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1、Unit II School and EducationPart One: the Quotations The teacher is one who makes two ideas grow where only one grew before Elbert Hubbard The teacher inspires the students to be creative. On their own, students will produce new ideas, but with a teacher, they will be twice as creative, if not more

2、so. kindle kindle | kndl v. 点燃点燃; 激起激起; 燃起燃起; 煽动煽动; 着火着火, 燃起燃起; 发发亮亮, 明亮起来明亮起来; 激动起来激动起来; 生育生育 axiom axiom | ksm n. 格言格言, 公理公理, 自明之理自明之理 inconclusive inconclusive |adj. 非决非决定性的定性的, 不得要领的不得要领的, 不确定的不确定的 succinctly adv. 简洁地简洁地; 简便地简便地 Learn how to write clearly and succinctly.书面表达时书面表达时,要学会言简意赅。要学会言简意

3、赅。 miscellaneous miscellaneous | adj. 各种的各种的, 多方面的多方面的a miscellaneous collection of goods一堆杂物一堆杂物 dunce dnsn. 劣学生劣学生, 傻瓜傻瓜 I was a dunce at chemistry.我在化学方面我在化学方面是个劣等生。是个劣等生。 latent latent |adj. 潜伏性的潜伏性的, 隐藏的隐藏的 sift sft v. 筛筛; 撒撒, 撒落撒落; 过滤过滤; 详查详查, 细究细究; 筛筛; 撒下撒下, 飘落飘落; 被筛被筛; 详查详查, 细究细究 seal up; cl

4、ose up密封密封 ardor n. 激情激情; 热情热情; 狂热狂热; 热忱热忱 He shows great ardor for fame victory. 他对名誉他对名誉胜利胜利表示出热切的渴望。表示出热切的渴望。 persistence persistence |n. 坚持坚持; 持持续续 Although hes less talented, he won by sheer dogged persistence. 他虽然天赋不高他虽然天赋不高,但全凭坚韧的毅力赢得了但全凭坚韧的毅力赢得了胜利胜利. Part One: the Quotations The entire objec

5、t of true education is to make people not merely (only) do the right things, but enjoy the right things. John Ruskin Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. John Ruskin The goal of true education is not just about behaving well, but about appreciating right values. The former is ext

6、ernal whereas the latter is internal.Part One: the Quotations Part of teaching is helping students learn how to tolerate (put up with) ambiguity (vagueness, uncertainty), consider possibilities, and ask questions that are unanswerable Bill Moyers Good teaching should help students handle uncertainti

7、es, explore alternatives and probe into seemingly intractable (难处理的)situations with boldness.Reading One: What True Education Should DoCheck your comprehension1. According to the author, true education should try its best to “draw out” what a student has within him rather than “pour knowledge” into

8、him.2. When students are treated as oysters, a teacher would help them to open up reveal the pearl (riches) within. When Reading One: Check your comprehension students are treated like sausages, a teacher would stuff them and then seal them up.3. Yes, they can. The author gives a concrete example of

9、 how Socrates picks up an ignorant slave boy, who has no school education at all, and proves that the boy really “knows” geometry.Reading One: Check your comprehension4. The author holds this view because the discussions are about what should “go into” the students rather than what should be “drawn

10、out.” According to the author, true education should try to cultivate what is hidden inside.5. He has to spend all his time doing what the teacher asks him to do and has no time to use his own resources and mindReading One: Check your comprehension and Check your vocabulary for analyzing, synthesizi

11、ng, and evaluating what he is doing. Check your vocabularya 2.b 3.d 4.c 5.a 6.dReading Two: Angels on a PinTeaching practices in the US The education system in the US is quite different from that of many other countries. Most professors see their role as helping students to acquire learning skills r

12、ather than instructing students (through lectures). They believe that every individual has the ability to discover knowledge for himselfTeaching practices in the US or herself and that this mode of learning is superior to rote 死记硬背的、机械的 memorization of facts. They may also respect the knowledge and

13、experiences students bring to the class and believe that it will be better to build new knowledge on top of the old experiences. Students are expected to speak up and not just have mental discussion in their own head. Grading system in the US Depending upon the performances, a stu- dent is graded as

14、 A, B, C, D and F for each subject, with an A being the top grade and an F a fail. See the following table for detail. Grade Percentage A 90 to 100 B 80 to 90 C 70 to 80 Grading system in the US D 60 to 70 F Below 60Reading Two Angels on a PinCheck Your Comprehension A1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.F Check Y

15、our Comprehension B1.Take the barometer to the top of the building, attach a long rope to it, lower the barometer to the street, and then bring it up and measure the length of the rope. The length of the rope is the height of the buildingReading Two: Check Your Comprehension B2. Take the barometer t

16、o the top of the building and lean over the edge of the roof. Drop the barometer and time its fall with a stopwatch. Then, use the formula S=at2 to calculate the height of the building. Reading Two: Check Your Comprehension B3. Take the barometer out on a sunny day and measure the height of the baro

17、meter, the length of its shadow, and the length of the shadow of the building. You will get the height of the building with the use of a simple proportion.Reading Two: Check Your Comprehension B4. Take the barometer and walk up the stairs. As you climb the stairs, mark off the length of the baromete

18、r along and the wall. Then count the number of marks, and this will give the height of the building in barometer units.5. Tie the barometer to the end of a string and swing it as a penulum (n.摆锤;钟摆C) and determine the value of “g” at the street levelReading Two: Check Your Comprehension B and at the

19、 top of the building. The height of the building can, in principle, be calculated from the difference between the two values of “g”.6. Take the barometer to the basement and knock on the superintendents n.主管、负责人 door. Tell him you will give him the barometer as an exchange if he tells you the height

20、 of the building.Reading Two: Check Your Vocabulary1. A judge should be impartial. 2. The pendulum of public opinion has swung back.3. He was meticulous, but never pedantic.4. They failed to fulfill their promises to revive the economy.5. She dashed off a quick letter excusing him from school that d

21、ay. Reading Two: Check Your Vocabulary6. The proportion of men to women in the population has changed in recent years.7. I am getting fed up with your stupid comments.Reading Three: In Praise of the F WordRemedial (补课)补课)courses Remedial courses are defined as course in reading, writing, or mathemat

22、ics for col- lege students lacking those skills neces- sary to perform college-level work at the level required by the institution. About three-quarters of higher education institu- tions that enroll freshmen offer at least one remedial reading, writing or mathematicalReading Three: Remedial (补课)补课)

23、Courses courses. Institution vary in their policies toward students taking regular academic courses while they are taking remedial courses. Some institutions do not place any restrictions on the regular academic courses students can take while they are enrolled on remedial courses, while others do.

24、Other institutions allow students enrolled on remedial courses to take someReading Three: Remedial (补课)补课)Courses regular English courses. (e.g. a student taking remedial mathematics could take regular English courses, but may not take regular mathematics courses until remed- iation in mathematics i

25、s complete).Reading Three: In Praise of the F Word Check your comprehension A1.a 2.b 3.c 4.c. 5.d 6.a Check your comprehension B1. T 2. T 3.F 4.T 5.F Check your vocabulary A1. The country at last produced its trump card and sent to the field of battle the most deadly weapon.Reading Three: Check your

26、 vocabulary A2. There is a great deal of money at stake if the project fails. We must do something about it immediately.3. We must follow the plan through to the end.4. You should hang on to the letter. You might need it later.5. I picked up a book that happened to be at hand.Reading Three: Check yo

27、ur vocabulary A6. He had managed to get by without much reading and writing. 7. Everybody settles down so we can hear the story.8. Spending so much time playing sport is setting him back at school.Reading Three: Check your vocabulary B 1. maturity 2. impediment 3. flustered 4. composure 5.steely 6.

28、conspiracy 7. flunked 8.testimony 9. diploma 10. resentfulReading Four: U.S. Kids Need More School Time Academic year in the U.S. The school calendar usually begins in August or September and continues through May or June to next August or September. The academic year at many schools is composed of

29、two terms or semesters. Other schools use a three-term calendar known as the “trimester” system with a short spring holiday besides summer holiday and winter holiday. Still others divide the year into the Reading Four: U.S. Kids Need More School Time “quarter” system of four terms, including a summe

30、r session, which is optional. Reading Four: Exercises Check your comprehension A 1.T. 2. T. 3. F 4.T 5.F Check your comprehension B 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.d 5.a 6.d Check your vocabulary ALike other kids who are sometimes left with no supervision because of their parents temporary plana week at relatives pla

31、ce, or one day by them- selves at the playground, they wanderReading Four: Check your vocabulary A around aimlessly, doing nothing. 2. Can we ask schools to arrange for their calendars to suit our work and family lives?3. If we state clearly that a longer school calendar will be educationally worthw

32、hile, probably it will be easier for it to become a reality. In fact our educational situationReading Four: Check your vocabulary A really needs such a change. 4. The fact that kids are away from school and dont study all summer has a serious effect on their studies. 5. In the past, the school calendar was regulated to suit family needs. Reading Four: Check your vocabulary B1. The long walking was beginning to take its toll on all of us.2. He seems to think theres something sacrosanct about his annual fishing trip. He hasnt missed


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