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1、 Task 3Directions: The following is an introduction of Summer Palace. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 through 50 in the table below. For each blank, you should write no more Task 3Directions: The following is an introduction of Summer Palace.

2、After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 through 50 in the table below. For each blank, you should write no more than 3 words. The Summer Palace is situated on the west of Beijing and is 10 kilometers from the central city. It is world famous and the l

3、eading classical garden in China. The Summer Palace was first built in 1153 and served as an imperial(帝王的) palace for short stays away from the capital.The two main elements of the garden are Longevity Hill(万寿山) and Kunming Lake. The garden is divided into three parts: a political activity area; the

4、 living quarters of the empress; and a scenic area.The buildings on the southern slope of Longevity Hill are characteristic of the garden. At the foot of Longevity Hill is the 728-meter-long passageway(长廊) which links the three areas together. The bridges of the western causeway of Kunming Lake are

5、replicas(复制品) of the bridges of famous Su and Bai causeways(堤道) on West Lake in Hangzhou.Back Lake at the northern foot of Longevity Hill is natural and peaceful. On its bank is Suzhou Street, a replica of a commercial street in the old days.The Summer Palace was opened to the public in 1924 and it

6、takes one day to view it in detail. Public buses or special sightseeing coaches can take you there. Summer Palace in Beijing The location of the Summer Palace: _46_of Beijing. The usage of the garden: for emperors_47_. Something linking the three areas:_48_. The character of Back Lake:_49_. The tran

7、sportation tools to the garden: buses or _50_.on the westshort stayspassagewaynatural and peacefulspecial sightseeing coach December 20, 2004 Mike Brown Account Director D.N.O. Advertising Agency Dear Mr. Brown, I would like to express my interest in D.N.O. Advertising and the available Account Exec

8、utive position described on your agencys web site. After four years at Stanford University, where I majored in accounting, I leapt into the competitive world of advertising at Sunrise in San Francisco. For the past year I have served a valuable apprenticeship(见习生见习生) in the advertising industry, wor

9、king as an assistant account executive on the Sports Shirts account. During my time on the Sports Shirts account, I have progressed from having very little client contact to interfacing(接触) with the client-side on a regular basis. Since my introduction to the world of advertising, it has been my goa

10、l to work on Madison Avenue. I would very much like to discuss the open position. Thank you for your time spent reading this letter and the enclosed resume. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Bob Smith Information about Bob Smith The way he got the job information: through_46_. The

11、place he learned accounting: at_47_. The company at which he began to know advertising:_48_. The position he held last year: a(n)_49_. The material he sent to D.N.O. Advertising together with this letter:_50_. the web site/InternetStanford UniversitySunriseassistant account executivehis resume Chang

12、e the travel direction only while the machine is standing. Do not use the machine to transport persons. Stop the machine immediately when noticing the development of smoke or unusual noises, perform troubleshooting (故障检查) and rectify (纠正)the fault. Do not work with vibration (震动) on hard concrete (混

13、凝土), on a concrete layer or heavily frozen ground. When passing under fly-overs (立交桥), bridges, tunnels, electric power lines, etc. keep a sufficient distance. On slopes always drive carefully up and down in direct direction. Change to slow speed range before approaching the slope. Wet and loose soi

14、ls considerably reduce the ground adhesion (附着力)of the machine on gradients(斜坡) and slopes. Higher risk of accident! Match the speed of the machine to the working conditions. Always allow loaded transport vehicles to pass. Switch the lights on when the visibility is poor. Keep clear of edges and emb

15、ankments(堤岸). Safety Regulations: The first thing to do when unusual noises are heard: _46_ immediately. What to do before approaching the slope: change to _47_.The places where risk of accident is higher: _48_.What the speed of the machine should be matched to : _49_.The thing to be done when the v

16、isibility is poor: switch on _50_.stop the machineslow speed rangegradients and slopesthe working conditionsthe lights This interactive on-line program helps non-native writers of English improve or fine-tune(调整)their writing skills in English. Recommended for intermediate or advanced levels, this o

17、n-line language class targets common writing problem of ESL/EFL writers. Class participants will build more effective writing skills. Topics include the items listed below. Clear explanations of grammar rules in English. Examples of common errors. Interactive practice activities to guide students im

18、mediate feedback on answers. Application activities to guide students in applying new skills. A free on-line needs assessment is provided to give participants an immediate results analysis to help them decide if this program will meet their needs. To register call (619)594-5907 and ask for Dr. Rober

19、ts. Instructor: Kathy L. Hans, has been teaching in the field of English as a second language for more than 20 years. She has trained ESL teachers throughout California for the State Department of Education and authored Teaching pronunciation in Context, a training text with videotapes for teachers.

20、 The interactive on-line program. The participants of this program: _46_of English. The aim of this on-line language class: to solve _47_of ESL/EFL writers. The number of program topics: _48_.The way to decide if this program will meet the participants need: free _49_.The length of Kathy l. Hanss wo

21、rking experience: more than _50_.non-native writerscommon writing problems4on-line needs assessment20 years Invitation for Prequalification This Invitation for Pre-qualification follows the General Procurement (采购) Notice for the project that appeared in the “ADB Business Opportunities” on September

22、 6, 2004. This project will be financed by the Asian Development Bank. The eligibility rules and procedures of ADB will govern the Pre-qualification and the bidding process. The Peoples Republic of China has applied for a loan from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of Dali-Lijiang Ra

23、ilway Project, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds of this loan to eligible(符合条件的)payment under the contract(s) for which this invitation for Pre-qualification is issued. It is expected that the Invitation for Bids will be made in February 2005, Interested eligible Applications can obtain

24、 further information from the Procurement Agency and inspect the Pre-qualification Document at the address given below, between 8:30 and 11:30/13:30 and 16:30(Beijing time) from December 17,2004 to February 18,2005 (except Saturday, Sundays and holidays): Address: Room 511, Genertec Plaze, No. 90, X

25、isanhuan zhonglu, Fengtai District, Beijing 100055, China. Tel: 86-10-6334828/63348607 Fax: 86-1063373591 The Pre-qualification Document in English can be purchased by interested Applications on the submission of a written application to the Procurement Agency between 8:30 and 11:30/13:30 and 16:30(

26、Beijing time) from December 17,2004 to February 18,2005 at above address (except Saturday, Sundays and holidays) and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of RMB 850 or US$100. The method of payment will be in cash, by check or direct deposit to the account of the Procurement Agency. If mail service i

27、s required, an extra fee of US$30 or RMB240 should be added. The Procurement Agency will promptly dispatch the document by registered animal. No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery. Information about Invitation for Pre-Qualification The bank that will finance the project: the 46 _Ba

28、nk. Name of the project: 47 _ Project. Getting further information: from the 48_ Deadline for buying the Pre-qualification document: 49 _.Fee for mail service: 50 _or RMB240.Asian DevelopmentDali-Lijiang RailwayProcurement AgencyFebruary 18,2005US$30 Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of ter

29、ms of estate. After reading it, you are required to find the Chinese equivalents in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55. Agovernment assignment Iland use fee Bopen market value Jkey zones for development Ccost of development Kpro

30、ject approval Dprofessional fee Lplanning approval Efinance costs Mbusiness license Fsale proceeds Nurban planning Gfloor area Ostate-owned land Hland use certificate Examples: (B)公开市场价值 (L)规划许可 51( )开发费 ( )国有土地52( )重点开发区 ( )城市规划53( )建筑面积 ( )土地使用证54( )专业人员费 ( )营业执照55( )销售收益 ( )项目许可COJNGH DMF K AOne

31、Street IDo Not Pass BKeep Right/Left JNo U Turn CBuses Only KU Turn OK DGive Way LReduced Speed Now ESafety First MRoad Up, Detour FNo Honking NNo Passing GToll Free OShut HMechanical Help Examples: (M)马路施工,请饶行 (E)安全第一51. ( )禁止掉头 ( )禁止超车52. ( )此路不通 ( )快车先行53. ( )单行道 ( )免费通行54. ( )禁止鸣喇叭 ( )只准公共汽车通过 5

32、5. ( )减速慢行 ( )靠左/右JIODAG FC LB A - Spring Festival gala Evening I- Half the Sky B - CCTV News J- Sunset glow C - News Probe K-Big Pinwheel D - Time together across the Strait L- The Twelfth Studio E- Topics in Focus M- The Second Start F- Eastern Horizon N - Science and Technology Review G- Straight

33、 Talk O- man and Nature H-Zhengda Variety Show Example: (M) 第二起跑线 51( )春节联欢晚会 ( )新闻调查52( )十二演播室 ( )实话实说53( )大风车 ( )人与自然54( )天涯共此时 ( )夕阳红 55( )东方时空 ( )半边天 ACLGKODJFI A - half-time interval I- final match B - round robin J- competition regulations C - group round robin K-match ban D - extra time L- se

34、nd a player off E- elimination match M- red card F- eighth-final N - yellow card G- quarter final O- goal H-semi-final Example: (M) 红牌 (E)淘汰赛 51.( )循环赛 ( )八分之一决赛52.( )比赛条例 ( )禁赛命令 53.( )中场休息 ( )球门 54.( )判罚出场 ( )半决赛 55.( )加时赛 ( )决赛BFJKAOLHDI A - World Telecommunications Day I- World Day to Combat Des

35、ertification B -World Meteorological Day J- International Nurse Day C - World Tuberculosis day K-United Nations Day D - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty L- World Consumer Right Day E- world Development Information Day M- International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer N - W

36、orld Intellectual Property Day G- World Red-cross Day O- International Labour Day H-World No-Smoking DayExample: (B) 世界气象日 (1)世界防治荒漠化和干旱日51.( )国际消除贫困日 ( )世界红十字日52.( )国际臭氧层保护日 ( )世界环境53.( )国际劳动节 ( )国际护士54.( )世界知识产权日 ( )世界电信日55.( )世界无烟日 ( )联合国日DGMFOJNAHK Task 5 Directions: Read the following passage o

37、f safety advice. After reading it, you are required to complete the statements that follow (No. 56 through No. 60). You should write your answers in no more than 3 words on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Smoking is not permitted on public transport. Please keep personal belongings with you at all

38、 times to avoid security alerts(警觉). Also, be aware that pickpockets(扒手) and ticket touts(兜售票者) operate in busy areas. Please take note of all the safety notices and in the event of an emergency, follow the instructions of our trained staff. Keep loose clothing and luggage clear of lift doors and es

39、calator(升降梯) steps. Take extra care with children. Do not stand near the edge of the platforms and NEVER pick up anything that falls onto the track because it is electrified. Ask staff for assistance. Never obstruct(妨碍) doors or try to get on or off trains, buses or trams(电车) as the doors are closin

40、g. Only get on or off a bus, tram or train when it has stopped. Mind the gap between the train and platform edge when entering or leaving the train, particularly at some Tube(地下铁) stations. You will find travel easier outside the rush hour. 56. Why should you keep watching your belongings at all tim

41、es? To_. 57. Whose instructions should you follow in emergency? The instructions of _. 58. What shouldnt you do when something falls onto the track? Never_. 59. Where should you specially pay attention to the gap between the train and platform edge? At_ . 60. When can you travel easily? Not at _.avo

42、id security alerttrained staffpick it uptube stationsthe rush hour Ms. Pam Hill Director of Human Resources Department B.S. Accounting, Inc. 567 N. Maple Ave. Chicago, IL 12345 Dear Ms. Hill, A friend informed me that the Chicago office of your company, B.S. Accounting, is actively seeking to hire q

43、uality individuals for the Auditor(审计师)Development Program. I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the New York City office of Ernst&Young. I will be receiving my BBA this May from Illinois State University. I am confident that my co

44、mbination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to B.S. Accounting. I believe my professional background will provide your office with a highly productive Auditor upon completion of your Development Program. I will be in th

45、e Chicago area the week of May 22. Please call me at 589-303-777 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs. If I have not heard from you by May 29, I will contact your office to inquire as to a potential meeting date and time. I look for

46、ward to meeting you then. Sincerely, Robert Herman 56. Why does the company want to hire people? To complete their_. 57. What working experience did Robert have? Two year experience of_. 58. What qualification certificate will Robert have? _. 59. How can the company contact Robert during the week of

47、 May 28? By_. 60. When will Robert contact the office of Ms. Pam Hill? _if he hasnt received any message from the company.Auditor Development ProgramaccountingBBAtelephoneAfter May 29 May 22, 2004 Dear Ms. Dolton, Please find enclosed a copy of my resume, writing portfolio (文件夹) and university trans

48、cript. I am forwarding these to you in hope that you will consider my application for the position of general reporter at the Peace News. As you will note in my resume, I have been a news and sports reporter. I have been able to write several assigned stories within a few hours. I have also generate

49、d my own story ideas and successfully pitched them to my editor. I am very organized and a thorough researcher. I am able to gather factual information in one interview. But when necessary I have covered late-breading elements in stories with follow-up telephone calls. I have never been required to

50、write 5 stories a day, but I am confident that after a few days I could meet that level of productivity. This term, for instance, I had three 2000-word papers due within a week. I managed to complete the assignments without difficulty and score an A-on each paper. As a result, working overtime and w

51、eekends has become my lifestyle. I understand that the Peace News is one of the few dailies in the north. I am excited by the possibility of generating most of my own stories. I am very interested in working on daily and exploring your part of the province - an area I have never visited before. I lo

52、ok forward to meeting you in the near future. Yours truly Joe Smith 56. What is the purpose of this letter? Applying for the position of _. 57. How many enclosures can be found in the envelope? _. 58. What productivity is Joe expected to have? To write _. 59. What kind of life has Joe been used to?

53、Working _. 60. Apart from being interested in the job itself, what else attracts Joe? _.general reporterThree5 storiesovertime and weekendshas never visited April 10, 2004 Dear Sir/Madam, Your hotel has been recommended to me by Mr. & Mrs. John Windsor who tell me they spent a very happy fortnig

54、ht with you last summer. I am planning to bring my family to St. Annes for 2weeks between mid-July and the end of August, and hope you will be able to accommodate us. We need one double and one twin-bedded room for my wife and myself and our two young children. Our holiday arrangements are fairly fl

55、exible and any 2 consecutive (连续的)weeks within the period mentioned would be suitable . An early reply would be appreciated so that our holiday arrangements can be completed as soon as possible. Yours faithfully, Jack Brown April 15, 2004 Dear Mr. Brown, Thank you for your letter of 10 April. I reme

56、mber Mr. & Mrs. Windsor very well; please pass on my thanks for their recommendation. We are already fully booked for the month of August but the flexibility of your arrangements enables us to offer you one double and one twin bedded room for 2full weeks from Saturday, 18 July. We would apprecia

57、te your written confirmation within one week. We look forward to welcoming you and assure you that everything possible will be done to make your stay here a very happy one. Yours sincerely, Jenney Wilkinson Hotel manager 56. How did Mr. Brown know the hotel? _ 57. How long will they stay at St. Annes? _. 58. When did Mr. & Mrs. Windsor go to St. Annes? _. 59. What enables them to book


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