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1、Module 4 Fun timeOxford EnglishYang HongfaDonghu Middle NO School 教教 材材地位和作用地位和作用教学目标教学目标教教 学学重点和难点重点和难点 本课是九年义务教育课本牛津英语本课是九年义务教育课本牛津英语7A Module 4 Unit 8 Collecting things Reading是本单元中的第一是本单元中的第一课时,本节课的教学内容是一则有关课时,本节课的教学内容是一则有关Sam 和和Helen的的祖父母热爱收藏的故事,学生通过阅读,了解一些与祖父母热爱收藏的故事,学生通过阅读,了解一些与众不同的收藏爱好,从而培养自

2、己广泛的兴趣爱好,众不同的收藏爱好,从而培养自己广泛的兴趣爱好,学生通过本课的学习捕捉相关信息,领悟阅读技巧,学生通过本课的学习捕捉相关信息,领悟阅读技巧,培养学生的阅读能力,从而提高学生的综合语言运用培养学生的阅读能力,从而提高学生的综合语言运用能力;同时也为第二课时的教学搭建了桥梁。能力;同时也为第二课时的教学搭建了桥梁。 1,Communicative teaching method; 2,Audio-visual Teaching method ;3,Task-based Teaching methodsTo get the students to form the good habi

3、ts about collections。 Understand the passage correctly 1、To make the Ss grasp some new words and useful expressions,2、To skim the passage “unusual collections”; 学生有牛津英语学生有牛津英语7A的基础,而且七的基础,而且七年级学生是一群活泼好动,积极性高,年级学生是一群活泼好动,积极性高,表现欲强的孩子;他们乐于接受感兴趣表现欲强的孩子;他们乐于接受感兴趣的新鲜事物,但年龄小,注意力分散,的新鲜事物,但年龄小,注意力分散,缺乏韧性,为此

4、教师应利用灵活多样的缺乏韧性,为此教师应利用灵活多样的教学方法,如任务型教学法,情景教学,教学方法,如任务型教学法,情景教学,欣赏图片和利用多媒体课件来吸引学生欣赏图片和利用多媒体课件来吸引学生的兴趣,调动学生学习英语的积极性。的兴趣,调动学生学习英语的积极性。1、图片演示策略:教师通过演示图片,调动学生学、图片演示策略:教师通过演示图片,调动学生学 习积极性把抽象的词转为有形的图像;习积极性把抽象的词转为有形的图像;2、自主听读策略:学生通过自主演练说话,积累和、自主听读策略:学生通过自主演练说话,积累和丰富英语词汇和句式,推动学生自主学习;丰富英语词汇和句式,推动学生自主学习;3、合作探究

5、策略:通过学生小组合作讨论活跃的课、合作探究策略:通过学生小组合作讨论活跃的课堂氛围,体现学生的合作与交流;堂氛围,体现学生的合作与交流;4、任务型教学法,设计贴近学生生活实际的教学任、任务型教学法,设计贴近学生生活实际的教学任务,激发学生学习兴趣。务,激发学生学习兴趣。1、本课教材:牛津英语7A2、拓展资源:图片;课件3、教学环境:多媒体、幻灯片。 创设情境,引入新课创设情境,引入新课布置作业布置作业巩固操练巩固操练任任 务务 后后任任 务务 中中 任任 务务 前前1创设情境12Talking about collectionTalking about collection任务前 colle

6、ct v.n.collectiona personcollectorHere are some words about “collection”. I love _. Im a collector of _. This is my collection of _. New wordsnewspaperdoorbellcoinsphone cardsmodel planesA These people are talking about the things they collect?Complete their sentences with the words from the box.sta

7、mpsThis is my collection of_Im a collector of_Do you like my _?I love collecting _model planesphone cardsstampscoinsLook at the picture and the title of the story on page 101. Then make a list of the things that the grandparents have collected.newspapers , toys (cars, trains, ships, bears), shells,

8、butterflies, glasses, bottles, etc. The list of the things: 任务中3Look at the title and answer who collect almost everything GrandmaSam and Helens grandmotherGrandpaSam and Helens grandfatherSam grandsonHelen granddaughterLook at the pictures and answer How many people are there in the passage ?Unusua

9、l collections Read the passage and find the words they cant understand. Then explain them by pictures or acts. Sam and Helens grandparents collect almost everything. There are eight doorbells on their front door! “This silver doorbell is my favourite,” said Helen. She pushed it and soon Grandpa open

10、ed the door. Unusual collections “Come in, my dear grandson and granddaughter!” he said. “Who started collecting doorbells, Grandpa?” asked Sam. “Your grandma,” he answered. “She loves doorbells.” “What do you like collecting, Grandpa?” asked Helen. “I like collecting newspapers.” Skim through the s

11、tory and pay attention to the conversations in the story.They went inside and saw newspapers everywhere. “Hello children!” called Grandma. “Lets have some tea.” The children followed her into the living room and saw lots of toys there. There was hardly any space for the children to sit down. “Whose

12、toys are these?” asked Helen. “Theyre ours,” said Grandma. “We both like collecting toys.” “But remember,” said Grandpa, “we have a lot of free time! You have your school work to do, so you shouldnt spend too much time collecting things!” Unusual collections C1 Find words from the story on page 101

13、that have similar meanings to the phrases in italics below.1 My friend will come to visit me in a short time from now. (line 4) 2 There are tall buildings all over this area. (line 10) 3 I walked behind my grandma to the kitchen. (line 12) 4 I can almost not keep my eyes open. (line 13) 5 What do yo

14、u do when you are not busy? (line 16) sooneverywherefollowed hardlyfreeC2 Sam and his friend Jack are talking about collecting things. Complete their conversation with the words from the box. everywhere follow free hardlyinsidefreeeverywhere hardly inside FollowListen to the whole passage and answer

15、 some questionsv1. How many doorbells are there on their front door ?v2. Is this silver doorbell Helens favourite?v3. Who likes collecting newspapers?v4. Whose toys are these?v5. Should the students spend too much time collecting things?D1 Who/What do the words in italics refer to? Read the story on

16、 page 101 and circle the correct answers. 4任务后D2 Helen is talking to her friend Sue. Help Helen answer the questions in complete sentences. We went to our grandparents home today.They collect things in their free time.They collect doorbells, newspapers, toys and many other things.*D3 What advice did

17、 Grandpa give Sam and Helen about collecting? Do you agree? Give your reasons. You have your school work to do, so you shouldnt spend too much time collecting things! Fill in the blank v1.My father likes reading a _.v2.The _ is ringing. Go and see who it is.v3 Collecting _ is very interesting.v4.This is my coll


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