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1、外研必修外研必修(bxi)一一moduleIntroductionandreading第一页,共43页。apartmentsecond floor第1页/共43页第二页,共43页。apartment block第2页/共43页第三页,共43页。a five-story building第3页/共43页第四页,共43页。a house which is two stories high第4页/共43页第五页,共43页。 high-rise building第5页/共43页第六页,共43页。Where does he live? in the south of China in the city

2、of Guangzhou in a suburb in the north east of the city a small apartment on the third floor a five-story apartment blockZhang Hua 第6页/共43页第七页,共43页。Lin XiaoyunWhere does she live? in the countryside in southern Liaoning about fifty miles away from the city of Dalian a house which is two storeys high

3、and is made of local stone第7页/共43页第八页,共43页。 Write three or four sentences describing your home. Compare your homes in groups of four.第8页/共43页第九页,共43页。第9页/共43页第十页,共43页。Look and guess第10页/共43页第十一页,共43页。第11页/共43页第十二页,共43页。1. This city lies in the southeast of China;2. It is a seaside city;3. It has a f

4、amous Island-GuLangyu Island.Which city do the pictures show第12页/共43页第十三页,共43页。第13页/共43页第十四页,共43页。第14页/共43页第十五页,共43页。P33:Find these words in the passage.第15页/共43页第十六页,共43页。touristsharbourcoast第16页/共43页第十七页,共43页。rentdistrictpark第17页/共43页第十八页,共43页。P33:Read A lively City. and choose the correct answers

5、.1. John Martin is visiting _. (a) Xiao Lis hometown (b) a town near where Xiao Li lives (c) a shopping mall第18页/共43页第十九页,共43页。2. Xiao Li lives _. (a) on the island of Gulangyu (b) in Xiamen (c) in a town to the northwest of Xiamen3. John and Xiao Li are _. (a) at Xiao Lis home (b) driving around th

6、e city in a car (c) on a train第19页/共43页第二十页,共43页。Read the passage carefully and complete the chart below.第20页/共43页第二十一页,共43页。 Read the text carefully and fill in the blanksA(n) 1. _ and lively cityClimate2. _in summer and 3. _ in winterPeopleFriendlyPlaces of interest mentioned4. _, a gorgeous islan

7、d with some interesting 5. _Two districts mentionedThe business districtA great number of 6. _ buildings and great 7. _The8._districtThe most 9. _part of the city with some really pretty 10. _第21页/共43页第二十二页,共43页。 Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.A(n) 1. _ and lively cityClimate2. _in s

8、ummer and 3. _ in winterPeopleFriendlyPlaces of interest mentioned4. _, a gorgeous island with some interesting 5. _attractive/interestingPretty hot and wetquite coldGulangyu Islandarchitecture第22页/共43页第二十三页,共43页。Two districts mentionedThe business districtA great number of 6. _ buildings and great

9、7. _The 8. _ districtThe most 9. _ part of the city with some really pretty 10. _high-riseshopping mallswesterninterestingparks第23页/共43页第二十四页,共43页。1. Its been six years since we last saw each other.自从我们上次自从我们上次(shn c)见面已经有见面已经有6年年了。了。 It is /has been +一段时间一段时间+since 从句从句 自从自从(zcng)已经已经第24页/共43页第二十五页

10、,共43页。1) It has been three years since my brother came back from America. 我哥哥从美国回来已经三年了。我哥哥从美国回来已经三年了。2) 她丈夫她丈夫(zhngf)去世去世2年了。年了。 Its two years since her husband died. 第25页/共43页第二十六页,共43页。2. this is the first time Ive visited your hometown. 这是我第一次来你的家乡这是我第一次来你的家乡(jixing)。 “这是某人第几次做某事这是某人第几次做某事” “Thi

11、s /It is the first /second/last time (that) ”that 常省略常省略主句用一般现在时主句用一般现在时, 从句用现在完成从句用现在完成(wn chng)时主句用一般过去时时主句用一般过去时 , 从句用过去完从句用过去完成成(wn chng)时时第26页/共43页第二十七页,共43页。1)昨晚的电影怎么样昨晚的电影怎么样?2) 噢,棒极了!这是我第一次看魔幻噢,棒极了!这是我第一次看魔幻电影。电影。3)2) 这是这位教授最后这是这位教授最后(zuhu)一次给我一次给我们做报告。们做报告。This is the last time the professo

12、r has given us a talk.How do you find the film last night?Oh, wonderful! It was the first time I had seen a fantasy film. 翻译下列翻译下列(xili)句子:句子:第27页/共43页第二十八页,共43页。3. This is one of the most attractive places Ive been to. 被形容词最高级所修饰的名词后的定语(dngy)从句中,一般用完成时态。译: 她是我见过的最美丽(mil)的姑娘 She is the most beautifu

13、l girl Ive seen. This is the most delicious food Ive ever eaten. 这是我所吃过的最美味这是我所吃过的最美味(miwi)的食的食物。物。第28页/共43页第二十九页,共43页。4. Pretty hot and wet in the summer, but it can be quite cold in the winter. 夏天相当热夏天相当热, 相当潮湿相当潮湿; 冬天则非常冷。冬天则非常冷。 pretty 在此处是程度在此处是程度(chngd)副词副词,意为意为“非常非常,相当相当” After a whole days h

14、ard work, I feel pretty tired. 辛苦工作了一整天我感到很累。辛苦工作了一整天我感到很累。one of the most attractive placesone of +n(pl.) 第29页/共43页第三十页,共43页。第30页/共43页第三十一页,共43页。5. Sounds OK to me.That sounds great. 【考点】 sound听起来,作连系动词(dngc),其后可以接形容词、名词、介词短语等作表语。 Shall we go out for dinner tonight? _. A. You are right B. It must b

15、e funny C. That sounds great D. Have a nice time 第31页/共43页第三十二页,共43页。 Tom sounds very much _ in the job, but Im not sure whether he can manage it. A. interested B. interesting C. interestingly D. interestedly interested in对感兴趣。 第32页/共43页第三十三页,共43页。6. put up 建造建造, 搭起搭起 1) 将在曾经有过一个将在曾经有过一个(y )古庙的地方古庙的

16、地方建一座新剧院。建一座新剧院。 A new theater will be put up where there used to be a temple. 2) 他们一到就搭起了帐篷。他们一到就搭起了帐篷。 They put up their tents as soon as they arrived. 第33页/共43页第三十四页,共43页。另外另外, put up 还有其它还有其它(qt)意思:意思:3) He put up his hand to catch the teachers attention. 4) A new notice has been put up on the b

17、oard. 5) Will you put me up for the night? 6) My landlord wanted to put up the rent by 10 pounds a week.举起举起, 抬起抬起张贴张贴(zhngti), 挂起挂起住宿住宿(zh xi), 留宿留宿提高提高, 提升提升第34页/共43页第三十五页,共43页。7. Now were leaving the business district and approaching the harbor. 现在现在, 我们正离开商业区向海港靠近。我们正离开商业区向海港靠近。 approach v. 接近接近

18、(jijn),靠近,靠近 Our new teaching building is approaching completion. 我们的新教学楼就要完工了。我们的新教学楼就要完工了。第35页/共43页第三十六页,共43页。第36页/共43页第三十七页,共43页。8. So they tell me. 他们他们(t men)就是这样告诉就是这样告诉我的。我的。1) “so +主语主语+助动词助动词/系动词系动词/情态动情态动 词词”, 某人某人(mu rn)/某物确实是某物确实是 2) “so +助动词助动词/系动词系动词/情态动词情态动词+主语主语”, 某人某人(mu rn)/某物也是某物也

19、是 第37页/共43页第三十八页,共43页。I. 根据(gnj)括号内所给汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1. This _ _ _ _ (漂亮的美国小姑娘) is my pen friend, who Ive known for a year.2. _ _ _ _ (气候怎么样) there?Its warm all the year round.pretty little American girlWhats the climate like第38页/共43页第三十九页,共43页。3. The chair _ _ _ (由制成的) wood, which was made by my brother.4. Several new office blocks _ _ _ _ (在修建(xijin) in the centre of town now. 5. Unfortunately, he got lost in the forest and _ _ _ (饿死).is made ofare being put upstarv


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