



1、The Nightingale and the Rose "Here at last is a true lover," said the Nightingale. "Night after night have I sung of him, though I knew him not: night after night have I told his story to the stars and now I see him. His hair is dark as the hyacinth(风信子)-blossom, and his lips are red

2、as the rose of his desire; but passion has made his face like pale ivory, and sorrow has set her seal upon his brow.""Here, indeed, is the true lover," said the Nightingale. "What I sing of, he suffers: what is joy to me, to him is pain. Surely love is a wonderful thing. It is mo

3、re precious than emeralds (翡翠), and dearer than fine opals (蛋白石). It may not be purchased of the merchants, nor can it be weighed out in the balance for gold."描述外貌的英语 头发 bald秃发 bun头髻 bunches两个马尾辫 center parting中分curly hair卷发 fringes刘海 hairdo hairstyle发型parting头发的分印ponytails马尾辫 shoulder-length h

4、air齐肩的头发side parting偏分 straight hair直发wavy hair波浪式卷发胡须 a clean-shaved face刮得光洁的脸a goatee beard山羊胡子 bristles/stubble胡须茬儿a beauty spot美人痣 a double chin双下巴a haggard face瘦削的面孔 a pale complexion肤色暗淡的a roman nose鹰钩鼻 dark brow eyes深棕色的眼睛 freckles雀斑hazel eyes淡褐色的眼睛 high cheek bones高高的颧骨plump cheeks chubby c

5、heeks胖乎乎的脸蛋 pointed chin尖尖的下巴slightly tanned肤色较深的 thick bushy eyebrows浓密的眉毛描述外表的词汇a short person矮个子a tall person高个子build体格height身高of medium height中等身材的胖瘦a lean person瘦子a man of stout build矮胖的人gentle and graceful窈窕healthy and strong健壮的 lanky瘦长robust强壮的slight of figure身材瘦小的slim苗条的stout结实的矮胖的thin and s

6、mall瘦小描述年龄的词汇in ones thirties三十来岁about/around forties大约四十岁nearly fifties年近五十in ones early twenties二十出头be ones age在某人的年纪时be of the same age同龄approach old age/middle age/the age of boyhood年近老年/中年/少年 be past thirty years of age年过三十be over age/under age超龄/未成年描述个性的词汇optimistic乐观的humorous幽默的warm-hearted热心

7、的honest诚实的upright耿直的responsible有责任感的popular有人缘的attractive有吸引力的unselfish无私的modest谦逊的tolerant容忍的gentle文雅的courageous有勇气的dedicated忠诚老实的industrious辛勤的painstaking刻苦的generous慷慨的thrifty节俭的hardworking好学的curious有好奇心的independent有独立性的kind nice友善的lovely可爱的cute伶俐的frank坦率的skillful and patient循循善诱的caring理解人的gentle

8、and understanding温柔体贴的industrious勤劳的having a sense of responsibility有责任感的learned博学的full of humor风趣的experienced有经验的having high prestige and universal respect德高望重的caring善解人意的缺点pessimistic悲观的selfish自私的cowardly胆怯的self-satisfied自满的fool-hardy莽撞的miserly吝啬的extravagant浪费的temperamental反复无常的unruly不守纪律的dependen

9、t独立性差的用于描述人物的句型He is the person who can always tell jokes. He looks like businessman. But people who are familiar with him know that he is quite soft in his inner heart. From her face we can guess she has gone through many hardships关于描述外貌的英语l Looking good.模样儿不错。l 2.Looking sharp.长的潇洒。l Looking hot看起

10、来很撩人 l Hes a fox.他很帅。l You really look great/wonderful.你的气色好极了l You have got a great body你身材好棒l You have really got a pickup line.(挑逗用语)你身材真好。l You look clean and well groomed today.你今天打扮得很整洁。l Shes clean as a whistle.她象口哨一样亮丽。l Hes got dashing good looks.他胸自英发。l Shes quite a dish in that suit.她穿那件衣

11、服时显得秀色可餐。l You look snazzy.你的穿着新颖。l You are as lovely as a morning flower.你象绽放在晨曦里的花朵一样可爱。l She has got the brains and the looks.她秀外慧中。l You are beautiful inside and out.你的心灵跟你的外表一样美。l You are ever better looking than I remembered.l Shes very charming.她很迷人。l You are sweet.你长得很甜。l She is cute as a bu

12、tton.她长的秀气l Shes a knockout.她美得惊人。l You look gorgeous.你真美。l She is pretty.她很漂亮。l You look stunning.你令人目瞪口呆。l Her beauty left me breathless.她美得使我喘不过起来。l She has full lips.她长得楚楚动人。l he has a young and fresh look.她洋溢着青春、健美的气息。l She has a pair of shapely legs.她又一双美腿。l What a dish多么秀色可餐l Shes a feast to

13、the eyes.她是养眼之尤物。 l Its downhill after that.过了这阶段她的美貌渐不如昔。l She has such delicate skin.她的皮肤美若凝脂。l You are starting to get wrinkles.你开始有皱纹了。l My zits are popping up left and right.我的青春痘冒的满脸都是。l You look young for your age.你看起来比实际年龄要年轻。l She carries her years well.她驻颜有术。l She is beautiful still.她的风采依旧

14、。 l What as lob.邋遢鬼l Hes kind of sickly looking.他面带病容。l He looks frail.他看起来很虚弱。l She is wanting in beauty.她长得不漂亮。l Shes just a plain Jane.她是个长相平常的女孩。l Shes an old bag.她是个丑老太婆。l She looks like an old witch. l Shes ugly as hell.她丑的要命。l Hes beastly looking.他的模样像野兽。l Her mug would stop a strain.她丑得吓人.l

15、Shes a dog.她是一只丑乌鸦。l Her face can crack a mirror.她有一张丑得会吓破镜子的脸。 The heart is a lonely hunter心是孤独的猎手Carson McCullersThe two friends were very different. The one who always steered the way was an obeseand dreamy Greek. In the summer he would come out wearing a yellow or green polo shirt stuffed sloppi

16、ly into his trousers in front and hanging loose behind. When it was colder he wore over this a shapeless gray sweater.两个伙伴很不一样。带路的是那个非常肥胖、迷迷糊糊的希腊人。夏天,他出门时总是穿着黄色或绿色T恤前摆被他胡乱地塞进裤子里,后摆松松垮垮地垂着。 天冷一些的时候,他就在衬衫外面套上松松垮垮的灰毛衣。注释:dreamy:形容人迷迷糊糊的polo shirt stuffed sloppily into his trousers:衬衫胡乱塞进裤子里stuff:动词,填、塞sloppy:马虎的,胡乱的a shapeless sweater:我们说那种松松垮垮没有型的衣服,就是shapelessHis face was round and oily, with half-closed eyelids and lips that curved in a gentle, stupid smile.他的脸圆圆、油油的,眼皮半开半闭,弯曲的嘴唇显出温柔而呆滞的笑容。注释:lips that curved in a gentle, stupid smile:curv


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