



1、UNIT ONE SPRING IS HERE一、功能句(听、说、读)带“”的句子要求会默写 1. Can you play ping-pong with me?Yes, lets go.2. Can you fly a kite with me? Im sorry I cant.3. What are you going to do this afternoon?We are going to plant trees. I am going to plant a tree. 4. What do you see in spring?The trees turn green. 5. Grass

2、 comes out. 6. Butterflies dance. 7. Bears wake up. 8. Birds sing. 二、单词与词组(听、说、读)带“”的单词或词组要求会默写 1. make a gift 制作礼物2. play ping-pong 打乒乓球3. play basketball 打篮球4. go ice-skating 去滑冰5. fly a kite 放风筝6. Womens Day 妇女节7. Tree-planting Day 植树节8. plant trees 种树9. make a cake 做蛋糕10. see the monkeys at the

3、zoo 在动物园看猴子11. make a card 制作贺卡12. plant a tree 种(一棵)树13. go for an outing 去郊游14. this morning 今天早上 15. this afternoon 今天下午16. this evening 今天晚上17. today 今天 三、语音词汇(听、说、读)1. ball 2. tall 3. small4. short 5. forty 6. horseUNIT TWO I LIKE THE SHAPE一、功能句(听、说、读) 1. How many stars are there? There are fiv

4、e yellow stars, one big star and four small ones. 2. Whats your watch like? Its square, and its black. 3. What shapes do you see in the house? I see a triangle. 二、单词与词组(听、说、读)1. star (复数stars) 星星2. big 大的3. small 小的4. pencils (复数) 铅笔5. long 长的、远的6. short 短的、矮的7. cats(复数) 猫 8. monkeys (复数) 猴子9. old 老

5、的、旧的10. young 年轻的 11. national flag 国旗12. rectangle (复数rectangles) 长方形13. red 红色的14. white 白色的15. blue 蓝色的16. black 黑色的17. pink 粉色的18. green 绿色的19. watch 手表20. square (复数squares ) 方形21. box 盒子22. round 圆形的23. clock 钟表24. eraser 橡皮25. one 一26. two 二27. four 四28. five 五29. house 房子30. triangle (复数tria

6、ngles) 三角形31. ship 轮船32. bus 公共汽车33. circle (复数circles )三、语音词汇 (听、说、读)1. too 2. pool 3. school 4. boot 5. blue 6. rudeUNIT THREE I LIKE JIAOZI BEST一、功能句 1. Do you want a banana? Yes, please. 2. Do you want some biscuits?No, thank you. 3. Whats your favourite food?Its jiaozi. 4. Whats Maomaos favouri

7、te food? Its noodles. 5. May I have a cup of milk tea, please?Sure. 6. May I have for lunch? Sure.二、单词与词组(听、说、读) 1. chocolates 巧克力2.sweet potatoes 白薯3. a sweet potato 一个白薯4. some biscuits 一些饼干5. banana 香蕉6. pancake 煎饼7. jiaozi 饺子8. noodles 面条9. fish 鱼、鱼肉10. meatballs 肉丸子11. make apple juice 制做苹果汁12.

8、 a cup of milk tea 一杯奶茶13. a cup of green tea 一杯绿茶14. a cup of black tea 一杯红茶UNIT FIVE CHILDRENS DAY一、功能句(听、说、读) 1. Do you want to fly my new kite?Yes, I do. 2. Do you want to go to the cinema? Sorry, I cant. 3. What will you do at the party? I will play the piano. 4. What will you do on Childrens D

9、ay? I will have a party with friends. 5. I like the shape. So do I. 二、单词与词组(听、说、读)1. fly my new kite 放我的新风筝 2. go to the bookstore 去书店 3. go to the cinema 去电影院4. go for lunch now 现在去吃午饭5. go to the park 去公园6. play the piano 弹钢琴7. dance 跳舞8. play the drum 打鼓9. do magic tricks 变魔术10. sing a song 唱歌11.

10、 go shopping with Mum 和妈妈去购物 12. have a party with friends 和朋友开派对13. our new teacher 我们的新老师14. shape 形状15. the story books 故事书16. Childrens Day 儿童节UNIT SIXMOTHERS DAY一、功能句(听、说、读) 1. Will Dad drive us there? Yes, he will. 2. Will she give her mum a big hug? Yes, she will. 3. Will he kiss his mum? Yes

11、, he will. 4. What are you doing? Im making a card. 5. Can I open the gift now? Please do. 6. Can I have some ice cream? Please dont. 二、单词与词组(听、说、读)1. Mothers Day 母亲节2. drive us there 开车送我们去那3. kiss his mum 亲吻他的妈妈4. go to see her mum 去看望她的妈妈 5. get gifts 收礼物6. cook 做饭7. Fathers Day 父亲节8. making a ca

12、rd (正在)做贺卡9. playing a game (game) (正在)做游戏10. listening to music (music) (正在)听音乐11. open the gift 打开礼物12. have some ice cream 吃一些冰激淋13. go home 回家14. go swimming with Maomao(go swimming ) 和毛毛去游泳三、语音词汇(听、说、读)1. out 2. mouse 3. shout 4. cloud 5. now 6. cowUNIT SEVENI WANT TO BE A TEACHER一、功能句(听、说、读) 1

13、. What do you want to be? I want to be a singer. 2. What does Guoguo want to be?She wants to be a dancer. 3. What does your father do?He is a teacher. 4. What does your mother do?She is a doctor. 5. Will you take football lessons? Yes, I will.6. Will you take ballet lessons? No, I wont. 二、单词与词组(听、说、读)1. writer 冬季2.singer 歌手3. dancer 舞蹈演员4. a football player 足球运动员5. scientist 科学家6. swimmer 游泳运动员7. policeman 警察8. uncle 叔叔9. aunt 阿姨10. father 父亲11. m


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