1、ILesson planNSEFC Module2 Unit Readi ng InTeacher:上口晶 .F夢g 11 * 4B.:r -ai*:pJ户_rir . -c* . JglPeriod:Period1Type:Reading”寥-,_-ArjF輝-” :? G 卅 ri-Durati on: 45m inu tesTeach ing ideology . Ak .1 -I丄.1- Ufk,曲ifl1歹j4The curre nt theory view readi ng as a in teractive process which in volves not only the
2、”=1 1, :l!” . .printed page but also the readers old knowledge of the Ianguage in general, the world丘0*J-滋*旳i-鞭.rUand the text types. In the readi ng process, these factors in teract with each other and/jffcompe nsate for each other. Based on the un dersta nding of readi ng as an in teractivej /ri二
3、g .占 . 冷,Krfs rf-jp,.,.IJT*,1 1* ,? .r ; ?fI,UH1R“ %上process, teaching reading in the classroom is divided into three stages in which the亠虫逐曲家缶* /ft :盜沪亠如曲績r /Jll ; 4 2蒋埶鎭黑事r /jfef丘 潘 4 二top-dow n and bottom-up tech niq ues in tegrated to develop the stude nts Ian guagefaI r-b r昌 “LH册n-hlf irJH-、A9訐
4、旨.1 Fin#口*4-hlj-n j| - w-_ : 旨hefficie ncy in gen eral and readi ng strategies. The three stages are pre-readi ng,jM| *亠弹1:J fl| * 7.-,i ,: * 八“ Jni 吓RpjM MH*- Z1”,* wwhile-reading and post-reading./Pyj-. I.*1“”fflk. * * uflhjfc , ,i1 ri=J甲Teaching material and learning condition - . - . - .The anal
5、ysis of teaching materialThe teachi ng material is the readi ng part from NSEFC Module2 Un it. The topic of thisun it is. This passage mainly in troduces. The passagef/Ificon sists ofparagraphs. The first paragraph is a gen eral in troducti on of the. * * / k k *計 * -WyI -心 * v j * g_ . The last par
6、agraph tells about_ .Para.2 to Para.4 in troducesf/IfiThe topic is not new to the Ss. But there is some new words and phases in the passage.The analysis of learning conditionrf*. rP. .JuSince they are in grade1, they are easily activated and want to air their own opinions onthe topic. They are famil
7、iar with the topic ofand know some. But theymay not knowbefore. Moreover, their vocabulary is limited so they may havedifficulties in un dersta nding some sentences.Lear ning objectives1. Language skillsAt the beg inning of the class, Ss can predict the content of the passage based on the title.Ss c
8、an scan the passage and find out the specific information such as the person related withSs can summarize the passage with the help of the clues of the passage.2. Language knowledgeSs can master the key words and phrases of the passage as follows,.Ss can lear n, especially3. AffectsSs will realize t
9、hat _ and they will concern themselves with the issueof” *JF4 % JCTU启_:沪 jh :那-*lj. iThe stude nts are from grade1 in senior high school. As high school stude nts, they haveachieved certa in En glish level and they have the ability to get the basic idea of the readi ng.fI4. Cultural awarenessSs will
10、 broade n their minds by knowing someth ing aboutA二 Jflll 1 J* ti&i二事二 /fifeb 井亍亍:尿L加H “ -Lan guage focuses and an ticipated- -= = .= 一 - . | 1difficultiesLanguage focuses1 葡序莓n J.:七;工玄*:濃兄沪:厂*zSg:肋1二 s 乱咻豪海衬井?This is a readi ng period so the focus is to cultivate the stude ntsread ing skills. T
11、he manyactivities are desig ned to help Ss to train their readi ng skills, such as predict ing, skim ming,/ ;,岷nil;卜承应呈y, 典$ /p卡 * isca nning and summariz ing.fT|b jfa taAi1f电 Jta R f# *1 TS| jr jta 甲Z?-fl , /Ps, U,1It is also importa nt for the Ss to master the new words and phrases. . Anticipated
12、difficultieskl-fr -_ ifJHLLJBI、_ ir_K、-_ r|_Ji. -” As the Ss have a limited vocabulary, so they may have some difficulties in un dersta ndingm”4疋jf9. 4h NZAT. 丁- Jthe passage. So the teacher will help them learn the new words and phrases.*吗IF*1r/ I IFI .Jftfa jr 2. 応5J.J) )1L,y. 4Jk .Zpk2., UB 1!Ss
13、may did n ot heardbefore, so the teacher will tell them some backgro undknowledge about it. JL., _-.Jr a_ 劇1jrB_- jj- .“鼻J_,”卜 -|Teach ing methodThree-stage model: Based on the un dersta nding of readi ng as an in teractive process,teachi ng read ing in the classroom is divided into three stages in
14、which the top-dow n andbottom-up tech niq ues in tegrated to develop the stude nts Ian guage efficie ncy in gen eralf/Ijand read ing strategies. The three stages are pre-readi ng, while-read ing and post-reading.Teach ing aids氷FIS i _OtB,护I”Multimedia devices and PPT documents: In order to help Ss t
15、o fully understand the wholepassage, I adopt Multimedia devices and PPT documents to bring the real-life situation *jM.JL-i ia*/ r- j/iS.into the classroom.Teach ing proceduresStep1. Lead-in (6min)Activity1. Greeti ngs and Free-talki ng (2min)T Leads into the topic by ask ing Ss some- - - jj,- _. 7鼻
16、丹they know freely.T: Hello boys and girls.(Ss say hello to the teacher.)T: Whe n we say,what appears in your min ds?(Ss tell the things appear in their mi nds freely.)T: What are the(Ss tell some n ames of.)Activity2. Picture-talking (4min)T shows some pictures about theSs are expected to tell the s
17、imilarities of them.T: Just now, you talk about somesomeflthey know. Ss tell the name of thein China and abroad. After see ing the pictures,in China. Now, lets see some pictures of/-jri Is Fl- LT.(T shows the pictures and Ss see them carefully.)T: What do thehave in com mon?For example, they are ver
18、y precious. What arefMJyour opinions?(T gives them some hints and Ss tell the characteristics of)In this step, T first leads in the topic by talk ing with the Ss freely about the which is familiar to them and then Ss see some pictures and tell the characteristics.These two activities aim to arouse t
19、he Ssin terests in the topic and activate their oldkno wledge of. Then Ss will be men tally prepared for the readi ngcomprehension. Whats more, when they are talking about the charateristicsof, they will realize that theare rare and precious and they will.JI X1:土.削aanL| rf A护 2:科.r. fijfc_ rt.A-J# c
20、oncern themselves with the issue of.Step2. Pre-reading (3min)j/p *8 J4FActivity2. Predicting (2min).t/lh,1w-, jfc, jr. *1* j i.j% *,韋.-,-,!,.rpt -f补T asks Ss to read the title of the passage and then ask them some questions. Ss will predict h ihh Ijk. *P* J _a -輝; jl* L a 4 f旅the content of the pass
21、age with the help of the title.T: please look at the title “_”, what does “_动词_”mean?(If the Ss can not give the an swer, the n T expla in it.)T: In search means that people are looking for it. Why are people looking for it? Can you-, nJ?guess?What will the passage talk about?(Ss predict the content
22、, but T will not give the an swer here.)Aimsi. I. * -J Ip7腐 _ Lv 41 F LB1ABLr鼻In this step, the Ss first know some in formati on of the; the backgro und in formatio nH,卢.严51 ! fj旷1* frt s,F “丄,!上will make it easier for the Ss to un dersta nd the passage. Then T asks Ss to make predict ions about the
23、 passage.It aims to help Ss develop the readi ng skills of predict ing.Step3. While-reading (22min)Activity1. Skimmi ng (4mi n)* Jfl- jfl 卡谕._ r幷ISs skim the whole passage andfind outand check their predicti ons.T: Whyare people still? Here is a multiple choice for you.Fill in the bla nk.The text is
24、 orga ni zed of in the order of_(Keys: time)People are search ing for the amber room, because_A.It is still in Russia.B.It is miss ing.(keys: B)jiActivity2. Scanning (3mi n)T prese nts several true or false stateme nts and asks the Ss to sca n the passage and judgethe right from the wrong.stateme nt
25、sTF1The desig n of the room was in the style which is popular no wadays.2In fact, the room was made to be a gift.3Frederick William I decided not to keep it.4Russians removed some objects from the room before the Nazisarrived.5The Russia ns have built a new amber Room at the summer palace.(Keys:F,F,
26、T,T,F)Activity3 Close-readi ng (15m in)T desig ns various kinds of activities and Ss do the activities to fully understand the * 虫逼a /Ml;*J2 Ai 応 . Oh.bapassage.Para.1T: Please read Para.1 carefully and the n take some note about theMaterials:_Desig n:_Style:_Decorations:_The len gth of time take n
27、to complete:_Para.2-4T: please Ss to sca n the passage and judge the right from the wrong.Please read Para.2-4 carefully and the n find out the removal of the room.Please read Para.2-4 carefully and the n find out the pers on related with the Amber Room and the things themdow n with it.peopleWhatFre
28、derick William Ir Mg*Peter GreatCatheri ne IINazi AmyflPara.5Please read Para.5 carefully and the n find out the the rebuildi ng of the amber room.h:uAimsBy doing some many activities, the Ss will develop their readi ng strategies and Ian guageefficie ncy. T help the Ss study the passage paragraph b
29、y paragraph. Ss will lear n some keywords and phrases in the passage.J f !r *n j T W”!r ” ,| T” Bl jlStep4. Post-reading (12min)Activity1. Dissuasi on (6m in)Ss have learned the rebuilding of the passage and T asks the Ss to discuss whether people. _ . T give the example of “_”which is _. Ss share their opinion onthe issue and the reas
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