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1、- 1 -英语语法(知识版)英语语法(知识版)1. 冠词.- 1 -2. 名词.- 3 -3. 代词.- 5 -4. 数词.- 8 -5. 形容词和副词.- 10 -6. 介词.- 12 -7 情态动词.- 14 -8. 非谓语动词.- 16 -9. 动词和动词短语.- 19 -10. 动词的时态.- 19 -11. 动词的语态.- 21 -12. 句子种类.- 22 -13. 名词性从句.- 27 -14.定语从句.- 29 -15.状语从句.- 31 -16. 倒装句和省略句.- 34 -17. 强调句.- 36 -18. 虚拟语气.- 36 -19. 主谓一致.- 37 -20. 直接引

2、语和间接.- 39 -1.1. 冠词冠词1.1. 冠词的位置冠词的位置 考点考点 示例示例1suchwhatmanyratherquite + a (n)+形容词+单数可数名词quite a small house2howhoweversotooasthatthis 十形容词+a(u)+单数可数名词so nice a girl3bothallhalftwicedouble + the +名词twice the size of the room4half a (n)或 a half + 单数可数名词Half an houra half hour- 2 -2.2.不定冠词不定冠词 考点考点 示例示

3、例1表示泛指,与 any 同义 A square has four sides2表示数量“一” ,与 one 同义,但其数的概念不如 one 强烈 He will be back in a week3表示“相同的” ,与 the same 同义 Birds of a feather flock together4表示“每一个” ,与 every,each,per同义 I visit my father once a month5表示“某一” ,与 a certain 同义 A Mr Smith is waiting to see you6表示“像似的” ,与 one like 同义 He is

4、 a Lei Feng in our class7用在某些物质名词前表示“一种、 一阵、一份、一场”等 We had a heavy rain last night8用在某些抽象名词前,使其具体化 You are a great help to your mother3.3. 定冠词定冠词考点考点示例示例1特指上文提到过的、谈话双方都清楚的、受定语修饰的人或物There l met a foreigner and the foreigner helped me a lot. Do you know the man standing by the window?2用于单数名词前,指一类事物The

5、 lion is a wild animal.3用于乐器名称前the violin / the piano 4用于世界上独一无二的事物前the sun/ the earth/ the world 5与某些形容词连用表示一类人the rich / the young / the aged 6在字数词和最高级前the first one to come to schoolthe best student in our class7在江河湖海、山脉群岛、海峡海岸的地名中The Changjiang River / the West Lake / the English Channel8在表示姓氏的复

6、数名词前、逢整十数词的复数前play (the) pianothe Brownsin the 1920s/9在表示国家的形容词前,泛指该国的人民.the Chinese / the English 10用在一些习惯用语中in the morning / the day after tomorrow / the day before yesterday / the next year- 3 -4.4. 零冠词零冠词 考点考点 示例示例1专用名词和不可数名词前China, America, Grade One, Class Two2名词前已有 this, that, my, your, some,

7、 any 等Go down this street.3当复数名词和不可数名词表示泛指时We are students./ I like reading stories.4成对名词连用时 day after dayface to face5在球类、棋类、学科、语言、三餐名词前play basketballplay chesslike physics. speak Englishat lunch6在季节、月份、某些含 Day 的节假日、星期等名词前Autumn is the best season in Beijing.in MayNew Years DayOn Sunday7在某些习惯用语中的名

8、词前At noonby busby telephone/ in bed, in time / go to bed / go to college5.5. 英语中含有冠词的词组辩析英语中含有冠词的词组辩析英语中有不少词组,从形式看好象只有冠词之差,而实际上却是意义完全不同的新词组。(1)in front of 在(外)的前面 ; in the front of 在(内)的前面 (2) in charge of 掌管;负责; in the charge of 在负责之下 (3) at table 在用饭;吃饭时; at the table 在桌旁 (4) by day 白天;日间 ; by the

9、 day 按日计 (5) take place 发生;举行 ; take the place 代替;接替 (6) in words 用言语 ; in a word 总之 (7) at times 有时;不时 ; at a time 一次 (8) little 少;不多的 ; a little 一些;一点点 (9) few 很少;几乎没有的; a few 有些;几个 (10)a most interesting 非常有趣的 ; the most interesting 最有趣的(形容词的最高级)(11)a doctor and nurse 一位医生兼护士 ; a doctor and a nur

10、se 一位医生和一位护士 (12)A number of 许多;好些 ; the number of (的)数目 2.2. 名词名词I.I. 名词的分类及常见用法名词的分类及常见用法个体名词teacher, student, piano功能可数名词集体名词family, committee, people物质名词wood, water, steel抽象名词friendship, progress不可数名词专有名词John, Smith, Beijing名词在句中可做主语、表语、宾语、宾- 4 -一般由名词右上方+s;以s 结尾的名词单复数只加“ ”表有生命的东西或时间,空间,距离,价格,重量等

11、名词的所有格如:Womens Day, an hours walk,students reading-room, todays paper名词所有格 介词 of名词无生命的东西的名词所有格如:a map of China, the top of the mountain1.一般词后+sdays, boys, Americans2.s, x, sh, ch 结尾+esbuses,dishes;(stomach除外)3.辅音字母+y 结尾,变 y 为 i+esbabies, factories4.以 f 或 fe 结尾,变 f/fe 为 v+esleaves,wives;(roofs,proofs

12、,gulfs,beliefs,chiefs,staffs, safes 除外)5.以 o 结尾,有生命+es,无生命+sheroes,potatoes;pianos,radios(hippos, bamboos)除外规则变化6.数字的复数+s 或 “s”in the 1930s/1930s1改变词中元音字母woman-women,goose-geeseman-men,foot-feet,tooth-teeth2形式复数,意义单数news,maths,politics, economics 等3单复同形means,deer,sheep,fish,works(工厂),species, Chines

13、e 等可数名词的复数不规则变化4其它child-children, bacterium-bacteria,crisis-crises,ox-oxen,phenomenon-phenomena 等语补足语、定语、同位语或状语II.II. 名词其他需要注意的几点名词其他需要注意的几点1) 复合名词变为复数的规则:有主体名词的复数形式(lookers-on,passers-by 等)和无主体名词的复数形式(grown-ups,go-betweens 等) 。2) 集体名词的数 有些集体名词只能用作复数。如:cattle,police,people 等。注意:people 意为“民族;种族”时有单、复

14、数形式。- 5 - 有些集体名词只能用作单数。如:machinery,furniture,jewellery,mankind 等。 有些集体名词作为整体看待时,用作单数;指其中各个成员时,用作复数。如:class,family,couple,audience,government,public 等。 The whole family are watching TV now全家人现在都在看电视。 His family is a big one他家是个大家族。3) 只能用复数形式的名词:由两部分构成的名词:glasses,trousers, shorts,scissors,gloves,scale

15、s,compasses 等。 4) the +姓氏的复数,表全家人: the Blacks, the Wangs5) 具有双重特性的名词 (1)意义不同的可数和不可数名词 a room 房间一 room 空间 a chicken 鸡一 chicken 鸡肉 an experience 经历一 experience 经验 an agreement 协议一 agreement同意 (2)单、复数意思不同的名词arm 手臂一 arms 武器brain 脑一 brains 智力custom 风俗一 customs 海关force 力量一 forces 军队regard 注意,关心一 regards问候

16、time 时间一 times 时代manner 态度一 manners礼貌work 工作一 works 作品,工厂spirit 精神一 spirits 心情,情绪content 内容一contents 目录loss 损失一 losses 损失物condition 状况一conditions 条件feeling 感觉一feelings 感情expression 表达一expressions 短语wood 木头一 woods 树林II.II.名词的所有格名词的所有格1)表示两者或两者以上共同所有,在最后一个词的后面加s;表示各自拥有时,每个名词后都要+s” 。如 Li and Mas room 李

17、和马共有的房间; Lis and Mas rooms 李和马各自的房间2)表某人家或店铺,诊所。如:Lis 李家,the doctors 诊所;the barbers 理发店3)所有格除了用于有生命的物体外,也可以用于表示国家、城市等的名词。如:Chinas prosperity 中国的繁荣 the countrys plan 国家计划4)of 所有格也可用于有生命的物体,用于名词较长或名词的定语较长时。如:a story of a famous doctor 一个名医的故事the son of the man you iust talked to 刚刚和你说话的那个男人的儿子5) 双重所有格

18、“of +名词的s 所有格或名词性物主代词”称为双重所有格。of 后的宾语必须是人,而且是特指。如: an old friend of my uncles 我叔叔的一个老朋友a play of Shakespeares 莎士比亚的一部戏剧 III.III.名词作定语名词作定语- 6 -1) 一般用单数形式。如:country music 乡村音乐 shoe shops 鞋店 traffic lights 交通灯注意:sports,customs,arms,clothes,sales, goods 作定语时,要用复数形式。如: sports meeting 运动会 customs officie

19、rs 海关官员 arms production 武器生产 2) man 和 woman 作定语时,与中心词一起变。如: men doctors 男医生 women teachers 女老师3.3. 代词代词代词是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词具有名词和形容词的功能。英语中的代词,按其意义、特征及在句中的作用分为:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、反身代词、相互代词、疑问代词、关系代词和不定代词八种。代词类别代词类别例例 词词功功 能能主格I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they只做主语人称代词宾格me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them做

20、及物动词或介词的宾语形容词性my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their只做定语物主代词名词性mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs做主语、宾语、表语反身代词myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves做宾语、同位语、表语指示代词this, that, these, those做主语、宾语、定语、表语相互代词each other, one another做宾语疑问代词who, whom, w

21、hat, which, whose, etc.引出疑问句关系代词that, who, whom, whose, etc.连接定语从句不定代词some, any, no, either, neither, all, none, each, somebody, no one, everybody, etc.视情况而定,一般的可做定语、主语、宾语等下面举例说明,其中疑问代词见“句子种类” ,关系代词见“定语从句” 。I.I.人称代词的用法人称代词的用法1 作主语,用主格。作宾语用宾格。She teaches us English.2 在句中作表语,常用宾格。Who is it? Its me. II

22、.II. 物主代词的用法物主代词的用法1形容词性物主代词只作定语:This is our classroom. His father is an engineer.2名词性物主代词所作成所作成分分例句例句- 7 -1作主语This is her coat. Mine is over there.2宾语Something has gone wrong with my bike. May I use yours ?3表语This book isnt mine; its Toms. 说明: 英语中必须有形容词性物主代词,而汉语中往往省略不译。如: Jack took off his coat and

23、 went to bed.杰克脱掉外套就上床睡觉了。 “of + 名词性物主代词”可用作定语。如: Some friends of mine will attend my birthday party. 我的一些朋友要出席我的生日晚宴。III.III. 反身代词反身代词所作成分所作成分例句例句动宾Tom taught himself Chinese.1宾语介宾She loves me for myself, not for my money.2表语She is not quite herself today. (be oneself: 身心自在)3同位语I myself can repair

24、the bike. The table itself has only three legs.IVIV 指示代词的用法指示代词的用法1.时空的差别 e.g. There is this seat here, near me, or there is that one in the fourth row. Which will you have, this or that?2. This 和 that 在行文叙述上的差别。 I shall say this to you: he is a poor man. He was ill. Thats why he didnt come.3.that 和

25、 those 用于表比较的结构。 The weather of Zhanjiang is better than that of my hometown. TV sets made in Nanjing are better than those made here.4. 打电话时 this 表示我,that 表示你.V V 不定代词的用法不定代词的用法可数one, each, many, both, another, either, neither, (a) few 不可数much, (a) little可数不可数none, any, other, all, some 复合不定代词anyon

26、e, anybody, anything; someone, somebody, something; everyone, everybody, everything; nobody, nothing 1 1none,none, nono one,one, nothingnothing 1)none 既可指人,也可指物,且一定是特指概念,常用来回答 how many /much 引导的疑问句;no one 只能指人,且只能是泛指概念,常用来回答 who 引导的疑问句;nothing “什么也没有” ,否定一切,常用来回答 what 引导的疑问句。如: How many people are t

27、here in the room now ? None. Who is in the room ? No one / nobody - 8 -2) none 后面可加 of 引导的介词短语,而 something / anything / everything / nothing; someone / anyone / everyone / no one 却不能。2.2. eacheach 和和 everyevery 1) each 强调“个体” ,起代词和形容词作用;every 强调“全体” ,只能作定语。Each 作同位语时,不影响谓语动词的数,不可用 not each 来表示部分否定,而

28、 not every 表示部分否定。如:The tickets each cost ten dollars.这些票每张十美元。 (each 作同位语,不能用 costs)2) every 还可表示“每的;每中的” ,如下列说法中只能用every。every year or two 每一两年 every now and then 时常 every other day 每隔一天Choose one out of every ten boys. 每十个男孩中选一个。one car to every 20 people 每 20 人乘一辆车3.3. another,another, other,oth

29、er, thethe other,other, others,others, thethe othersothers 不定代不定代词词意义意义用法说明用法说明another任何一个,另一个指三者或三者以上中的任何一个,用作代词或形容词。如:I dont like this coat. Show me another, please.other另外的只作定语,常与复数名词或不可数名词连用;但如果前面有the, this, that some, any, each, every, no, one 及 my, your, his 等时,则可与单数名词连用。如:any other plant, eve

30、ry other day。the other两者中的另一个常与 one 连用,构成:one the other 一个另一个;作定语修饰复数名词时,表示“全部其余的”others泛指别的人或物是 other 的复数形式,泛指别的人或物(但不是全部) ,不能作定语,构成 someothersthe others特指其余的人或物是 the other 的复数形式,特指其余的人或物。4 4 Both,Both, all,all, either,either, any,any, neither,neither, nonenone 都任何都不两者both eitherneither两者(以上)all an

31、y none如:1) I had to buy all these books because I didnt know which one was the best.2) It is easy to do the repair. All you need is a hammer and some nails.- 9 -3) I invited Joe and Linda to dinner, but neither of them came.4) Which of the three ways shall take to the village ? Any way as you please

32、.5) We had three sets of the garden tools and we seemed to have no use for any.5.one,5.one, ones,ones, thethe one,one, thethe ones,ones, that,that, thosethose one 用来替代前面出现的单数名词,是泛指概念相当于 a/an +单数名词;ones 用来替代前面出现的复数名词,有时可用 that 代替(尤其在有后置定语的情况下) 。The ones 用来代替前面的特指的复数名词,有时可用 those 代替(尤其在有后置定语的情况下) 。tha

33、t 用来替代前面出现的特指的单数可数名词或特指的不可数名词,相当于 the +单数/不可数名词。如: Mr. Zhang gave me a very valuable present, one ( = a present ) that I have never seen. Mr. Zhang gave me many valuable presents, ones ( = many presents ) that I have never seen. The book on the desk is better than that / the one under the desk. The

34、books on the desk are better than those / the ones under the desk.6.it6.it 的用法的用法 用法说明用法说明例句例句1用作人称代词,指代前面提到的事物This is not my book. It is Marys.2用来代替指示代词 this 或that Whats this ? It is a dictionary. Whose jacket is that ? It is hers.3指人 Who is knocking at the door ? Its me.The baby no more cried as s

35、oon as it saw its mother.4指时间、距离、天气、环境等 Whats the time now ? Its ten past eight.Its getting colder and colder now. Its about ten minutes walk from my home to the school. It was very quiet at the moment.5指代前面整个句子的内容Our team won the football match. Have you heard about it ?6表示“喜欢、恨”等心理方面的动词,后面跟上 it 然后

36、再跟从句,其从句作 it 的同位语I will appreciate it if you can give me a hand. I hate it when people talk with their mouths full. I like it in autumn when the weather is - 10 -clear ad bright. 7(未指明但谈话双方心里都明白的)那件事、那种情况How is it ( = you life, work ) going ? Do you like it here ? Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the

37、way of life. Everything is so nice.8it 还可用作形式主语、形式宾语以代替主语从句、宾语从句。Its impossible to get there in time.I find it strange that she doesnt want to go.4.4. 数词数词数词是用来表示事物和数量的顺序的词,分为基数词和序数词两种。功能做主语、宾语、表语、定语、同位语A记 31 个词:基数词 119,2029 整十位数和 hundred, thousand, million, billionB会读个、十、百位数读法三要点C由右向左每三位数前的逗号分别读做 t

38、housand, million 和 billion,逗号之间的按百位以内的数读A表示“几百” 、 “几千”时,hundred, thousand 等词不加 s基数词注意Bhundred, thousand 等词为复数时做名词,表示“数量很多”的意思A一般的基数词后+th,多位数的基数词只变最后一位。如:tententhB整几十的基数词,去掉词尾的 y 再加 ieth,如:thirtythirtieth构成C几个不规则词:first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth 序数词功能做定语,前面加 the;年、月、日中的日;表示“第几”时;分

39、数中的分母I.I.基数词:表示数目的词为基数词基数词:表示数目的词为基数词范范 围围特特 点点实实 例例112无规律one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve1319以 teen 为结尾 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen2090以 ty 结尾 twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety2199十位与个位之间要加连字

40、符 “-” twenty-five, sixty-five, ninety-nine101999百位与十位之间通常用 and three hundred and twenty-five(美语中常将 and省略)千以上 6275six thousand two hundred and seventy-five;1200twelve hundredIIII 序数词:表示顺序的数词为序数词序数词:表示顺序的数词为序数词范范 围围特特 点点实实 例例- 11 -119各基数词尾加 th其中七个例外:first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth,

41、 其余,如:four forth, six sixth, nineteen nineteenth20,3090把 y 变 i 后加 eth twentieth, fortieth, ninetieth21 以后多位数最后一个数用序数词,其余用基数词 21st twenty-first, 110th one hundred and tenthIII.III. 数词的用法:数词的用法:1.1.英语中年月日、点钟、序数词、分数词、算式英语中年月日、点钟、序数词、分数词、算式汉语示例汉语示例英语表示法英语表示法2001 年 6 月 30 日June 30,2001 30June,2001 30thJu

42、ne, 2001七点二十五分(7:25)seven twenty-five / twenty-five past even十二点五十四分(12:54)twelve fifty four six to one九点十五分(9:15)nine fifteen a quarter past nine二点半(2:30)two thirty half past two时间表达二十一点五十分(20:50)twenty-one fifty 9:50p.m.第二十一twenty-first第一百二十三one hundred and twenty-third二分之一a half二又五分之二two and two-

43、fifths数字表达百分之二十20 per cent 20 percent第七路公共汽车Bus Number 7第 201 房间Room 201人民路 153 号153 Renmin Road编号表达第三中学No 3 Middle School4+8 = 12Four plus eight is twelve117= 4Eleven minus seven is four.65=30Six times five is thirty.205= 4twenty divided by five is four.ABA is more than B.ABA is less than B.ABA is

44、approximately (近似地, 大约)equal to B.算式表达ABA is not equal to B.2.2.约数表示法约数表示法含义含义英语表达英语表达例句例句more thanHe has lived here for more than twenty years.overshe is over fifty.大于某数or moreTherere thirty people or more in the meeting-room.小于某数less thanI have less than (not more than )fifty - 12 -dollars.underCh

45、ildren under seven are not allowed to enter.belowHe would not sell it for below a hundred fifty dollars.or lessThe coat might cost him sixty dollars or less.nearlyShe is nearly fifty now.almostIts almost three oclock.up toUp to ten men can sleep in this tent.orHe spent four or five days writing the

46、article.or soThe distance is twenty miles or so.aboutI visited that village about three years ago.someTheir team has some four or five players.more or lessThe container can hold more or less twenty pounds of water.大约(某数)around/roundLets make it round/around eight oclock.3.3.不定数量词不定数量词“多多”的表示法的表示法被修饰

47、名词的数被修饰名词的数英语表达英语表达汉译汉译dozens of 几十、许多scores of 许多Many / a good(great) many, many a (饰单数可数名词)许多、大量hundreds of 数以百计thousands of / thousands upon thousands of 成千上万millions of 数百万修饰可数名词billions of 亿万修饰不可数名词much , a great (good)deal of ,a large amount of ,large amounts of 许多、大量修饰可数名词或不可数名词a lot of / lot

48、s of ,plenty of, a large quantity of , large quantities of 许多、大量5.5. 形容词和副词形容词和副词I.I. 形容词、副词比较级和最高级的常用句型形容词、副词比较级和最高级的常用句型名名称称句型句型例句例句as+原级+asThe train travels as fast as the 3:55 train相等as+原级+a/an+单数名词+asHe is as honest a man as you.- 13 -as many+名词复数+as as much+不可数名词+asI have as many books as you.

49、倍数+as+原级+名词+asMy room is twice as big as my brothers.不及not as/so+原级+asShe is not as/so beautiful as her sister1比较级+thanHealth is more important than wealth超越2the+比较级+of the two 两者中较的一个He is the taller of the two用于否定no+比较级+than 和一样不He is no richer than I他和我一样不富有。用于否定再不过(可译为“非常,十分” )His work couldnt b

50、e worse他的工作再糟糕不过了。程度递增-er and -er,more and more+多音节词原级(越来越)higher and higher; more and more important两种情况同时变化the+比较级,the +比较级 (越,越)The quicker you get ready,the sooner well be able to leave三者或三者以上比较the+最高级+ofin + 比较范围(之中最)Of all things in the world,people are the most precious.IIII 比较级结构的修饰语比较级结构的修饰

51、语1用于原级之前almost, nearly, just, quite, half, twice, three times, etcThe river is three times as long as that one.1) many, a few (用于“more+可数名词复数”前)It takes many more hours to go there by train than by plane.2用于比较级前2) a lot, much, even, still, far, a great deal, rather, two years, 5%, twice, etc.My desk

52、 mate is even fatter than me.3用于最高级前the very, much the, by far the, the first/secondThis cake is by far the largest in the world.IIIIII 两种形式的副词,一个与形容词同形,一个以两种形式的副词,一个与形容词同形,一个以 lyly 结尾。结尾。hard 劝告;刻苦地;猛烈地;困难地He studies very hard . 他学习非常努力。hard hardlyhardly 几乎不;简直不We hardly had time to eat breakfast .

53、 我们简直没时间吃早饭。high highhigh 高高地;地位高;声音高The plane flies high . 飞机飞得很高- 14 -lyhighly 高度地;非常(常和 praise , speak 等动词连用) They spoke very highly of him . 他们称赞他。修饰具体动作时,往往两个词可换用,但多用 deepThey had to dig very deep (deeply) in order to find water . 他们必须挖得很深,才能发现水。deep表示静止状态时只用 deep (此时多与介词、副词连用)。The meeting cont

54、inued deep into the night . 会议持续到了深夜。修饰形容词或过去分词只能用 deeply。I am deeply grateful to you . 我非常感谢你。deep deeplydeeplydeeply 可与 hate , dislike , regret , admire , love , value 等动词连用,但不能与动词 like 连用。I deeply regret his death . 我对他的去世深感遗憾。late 迟;晚。The bus arrived 5 minutes late . 公共汽车迟到了五分钟。lately 最近;不久前 (同

55、recently )。What have you been doing lately ? 最近你在做什么 ?late latelyas late as 与 as lately as 都有“近至;直到”之意,用法相同。I saw him as late(lately) as yesterday . 直到昨天我才看见他。near 近;临近;在附近。The train came nearer and nearer . 火车越来越近了。nearnearlynearly 几乎;差不多;将近。It is nearly ten oclock . 差不多十点钟了。close 靠近;挨近;接近。Come clo

56、se so that I can see you . 走近点以便我能看清你。close closelyclosely 紧密地;紧紧地;秘密地;仔细地;严密地。We followed closely after him . 我们紧紧地跟在他后面。IVIV 以以 lyly 结尾的形容词结尾的形容词表示时间的形容词hourly, daily, nightly, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly, early, timely 及时的。This theatre gives a nightly performance.表示人的形容词manly 男子气的,womanly

57、女人气的,wifely 妻子似的,fatherly 父亲般的,childly 孩子般的,comradely 同 志式的What are wifely duties? 什么是做妻子的责任?表示人的外貌、特征、性格、心理等的形容词lovely, friendly, ugly, lively, lonely, friendly, unfriendly, kindly, sickly, poorly, elderly 年长的,homely 不漂亮的、朴实的。Children are usually lively.表示事物特征、likely 可能的,orderly 整齐的,Please leave ou

58、r - 15 -环境、情况、状态的形容词costly 花费大的,deadly 致命的,mannerly 有貌的,chilly 凉的,disorderly 乱七八糟的,unlikely 不可能的。classroom in an orderly way.让我们的教室整整齐齐的。V V senior,senior, junior,junior, superior,superior, inferiorinferior 等词与等词与 toto 连用连用superior 优秀的,高级的(反义词inferior)。This restaurant is superior to the one we went

59、to last week这家饭馆比我们上周毒的那家好。能与 to 连用,但不能与 than连用senior 年长的,地位高的,资格老的(反义词 junior ).She is senior to everyone else in the company.她在公司里比其他人资格都要老。既不能与 than连用,又不能与 to 连用的major 主要的 minor次要的,表示不太重要或较次要。The young actress was given a minor part in the new play 年轻的女演员在这部新戏里被分配担任一个小角色。The infection is fairly m

60、inor, nothing to worry about感染不严重,用不着担心。VIVI 某些以某些以 a a 开头的表语形容词开头的表语形容词以 a- 开头的只能作表语的形容词还有 afraid, alone, asleep, alive, alike 等。特殊用法1) alive“活着的,活的”是表语形容词,既可指人又可指物,有时可与 living 互换。 He is dead, but his dog is still alive/living .他死了,但他的狗仍然活着。2) alive 作定语一般放在所修饰的名词后: Who is the greatest man alive? 谁是


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