四年级英语下册 Lesson 7(1)教案 陕旅版_第1页
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四年级英语下册 Lesson 7(1)教案 陕旅版_第4页




1、(陕旅版)四年级英语下册教案Lesson 7   Hurry up! 这一课我们通过学习,要掌握功能性的句子Hurry up! We are late for和词汇hurry, late ,film, begin等,在复习前几单元的基础上学习There be句型。同时提醒大家做个守时的孩子。 教学目的及重难点分析: 1. 会说会用这些句子:Hurry up! We are late for school. There is a basketball. 2. 会说会用会写这些单词: hurry, late ,film, begin ,quarter, half 3. 学习运用

2、There be句型。 4.  掌握功能性的句子:Hurry up, we are late for 5. 复习前几单元所学内容. 课前准备: 1. 教师录音机和相关部分的录音带。 2. hurry, late ,film, begin的单词卡片。 3. 老师以37页和38页的图片为参考,制作一个课件。 4. 教师准备火眼金睛找不同的图片两张。 5. 教师参考活动手册35页的勇闯问题屋准备藏宝图若干张。 6. 局部放大的时间表。 7. 藏宝图中的礼物。 8. 师生准备钟表,记者牌和采访用的话筒等。 教学过程 1. 热身(Warming up) 1)老师播放事先准备的flas

3、h课件引出话题,课件内容可这样设计对话:   Mary: Hi! David .What time is it?   David: It's four o'clock.   Mary: There is a film. It's time to go to the cinema. Hurry up, David.   David: OK. Let's hurry. We are late for the film. The film begins at four forty-five

4、.   Mary: Let's take a bus.   David: Oh, the bus is leaving.   Mary: Oh dear! 2.新课展示(New Presentation) 老师通过情景和图片等讲解本课重点句型和词汇: 1)老师事先安排一个学生上课铃响了才往教室走,老师用手示意他: Hurry up!Xx! You are late for the class. 老师指着局部放大的时间表进一步解释:Class begins at eight o'clock. (当然时间要根据具体情况而说

5、),老师指着自己的表说:Now it's eight five. So he is late for class. late late late(举起单词卡片) 2)You are late for class, so you must hurry ,hurry, hurry举起单词卡片) 3)然后举起自己手中的书问全班同学:Are you ready for the class? Ss: Yes, I'm ready. T: It's time for class. Class begins. Begin, begin, begin(举起单词卡片).Let's

6、 begin the class. T: 出示film的单词图片:Look, what's this? Ss: It's a film, film, film. T:(出示37页图片)Here's a picture, What can you see in the picture? Ss: There are two pupils 。 T: What are they going? Ss: They are going to school. T: (出示39页足球比赛的图片)What about this? Ss: There are some boys, and t

7、hey are playing football. T: Yes, they are playing football. 老师引导学生说: There is a football match. 4) T: What's the time? Ss: It's four fifteen. T: Ah, There is a film/football match/meeting/basketball match at half past four.(老师根据实际情况而定)I am /We are late for it. Hurry up! (说完匆忙收拾东西) Ss: Half

8、past four? T: It's four thirty. Past是过的意思,四点过了一半,也就是四点半。Four thirty也可以说half past four。 Ss: Hurry up! Oh, were late. What's the time now? T: It's a quarter to five. Ss: What? T: A quarter to five means four fifty-five. quarter 表示一刻,to 表示将要到,a quarter to five表示还差一刻钟五点,也就是4:45分。 Ss: Oh dear

9、! The film has begun. 3小结: quarter 表示一刻,to 表示将要到,a quarter to five表示还差一刻钟五点,也就是four forty-five。 Half 表示一半,past是过的意思,half past four四点过了一半,也就是It's four thirty. 4 巩固活动 1)火眼金睛 教师将事先准备好的火眼金睛找不同的图片两张拿出来让学生找不同如:老师可以在第1幅图里画在一个院子里,有个小花园,有两个小男孩在踢足球,有棵树,树上有只小鸟,有只小狗卧在树下,门口有个小女孩在偷看,再适当添加一些物件。第二幅图和第1幅图背景一样,只是

10、换成他们在打排球,树上的小鸟不见了,小狗换成小猫,小女孩换成两个往进走,院子里有只鸭。学生可用语言描述他们的不同。如:In picture 1, there is a bird in the tree.             In picture 2, there is no bird in the tree.             In picture

11、 1, they are playing football.   In picture 2, They are playing volleyball等等. 2)教师将学生分成几个小组,给每一个小组发一张事先准备的藏宝图 ,当然,要找到藏宝的地方,要过许多的关口,学生要根据图标回答问题才能闯过这个关口,再根据在每一个关口left, right, up, down等方向指示,继续前进。看哪个小组先能找到宝藏。藏宝图老师可参考活动手册35页勇闯问题屋来做,宝藏的位置也就是礼物的位置。哪组先找到宝藏就可以得到礼物。 5.听录音学习对话: T: Let's look at t

12、he picture and listen to a dialogue, then answer the questions. (展示书37页图,播放对话部分录音) T: How many pupils are there in the picture? Ss: There are two pupils in the picture. T: Who are they? Ss: They are Mary and David. T: What's the time? Ss: It's seven forty. T: Where are they going? Ss: They a

13、re going to school. T: What's  the time for classes? Ss: It's eight o'clock. T: Are they late for school. Ss: Yes, They are late for school. They must hurry. 6. 播放Listen, look and match部分录音. 听并连线,看看哪个句子和哪幅图意匹配。 7. 做Let's practice(I). 读一读,演一演这两段对话,体会一下他们看电影,乘汽车迟到的心情。提醒大家做个守时的孩子。 8做Let'


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