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1、2016年英语七年级下册第一次月检测(时间120分钟 满分120分)班级: 姓名 : 分数:一、单项选择题(40分)1. Can Bill _? A. play the chess B. play the football C. play the guitar2. _ club do you want to join ? A. WhenB. Where C. What3. Can she _ English ? A. speak B. say C. talk4. Wang Dong can play _ violin. A. a B. an C. the 5. ? Can you play t

2、he guitar? _.A. No, I can B. Sure, I cant C. Yes, I can6. Mary can play the drums _ she cant swim.A. andB. butC. or7. Sorry, I cant play basketball _. A. good B. nice C. well8. Tom often helps students _ dancing. A. with B. to C. on9. My brother can _ very well. So he wants to join the _club.A. swim

3、s, swimming B. swim, swimming C. swimming, swim10. Mary can play chess _ she can also swim.A. andB. butC. or11. Lets go and play _ _ping-pong. I don抰 want to play _ _violin.A. a, the B. the, a C. /, the 12. Who wants _ the singing club?A. to joins B. join C. to join 13. My friend Lisa is good at _.A

4、. sing B. to sing C. singing 14. We want some singers_ our club.A. for B. at C. with 15. He is funny.He likes_ stories.A. talking B. saying C. telling 16. People usually eat dinner_. Ain the morning Bin the afternoon Cin the evening 17.What time_ your teacher _ supper? Adoes;has Bdoes;have Cdo ;has

5、18. My sister _ at eight oclock. Ago to school B.go to the school C. goes to school19. Do you often _music? Alisten B.listen to C. hear 20.Mike likes playing _ _ guitar after _ _breakfast.A. the; the B.a;a C. the;/21._? Its seven oclock.A. What time is it? B.What day is it? C.Whats the date?22.Its t

6、ime _ class. A.to B.for C. with 23._ do you usually get up? At six.A.What time B.Why C. What 24. I usually _ at nine thirty .A. get to school B.get up C. go to bed 25._ weekdays , we go to school _ 7 oclock.A. In at B. On at C. On in 26.When do you watch TV? _Sunday evenings.A.In B. On C. At 27._ do

7、 people have dinner? At home.A.What B. When C.Where 28.Mr. Zhang usually _ lunch _ twelve oclock.A.eat, in B.eat, at C. eats, at29.Does she want _ about your family?A. know B.to know C. knows 30. My school begins( 开始 ) at 8 oclock in the morning. So I have to(必须) _ school before 7:50 a.m. A. live at

8、 B. finish C. get to 31. How do they go to work every day, _ bike or _ foot? A. by, byB. on, on C. by, on32.-_ does it take her to get to school?-It takes her around _ minutes A. How far,twenty-fiveB.How long, twenty-fiveC.How long, twenty five 33.How _ is it _ your school to the Childrens Palace(少年

9、宫)? A. long, toB. for, to C. far, from 34.-How do you _ home? -I take the train. A. get B. get to C. gets 35. _does it take you to finish reading the book?A. How far;B. How soon; C. How long;36. There are_ people in the park. A. a lot B. a lot of C. lot of 37. -_ is it from your home to school? -Thr

10、ee miles(英里). A. How far B. How much C. How soon 38. It will take the men half a year _ the work. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish 39. I often go to work _. A. ride my bike B. by bike C. by a bike 40. Vegetables are good_our health. A. on B. for C. at 二、完形填空 (10分)Scott 41 an interesting 42 . He w

11、orks 43 a radio station.His radio show is from twelve oclock at night 44 six oclock in the morning.He usually 45 up at eight thirty at night. Then he 46 breakfast at nine.Thats a funny time 47 breakfast! After that ,he usually 48 at about ten twenty. He goes to work at eleven oclock , 49 he is never

12、 late 50 work.41.A.have B.has C.haves D.to have42.A.work B.job C.works D. jobs43.A.at B.to C.of D.on44. A.at B.to C.of D.on45.A.get B.gets C.getting D.to get46.A.eat B.eats C.eating D.to eat47. A.at B.to C.for D.on48.A. exercise B. exercising C. exercises D. to exercise49.A.to B.and C.so D.or50. A.a

13、t B.to C.for D.on三、阅读理解 (20分) ATom and Mike are good friends. They are kind to children. They want to find summer jobs. One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids SummerCamp needs help with sports, music and computers. They are both very glad to hear(听说) this. Tom can play basketball and volleyball,

14、and he can swim, too. Mike can play the violin, the trumpet(喇叭), the drums and the guitar. Tom and Mike like computers very much. Can they join the Summer Camp?( )51. Tom and Mike want to _. A. help with sports, music and computers B. be good with children C. join the Summer Camp D. get help from th

15、e Camp( )52. What does the Summer Camp need help with? A. Flying kites . B. Sports, music and computers. C. Making cakes. D. Drawing pictures.( )53. Tom can play _. A. balls B. computer games C. music D. violin( )54. Mike can play _. A. the drums B. volleyball C. basketball D. football( )55. What do

16、 Tom and Mike both like? A. Football. B. Computers. C. Swimming. D. Sports.B Mike works very long hours every day. He usually gets up at 17:00. He has a shower and makes his breakfast. What a funny time to make breakfast! After breakfast he plays his guitar for half an hour, then he puts on his jack

17、et and goes to work. To get to work, he takes the number17 bus to the Star Hotel. The bus usually leaves at 19:15. He works all night. People love to listen to him! He gets home at 7:00, and he watches the early morning news on TV. He goes to bed at 8:30, a tired but happy man. Can you think what hi

18、s job is?( )56. How long does Mike work? A. 7 hoursB. 8 hours C. about 9 hours D. all night( )57. He _ and makes his breakfast. A. gets up B. takes a shower C. works D. washes his face( )58. What does Mike do after breakfast? A. He goes to work. B. He puts on his clothes. C. He puts on his jacket an

19、d goes to work. D. He plays his guitar for half an hour.( )59. Maybe(或许) he is _. A. a worker B. a singer C. a writer D. a teacher( )60. How does he go to work? A. By car B. By bikes C. On foot D. By bus C In many English homes people eat four meals a day. They have breakfast at any time from seven

20、to nine in the morning. They eat porridge(粥) eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one oclock. Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon and dinner is about half past seven. First they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After they eat some

21、other things, like bananas, apples or oranges. But not all English people eat like that. Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day. Their meals are breakfast, dinner, tea and supper and all these meals are very simple.( )61. Many English people have _ meals a day. A. two B. three C. fo

22、ur D. five( )62. People may have _ for their breakfast . A. tea and eggs B. hamburgers and teaC. coffee and salad D. eggs and fish( )63. People have lunch at _. A. any time B. nine C. five D. one( )64. People dont have _ for their dinner. A. bananas and apples B. soup and meat C. meat and fish D. po

23、rridge( )65. Most Englishmen have dinner _. A. at oneB. at any time C. at noon D. in the evening DPeople go to work in different ways. Some people go to work on foot because they live near their work places. Some people go to work by bike because they live farther away, or they like riding bikes. Th

24、ey think its good for their health. Today more people have private (私人的) cars, so they can go to work in their cars. In the south(南方) of China, many people even go to work by boat because water is around their houses. Will people go to work by plane? I think so, if necessary(如果必要的话). 根据短文内容, 判断下列句子正

25、(A)、误(B)。 ( )66. All people like to go work by bike. ( )67. Some people think its good to go to work by bike. ( )68. Today more people drive to work. ( )69. In the north of China, many people go to work by boat. ( )70. The writer thinks some people will go to work by plane if necessary. 第II 卷(50分)四.

26、 任务型阅读(5)Bob comes out of the station and at first he doesnt know where to go. This is the first time he comes to this town. He comes to see his good friend, Peter. Peter is a worker. He works in a factory(工厂). But Bob doesnt know where the factory is. He walks in the streets. He passes a hospital,

27、a post office, a bookshop and at last he gets to a school. Some students are coming out. He asks one of them, “Excuse me, do you know where the Red Star Factory is?”“Of course, I know. I live near there. My father works in that factory. Its outside this town.” answers the boy.“Is it far from here? C

28、an you show me the way, please? Bob asks again. “Im going home now. Will you go with me? Ill take you there.”“Thats great! Thank you very much!”“Youre welcome. Then, lets go to that bus stop. Well take a No. 1 bus there.”阅读短文,回答下列问题。71. Whats Peters job? 72. Where does Bob want to go? 73. Before he

29、gets to the school, how many places(地方) does he pass(经过)? 74.Can the boy help Bob? 75. How do Bob and the student go to the factory? 五、单词拼写(10 )1. Can you play the guitar _ _(good)? 2. Can she s_ _ English?3. Miss Read is good _ _ music.4. She _ (通常)gets up at 6:30a.m. 5. I often take a _(淋浴)before I go to bed. 6. My father usually _ (have) lunch at 12:00. 7. They _ _ _ _ (not watch) TV at 9:30.8. Miss Gao often w_ _ to work.9. -W


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