已阅读5页,还剩41页未读 继续免费阅读




1、集成电路版图设计基础第一章版图设计基础school of phyebasics of ic layout design2第一章第一章 版图设计基础版图设计基础 半导体物理器件基础 半导体 PN结 晶体管 基本电路 制造工艺及测试 通用版图设计流程 school of phyebasics of ic layout design3181016101410121010108106104102101210410610810181016101410121010108106104102101210410610810电阻率 /(cm)S-1电导率 /(cm )Ge锗()硅(Si)GaAs砷化镓()GaP磷

2、化镓()CdS硫化镉()铜银铝铂硫化铋玻璃金刚石(纯)硫熔融石英181016101410121010108106104102101210410610810181016101410121010108106104102101210410610810电阻率 /(cm)S-1电导率 /(cm )Ge锗()硅(Si)GaAs砷化镓()GaP磷化镓()CdS硫化镉()铜银铝铂硫化铋玻璃金刚石(纯)硫熔融石英school of phyebasics of ic layout design4school of phyebasics of ic layout design5周 期IIIIIIVVV I2 BC

3、N 硼炭氮3M g A lSiPS镁铝硅磷硫4ZnG aG eA sSe锌镓锗砷硒5CdInSnSbTe铬铟锡锑碲6H gPb汞铅周 期IIIIIIVVV I2 BC N 硼炭氮3M g A lSiPS镁铝硅磷硫4ZnG aG eA sSe锌镓锗砷硒5CdInSnSbTe铬铟锡锑碲6H gPb汞铅school of phyebasics of ic layout design6school of phyebasics of ic layout design7school of phyebasics of ic layout design8school of phyebasics of ic l

4、ayout design9school of phyebasics of ic layout design10school of phyebasics of ic layout design1101234gE价 带 1 1 1 1 0 0 导 带能量/eVG aA sE0.31p动量school of phyebasics of ic layout design122101234gE价 带111100导 带能量能量/eVS ip动量school of phyebasics of ic layout design13school of phyebasics of ic layout design

5、14S.i. GaAs SubstrateEpitaxial Active LayerDrainSourceGateGatelengthChannelMetallizationMetallizationMetallizationschool of phyebasics of ic layout design15school of phyebasics of ic layout design16school of phyebasics of ic layout design17 P 区 空间电荷区 N 区 PN 结及其内电场 内电场方向 school of phyebasics of ic la

6、yout design18school of phyebasics of ic layout design19school of phyebasics of ic layout design20school of phyebasics of ic layout design21school of phyebasics of ic layout design22发射区发射区收集区收集区基区基区发发射射结结收收集集结结发发射射极极收收集集极极基极基极school of phyebasics of ic layout design23school of phyebasics of ic layout

7、 design24(b)(a)(c)输入输出输入输出输入输出school of phyebasics of ic layout design25垂直结构垂直结构与输运时间相关的尺与输运时间相关的尺寸由工艺参数决定,寸由工艺参数决定,与光刻尺寸关系不大与光刻尺寸关系不大易于获易于获得高得高fT高速高速应用应用整个发射结上整个发射结上有电流流过有电流流过可获得单位面积可获得单位面积的大输出电流的大输出电流易于获得易于获得大电流大电流大功率大功率应用应用开态电压开态电压VBE与尺寸、工艺与尺寸、工艺无关无关片间涨落小,可获片间涨落小,可获得小的电压摆幅得小的电压摆幅易于小信易于小信号应用号应用模拟模

8、拟电路电路输入电压直接控制提供输入电压直接控制提供输出电流的载流子密度输出电流的载流子密度高跨导高跨导输入电容由扩输入电容由扩散电容决定散电容决定随工作电流的减随工作电流的减小而减小小而减小可同时在大或小的电流下可同时在大或小的电流下工作而无需调整输入电容工作而无需调整输入电容school of phyebasics of ic layout design26存在直流输入电存在直流输入电流,基极电流流,基极电流功耗大功耗大饱和区中存储电饱和区中存储电荷上升荷上升开关速度慢开关速度慢开态电压无法成开态电压无法成为设计参数为设计参数school of phyebasics of ic layout

9、 design27school of phyebasics of ic layout design28school of phyebasics of ic layout design29school of phyebasics of ic layout design30school of phyebasics of ic layout design31school of phyebasics of ic layout design32school of phyebasics of ic layout design33school of phyebasics of ic layout desig

10、n34school of phyebasics of ic layout design35school of phyebasics of ic layout design36s.i. GaA s SubstrateDrainSourceGateGatelengthChannelM etallizationM etallizationM etallizationundoped GaA stwo-dimension electron gasN- AlGaAsN+ AlGaAsschool of phyebasics of ic layout design37school of phyebasics

11、 of ic layout design38school of phyebasics of ic layout design39school of phyebasics of ic layout design40school of phyebasics of ic layout design41school of phyebasics of ic layout design42是是功能要求功能要求行为设计行为设计行为仿真行为仿真综合、优化综合、优化-网表网表时序仿真时序仿真布局布线布局布线版图版图后仿真后仿真否否是是否否否否是是Sing offschool of phyebasics of i

12、c layout design43Chip Fabrication Flow晶片整合晶片整合(Integration)光刻作业光刻作业(Photo Mask)芯片制造芯片制造(Chip Fabrication)晶圆切割晶圆切割(Die Saw)封装封装(Package)NTUNCKUNTHUCCUNCTUChip Fabrication Flowschool of phyebasics of ic layout design44芯片与设计图形芯片与设计图形(IC & Design Pattern)(Tester Setting)功能测试功能测试(Functional Test)(Yie

13、ld & Failure Analysis)直流交流量测试直流交流量测试(DC,AC Measurement)VOHVOLDCDataClockTsetAC input output 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 4 6 8 10n5050ExpectedV.S. 0 2 4 6 8 10n5050Measured +Sparc-100 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 10 0 1 1 10 1 0 0 0成品率及故障分析成品率及故障分析测试环境设定测试环境设定 Chip Test Flow school of phyebasics of ic layout design45CMOS Process FlowCMOS Process Flowschool of phyebasics of ic layout design46General Layout Design Flow1.制定版图规划制定版图规划记住要制定可能会被记住要制定可能会被遗忘的特殊要求清单遗


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