已阅读5页,还剩16页未读 继续免费阅读




1、五年级上册英语教案Unit 5 There is a big bed教学目标1. 掌握A、B部分“Lets learn”,“Lets talk”中的词汇和句子。2. 能理解There be句型的含义并灵活运用There be句型进行问答练习。3. 能用适当的介词描述物体的方位。4. 掌握双元音/ei/在单词中的发音。5. 能读懂“Story time”部分的趣味故事。6. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“A photo of me”。7. 鼓励学生多参加课堂活动,提高学生学好英语的自信心。教学重点1. 掌握A、B部分“Lets learn”,“Lets talk”中的词汇和句子。2. 能理解There be

2、句型的含义并灵活运用There be句型进行问答练习。教学难点1. 能用适当的介词描述物体的方位。2. 掌握双元音/ei/在单词中的发音。教学安排第一课时:A. Lets learn A. Lets play第二课时:A. Lets try A. Lets talk第三课时:B. Lets learn B. Find and say第四课时:B. Lets try B. Lets talk第五课时:A. Lets spell B. Lets wrap it up第六课时:B. Read and write B. Lets check C. Story time第一课时课时目标1. 能听、说、读

3、、写单词“clock”,“plant”,“bike”,“water bottle”和“photo”,并能用句型“There is ”表达某处有某物。2. 能做“Lets play”部分的游戏。3. 培养学生积极及他人合作的优良品质。4. 教育学生要热爱自己的家。教学重点1. 能听、说、读、写单词“clock”,“plant”,“bike”,“water bottle”和“photo”,并能用句型“There is ”表达某处有某物。2. 能做“Lets play”部分的游戏。教学难点There be句型的简单运用。教学准备1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带、图片、衣服实物。2. 学生准备

4、画笔和画纸。教学过程一、课前热身(Warm-up)1. Free talkT: Good morning, everyone. How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too.2. 教师播放歌曲“What can you do?”的录音,全班学生跟着录音大声唱歌曲,创设学习英语的氛围。二、课前预习(Preview)1. T: You can do so many things. Youre helpful. Look! The room is clean and beautiful. (课件出示一间干净、整齐的房间)

5、T: What can you see in this picture?S: I can see a bed, a desk and a 2. 教师依次指着图片中的bed, window, desk, picture, chair问:“Whats this?”,学生回答:“Its a / an ”并快速拼读。T: This is a nice room. I want to make this room nicer. So I need to put more things in this room.三、新课呈现(Presentation)1. A. Lets learn(1) 教学新单词T:

6、 First, lets put a clock in the room. (教师边说边点击课件,房间的墙上出现一个钟表) Now there is a clock in the room. Follow me, pleas. Clock, c-l-o-c-k, clock, there is a clock. 教师用同样的方法引出词语:plant, water bottle, bike, photo(2) 教师用“唱反调”的方式带领学生读几遍新词汇。(3) 教师介绍张鹏的房间。T: Do you know what Zhang Pengs room like? Lets go and see

7、.(4) 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,了解对话的大致内容。(5) 学生同桌合作,用句型“There is .”介绍自己班级的物体。2. A. Lets play(1) 教师请三位学生上讲台,表演本部分的“句子接龙”游戏。(2) 学生三人一组,模仿示例表演“句子接龙”游戏,然后教师请两三组学生上讲台表演。四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)1. 画一画 教师说:“There is a clock, a chair, a bed in my room.”,学生根据教师的描述画图。2. 情感教育:Everybody has his own house

8、. The house is a loving bay. The house is a lasting marriage. I love my house.3. 课堂练习填入所缺字母,完成单词: 瓶子 bot _ _ e 时钟 clo _ _ 自行车 b _ _ e 水 w _ t _ r 照片 pho _ _ 植物 pl _ _ t4. Check the answer tl, ck, ik, ae, to, an五、课堂小结(Summary)师生一起总结本节课学习的词汇和句型,学生说说自己还有哪些不懂的地方。六、布置作业(Homework)1. 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。2

9、. 跟着录音朗读本节课所学习的内容。板书设计Unit 5 There is a big bedA. Lets learn A. Lets playclock plant bottle water bottle bike photoThis is my room. There is a clock, a 第二课时课时目标1. 能听、说、认读单词“there”。2. 能灵活运用There be句型介绍房间内有什么,并用适当的形容词描述房间内的物体。3. 能完成“Lets try”部分的听力任务。4. 激发学生及他人进行合作、交流的欲望,加强学生对彼此的了解。教学重点1. 能听、说、认读单词“the

10、re”。2. 能灵活运用There be句型介绍房间内有什么,并用适当的形容词描述房间内的物体。教学难点1. There be句型的用法。2. 激发学生及他人进行合作、交流的欲望。教学准备1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带、图片。2. 学生准备画笔和画纸、人物头饰。教学过程一、课前热身(Warm-up)1. Free talkT: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too.2. 教师出示图片,学生说出相应的单词,复习上

11、节课学习的新词汇。二、课前预习(Preview)活动:猜一猜教师出示六幅卧室图,及学生进行对话,如:T: I have six photos of bedroom. Do you know which one is my bedroom? You can ask me: Whats in your bedroom? Who want to have a try?S1: Whats in your bedroom?T: There is S2: Oh, the second photo is your bedroom.T: Yes, the second photo is my bedroom.

12、 Youre right.三、新课呈现(Presentation)A. Lets talk1. 教师再次出示自己的卧室图片,让学生同桌用There be句型说一说卧室里面有什么,并对卧室里的物体进行评价,如: S1: There is a water bottle in the bedroom.S2: Oh, its nice.S1: There is a photo on the wall.S2: I like the photo.2. 介绍对话情景 T: There is a photo of Zhang Pengs room. Sarah and Zhang Peng are talki

13、ng about the room. Lets listen to the tape and know something about their talking.3. 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读。第二次播放教学录音,学生听完录音后回答下面问题: Is Zhang Pengs room nice? Is the bed big or small? Where is the computer?Answer: Yes, it is. Its big. Its on the desk.第三次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中药注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。4. 学生拿

14、出人物头饰,同桌合作练习表演对话,然后教师请几对学生上讲台表演,评选出“最佳表演者”,并给予小礼物作为奖励。5. Describe the picture 教师出示情景图,学生用There be句型描述房间里有些什么物体。四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)1. A. Lets try(1) 明确听力任务T: Sarah and Mike are in Zhang Pengs bedroom. Whats in the room? Ill play the tape and you should tick the right picture.(2) 先让学

15、生观察图片,然后播放教学录音。播放第一遍录音,学生选出正确的图片;播放第二次录音时,师生一起核对答案。2. Talk and draw 学生结对合作,一名学生用自己学习过的句型(如:I have / There is / are )描述自己的房间,另一名学生根据描述在空房间内画出相应的物品,然后交换角色练习。比一比谁画得更像、更好。3. 课堂练习选择填空:( ) This is _ bedroom. A. I B. my C. me( ) There _ a photo on the wall. A. is B. are C. be( ) - Is this your coat? - _. A

16、. Yes, it isnt. B. No, it isnt. C. No, it is.( ) In my room I have two big _. A. bike B. bikes C. a bike3. Check the answer B, A, B, B五、课堂小结(Summary)师生共同总结本节课学习的主要知识,学生说说自己还有哪些不懂的地方,师生一起讨论解决。六、布置作业(Homework)1. 跟录音朗读本节课学习的内容。2. 用英语向父母介绍自己的卧室。板书设计Unit 5 There is a big bedA. Lets try A. Lets talk Your

17、room is really nice. There is a big bed. Wow! You look cool! Hey, my computer is here on the desk.第三课时课时目标1. 能听、说、读、写表示位置关系的单词“front”,“between”,“above”,“beside”,“behind”和词组“in front of”。2. 能灵活运用句型“Where is ?”,“Its ”谈论物体的位置。3. 能完成“Find and say”部分的任务。4. 能简单描述家具的摆设和位置。5. 鼓励学生在日常生活中多用英语进行交流。教学重点1. 能听、说、

18、读、写表示位置关系的单词“front”,“between”,“above”,“beside”,“behind”和词组“in front of”。2. 能灵活运用句型“Where is ?”,“its ”谈论物体的位置。教学难点1. 理清物体的位置关系。2. 介词“on”和“above”都表示“在上面”,但两者表示的位置关系不一样,要注意区分。教学准备1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带、词卡。2. 学生准备一支笔和一本书。教学过程一、课前热身(Warm-up)1. Free talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teac

19、her.T: How are you today?Ss: Very well, thanks.T: Its time for our class. Lets begin.2. 教师请两三组学生上讲台表演“A. Lets talk”部分的对话,表扬表演到位的学生。二、课前预习(Preview)学生两人一组,把词卡面朝上放在课桌上。教师说一句话,如:“There is a / There are ”,学生试着找到相应的词卡,用手拍一下,并迅速拼出单词。三、新课呈现(Presentation)1. B. Lets learn(1) 教学新单词 教师拿出一个纸盒,并从纸盒中拿出一个小球,问:“What

20、s this?”,引导学生说:“Its a ball.”。教师把小球放进盒子,问:“Where is the ball?”,引导学生说:“Its in the box.”。 教师介绍几种位置关系,并用多媒体出示位置关系图,帮助学生从感官上感知几种常见的位置关系。 教师拿出一本书和一支笔,和学生做问答练习,如:T: Where is the pen?Ss: Its in / on / under / behind / beside / over / in front of the book. 学生同桌合作,一位学生做动作,另一位学生说句子。如一位学生把笔放在书上面,另一位学生说:“Its on

21、the book.”,然后同桌互换角色。(2) 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读。第二次播放教学录音,全班学生分角色跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。(3) 同桌合作,替换对话中的关键词编写对话,然后教师请两三对学生上讲台表演。2. B. Find and say.(1) 教师用多媒体课件出示本部分的挂图,学生在四人小组内用There be句型说一说图中物体的位置关系。(2) 教师依次请几位小组代表站起来说一说,每人说一句话,不许重复。四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)1. 按我说的做。 学生全体起立,教师发指令,如“S

22、tand behind the chair.”,学生根据指令站到自己的椅子后面。(注意:教师发指令时要穿插使用方位介词)2. 课堂练习根据描述画一画: - Where is the photo? - Its on the wall. - Where is the ball? - Its in the box. - Where is the cat? - Its behind the closet. - Where is the desk? - Its beside the bed.五、课堂小结(Summary)师生一起总结本节课学习的词汇和句型,教师评价学生的表现。六、布置作业(Homewor

23、k)1. 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。2. 听录音,跟读B. Lets learn部分内容。板书设计Unit 5 There is a big bedB. Lets learn B. Find and say- Where is the ball? - Its in front of the dog.in front of between above beside behind第四课时课时目标1. 能听、说、认读单词“grandparents”,“their”,“house”,“lot”,“flower”和词组“lots of”。2. 掌握There be句型复数形式的运用。3.

24、 能完成“Lets try”部分的听力任务。4. 能综合运用方位介词和There be句型描述房间物体的位置。5. 提高学生用英语进行交际的能力,激发学生参及课堂活动的热情。教学重点1. 能听、说、认读单词“grandparents”,“their”,“house”,“lot”,“flower”和词组“lots of”。2. 掌握There be句型复数形式的运用。教学难点There be句型复数形式的运用。教学准备1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带、词卡。2. 学生准备人物头饰。教学过程一、课前热身(Warm-up)1. Free talkT: Good morning, everyo

25、ne. Nice to meet you.Ss: Good morning, teacher. Nice to see you, too.T: Whats in the classroom?Ss: There is a blackboard, some desks and chairs T: Where is the blackboard? Ss: Its 2. 教师出示方位介词位置关系图,和学生一起复习学过的方位介词。二、课前预习(Preview)游戏:我会做。1. 教师发指令,学生根据指令做动作。如:Take out your pen.Put your pen on your head.P

26、ut your English book in your desk.Put your hand in front of your body.2. 学生小组合作,一名学生发指令,其他学生根据指令做动作。三、新课呈现(Presentation)B. Lets talk1. 教学新单词(1) 师生对话。T: Who are father and mother?Ss: Theyre parents.T: Then who are fathers (mothers) father and mother?Ss: Theyre grandparents.(2) 参观祖父母的家。T: (出示一间房子) Let

27、s visit my grandparents house. Look, its their house. Whats in front of the house? Theyre flowers. Theyre lots of flowers.(3) 教师把新词汇写在黑板上,带领学生学习。 grandparents their house lots lots of2. 介绍对话情景T: Zhang Peng, Mike and Sarah are talking together. Theyre talking about Zhang Pengs living room. Lets go an

28、d see what are in his living room.3. 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。第二次播放教学录音,学生听完录音后回答下面问题: Are there any pictures in Zhang Pengs living room? Who draws the pictures? Whose plants are they? Where is the garden?Answer: Yes, there are. Zhang Pengs father. Theyre Zhang Pengs grandmothers

29、 plants. Its in front of the house.第三次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读的过程中药注意模仿录音中的语音、语调。4. 教师出示几个句子让学生比较。There is a big bed.There is a nice photo.There are so many pictures here.There are so many plants, too.教师总结:在There be句型中,be动词的单复数由紧跟在be动词后面名词的单复数决定。5. 学生拿出人物头饰,三人一组合作练习表演对话,然后教师请几对学生上讲台表演,评选出“最佳表演者”,并给予

30、小礼物作为奖励。6. Pair workT: Look at the picture in this part. What else can you see? Talk with your partner.四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)1. B. Lets try(1) 明确听力任务 T: There is a listening material. Listen to the tape and try to find out what is in the living room. Tick the right answer.(2) 第一次播放教学录

31、音,学生根据录音内容勾出正确选项。(3) 第二次播放教学录音,师生一起核对答案。2. 同桌合作,用There be句型和方位词相互说一说自己房间内物体的位置。3. 课堂练习选择填空:( ) This is a picture _ my room. A. at B. of C. to( ) There _ a desk and a shelf in the study. A. is B. are C. some( ) The trash bin is _ the door. A. over B. on C. behind( ) The computer is _ the desk. A. in

32、B. on C. of4. Check the answer B, A, C, B 五、课堂小结(Summary)师生一起总结本节课学习的词汇和句型。六、布置作业(Homework)1. 听录音,跟读B. Lets talk部分内容。2. 完成练习册的练习。板书设计Unit 5 There is a big bedB. Lets try B. Lets talkgrandparents their house lots lots of This is the living room. There are so many pictures here. My grandparents have a

33、 garden in front of their house. There are lots of flowers in it 第五课时课时目标1. 通过大量的听读操练,掌握双元音字母/ei/在单词中的发音,让学生感悟一些信息英语语音的方法。2. 完成“Lets wrap it up”部分的连线和填空任务,掌握There be句型中be动词单复数形式的运用。3. 能听懂、会唱歌曲“A photo of me”。4. 培养学生积极学习的精神和合作学习的态度。教学重点1. 通过大量的听读操练,掌握双元音字母/ei/在单词中的发音,让学生感悟一些信息英语语音的方法。2. 完成“Lets wrap

34、it up”部分的连线和填空任务,掌握There be句型中be动词单复数形式的运用。教学难点1. 双元音/ei/在单词中的发音。2. 提高学生的英语听力能力。教学准备教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带。教学过程一、课前热身(Warm-up)1. Free talkT: Good morning, everyone.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: How are you today?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. Whats our classroom?Ss: There is / are in our cl

35、assroom.2. 教师请一两组学生上讲台表演“B. Lets talk”部分对话。二、课前预习(Preview)1. 唱歌曲。(1) 播放两遍歌曲“A photo of me”的录音,全班学生大声跟着录音唱。(2) 第二次播放歌曲录音,全班学生分组比赛唱歌曲。2. 教师出示一个房间图,学生用There be句型说说房间里有什么。3. 学生同桌合作玩“剪刀、石头、布”游戏,赢的一方问:“Whats in the room?”,输的一方用句型“There is / are in the room.”回答。三、新课呈现(Presentation)A. Lets spell1. Read, lis

36、ten and chant(1) 呈现例词 教师用多媒体依次呈现本部分的图片,引出例词,并把例词写在黑板上。rainy rainbow paint waitsay way birthday Monday(2) 播放本部分的教学录音,全班跟着录音读,提醒学生在跟读时要注意模仿录音中的发音,尽量做到读准元音字母的发音。(3) 学生在四人小组内依次读例词,尝试找出例词的发音规律。(4) 教师总结:第一行单词中的字母组合“ai”和第二行单词中字母组合“ay”在单词中都发/ei/音。(5) 教师简单讲解发音要领:发双元音/ei/时,口型由/e/向/i/滑动,下巴向上合拢,舌位随之抬高。注意双元音的发音特

37、点是前重后轻、前长后短。(6) 脱口而出。让学生朗读下列语句,注意双元音/ei/的发音。No pain, no gain.Call a spade a spade.Haste makes waste.I hate to trouble him.There is no way I can get out of it.2. Listen, read and circle(1) 教师先带领学生将本部分的单词读几遍,然后让学生分组读、分男女生读。(2) 播放本部分的教学录音,学生根据录音内容圈出正确的选项。(3) 再次播放教学录音,师生一起核对答案。3. Look, listen and write(

38、1) 先让学生观察本部分的图片,然后教师播放教学录音,全班学生根据录音内容填空。(2) 再次播放教学录音,师生一起核对答案。(3) 让学生选择自己喜欢的一句话,并把其在四线三格中抄写两遍。四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)1. B. Lets wrap it up(1) 学生根据图片中物体的数量连线并根据连线写句子,如“There are two pictures above the table.”(2) 学生用There be句型写一写学校里在什么地方有什么物体,如“There are some flowers in front of the libr

39、ary.”。2. 教师出示下列句子,学生同桌进行问答。也可以把全班学生分成两大组,一组问,另一组答,然后交换角色。Where is the plant? Where is the plant?Beside the table, beside the table.Its beside the table.Where is the photo? Where is the photo?On the wall, on the wall.Its on the wall.3. 课堂练习给下列问句选择正确的答句:( ) Where is your computer? A. Its red. B. Its n

40、ew. C. Its on the desk.( ) Whats in your bedroom? A. There is a bed, a closet and a desk. B. There are many vegetables. C. There is a sun in the sky.( ) What can you see? A. I can sweep the floor. B. I can fly a kite. C. I can see a mirror.( ) Is this your bedroom? A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, he is. C. Y

41、es, he isnt.4. Check the answer C, A, C, A 五、课堂小结(Summary)师生一起总结本节课学习的词汇和句型。六、布置作业(Homework)1. 听录音,跟读Lets spell部分内容。2. 听两遍歌曲“A photo of me”的录音,并把歌曲唱给爸爸妈妈听。板书设计Unit 5 There is a big bedA. Lets spell B. Lets wrap it uprainy rainbow paint waitsay way birthday Monday第六课时课时目标1. 能读懂“Read and write”部分的选择任务

42、和写作任务。2. 能读懂“Lets check”部分的录音并完成判断和填空任务。3. 能听、说、认读单词“move”,“dirty”,“everywhere”和“mouse”。4. 能读懂“Story time”部分的故事。5. 提高学生综合运用英语知识的能力。6. 教育学生要爱护环境。教学重点1. 能读懂“Read and write”部分的选择任务和写作任务。2. 能读懂“Lets check”部分的录音并完成判断和填空任务。教学难点学生英语综合运用能力的提高。教学准备1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带。2. 教师准备词卡、教学挂图。教学过程一、课前热身(Warm-up)1. Fre

43、e talkT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, teacher.T: How are you today?S1: Im fine, thank you.2. 教师播放歌曲“A photo of me”的录音,全班学生跟着录音唱歌曲,创设学习英语的氛围。二、课前预习(Preview)“词语接龙”游戏。 学生在小组内玩“词语接龙”游戏,第一位学生说出一个方位介词,如“on”,第二位学生在原来的基础上再添加一个表述方位的介词,如“on, under”,以此类推。然后教师请几位小组代表上讲台玩“词语接龙”游戏,获胜者所在的小组将会得到老师

44、的奖励。三、新课呈现(Presentation)1. B. Read and write(1) 教学新单词。 教师用多媒体课件呈现搬家的场景和老鼠的图片,引出单词“move”和“mouse”。 教师用多媒体课件呈现到处都是垃圾的场景,说:“Look, here is the rubbish and there is the rubbish. The rubbish is everywhere. Its dirty.”,教师利用身体语言帮助学生理解单词“dirty”的意思。(2) 简单介绍阅读材料。 T: We know that the robot, Robin, is very helpfu

45、l. Wu Yifans art teacher has some trouble. So he writes an email to ask for help.(3) 第一次播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容选择正确的图片。第二次播放教学录音,学生根据录音内容判断下面句子正误。 Mr Jones is an art teacher. The rooms in the old house are clean. There are pencils and crayons on the table. There is a mouse in front of the computer.Answers:

46、T, F, F, F(4) Whats in your room? 学生用There be 句型写一写自己的房间里有什么,并在四人小组内相互交流。2. Lets check(1) 介绍听力任务。 T: Now Ill play the tape for you. After listening to the tape, youll know whats in the room. Please tick or cross and fill in the blanks.(2) 第一次播放教学录音,学生判断图片正误。第二次播放教学录音,学生完成填空练习。第三次播放教学录音,师生一起核对答案。四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)1. C. Story time(1) 教师出示“Story time”部分的教学挂图,让


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