



1、responsi ble for the development of company ma nagement, i ncl udi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, t he busine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on a nd guida nce, busine ss settleme nt audit ; 23, is i n charge of the company business and costs cal culati

2、on a nd a nalysis of new proje cts a nd to develop standards and provi de the basis for deci sion-maki ng and re sponsible for the com prehe nsive e conomi c and technical i ndi cators a nd statisti cs, a nalysi s, summary and reporting; 24, the compa ny responsibl e for audit s of various types of

3、busi ness contracts, t he pr incipal of contract pri ce (pur cha se pri ce, freight, taxes, etc), payment met hod, payment, settlement, such as the rea sonable ness of the data, a uthe nticit y, accura cy; 25, stri ct enforcement of nati onal tax policy, is responsi ble for the monthly re porting, i

4、ncluding tax cal culati ons, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, re ceive inv oices; 26, t he company responsi ble for all kinds of pri ce (including pr oduct pri ce, material pri ces, freight, engineering machinery jobs pri ce, pri ce, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations,

5、 pri ce exce ption report ; 27, is responsi ble for the company's manageme nt, inclu ding confere nce organize d by pri ce, of histori cal pri ces, total s, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo de com positi on, control, analysis a nd eval uation; responsi bl

6、e for costing a nd cost control , ensure accounti ng num ber is reasona ble, corre ct, and com plete accounti ng report a nd the com pany's other reports compile d and reported to w ork;旅游规划与开发老师很好,从不点名,没有期中考试,期末考试前一节课会给题让你回去找答案。大约占了百分之七八十,最后试卷上只有一小部分题没有或是改动过的。考试的时候允许你抄准备好的资料,但是现场用手机搜或者其他工具、资料是不

7、允许的, 他会来回走动检查。成功学李永刚老师,和卓越团队是一个老师。讲课不错,风格新颖,人很幽默。期中和期末就是写论文,期末的轻快些。期末的有时候是给你几个题目,自己回去准备。考试的时候随机抽了写,分数大约都在90 分以上日语对日语或者小语种感兴趣的同学可以选这门课。姚晓阳老师, 几乎不点名, 课前空时会放点日语电影,比如樱桃小丸子或者是一些关于日本文化的。 讲课很认真, 配本初级日语教科书是很必要的,考试有一部分是课本上的单词或者语法什么的,不买也行,那平时得做好笔记了。讲课很专业。法语也是小语种课程,老师比较随和,但是会点名多点。好处就是考试前给答案,自己抄。合同法点名不大多,讲课还可以,

8、考试也不难犯罪学点名较少,老师比较随和,上课会看看视频什么的。期中、期末考试都是课件上的,平时会写点小文章作为作业交上。市场营销从来不点名开卷稳过 其他不知道了当代世界政治与经济老师脾气很好,讲得也行,没去过几次,不知道点没点名,考试内容一般课件上都有,个人认为不错从不点名,期中期末考试做卷子,可以抄,没人管偶尔点名老师讲解幽默风趣为考研必修课受益良多周日上午12 节孙希良 男 主要教授当今世界政治的情况与发展过程比如 中国如今的国际地位美国战后实施的霸权战略有哪些老师很好水平较高从不点名讲课很有意思讲得不错老师特别好,特别善解人意,虽然只去上过一节课,但是老师真的是很好很为学生着想,从不点名

9、,讲课也很认真,仔细尽职尽责 ! 力推!领导科学与艺术 最大特点 点名 不过因为一共没几节课 人也很多 他只会头几节课点名 后几节就不全点了 如果不幸别点了三次 那你就结业了 考试也没用 他不会给你分的 但是个人觉得老师讲的不错 挺实用而且讲的很现实 个人评价 值得一选(但如果为了学分就别选了)上市公司业绩分析 点名频率不是很高一共点两次但是我觉得可学的内容基本没有就是在跟你说上市的一些法 律法规 实际的投资理念基本没有也没交具体的基本面分析而且考试很变态知道题在哪就是抄也得抄一节课期中还好些期末很可能答不完卷responsi ble for the development of compan

10、y ma nagement, i ncl udi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, t he busine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on a nd guida nce, busine ss settleme nt audit ; 23, is i n charg e of the company business and costs cal culati on a nd a nalysis of new proje cts a nd t

11、o develop standards and provi de the basis f or deci sion-maki ng and re sponsible for the com prehe nsive e conomi c and technical i ndi cators a nd statisti cs, a nalysi s, summary and reporting; 24, the compa ny responsibl e for audit s of various types of busi ness contracts, t he pr incipal of

12、contract pri ce (pur cha se pri ce, freight, taxes, etc), payment met hod, payment, settlement, such as the rea sonable ness of the data, a uthe nticit y, accura cy; 25, stri ct enforcement of nati onal tax policy, is responsi ble for the monthly re porting, including tax cal culati ons, statistics,

13、 go through the relevant formalities, re ceive inv oices; 26, t he company responsi ble for all kinds of pri ce (including pr oduct pri ce, material pri ces, freight, engineering machinery jobs pri ce, pri ce, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, pri ce exce ption report ; 27, is respo

14、nsi ble for the company's manageme nt, including confere nce organize d by pri ce, of histori cal pri ces, total s, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo de com positi on, control, analysis a nd eval uation; responsi ble for costing a nd cost control , ensure

15、accounti ng num ber is reasona ble, corre ct, and com plete accounti ng report a nd the com pany's other reports compile d and reported to w ork;美学概论王培娟, 点了两次名 , 每次上课前都会放两首歌 , 有时看电影,考试有二十分的知识题,然后就是80 分的作文,很容易过的 。个人认为不错考试就是写作文平时也不怎么点点了也无所谓 期中一篇作文期末作文占 80 分还愁过不了吗房地产经营管理刘冲 1501 未被点名 考试很稳时间周天上午,地点:

16、1501 ,老师点过两次名,老师讲的很好,考试就是写篇作文,过容易,得高分难。品牌经济学刘华军 没点过名考试一篇论文可以打印版的老师讲的很好 幽默风趣也从不点名 期末考试题目就是篇作文国际贸易与实务王恒 经常点名 闭卷考试物流管理邹霞经常点名 开卷邹霞 周日五六节 教室 1206:老师实际经验很丰富,课堂上气氛活跃,开课前几周点名很勤,之后都没点名。物流经常不定期点名讲的也不是很有特色媒介素养教育星期四晚, 2501, 宁兆洋老师,课内容还行,点名次数不多,不过碰上心情不好时会点名提问问题,心情好时,对举手回答问题的同学,答对一道期末成绩加十分。没有期中考试。不给课件,期末考试提前给题目,自己

17、在网上搜答案,考试时带材料去即可。比较简单。周三晚上点过一次名没有期中论文。艺术治疗学周四晚上不点名不考试 课堂气氛很轻松上课时间是周四晚上,老师是苏琪,从不点名,也不考试,教课内容还行桥牌老师是金融学院的李世平 不大点名 ,点的时候是在纸上写名字 内容就是教你怎么打 ,考试就考打桥牌 很有意思上课时间是周五上午,老师是刘珊,点名是以上课提问的方式进行,只要经常去就能保证及格,课堂比较有意思,而且是唯一一门有实践课的选修课,而且考试是以打牌为考试方式的。刘珊 周五三四节 教室 1204:老师比较耐心,点名很频繁,但是授课内容太空泛,不大学得到打牌技巧。周五上午34 节 当然是讲怎么打桥牌老师水

18、平较高讲的比较明白 但是课程本身比较无聊如果对桥牌不感兴趣最好别选老师几乎每节以提问的方式点名考试比较简单就是让你们打牌打得好的就过不用背无任何笔试内容responsi ble for the development of company ma nagement, i ncl udi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, t he busine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on and g uida nce, busine ss settlem

19、e nt audit ; 23, is i n charge of the company business and costs cal culati on a nd a nalysis of new proje cts a nd todevelop standards and provi de the basis for deci sion-maki ng and re sponsible for the com prehe nsive e conomi c and technical i ndi cators a nd statisti cs, a nalysi s, summary an

20、d reporting; 24, the compa ny responsibl e for audit s of various types of busi ness contracts, t he pr incipal of contract pri ce (pur cha se pri ce, freight, taxes, etc), payment met hod, payment, settlement, such as the rea sonable ness of the data, a uthe nticit y, accura cy; 25, stri ct enforce

21、ment of nati onal tax policy, is responsi ble for the monthly re porting, including tax cal culati ons, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, re ceive inv oices; 26, t he company responsi ble for all kinds of pri ce (including pr oduct pri ce, material pri ces, freight, engineering machin

22、ery jobs pri ce, pri ce, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, pri ce exce ption report ; 27, is responsi ble for the company's manageme nt, including confere nce organize d by pri ce, of histori cal pri ces, total s, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and

23、 undergo de com positi on, control, analysis a nd eval uation; responsi ble for costing a nd cost control , ensure accounti ng num ber is reasona ble, corre ct, and com plete accounti ng report a nd the com pany's other reports compile d and reported to w ork;公共选择理论刘姗 女就一个班我忘了老师叫什么从不点名 ! 教的还不错 ,

24、 考试也比较容易过世界经济史杨玉萍老师人很好,希望有机会多上上她的课,哲理性丰富,但是点名一但查到就没有情面的考试不松国际服务与贸易王珩从不点名,考试也还松周二晚上不点名有期中论文,期末考试。供应链管理时间:周天下午,地点: 1306,老师讲的不咋地,一般吧,考试题目有的需要自己总结,考试能过,但得高分有点难,老师点过三次名。老师严厉但没点过明,考试开卷劳动合同法秦军启老师。 1201 教室。 2 节/ 周。强力推荐一下。能学到很多实用的东西,况且,以后正确维护自己合法权益是必须的。老师讲课内容并不枯燥,很深刻。考试内容虽然题量大,但都容易找到。十分容易过。如果翘的人不是很多不点名,但是我 们

25、基本没多少翘的。旅游市场营销路琪老师, 1501 教室, 2 节/ 周。脑子有病就选。第一节课说好总共点5 次,但是我们点了 2 次后迟迟不点,直到倒数第二节课才点第三次。考试很难,结合实际与巨专业的知识,找也找不到,编都不会编。没什么好学的。我等n 名难友小命还悬着photoshop色彩管理与编辑孙永兴老师,二阶,实际由于设备问题转站3 个教室。没什么好学的。自暴:原名色彩管理与编辑,学校不批,加上ps,学校就批了,实际跟 ps无关。巨无聊!好在虽第一节课恐吓人说签到他一眼就看穿,实际没点过。倒数第二节课出题, 最后一节课交上。混学分很容易艺术心理学周二晚 苏琪 3501 有人说世上有三种人

26、:男人女人 女博士,但我觉得心理学博士是第三种人中的极品,况且此老师还和一个艺术伟人同名!教课内容主要是西方和中国的艺术心理论,上课每次都放舒缓的音乐,讲些艺术家变态分析人的兽性之类的,认真听课容易精神分裂,不认真听课猛抬头会觉得十分恐怖(心理学家低沉音乐3501 艺术变态 风动窗帘 教室熄灯)。总是突如其来的点名,不允许请假或是补假,期末考试时我才知道点了3 次,我就知道一次,还没去。期末考3个题,题目比较专业,每个写至少800 字,课件上没有,网上很少,而且还都是苏老师她老人家写的,总之没法抄!如果你没怎么上课,像我一样会扯淡估计也行,否则很难过。不过我觉得学学心理挺好,能看透许多事,但别

27、学太深,容易成为第 三种人。苏老师别让我挂呀,我学到了您的精髓,分析得还行吧。企业文化据说老师一直教并只教这门课,山财企业文化的鼻祖,偶尔课上进行小组讨论,上交书面材料,签上组员名字,变相点名, 考试简单,课件开卷。responsi ble for the development of company ma nagement, i ncl udi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, t he busine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on a

28、 nd guida nce, busine ss settleme nt audit ; 23, is i n charg e of the company business and costs cal culati on a nd a nalysis of new proje cts a nd to develop standards and provi de the basis f or deci sion-maki ng and re sponsible for the com prehe nsive e conomi c and technical i ndi cators a nd

29、statisti cs, a nalysi s, summary and reporting; 24, the compa ny responsibl e for audit s of various types of busi ness contracts, t he pr incipal of contract pri ce (pur cha se pri ce, freight, taxes, etc), payment met hod, payment, settlement, such as the rea sonable ness of the data, a uthe ntici

30、t y, accura cy; 25, stri ct enforcement of nati onal tax policy, is responsi ble for the monthly re porting, including tax cal culati ons, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, re ceive inv oices; 26, t he company responsi ble for all kinds of pri ce (including pr oduct pri ce, material p

31、ri ces, freight, engineering machinery jobs pri ce, pri ce, price) 's terms of market surveys, quotations, pri ce exce ption report ; 27, is responsi ble for the company's manageme nt, including confere nce organize d by pri ce, of histori cal pri ces, total s, etc; 28, according to the annu

32、al operating plan, annual costs and undergo de com positi on, control, analysis a nd eval uation; responsi ble for costing a nd cost control , ensure accounti ng num ber is reasona ble, corre ct, and com plete accounti ng report a nd the com pany's other reports compile d and reported to w ork;中

33、国经济专题 第 2-12 周|3 节/ 周 杨依山 1306点一次名,期中期末考试写论文,3000 字网上文史资料检索与利用上课时间是周六晚上,老师是孙永兴,教课内容一般,基本不点名,但是老师脾气比较怪,可能资格较老的原因,考试题目比较变态,在网上找不着公务员制度第 2-18 周|2 节/ 周张宝峰 1404 点了 3 次名,期中写一篇1000 字论文,期末前给你份题,试卷全是那份题上的,抄的比较爽。老师比较幽默,对社会有独到见解,教课很好,看问题的角度和透彻度都很好。婚姻法与继承法 第 2-18 周|2 节/ 周 于丽平 3109老师很有个性 很那个,看起来很凶,考试从来不看考场。随便抄回宿

34、舍写写完再回来交都可以。点名方式。点一个出去一个很变态。不存在替答道的就可能。不能翘。,上市公司信息披露与分析点过一次名没认真听也不知道讲的怎么样,这个老师有个特点就是每当考试时,告诉同学们题目然后就消失,下课前再来收作业,所以拿到试卷后你回来百度完了再回去也还来得及,只要速度够快就行人际关系学 一阶 周日三四节毕秋丽 老师上财毕业教的非常好,不单纯讲人际关系。点名是上课传着化对号,等于不点名。考试开卷点过两次名,都是签到,可以让别人替你签,考试的内容课件上都有上市公司信息披露与分析第 2-18 周|2 节/ 周吕玉芹老师人很好 就点 2 次名 上一节课划勾下一节课按照名单点名。 考试就是抄课

35、件, 期末的题很变态, 课件找起来都费劲、 。老师很好说话。讲课也不错。推荐吕玉芹 周日七八节 教室 1307:课件很好很强大,但是老师似乎经验不足。点名很少。1307 周日 56 节吕玉芹 老师水平很高, 就是有点板,不过内容很有益处,是关于财务会计方面的,点名是上课传着化对号,等于不点名。考试开卷。flash 制作。杨立博,平时不点名,考上机操作,感兴趣的这课挺好,平时要交上机作业,唯一不足就是制作听花费时间的。经济理论增长老师经常性点名,而且一次课点两次名。考试还好。财经新闻欣赏这课轻松,平时就看看新闻,考试也简单。就第一节课点一次名。国际贸易 时间:周天上午,地点: 1206 ,老师没

36、点过名,讲得很好,考试相对容易。responsi ble for the development of company ma nagement, i ncl udi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, t he busine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on and g uida nce, busine ss settleme nt audit ; 23, is i n charge of the company business and c

37、osts cal culati on a nd a nalysis of new proje cts a nd todevelop standards and provi de the basis for deci sion-maki ng and re sponsible for the com prehe nsive e conomi c and technical i ndi cators a nd statisti cs, a nalysi s, summary and reporting; 24, the compa ny responsibl e for audit s of va

38、rious types of busi ness contracts, t he pr incipal of contract pri ce (pur cha se pri ce, freight, taxes, etc), payment met hod, payment, settlement, such as the rea sonable ness of the data, a uthe nticit y, accura cy; 25, stri ct enforcement of nati onal tax policy, is responsi ble for the monthl

39、y re porting, including tax cal culati ons, statistics, go through the relevant formalities, re ceive inv oices; 26, t he company responsi ble for all kinds of pri ce (including pr oduct pri ce, material pri ces, freight, engineering machinery jobs pri ce, pri ce, price) 's terms of market surve

40、ys, quotations, pri ce exce ption report ; 27, is responsi ble for the company's manageme nt, including confere nce organize d by pri ce, of histori cal pri ces, total s, etc; 28, according to the annual operating plan, annual costs and undergo de com positi on, control, analysis a nd eval uatio

41、n; responsi ble for costing a nd cost control , ensure accounti ng num ber is reasona ble, corre ct, and com plete accounti ng report a nd the com pany's other reports compile d and reported to w ork;旅游文化学周五晚上, 6316 上课,周霓老师。讲的不错,经常是离下课十五分钟时准时点名,不给课件,但是上课时只要把幻灯片上划横线的内容抄下来即可,由于考试可带笔记,考试内容就是笔记内容。没有

42、期中考试。 结课早。财产保险学2501 周一晚 王海萍 老师教得不错,很有用处,经常点名,但考试前说一声就没事了,考试开卷。媒介文化通论周日 78 节 一阶 老师不点名 考试比较容易通过了解媒介及媒介传播的相关知识国际商法周六晚 1205设班长一名 每节课点名 考试题量很大不易沟通老师讲解水平欠佳哲学导论周末 56 节 刘天华 讲课情况一般,不过老师不严,一学期从未点过一次名,开卷考试,答案基本都在课件上,课件页数很多,总之选这个课还好吧西方哲学史侯继迎 男周六下午三四节讲述西方哲学的发展过程 都有哪些代表人物 代表观点等等 老师水平很高比以前的马哲老师好多了 能讲的很明白 有时会放视频 而且

43、 老师从不点名 不想上的可以不去 考试时去就行 考试开卷 基本都是课件上的内容wto概论王云 女周五晚上的课主要内容就是 wto 的发展过程 中国怎样加入世贸wto 有哪些规则 比如 反倾销 反补贴 知识产权保护等等老师水平还可以但讲得不是很有意思她以前是学法律的英语不错 说的太快了 基本听不懂 老师很少点名好像就两次给人感觉是白领不是老师考试开卷有一些内容课件上找不到或找不全而且她会加一些补充的内容文献检索李明明老师 周六一二节 传说是买他的书(记得是26 元人民币)就能过没敢尝试不买书的后果讲课内容很专业主 要 是 些文献检索方法途径之类的,没什么意思, 但以后写论文 或其他查资料之类的可

44、能会用到。下课吼叫点名条 (写清学院班级姓名的纸条),可以让人代交。期中考试是很专业的试卷,一节课不听的话根本不知道讲的什么,平时交过2 次作业, 发到他邮箱里。期末考试全是选择题,图书馆有卖的资料,但老师比较无趣,很多题都稍微改动,例如换换选项、把“是的 ” 换成 “不是的 ”之类的。上课经常提问,自愿回答,答对者期末每题在最终成绩上加1 分,所以最终有可能 100 分以上。一般的都 90 左右,在自然类算不是很变态的课。当代国际关系王波老师周五七八节 强烈推荐 不点名但你又不想翘课,对历史 军事 政治感兴趣的同学一定别错过, 期中期末两篇论文, 自由发挥即可,即使你一节课不去,估计也90

45、左右。真是吐血推荐,这样的老师太少了,真才实学,敢讲真话。经济博弈论王玉燕老师, 点名问题:传名单但是早上 8 点的那节课不行老师要在旁边看。作业:没有 就期中考试要写一篇但是给的时间很长这次是三个星期不上课写一篇2000 字以上的论文(但是不能百度,因为她很多都看过,如果百度,需要自己修改很多。)responsi ble for the development of company ma nagement, i ncl udi ng the development of settlement a nd settlement standards of preparati on, t he bu

46、sine ss unit cle aring w ork inspecti on a nd guida nce, busine ss settleme nt audit ; 23, is i n charg e of the company business and costs cal culati on a nd a nalysis of new proje cts a nd to develop standards and provi de the basis f or deci sion-maki ng and re sponsible for the com prehe nsive e conomi c and technical i ndi cators a nd statisti cs, a nalysi s, summary and reporting; 24, the compa


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