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1、Text B White LiesPre-wordsw cast a philosophers eye over the subjectw 以哲学家的眼光来审视这个话题cast an eye over 粗略地看一眼w distinguish “white” lies from all the rest 区分区分“无伤大雅”的小谎与与其他谎言Main Ideas w 第一段:white lies are the most trivial forms of deceptionw I want to ask whether there are such (no injury)lies, whethe

2、r their cumulative consequences are still no harm.w 第二段:white lies in the most marginal sense -many subterfugesw 第三段:giving a false excuse is deceptivew 第四段 lies told in an effort to flatter,w 第五段 lies told to bring some benefit, or to avoid a real harmw 第六段 lies said in order to keep on the convers

3、ation w 第七段 Utilitarians a white lies is trivial and harmlessw 第八段第八段 Where some tell a few white lies, others may tell more (lies).The aggregate harm from a large number of white lies may be undesirable in the endw 第九段The post-Watergate period, lies tend to spread.w 第十段Trivial lies are different fr

4、om the costs of an entire practice.Deep Understanding of the TextPara.1w spectrum n. 光谱; 范围; 幅度; w deception - deceive - deceptive 欺诈,欺骗欺诈,欺骗w trivial trvladj.琐碎的,微不足道的 trivialitytrvlt n. 平凡,琐事;平凡,琐事; 无聊的事物,无关紧要无聊的事物,无关紧要w duplicity n. 欺诈,表里不一w protective coloring 保护色w condemn vt.(通常因道义上的原因而)(通常因道义上

5、的原因而) 谴责;谴责; 宣判宣判;w well-intentioned lies 用心善良的谎言用心善良的谎言w momentous mments adj.重大的;重大的; 重要的重要的w adhere to 遵循,坚持;附着w falsehood n. 谎言,假话,w be of little moral import 没有道德含义w cumulative consequence 日积月累的后果 cumulate accumulate/ pile up vt. 积累,堆积;w to be without harm be harmlessw Some “harmful lies” are o

6、ften defended as “white” lies (that mean harmless)wI shall adhere to the narrower usage: a white lies, in this sense, is a falsehood not meant to injure anyone, and of little moral import. w 我将坚持更狭隘的意义:在这个意义上,无伤我将坚持更狭隘的意义:在这个意义上,无伤大雅的小谎是指无意伤害他人的,没有什么道大雅的小谎是指无意伤害他人的,没有什么道德意义的谎话。德意义的谎话。 w I want to as

7、k whether there are such lies; and if there are, whether their cumulative consequences are still without harm; and finally, whether many lies are not defended as “white” which are in fact harmful in their own right.我想问,是否真有这类谎言;如果有的话,我想问,是否真有这类谎言;如果有的话,其日积月累的最终后果是否果真不具有伤其日积月累的最终后果是否果真不具有伤害性;最后,许多实际上

8、原本就具有伤害害性;最后,许多实际上原本就具有伤害性的谎言是否被辩白成了性的谎言是否被辩白成了“无伤大雅无伤大雅”。 Para.2w subterfuge sbtfju:d n 托辞,借口托辞,借口w in the most marginal sense 在最含糊的意义上在最含糊的意义上w in a sense 在一定程度上,在某种意义上在一定程度上,在某种意义上 w give an impression of an indifference 给人一种为人冷漠的印象给人一种为人冷漠的印象w The justification for continuing to use such accepte

9、d formulations(公式,客套话) is that they deceive no one, except possibly those unfamiliar with the language. 一直使用这些公众认可的套话的正当理由是他们骗不了任何人,那些不太熟悉这一语言的人或许是例外Para 3w giving a false excuse 假造一个理由w prevent unwarranted interferences 阻止那些没有正当理由的干扰w an elaborately concocted story 一个煞费苦心捏造出来煞费苦心捏造出来的故事w concoct v.

10、 捏造; 图谋;混合而制Para.4w to throw a cheerful interpretation on depressing circumstance 对令人沮丧的境况做出使人高兴的解说w dispel gloom and boredom 驱逐忧郁与厌烦 vt.消除(疑虑等); 驱散(云雾等);w preserve v. 保存,保持w equilibrium ikwlbrm n. 平衡,均衡Para.4whumaneness hju:meinis n. 深情,慈悲深情,慈悲 humane hju:mein adj. 人道的,有人情的,人道的,有人情的, 仁慈的,仁爱的,富于同情心的

11、仁慈的,仁爱的,富于同情心的 (学科学科)人文的,高尚的,人文的,高尚的,w excessive adj. 过度的,过分的过度的,过分的w melancholy melnkl adj. 忧郁的; n. 忧郁;悲哀;愁思w indisposition n. 微恙;不愿意;嫌恶w Bacon 培根 (Francis Bacon 1561-1626) 英国散文作家,哲学家和政治家. w Doth any man doubt Does anyone ever doubt如果把自视过高的想法,奢望,不实的评价,如果把自视过高的想法,奢望,不实的评价,一厢情愿,这些想法从人们脑海中赶走,那一厢情愿,这些想

12、法从人们脑海中赶走,那会使很多人感到空虚,悲哀,不舒服,讨厌会使很多人感到空虚,悲哀,不舒服,讨厌自己自己, 有人对此有所怀疑吗?有人对此有所怀疑吗?Para.5wadvocate vt. 提倡,主张,支持wbringing a more substantial benefit 带来实质上的利益/实实在在的好处wbe innocuous nkjs to sb harmless adj. 良性的,无害的,wplacebo plsib n. 安慰剂Para.5winnumerable common ailmentseilmnt 无数的常见疾病(小毛病)wThe pervasive use of i

13、nflated grade and recommendations :the commonly used exaggerated grade and recommendations 被拔高的成绩和推荐信的广泛使用Para.6w redeeming features: 补救功效 redeem v. 挽回声誉;弥补,补救;救赎w Here are five things Apple should do to redeem its fast-fading public image. 以下是苹果想要挽回它日益衰落的公众形象应当做的五件事w Rise up and help us; redeem us

14、because of your unfailing love. 求你起来帮助我们,凭你的慈爱救赎我们-on the spur of the moment 一时冲动-for the want of reflection 因为缺乏深思熟虑-to get out of a scrape 摆脱困境摆脱困境 v.n. 擦伤,刮,困境;-to pass the time 打发时间,消磨时光-to boast or exaggerate-to boast or exaggerate 夸大,夸张夸大,夸张, 自吹自擂,自夸-to deprecate and understate 轻描淡写轻描淡写 deprec

15、ate v. criticize 反对,抨击-the embroidering on facts that seems too tedious in their own right 对本身太乏味的事实添油加醋embroider v. 刺绣,装饰, -the substitution of a quick lie for the lengthy explanation one might otherwise have to provide for something not worth spending time on. 与其为一个不值得花时间的小事做一番冗长的解释,还不如找个简单的托辞了事-s

16、ubstitute A for B 用A替代B,-replace A with B 用B替代APara.7w utilitarian j,tltern n. 功利主义者w tipping the scales of utility 使得实用性更加突出使得实用性更加突出w If something tips the scales or tips the balance, it gives someone a slight advantage. 使稍占优势w weigh the minute pros and cons 权衡利弊w minute /manjut/ adj. 微小的微小的w abom

17、ination bmne()n 令人厌恶的事物, 厌恶,憎恨w such insignificant distortions 失真,变形;曲解失真,变形;曲解 这类无关紧要的失实w make mountains out of molehills 小题大做Para.8-set limit to 限定,限制-事物的琐碎性质的确限制了什么时事物的琐碎性质的确限制了什么时候作道德质询是理智的。但是如果候作道德质询是理智的。但是如果我们仔细观察说安慰剂这样的行为我们仔细观察说安慰剂这样的行为,很显然,不是所有被辩解为无伤,很显然,不是所有被辩解为无伤大雅的谎言都能轻易开脱的大雅的谎言都能轻易开脱的Par

18、a.8wnotoriouslynotrisli adv.众所周知地, 恶名昭彰地wdisputable adj. 有争议的,wperceive v. 感觉,察觉,理解,认知 perception n. 知觉,看法;洞察力-blind liars to cumulative harm 使说谎者对对日益积累的伤害视而不见视而不见Para.8wresort to sth 依靠,求助于依靠,求助于windiscriminate adj. 无差别的,不加鉴别的,任意而为的wdiscriminate v. 区别,辨别waggregate grgt vt. n. 集合;合计 adj. 聚合的;集合的;合计的

19、wundesirable adj. 不受欢迎的,不利的w Translate the last sentences of Pars.8 w最终,大量微小的伤害集合在一起形成的总最终,大量微小的伤害集合在一起形成的总伤害会招致相当大的麻烦伤害会招致相当大的麻烦 对说谎者,被骗对说谎者,被骗者是如此,更笼统地说,对诚信,对信任也者是如此,更笼统地说,对诚信,对信任也是如此。是如此。Para.9w No one need regard a concern() as far-fetched 在水门事件之后的年代里,谁也不会对欺骗行为造成的多方面的、长远的影响表示忧虑看作很离奇w the combine

20、d and long-term effects of deception 欺骗行为造成的多方面的、长远的影响w far-fetched adj. 牵强附会的,w with its peculiar and engrossing temptation, lies tend to spread. engrossngrs v.使全神贯注;独占;吸引engrossing adj. 引人入胜的 w peripheral prfrl adj. 外围的,次要的;w propaganda prpgnd n. 宣传w abound vi. 充满,富于w on the grounds of 以为理由 在水门事件之

21、后的年代里,谁也不会对欺骗行为造成的多方面的、长远的影响表示忧虑看作很离奇。可是即使不把政治生活考虑在内,由于说谎具有独特的诱惑力,谎言也呈现蔓延谎言也呈现蔓延之势之势。令人不快的事实被裹上了糖衣,使人伤心的消息被粉饰,或干脆被掩盖。许多人对孩子撒谎,对那些有疑难问题的人撒谎,且涉及的问题已并非无关紧要,而是关系到出生、收养孩子、离婚等大事。骗人的宣传以及误导的广告比比皆是。所有这些谎言,如同普通无伤所有这些谎言,如同普通无伤大雅的小谎一样,往往以无害和不值一提为理大雅的小谎一样,往往以无害和不值一提为理由而听之任之了。由而听之任之了。Para.10w take a close look at

22、 仔细观察w markedly adv. 明显地,显著地w 被认为无关紧要的谎言时常能够听到,这被认为无关紧要的谎言时常能够听到,这种说谎行为值得仔细研究一下。种说谎行为值得仔细研究一下。w 一经研究,我们就能更清楚地看到,在一一经研究,我们就能更清楚地看到,在一个孤立的谎言中看到的极轻微伤害,与整个孤立的谎言中看到的极轻微伤害,与整个欺骗行为付出的代价之间有着明显的差个欺骗行为付出的代价之间有着明显的差距距对个人和社会都是如此。对个人和社会都是如此。I. JudgmentRead the two statements and make your own judgment on them. C

23、onsider to give your reason(s) respectively.Statement One: People have to lie in some cases.Statement Two: No one is allowed to lie for any reason. II. Situation-TacticswAs to Statement 1, describe the situation he/she were in ;w If you failed in an English test and you wouldnt let your parents down

24、 yet found it guilty to lie to them, what would you do, say or explain when asked about the test? III. Conclusion wGeneralize your groups conclusion after the discussion, giving your philosophy of life concerning truth and lies. 1. The story of Ruth has intrigued readers for different reasons for so

25、 many years. A. has inspired B. has upsetC. has aroused sympathy ofD. has aroused interest or curiosity of 2. She was surprised and a little offended by her daughters passionate tone but she knew enough not to argue. A. adamant B. irritatedC. arrogant D. assailed 3. Many people believe that white li

26、es are not worth the trouble of detecting, but more stress the aggregate harm from too many marginally harmful practices. A. cumulative B. redeeming C. additional D. unexpected 4. The fact is eloquent that the recent increase in atmospheric CO2 is well documented. A. self-evident B. self-supportingC

27、. convincing D. dependable 5. The young girl kept a diary of life during her first year of junior high school, and in it she wrote as if corresponding with an intimate though imaginary friend. A. sincere and honest B. real and faithful C. close and familiar D. kind and loyal 6. Dr. Smith wanted me t

28、o do a more intensive study, to count the cells and cell types, but I was not in the mood to do that. A. felt gloomy about doingB. didnt feel like doing C. found it difficult to do 7. She used to be indulged in reading, drawing pictures and writing little stories for hours, and she could sometimes b

29、e prevailed upon to read aloud to her parents though she dreaded their judgment . A. busy herself in be persuadedB. lose herself in be persuaded C. busy herself in be encouraged 8. It would be difficult to describe the subtle brotherhood of man established there, and easy to be caught in racial conf

30、licts in the region, an anthropologist said. A. fall in with B. get down to C. be trapped in D. be captured by 9. It is very expensive proposition to keep teenagers amused these days, and for now they can come here free, where it is safe and warm . A. at present B. immediately C. from now on D. up t

31、o date 10. He promised not to give away a friends secret, I still believe there are times when he must nonetheless break his promise . A. give up B. betray C. surrender D. speak out 11. Key intelligence used to justify war in Iraq may have been wrong, US Secretary of State Colin Powell has conceded

32、. A. said openlyB. admitted frankly C. acknowledged reluctantly as being true 12. Teaching, for the most part, is an exhausting but rewarding profession . A. on the whole B. as a whole C. at most D. most of all 13. Most scientists now assert that the greenhouse gases trap heat into the atmosphere, w

33、hich increase the earths surface temperature . A. assault B. allot C. provoke D. proclaim 14. He didnt understand why he indulged in such a wild and visionary idea at that moment, yet the illusion was at last dispelled. A. was occupied with B. was engrossed in C. was obsessed by D. was depressed by 15. Some writers seem to try to present themselves as fair-minded in spite of their clear


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