例子。22 The mobile phone is a good case in point.23众所周知,物种的多样性是地球最大的魅力。23 As is widely-accepted, diversity of species is the
21、greatest charm of the Earth.24总之,国际旅游业的好处远远多过于它的弊端。因此,应该充分提倡和支持国际旅游业的发展。24 To conclude, the advantages of the international tourism far outweigh its disadvantages. Thus, it should be supported and advocated to the full.25没有任何一种说法比这种观点更加荒唐了。25 Nothing is further from the truth than this opinion.26这两种
22、观点都有其可取之处。26 There is an element of truth in both opinions.27对该问题的另一层考虑在于真正好的大学教育应该是理论与实践并重。27 Another consideration in this case is that an excellent education should place equal focus on both theories and knowledge.28频繁的商业交流的加速发展既带来了机遇也带来了挑战。28 The ever-accelerated updating of frequent commercial
23、communications has brought about both chances and challenges.29正是通过合作,人们在今天才能够享受一种更好的生活。29 It is through cooperation that people can enjoy a better life today.30教育在这样一个不断发展的社会对我们是不可或缺的。30 Education is indispensable to us in this updating society1我确信幸福取决于许多不同的因素。1 I am fully convinced that happi
24、ness depends on many different factors.2众所周知,竞争和合作是当代社会的一个热点话题。2 It is well-known that competition and cooperation is a hot topic in modern society.3我确信国际旅游业带来更多的好处。3 I am fully convinced that international tourism brings about more benefits.4那些在外国学习的孩子将会有机会去体验一种完全不同的文化。4 Those children who study ab
25、road will be blessed with an opportunity to experience a totally different culture.5通过互联网,学生可以学到很多有用和启发性的知识。5 Through the Internet, students can acquire a great deal of knowledge which/that is useful and thought-provoking.6网络是一种有效的拓展孩子知识面的工具。6 The Internet is a tool which/that can expand childrens h
26、orizon of knowledge.7那些被父母鼓励去从事兼职工作的孩子会拥有更多的自信。7 Those children whom parents encourage to take part-time jobs will possess more confidence.8那些国际力量薄弱的国家将在国际事务中没有发言权。8 Those nations whose national defense is weak will have no right to speak in the international affairs.9我想列出的第一点好处发展旅游业将会促进经济的发展。9 The
27、first advantage I want to present is that to develop international tourism will enhance the economic development.10互联网的快速发展使得我们享受更好的生活成为一种可能。10 The eye-dazzling development of the Internet has made it possible for people to enjoy a better life.16很明显学校和老师的作用无法被取代。 16 To be clear, the role of teachers
28、 and schools cannot be replaced.17总之,我支持后者。17 To summarize, I take the side with the latter.18更糟糕的是,由于缺乏经验,许多青少年无法明辨是非。18 To make matters worse, due to their inexperience, youngsters cannot tell right from wrong.19把所有的因素都加以考虑的话,我们可以得出如下的结论:前者很明显更具有说服力。19 Taking all factors into account, we can draw
29、a conclusion that the former carries more weight.20从教育学的角度而言,孩子在上学期间做兼职工作将会浪费许多宝贵的时间。20 Educationally speaking, taking part-time jobs during the schooling may waste students precious studying time.21自己学习,孩子可以培养克服困难的勇气和独立思考的能力21 Studying alone, children can cultivate their courage to overcome difficulties and the ability to think independently.22我们现在已经进入一个信息爆炸的时代,每天我们都得面对各种各样的广告。22 Having entered an information-explosion epoch, we are exposed to various advertisements per day.来源:( - 雅思写作汉英互译练习三_叶毅斌全球雅思英语_新浪博客 23与书本相比,互联网具有许多明显的好处比如说高速,高效,易于
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