丽声北极星分级绘本第四级上 The Box of Books课件_第1页
丽声北极星分级绘本第四级上 The Box of Books课件_第2页
丽声北极星分级绘本第四级上 The Box of Books课件_第3页
丽声北极星分级绘本第四级上 The Box of Books课件_第4页
丽声北极星分级绘本第四级上 The Box of Books课件_第5页
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1、 The Box of Books 是丽声北极星分级绘本第四级上中的一本故事类读物,介绍了一个小男孩在去博物馆送书的路上遇到的惊险事情。博物馆要举办一场关于犯罪的展览,Daniel受爸爸所托,要送一箱书到博物馆。可是他从来没有去过博物馆,在中途迷路了,阴差阳错遇到一起银行抢劫案。Daniel机智应对,采取了一系列措施,最后成功使歹徒落网。他的故事也变成了博物馆展览的一部分。故事内容跌宕起伏,能引起学生的阅读兴趣。绘本最后的Story Map以图片的形式梳理了整个故事。文本分析 教学内容核心词汇:bookstore, museum, get, next to, cross the road, t

2、urn right, turn left, go straight, cinema, restaurant, bank, street, post box核心句型:How do I get there? Its next to . Where is .? Turn left/right.【知识目标】 1. 能够认读绘本中关于问路、指路的相关词汇与句型。 2. 能够借助图文及课件理解故事内容。【能力目标】 1. 能够根据Story Map复述故事。 2. 能够在绘本情境中灵活运用关于问路、指路的相关词汇和句型。 3. 能挑选自己喜欢的故事片段进行复述或表演。【情感目标 】 1. 乐于参与英语绘本

3、阅读活动。 2. 通过绘本故事的学习,了解遇到危险时应该采取的应对措施,学习如何沉着机智地面对危险。教学目标 阅读策略1.预测故事发展2.猜测词义和语义3.略读获取关键信息4.精读获取细节信息5.利用语境理解文章内容6.借助图片信息,理解文章7.培养英语思维 教学过程 Lets chant. Read the cover.Pre-reading Page 2-5 Where is Daniel going? Page 6-8 How can he get to the museum? Page 9-11 If you were here, what would you do? Page 12-

4、17 Put the pictures in order. Page 18-19 What do you think of Daniel?While- reading Listen and repeat. Lets act.Post- readingGo to the bookstore. Buy some books.Go to the cinema. See a film.Go to the museum. See the robots.Go to the bank. Save some money.Go to the restaurant. Eat some food.bookstore

5、cinemamuseumbankrestaurantRead pp. 2-5 and answer the question.Q: Where is Daniel going?A. bookstoreB. libraryC.museumRead pp. 2-5 and answer the question.Q: Where is Daniel going?A. bookstoreB. libraryC.museumHe is going to the museum.Mr Jones Crime Exhibition will be on this Sunday.Q: How does Dan

6、iel go to the museum?Look at the picture and find the details.OK! But how do I get there, Dad?Take the number 7 bus. The museum is next to the town hall.Daniel, take some books to the museum.Ask and answer in pairs.the box of booksDaniel takes _ and _.his dads phoneRead pp. 6-8 and find the sentence

7、s.Q: Where is the museum?Read pp. 6-8 and find the sentences.Q: Where is the museum?Turn left, then go straight on.Read pp. 6-8 again and draw the route.Read pp. 9-11. Think and say.If you were here, what would you do?Read pp. 12-17 and put the pictures in order.Daniel calls the .Daniel hears .The robber runs .The robber falls .Daniel hides behind .The police catch .Check the answer and retell this part.Daniel calls the .Daniel hears.The robber runs.The robber falls .Daniel hides behind .The police catch .Think and say.What will the people say to Daniel?Youre a _ boy.Were so proud of you.E


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