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1、132018 北京市东城区初三(上)期末单选11 n eed that book. Can you give it toA.him B.her C.me D.them2Our schools Tale nt Show will be year.A.on B.in C.at D.to3-_-In the lab.A.How B.Where C.When D.Why4-_ - What isriver in Chi na?-The Chan gjia ng River.A.long B.lon ger C.much Ion ger D.the Ion gest5- - Oh dear! Where

2、s my key? I_ find it.-Mum, its on the kitche n table.A.cant B.neednt C.shouldnt D.mustnt6Tomlives near school, so he usually _ to school.A.walk B.walked C.walks D.is walki ng7- - What did you do after school yesterday?-I_ to the music club to practise the pia no.A.we nt B.go C.will go D.have gone8-

3、- Look! It _ heavily outside.-Too bad. Ive forgotte n to take my umbrella.A.rains B.is raining C.was raining D.will rain9- - I did nt see Amy today.-She is ill. She_ in hospital since Mon day.A.is B.was C.will be D.has bee n10Youcan call metomorrow morning. I _ free at thattime.A.was B.am C.will be

4、D.have bee n11These houses look very old. They _ 100 years ago.A.build B.are built C.built D.were built12-Lucy, do you know _ ?-Oh, yes. She comes from the USA.where does Miss Smith comefrom B.where Miss Smith comes fromC.where did Miss Smith come from D.where Miss Smith came from完形填空An Act of Kindn

5、 essMarch 2ndthisdo you usually do scie nee experime nts?I had nothing for breakfast that morning. I was so1that I could hear mystomach growli ng (咕咕叫) when Mr. Katter waslecturingon Asian history.So whenthe bell rang,I rushed to the dining hall at on ce. Minu tes later, I stood in front of the coun

6、 ter (收银台),hold ing a tray (托盘)full of food.Three dollars, the lunch lady told me. I reached my hand into my 2andfelt nothing. The schoolbag was empty.I searched again. Stillnothing. I was almost certain I had put three billsin it last night. I put the schoolbag on the floor to search for the money

7、aga in. As I finally_ 3_ the money was nt there, Icould feel the worry and fear wash ing over me.Feeli ng quite _ 4_ , I did nt no tice that ano therpers on had stepped up to the coun ter. Whe n I fin ally looked up to tell the lunch ladymy _ 5_ , I saw, in the corner of myeye, a boy walk quickly pa

8、st. I paid no atte nti on to him, and I ope ned my mouth tospeak.Im sorry. I dont have any money with me.Hon ey, he paid for your lun ch. Youre good, the lunch lady said as she poin tedto the directi on the boy had gone.I looked in the directi on she poin ted to, yet I could not find theboy. I misse

9、d the chanee to _ 6_ him. He was namelessto me. He did nt eve n know me. But he paid for my lun ch. Although it was only threedollars, 1 could nt remember anyone doing someth ing so nice for me.A month later, on my way home, I saw an elderly womanstruggli ng(费 力)withheavy bags. I suddenly thought of

10、 the nameless boy who7me lunch.Excuse me, maam, do you n eed help?ril never forget her _8_ as I rushed forward tolend her a han d. Its the very prize for my act of kindn ess.1. A.worried B.h ungry C.quiet D.tired2. A.overcoat B.hat C.gloves D.schoolbag3. A.realized B.described C.heard D.imagi ned4.

11、A .Ion ely B.n ervous C.bored D.weak5. A.situati on B.joke C.promise D.suggesti on6. A.visit B.interview C.thank D.question7. A.made B.ha nded C.ordered D.bought8. A.sile nee B.offer C.smile D.pride阅读理解14ADo you have hard rubbish? WM RubbishManagement ServiceCompa nyfamily. Below are some guidelines

12、 aboutour hardrubbish service.What can/cannot be collected as hard rubbish:? Wecollect clothes, floor coveri ng, woode ndoors and furniture(家具)? TVs, fridges,buildingmaterials, glass, car parts, green waste, paintsand chemicals, etc. cant be collected.Book ing your hard rubbish collecti onWehave wee

13、kly collectionsof hard rubbish. You can book your collectionwhen it suits you.?Call u s on 9298 8000 between 8 am and 5 pm Mon day to Friday.Putt ing your hard rubbish out :Make sure you place your hard rubbish out of your house, e. g. in your front yard (院子)before the collectionday. If not, you can

14、not book thecollecti on aga in.If you would like to read more information on hard rubbish collectio n, you canvisit www. wmruhbishma nageme .If you have advice on hard rubbish collecti on, please con tact us on 5518 3555 or visitus at 511 Burwood Highway.(1) The compa ny offers free hard rubbish col

15、lecti on service for eachfamily _A.once a week B.twice a year C.three times a year D.once a month(2) What can be collected as hard rubbish?A.Glass. B.Fridges. C.Clothes D.Chemicals.(3) Before the collect ion day, you have to_A. put all your hard rubbish into a boxB. call 5518 3555 to book the collec

16、tio nC. put the hard rubbish out of your houseD. fill in a form on the companys website15BMoney in the BankJamila, I just found a five-dollar bill on the table, said Mrs.Joh nson. Is that your mon ey?Jamila looked up from the book she was read ing. Oops. I emptied my pocketsbefore I left for soccer

17、practice yesterday. I was running late, so I did nt have time totake the mon eyup to myroom. Jamilas momha nded her the bill and watched as herdaughter placed it in her book.collects it twice a year for free from each collection16Jamila went back to reading. A momentlater, she heard her mother give

18、a deepsigh (叹息).Jamila, you just put that money in your book. Imquite surethat you wont be able to find it when youn eed it. You are work ing so hard to save for a new bicycle. I dont want you to lose anyof your hard-earned(辛苦挣得的) money. Dont you havea piggyba nk?Jamila no dded. I have one, but the

19、key does nt work and I cant get the moneyout. Some of my money is in a jar (罐子)on my desk. Some is in a box on my bed. Imight also have some in other books.Mrs. Johnson smiled at Jamila. It looks like its time for you to get your own bankacco unt(账户),she said. Do you want to go to thebank with me?Ja

20、mila jumped up. Will the acco unt be in my own n ame? she asked excitedly.Of course, an swered her mom. You might be surprised by how much you havewhe n your money is all in one place. At least youll know where it all is.At the bank, Jamila and her mother ope ned a sav ings acco unt. The bankingmana

21、ger explained how the moneyin the savings account would earn in terest. The Ionger the money stayed in the acco unt, the more in terest it would earn.Jamila was surprised to learn that she could earn moneyjust by keeping hermoney in a savings account. I wish I had done this a long time ago. she wi n

22、ked at hermom.Maybe rd have already saved eno ugh to buy mybike.(1)Where did Jamila put the money after her mother han ded it to her?A.ln her pocket. B.ln a piggyba nk. C.ln a jar. D.ln her book.(2)Mrs. Joh nson thought Jamila should have a bank acco untbecause _A. it could en courage Jamila to work

23、 harder for her new bicycleB. Jamila put money everywhere and might lose some of itC. the money in a savings account could earn interestD. J amila spe nt much more tha n she earned(3)How did Jamila feel when she knew she could earn moneyby keeping moneyin the bank?A.Sorry. B.Proud. C.Surprised. D.Co

24、n fused.Note-takingis a skill that can help you do well on all yourschoolwork-everythi ng from tak ing tests to research ing a paper.If your teacher writes no tes on the board, thats a bonus: You can copy them down. If not, writedow n the most importa nt points from class.For example, does your hist

25、ory teacher mention the date of the Second World War? Orrepeat a piece of in formati on? Write it dow n! It can take time to learn how to listen forthe key information, so keep trying and dont give up.If you want to write dow n every word thats said in class, youll be mad. So its necessary to develo

26、p your own sig ns, for example, pics. for pictures, or hw forhomework. They can help you more quickly take notes. And if you pay toomuchattention to getting your notes right, you might miss liste ning to what the teacheris say ing. Dont be afraid to ask the teacher to repeat something you miss. If y

27、ou dontwant to ask in class, see your teacher after class.It is easy to miss information while taking notes, so compare your notes with whatthe textbook says 一 you can add to your notes as you read. Go over your notes with afriend and compare what the two of you have put dow n. It will make you two

28、be able tono tice mistakes and rei nforce what youre learning.It can also helpyou rememberinformationwhen itstimefor a test.Even if you dont have a test coming up, youd better look over your notes within24 hours of taking them. Your brain will start absorbing(吸收) the in formatio n while it is still

29、fresh in your mi nd. The n whe n you study inthe days before a test, you will be able to recall the in formatio n muchbetter. In stead ofsimply readi ng your no tes to yourself, say them aloud. Studies show that speak ingaloud helps in memorizati on. Whe n you speak, try paraphras ing(意译)sometimes r

30、ather tha n readi ngdirectly. Paraphrasing and speaking aloud requires your brain to do more work, makingit more likely that you will understand what youre studying.Good note-taking takes time. But the time you spend writing and reviewing notespays off. Not only can this help you do better in a test

31、, its also a great con fide ncesupporter whe n youre study ing and find yourself say ing, Hey, I remember that!(1) lf a teacher does nt write no tes on the board, stude ntsshould _A. read the textbook and un derl ine the importa nt pointsB. write dow n the in formatio n repeated by the teacherC. lis

32、ten carefully without taking notesD. copy a frie nds no tes in class(2) What can we lear n from the passage?A.Writi ng dow n words in short helps avoid miss ing importa nt in formatio n.B. Students should try their best to make sure the notes are right in class.C. Reading the notes aloud can help st

33、udents find out mistakes in no tes.D.Students need to spend time practising the skills of taking notes.(3)Whats the fifth paragraph ma in ly about?A.The ways to review no tes.B.The skills of correct ing no tes.C.The methods to perfect no tes. D.The n ecessity of tak ing no tes.17DStude nts in wester

34、n Ohio(俄亥俄州)have to say bye-bye to snowdays. Snowmayfall,but students wont be able to spend the days sledding(滑雪橇).Classes will continue on li ne. Officials say that hold ingelectronic workdays (e-days) will help students keep up with their studies. It will alsopreve nt requiri ng stude nts to make

35、up schooldays later in June.Which would you prefer : spending a cold day on a computer, or sitting in schoolin June whe n you should be on vacati on? Jorda n Dewar a stude nt reporter, holds theopinion that hav ing on li ne work on a snow day is the better choice, You would bework ing on a day that

36、you already pla nned on hav ing schoolwork.Havi ng extra days of school in summer can in terfere with(妨碍)families vacation plans. Besides, what if your school does not have air-conditioning?Imagine sweating through seven hours at school on a hotJune day whe n you could have bee n relax ing by a pool

37、 with your family.Does nt an e-day sound better tha n that? Jorda n Dewar said.For somestudents, it would be easier to concentrate (专注)on e-days than onmakeup days. You can do a little work on li ne, go play, and the n comeback later,says Rachel Meyers, 12. But on June days you would just have to si

38、t there for sevenhours, thinking about how you could be outside, so you lose focus.There are some stude nts argu ing that its n ot fair toditch snowdays, however. They say that snow days give them a much-needed break. They alsonote that miss ing a day here and there is not eno ugh to put them behi n

39、d. Moststudents in Silver Valley School think one problem of e-days is that sometimes sibli ngs(兄弟姐妹们) have to share computers at home. Inaddition, it punishes the students who dont have computers at home. When schoolstarts again after e-days, these students will be left behind and have to workdoubl

40、e-time to catch up.School budget cuts(预算削减) across the country are expected tocontinue into the 2017-2018 school year, the American Association of School Administrators(AASA) Website states. The school would nt be ableto afford both on li ne classes and tak ing care of the school, Austi n Krews on,

41、aneighth grader, says.Moreover, electricity is likely to be cut off during snowstorms. If kids dont havepower at home, the money and the time in running the new program would be wasted.(1) What can we lear n from Paragraph 1?A. Officials suggest stude nts should have more schooldays in June.B. Offic

42、ialsbelieve snow days put students behind in their studies.C. Stude nts have to end snow days earlier tha n pla nn ed.D. Stude nts wont have sleddi ng classes at school.(2) The stude nt reporter, Jorda n Dewar, believesthat _ .A. sibli ngs can help each other with their studies on e-days.B. stude nt

43、s can lear n better on e-days tha n on makeup daysC. hav ing e-days in win ter will save the cost of air-c on diti oningD. stude nts should study on li ne whe n it snows heavily on weekdays(3) What does the word ditch in Paragraph 5 probably mean?A.Give up. B.Put off. C.Carry out. D.Pay for.(4) The

44、writer men ti ons the stateme nt on the AASA Web siteto.A. expla in the reas on to hold the e-day programB. show the difficulty of running the e-day programC. suggest gover nment should spe nd more money on educatio nD. stress why some stude nts cant afford computers for on li ne classes任务型阅读18The A

45、rt of the Elepha ntsIf your cat walked across something you were painting and left footpri nts beh ind,would you con sider your cat an artist? What if your bird held a colored pencil in itsbeak(喙) and pain ted on a piece ofpaper? Most people maythink of animal art as a joke, but somepeople have bee

46、n taking it very seriously.Elepha nts were used for hun dreds of years in Thaila nds logg ing in dustry(伐木业) .They moved wood from forests in areas where therewere no roads. At the beginning of this century, when the forests of Thailand began toquickly disappear, the government put a stop to logging

47、. All of a sudde n, many elephants in Thaila nd no Ion ger had a way to make a livi ng.Someelephants were treated badly. Others had to try to live on their own andcould nt find eno ugh to eat. There were once tens of thousa nds of elephants inThailand. Today, there are less than five thousand. When

48、two Russian-Americanartists, Vitaly Komarand Alex Melamid, first heard about the troubled elephants ofThailand, they knew that something change had to be done to forever change the waypeople treated Thai elephants. Then, they came up with an idea to help theseelephants.Komarand Melamid visited eleph

49、ant campsin Thailand and began to show theelephant trainers how to teach the elephants to paint. At first,thetrainer had to guide the elephants trunk. The elephants became more comfortabledoing this with practice- and lots of sweet snacks- and finally started to paint on theirown. The strange idea t

50、hat Komar and Melamid had to save the elephants actuallybegan to work. They even helped found several elephant art schools in Thailand and inother Asian countries. The elephants find their trainers go there to learn about paintingand get supplies they need.Today, people begin to buy elephant artwork

51、 from galleries(画廊)all around the world. Some are even willing to pay more than $2,000 for the work of theelephant artists! Some people compare the cheerful, brightly-colored artwork to thework of some great abstract(抽象的)painters. Some people are just happy to buy these special and original (原创的) artworks. Others think they are helping the troubled elephants in this way. The next timeyou see


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