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1、存档编号 The Combination of Internet Sharing Technology and题目English Teaching英语教学和互联网共享技术的结合学院国际教育学院专业英语(工程英语)姓名张文馨学号201421613指导教师尹康敏完成时间教务处制完成与诚信本人郑重:所提交的毕业设计()是本人在指导教师的指导下,等工作所取得的成果并撰写完成的,郑重确认没有剽窃、学术道德、学术规范的行为。文中除已经标注的内容外,不包含其他人或集体已经或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。本人完全本的法律后果由本人承担。毕业设计(

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3、 and EnglishTeachingA ThesisPresented to School of International EducationIn Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for Degree of Bachelor of ArtsByZhangWenXinUnder Supervision of Professor Yin Kang MinMay, 2018Contents中要iAbstractiiChapter OneIntroduction11.1 Research significance11.2 Relevant backgrou

4、nd11.3 Research purpose2ChapterTwo The problems existing in the construction network share of English teaching. 22.1 He lack of effective supervision network resources22.2 Lack of unified network curriculum structure32.3 The cognition of network English teaching needs to be strengthened3Chapter Thre

5、e Optimize Internet sharing technology under the teaching of English channel43.1 Course content and the students' professional and demand more43.2 Continue to research and development of three-dimensional fine materials53.3 Expand the scope of students' autonomous learning6Chapter FourEnglis

6、h teaching implementation path under Internet sharing technology74.1 Design and use of emerging media74.2 Design and application of the environment84.3 Activities of a design more participatory and interactive9ChapterFive Suggestions for the development of English teaching based on network shares105

7、.1 Establish a mechanism for the construction of network monitoring network English teaching105.2 Intensify propaganda, deepen the course structure construction115.3 Realize the intercollegiate exchange platform, strengthening the resources sharing115.4 Pay attention to the mutual network Shared wit

8、h the students' individual differences115.5 Attaches great importance to the diversity of English language style12ChapterSix. 13Bibliography14Acknowledgements16英语教学和互联网共享技术的结合中要随着计算机多技术在教学中的广泛应用,基于网络共享的英语教学建设的研究也越来越多。基于网络共享的英语教学的建设,其根本的目的就是利用网络技术将相关的英语教学内容上传到网络上,实现英语教学内容的交流与共享。从而实现优质的教学之间的共享,提高学

9、习效率。高校英语课程着重培养的是学生的听说能力、阅读理解能力、翻译能力以及写作能力,对于这些能力的培养,建设基于网络共享的英语教学能够有效提高英语教学的效率和质量。:英语教学;网络共享技术;英语The Combination of Internet Sharing Technology andEnglish TeachingAbstractWith the wide application of computer multimedia technology in teaching, based on a network share the English teaching of constru

10、ction research also more and more.The construction of English teaching based on a network share, its fundamental purpose is to use network technology will be related to English teaching content uploaded to the Internet, English teaching content of exchange and sharing.To achieve high quality teachin

11、g resources sharing between, improve the learning efficiency.Of the university's English courses focus on training the students ability of listening and speaking skills, reading comprehension, translation and writing ability, for the cultivation of the ability, the construction of sharing based

12、on network English teaching can effectively improve the efficiency and quality of English teaching.Key words:English Teaching; Internet Sharing Technology; EnglishChapter OneIntroduction1.1 Research significanceWith the rapid development and spread of computer technology and network communication te

13、chnology, the whole society is on the verge of knowledge explosion.Through large data, cloud computing, the transformation of the Internet and the use of a variety of mobile terminals, improves the speed and efficiency of information transmission, this knowledge to transfer information for the purpo

14、se of education career hasinjected new vitality and provided a new convenient conditions.This makes theco-construction and sharing of education dreame possible, as the common wealth ofhuman knowledge, through a variety of network media to promote the production, dissemination and application of it,

15、it also helps to improve the quality of education, increase education opportunities, realize the education fair.The progress of science and technology and the development of The Times changes the way people learn also quietly followed the change, learners require more convenient, rich learning resou

16、rces, high quality, it also brings to the rapid development of information technology to education opportunities and challenges, it is natural to promote the Englishteaching and combination of Internet sharing technology.1.2 Relevant backgroundThe combination of English teaching and Internet sharing

17、 technology is part of the open education resource, and the construction of resource sharing curriculum emphasizes quality and aims to realize sharing.Its multi-faceted courses attract the attention of many teachers and students, promote the reform and innovation of education, and contribute to opti

18、mizing resource sharing and promoting education equity.However, in the construction of high quality resources sharing lessons also gradually emerge of curriculum resources is not rich, class sharing is not strong, lack the site updated slowly, aspects of the problems such as lack ofinteraction betwe

19、en teachers and students, which needs further development.1.3 Research purposeStarting in 2003 to carry out the national fine course construction, the construction of the combination of English teaching and Internet sharing technology road has gone through more than 10 years of wind and rain, the pu

20、rpose of this study is to use the related research, review, summarize and reflect on this years English teaching and the construction of the combination of the Internet sharing technology to the study of the combination of English teaching and Internet sharing technology construction to provide some

21、 reference and reference,contribution you are yourself of small account.ChapterTwo The problems existing in the construction networkshare of English teachingAlong with the computer multimedia technology and network technology in our country continuously improved and wide application of multimedia ne

22、twork technology has been widely used in teaching, in terms of English teaching, English teaching based on network share construction cause the attention of many scholars, and have made some exploration results.At the same time, the construction of network English teaching also with someproblems.2.1

23、 He lack of effective supervision network resourcesSo far, our country education departments and colleges and universities to resource sharing based on network, the English teaching in terms of network resources sharing and lack of effective supervision and management.Many websites have the content

24、of the English teaching in our country at present stage and resources, the main task of these sites is the annual national English teaching, according to the data released and curriculum resources and related website links.This model provides a great convenience to find the related information, howe

25、ver, most of the content of web sites are too scattered, lack of classification and structure, also cannot form of information about the subject of a systemic integration.In addition, some subjects only a related network address links, some links have failed, not update in time, lead to not be able

26、to access, these resources for English teaching for causedserious influence.2.2 Lack of unified network curriculum structureAt present, English teaching related website set up by the curriculum structure each are not identical, not unified, scientific standard of curriculum structure, classify the s

27、ystematic curriculum structure system has not been formed.Based on the network resource sharing has been affected by the construction of English teaching, lead to mixed curriculum resources, using the disadvantages of low efficiency.Investigate its reason mainly has two aspects: one is technology.Re

28、stricted by computer network technology, which leads to the production quality of the English teaching of network resource sharing site cannot get effective guarantee.Due to network sharing site production difficulty is bigger, it's easy to have a production technology cannot completely meet the

29、 requirements of systematic curriculum resource sharing;Secondly, the content.In the process of making network sharing site, due to the sharing of teaching English in large capacity, variety, lead to the complicated organization content, organization and management efficiency is low.Based on a netwo

30、rk share the content of the English teaching mainly exist in the dynamic and static pages, under normal circumstances, these contents include the images and text, combined with the content and the resource is very large, and in the form of multimedia and streaming media is given priority to, therefo

31、re, in the absence of scientific, unified standards, curriculum resources scattered messyexists in each site, which reduces the resource utilization.2.3 The cognition of network English teaching needs to bestrengthenedAt present, English teaching related website traffic is extremely limited, English

32、 teaching lack of strong interaction with the exchange of propaganda and enough, this is the English teaching in a network share the great problems and challenges facing.Due to factors such as geographical, economic, technical conditions, many learners understanding of network English teaching lacks

33、 sufficient.Most people understanding of English course is limited to the classroom teaching mode, network English teaching public awareness is still relatively low.Therefore, English teaching should strengthen the network of publicity, topromote the use efficiency of network course resources.Chapte

34、r Three Optimize Internet sharing technology under the teaching of English channelEnglish classroom teaching mode based on computer, looking for from a singleclassroom learning space, expanding to the three-dimensional network space, and seek the coexistence of the two.Therefore, the design of the E

35、nglish curriculum content orientation should adhere to the students as the center, to the optimal structure of curriculum content.In the case of ensure integrity, keep the relative independence of each part and module.If in the form of knowledge or subject to design the curriculum content, should tr

36、y to be as content coherence between the parts, prevent the knowledge structure of fragmentation, through various ways to meet the requirements of different scholars, establish multiple learning channels and space.3.1 Course content and the students' professional and demand moreGeneral English i

37、s the content of the English teaching, the famous English educationexperts Chen Jianlin believe that today's English teaching is a comprehensive system, should be embodied in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating the five skills.Here, youcan draw lessons from'sandthe setting

38、method of college Englishcourse, in setting up a compulsory course of English at the same time, add courses, emphasizing both taking (English for General Purposes) teaching, and also attaches great importance to the ESP (Englishfor Specific Purposes) teaching, set up special agencies responsible for

39、 set course for non-english major students.On the basis of training students' basic language skills, English classes can covers related to students or professional field, such as for business, medical, dental, engineering students with the Academic Communication ", "AcademicEnglish&quo

40、t;, "Technical English" such as ESP courses.Can also be in the first year of college courses in taking, cultivate the students' general academic English, strengthen oral expression and critical thinking ability.Sophomore, ESP course is divided into Academic research primarily EAP (Engf

41、ish for Academic Purposes) and is given priority to with professional skills of EOP (English for Occupational Purposes).In addition, the school will bein the third grade undergraduate students are encouraged to attend the TOEFL (TOEFL),(IELTS), (IELTS) or TOEIC (TOEIC) one of the English test, the r

42、esult also can be used as a study abroad and continue their education and foreign language requirements.It also can be the result as a foreign language study abroad result, save the students' foreign language research resources, the school also offers other autonomous learning resources for stud

43、entsfree and online learning platform.3.2 Continue to research and development of three-dimensional finematerialsThree-dimensional course content development in the design of the course content, you read the text information and relevant guidance documents;At the time of requirement analysis, to con

44、duct on-the-spot investigations, according to the result of investigation and correction.In specific course content design, to strive for to linguistics, psychology, pedagogy and other subject knowledge to get into the order of the curriculum content arrangement, highlight the core of the teaching d

45、esign, and pay attention to the advantages of using computers and other network resources.In the English course three-dimensional course content development, pay attention to the network platform, learning system and software update and upgrade, to pay attention to the compatibility of the system ma

46、intenance.In addition, in the time of the course content design of three-dimensional to publishers, software system (platform) development design company, the editor's three main body, so it isimportant to pay special attention to the coordination of cohesion between each main bodycontact,ize th

47、e guarantee for the construction of curriculum system, truly on the basisof print materials, to discipline curriculum as the center, with multimedia, multimodal, multi-purpose, mutiple level requirements and standards, active development and the construction of three-dimensional teaching material of

48、 fine English textbook to form, network disks, assisted learning system (software) three factors of three-dimensional design and development.At the same time also to add 'book, database, electronic lesson plans under the guidance of teachers, teacher auxiliary data CD, interactive learning softw

49、are and othersupporting resources.3.3 Expand the scope of students' autonomous learningStudied six colleges of the curriculum of English autonomous learning of the content of how to complete the course language platform system of form a complete set of assignments examination exercises or the le

50、vel of database, network, this is just the traditional homework assignments completed in computer terminals.And better autonomous learning mode allowsstudents to browse and read more after-school learning resources, to enrich the students'knowledge, broaden students' horizons.Heremend some o

51、f the most ideal Englishlearning network resources abroad for reference, can let students interested in from which to choose the content of autonomous learning, for data collection and sorting, after learning in English classes every week before class to _5 minutes time to let the students do the pr

52、esentation report (show), the other at the end of the midterm and final exam tests, you can set the % _5 about questions and used in the detection of autonomous learning effect.Specificforeign network English learning resources are as follows:First,this web page is simple, high maneuverability.Has a

53、 completesystem of courses, from easy to difficult.Each training course includes listening, speaking, reading and writing four aspects.Students as long as free after registration, you can easilylearn.Second,/ is the mainon the web site, content theme is broad,from the traditional culture, art, histo

54、ry, celebrity interviews, the current political, social, tothe latest news, to find, the length of the students can free choice by drop-downThird,difficulty of the site has been accordingfor a few minutes, some dozens of minutes,./ is mainly on the news recently, and to theto the news has carried on

55、 the classification,convenient student learning, after reading the news, there is a corresponding exercises, can beseen from the aspects of listening, speaking, reading and writing of the news practice.In addition to the three key trained five:http:/wmendation, these web resources to help students w

56、ell/, mainly for English words, grammar, articles, tenses, etc., mainly aimed at the different facets of listening comprehension, oral English conversation practice., basically have daily English, English and othercolumns., focuses on the grammar, vocabulary, Englishwriting practice.Chapter FourEngl

57、ish teaching implementation path underInternet sharing technologyProcess method and the organization's ultimate goal, is through the rich learning opportunities for students and the teaching content, and let students gain experience, to achieve from the education content to the transformation of

58、 the learning experience.At present, people around "from content to experience the transformation of" subject research, has been opening up out of the design and development of "media" "design and developmentenvironment" and "activity design and development of" three basic ways.4.1 Design and use of emerging mediaDirection of th


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