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1、2013 线缆管理线缆管理 产品介绍产品介绍DLPe PVC Trunking.The concept 概况DLPe PVC trunking: 4 sizes DLPe PVC线槽线槽:4种规格种规格New range15050 trunking presentation15050线槽新品介绍 Purpose of introducing this range:引进此品种目的- offer completion to current range 丰富现有的品种- satisfy the special need of putting the industrial socket 满足工业插座安

2、装特殊要求 (150*50 equipped with 130 cover)Solution 1 选择选择1:equipped with 65mm cover(配65盖板)Solution 2 选择选择2:equipped with 130mm cover(配130盖板)Only range suitable for putting industrial sockets in DLPeDLPe 线槽里唯一的一款可安装工业插座的线槽线槽里唯一的一款可安装工业插座的线槽 15050 trunking presentation15050线槽选型表 SELECTION TABLE 选型表选型表 请对照

3、以上选型表进行产品的配置DLPe (1 compartment 单分室)DLPe (2 compartments 两分室)Over-floor trunking presentation地面弧形线槽新品介绍 Main features 新品特点:u conform to standard EN50085-2-2符合EN50085-2-2标准u For creating a link between trunking, mini-column, floor units or protecting cables on passageways在线槽、配线柱、小配线柱和地面单元之间创造一个连接, 保护

4、通道上的线缆u supplied with cover 已带有盖板 Full choice of installation 多种安装选择The profiles you want 有你所要的规格Middle of the wall墙壁中间 Skirting 1 or 2 comp.DLPeBottom of the wall墙壁底端Top of the wall 墙壁上端1 or 2 compartments for wiring devices 为开关插座提供为开关插座提供1/2个分室个分室50 x105 profile is ideal for installation in the mi

5、ddle of the wall50*105规格的线槽是安装在规格的线槽是安装在墙壁中间位置最理想的选择墙壁中间位置最理想的选择DLP PVC线槽系列 Color 颜色颜色: RAL9003亮白色亮白色Length 长度长度: 2米米Material 材料材料: 高度自熄性的高度自熄性的PVCBody, lids and dividers included 包含线槽主包含线槽主体体, 板和间隔板板和间隔板 High-quality products complying with: 符合以下标准的高品质产品 European standard EN 50085-2-1 欧洲标准欧洲标准EN500

6、85-2-1 Chinese industry standard QB/T1614-2000 国标国标QB/51614-2000DLPe USPs 符合国内外标准Minitrunking & Trunking ZH小线槽和墙壁明装线槽小线槽和墙壁明装线槽 Low Fire Hazard 低烟无卤系列低烟无卤系列 Legrand propose a range with specific performances to fire to facilitate the evacuation of the occupants and the intervention of the emergency

7、services: 罗格朗提供防火特别性能的系列线槽,方便人员快速撤离和紧急服务的介入in case of fire, the smokes are less opaque and less acidic than basical material.一旦发生火灾,相比普通材料产生烟雾的浑浊和酸性程度会较少In case of fire, evacuation time is a important criterion:一旦发生火灾,撤离时间是非常重要的指标- the reduction of the opacity increases the visibility of the evacuat

8、ion ways by the occupants and for the firemens 浑浊度的减少会增加居住人员和消防人员的撤离的能见度浑浊度的减少会增加居住人员和消防人员的撤离的能见度-the reduction of acidity reduces the irritating effects of smoke which impair vision and breathing. 酸味的酸味的减少会减轻烟雾带来的疼痛程度减少会减轻烟雾带来的疼痛程度,而烟雾会损坏视力和呼吸而烟雾会损坏视力和呼吸For the applications where the risk of corros

9、ion from smokes (places with equipment value or a strong presence of electronic equipment) is important, low acids smokes reduce the risk of damage. 对于这些来自烟雾腐蚀风险很重要的场合(如带有贵重设备或很多电子设备的场合),低酸性烟雾会减少设备破坏的风险“Low Fire Hazard” Benefits低烟无卤系列 好处和利益These products are dedicated to many places where a specific

10、 burning behavior and smokes features are required :这些产品是专门用于预防特殊火灾和烟雾的场合这些产品是专门用于预防特殊火灾和烟雾的场合 places receiving public : airports, station, schools 公共场合公共场合:机场机场,车站车站,学校学校 places with a special safety level : tunnels (railway,motorway)特别安全级别的场特别安全级别的场合合,通道通道(如火车站如火车站,高速公路高速公路) places with an expensi

11、ve equipment : computer rooms, hospital 有贵重设备的场有贵重设备的场合合:如机房如机房,医院等等医院等等“Low Fire Hazard” Applications低烟无卤系列 应用场合A short and competitive offer : 品种少品种少,富有竞争力富有竞争力Adapted for cable distribution and devices installation (Arteor 45, universal support 60 mm ) 满足线缆传输和设备安满足线缆传输和设备安装的需要装的需要(奥特奥特45,通用通用60mm

12、支架支架)A complete range (minitrunkings and trunkings and accessories).系列完系列完整整(小线槽和墙壁线槽小线槽和墙壁线槽及配件及配件)An alternative range compare to PVC trunking 对对PVC线槽线槽很好的补充很好的补充Devices supportDISTRIBUTION 小线槽DISTRIBUTION / INSTALLATION 墙壁明装线槽ACCESSOIRES 配件 50 x 85 50 x 130 50 x 190 25 x 25 25 x 40 40 x 60Angles,

13、 end tapArteor 45 60 mm“Low Fire Hazard” Range低烟无卤 品种 DLPe Aluminium Trunking- strong mechanical resistance 更高的强度- nice look 满足不同的,高端的,美观的需求- better current separation 更好的分开强弱电,接地方便 DLPe Aluminium TrunkingDLPe Aluminium TrunkingSame design as DLPe PVC trunking 2 dimensions available in China:105 x 5

14、0195 x 50 One finish: anodized aluminium (need to connect every metal pieces to earth - with item 11188) DLPe Aluminium Trunking DLPe Aluminium Trunking50 x 105 need one lid of 85mm50 x 195 need 2 lids of 85mm + one partition (H=50mm) Same back box 620815 as in DLP PVC rangeDLPe Aluminium Trunking.A

15、luminium trunking accessories Flat junction End cap Base joint Cover joint WD supports PVC accessories painted in aluminium color DLPe Aluminium TrunkingAluminium accessories: covers for internal/external anglesDLPe Aluminium Trunking 5 plastic supports painted in Aluminium for Arteor from 2 to 8 mo

16、dules (22,5x45mm)Fitting an internal cornerDLP ALU trunkingSecure trunking body to the wallClip on outer corner fixingsClip on inner corner fixing(s)Clip lid into place around the cornerCompleted internal cornerFitting an external cornerDLP ALU trunkingSecure trunking body to the wallClip on outer c

17、orner fixingsClip on inner corner fixing(s)Clip lid into place around the cornerAdd additional lidsCompleted internal cornerPW系列铝合金线槽 - 免支架安装PW 铝合金线槽项目要点铝合金线槽项目要点l 目的目的:- 通过降低主体和附件的价格通过降低主体和附件的价格, 提高提高DLPe 铝合金线槽的市场竞争力铝合金线槽的市场竞争力,进而提高铝进而提高铝合金线槽销量和比重合金线槽销量和比重- 丰富现有产品线丰富现有产品线(105*50 / 195*50),增加增加85*50

18、 & 130*50规格规格l 项目要点项目要点:-规格:规格:2种规格,种规格,85*50 & 130*50- 产品型号产品型号:17个个,其中线槽主体为其中线槽主体为3个个,附件附件14个个l 产品卖点产品卖点: 外观直角设计,现代美观 免支架安装, 直接固定模块,提高安装效率和节约成本 产品规格更贴进市场主流要求(85 mm / 130mm)PW 系列 品种 Note: 1)暂无三通暂无三通(集团正在开发集团正在开发,完成时间完成时间:2013月月7月月) 2) 只接受只接受45*45模块模块,不接受不接受86*86支架支架 Legrand current floor boxes 地插盒地

19、插盒What is raised floor? 什么是架空地板ptypes of floor that provide an elevated structural floor above a solid substrate (often a concrete slab) to create a hidden void for the passage of mechanical and electrical services. 新型地板,通过提供升高的结构地板来创造电力和数据传输的隐蔽空间新型地板,通过提供升高的结构地板来创造电力和数据传输的隐蔽空间pconsists of supports

20、and tiles 由支撑架和盖板构成由支撑架和盖板构成p products main features 产品主要优势产品主要优势 - easy & fast installation 简便快速安装简便快速安装 - max flexibility when change the layout 灵活适应未来改造需要灵活适应未来改造需要Project: Beijing Yin Tai Center案例工程:案例工程:北京国贸银泰中心Legrand new floor box 新品简介Round corners 圆角设计圆角设计Easy-opening metal handle 铁质手柄铁质手柄,易

21、打开易打开Locking system hidden under the handle隐藏于手柄下的锁紧系统隐藏于手柄下的锁紧系统8mm recess to accept all carpet type8mm凹形空间凹形空间,适应所有地毯适应所有地毯类型类型;Square cut 方形切割方形切割Perfect finish between lid and trim thanks to minimized tolerance盖板和框架间借助最小的公差实现盖板和框架间借助最小的公差实现完美的外观完美的外观2种自闭方式可选种自闭方式可选-Rigid cable exit 硬质出线口硬质出线口- f

22、lexible cable exit 软质出线口软质出线口Note : new floor box will complement - not replace - the ones we already sell新地插盒的推出是补充现有的地插盒,并非取代New metal offer VS current one 新款 VS 现有款式New 新款新款Current 现款现款Target markets 目标市场 Applications using raised floor 应用架空地板的场合- Grade A offices / government buildings顶级写字楼顶级写字楼

23、/ 政府办公楼政府办公楼- R/D centers 研发中心研发中心- Data centers - computer rooms 数据中心(含机房)数据中心(含机房) Main areas in China 国内主要的应用地区Beijing北京北京 / Tianjin天津天津 / Shanghai上海上海 / Guangzhou广州广州 / Shenzhen深圳深圳 etc. Targets customers: DIs / consultants / SIs / end-users / suppliers of raised floor / etc目标客户目标客户: : 设计院设计院 /

24、/顾问公司顾问公司 / / 系统集成商系统集成商 / / 甲方甲方/ / 架空地板供应商等架空地板供应商等Products key features 产品主要优势1st international brand 第一国际品牌 Superior quality: pre-galvanized Superior quality: pre-galvanized 优良品质优良品质- -预镀预镀锌钢锌钢, , 阻燃防腐阻燃防腐; ; Design: improved appearance round corners Design: improved appearance round corners 外观外

25、观- -改进为圆角改进为圆角, ,符合高档办公场合需要符合高档办公场合需要; ; Function: support Cat6 cabling system Function: support Cat6 cabling system 支持六类支持六类综合布线系统综合布线系统; ; Standard: Standard: in accordance with EN 60670-23 & IEC 61534-22 遵循欧洲遵循欧洲EN 60670-23 & IEC 61534-22Flexible & safe solution 灵活安全的方案(标准化组合安装 + 上锁系统) Lid & trim

26、s other features 框架和盖板 Lid fully reversible to adapt to furniture configuration 盖板可对调满足办公改造盖板可对调满足办公改造q Lock system 上锁系统上锁系统Backbox 底盒3个品种 3 types其他特点: 接地系统 Other feature: earthing system代号代号:689681代号代号:689680代号代号:689682产品代号描述接地系统6896 80空底盒 有6896 81预置2位5孔插的底盒 有6896 82 预置4位86x86支架的底盒 有备注:支架接地(通过边框的螺丝接地)备注:支架接地(通过边框的螺丝接地)模块:罗格朗奥特、 LCS2 、 TCL/P系列模块和86*86面板模块Modules: Legrand Arteor, Legrand LCS2, TCL/P range & 86*86 platesWiring accessories plates 支架配件 品种 布线配件支架6896 95 带2位5孔奥特插座支架6896 90 6位


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