2891.B 诺基亚的全球品牌战略 外文参考文献译文及原文_第1页
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2891.B 诺基亚的全球品牌战略 外文参考文献译文及原文_第4页
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1、本科毕业设计(论文)外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师 年 月 日目 录外文文献译文.1外文文献原文.9 外文文献译文1、什么是品牌 “品牌”,最早来源于古挪威文字Brander,意思是“烧灼”。早期的人们利用这种方法来标注他们的家畜,后来发展到手工品的标记。从这个意义上说品牌出现是市场的产物,是竞争的结果。品牌,作为一种有价值的无形资产,正日益引起中国企业界的关注,但是人们对品牌内涵的认识仍存在一定的误区。以下是部分世界实业界、广告界、学术界著名人士对“品牌”的解释,希望对本研究能起到抛砖引玉的效果。菲利普科特勒认为:品牌,是

2、一种名称、名词、标记、符号或设计,或是它们的组合运用;其目的是藉以辨认某个销售者或某群销售者的产品或劳务,并使之同竞争对手的产品和劳务区别开来。这基本取义于美国市场营销协会的定义。大卫奥格威认为:品牌是一种错综复杂的象征,它是品牌属性、名称、包装、价格、历史、声誉、广告方式的无形总和;品牌同时也因消费者对其使用者的印象, 以及自身的经验而有所界定。品牌是消费者与产品之间的关系。奥格威的定义使企业关注的焦点第一次由产品本身转向了品牌形象和个性。麦克尔派瑞,认为品牌代表消费者在其生活中对产品与服务的感受,从而滋生信任、相关性与意义的总和。史蒂芬,金,美国资深业务企划专家)认为:产品是工厂所生产的东

3、西,品牌是消费者所购买的东西。产品可以被竞争者模仿,而品牌则是独一无二的。产品极易过时落伍,但成功的品牌却能持久不衰。2.、关于品牌的三种理论以下介绍三种关于品牌的理论,分别从营销学、价值管理、推广的角度阐述。菲利普·科特勒以其著作营销管理:分析、计划与控制而成为市场营销的世界级理论权威,他发展了品牌决策的理论。科特勒将品牌问题作为一个过程,即品牌化:在这个过程中,企业决策者面对的是一系列品牌决策。科特勒认为:将产品品牌化是一个需要付出更多的成本,同时可以增加产品价值的决策过程。科特勒品牌化决策分析了使用品牌的五大好处: 有了品牌名称,销售者可以比较容易处理订单并发现其中的问题; 品

4、牌名称和商标对产品的独特性提供法律保护,不易为竞争者仿制; 可以吸引忠实和有利于公司的顾客; 有利于销售者细分市场; 有利于建立公司的形象。世界著名的管理咨询公司麦肯锡认为,企业在树立品牌这项投资上必须十分谨慎;营销史上己经有太多的公司在品牌树立的投资上失败,部分原因在于他们并不理解什么是品牌,更不用说了解什么是强大的品牌了。该公司在品牌管理咨询中发展了一系列的理论与方法,最近从价值管理的角度进行研究。麦肯锡指出,公司总裁们在管理品牌时必须注意三条原则: 创品牌是一个谨慎的过程,包括在恰当的时刻作恰当的投资; 应作怎样投资,何时作这样的投资,这一点部分取决于行业状况;无论何种行业,品牌的建设都

5、需要有强大的营销力量。对于我们来说,麦肯锡的观点最有价值的是,要以进化的观点、渐进发展的观点理解品牌的发育发展过程。麦肯锡另外两个观点也十分重要,即单靠广一告是无法树立品牌的以及一个没有净值的品牌是不能称为品牌的。麦肯锡公司认为,创造品牌净值应坚持两个原则: 在市场上使自己的产品脱颖而出; 要名副其实,即消费者得到的要与广告中所描述的相一致,在顾客品牌之间发展一种紧密的联系,一种纯粹是通过消费者使用经验而建立起来的联系,这一联系越紧密,品牌就能越强大。3、本文对品牌概念的理解以前人的研究理论为基础,本文认为:品牌不仅仅是商标、广告而已,对顾客来讲,它体现了产品所拥有的价值,是与产品、服务和企业

6、本身相关的-种持久、可信的价值承诺,并标志着承诺的来源。品牌具有知名度和美誉度。正如商标的功能在于能够被消费者发现并识别出来一样,品牌的价值承诺也必须明确地体现在公司的商业行为中,并目最终体现在它们的产品和服务中。另外 ,本文从狭义和广义两个方而来阐述品牌的含义。从品牌的种类来看,狭义的品牌包括产品品牌和服务品牌,广义的品牌还要加上企业品牌,而不仅仅是产品。也就是说,品牌应该包括:企业的产品、产品的商标和企业的文化。应该说,消费者对企业品牌的认同,包括物质的和精神的两个方面:即认同企业的产品一一企业的服务;企业的文化;其次,从品牌发展的过程看,新品牌创立之初,几乎无一例外地与具体的产品和产品特



9、的定义为:战略是企业运用它所有的技术和资源,在最有利的情况下达成基本目标的科学和艺术。Alfred Chandler给的定义为:战略是企业基本的长期目标及为达成目标所采取的行动方案与配置所需资源的决策。本文对企业战略含义的理解:企业战略是企业在对自身所处外部环境、内部组织条件及能力所作全面分析的基础上,从企业全局出发,就企业长期发展所做出的总体谋划。从战略的定义和企业战略的含义可以看出:企业战略的特点就是全局性、长远性、竞争性、纲领性和系统性。 企业战略具有全局性。因为企业战略是从企业的全局出发,根据企业总体发展的需要而制定的,它考虑的是企业的总体活动,所追求的是企业的总体效果。虽然企业战略也

10、包括企业的局部活动,但是这些局部活动是作为总体活动的有机组成部分在战略中出现的。具体的说,企业战略不是强调某一事业部门或某一职能部门的重要性,而是通过制定企业的使命、目标和计划来协调企业各部门的活动。 企业战略具有长远性。企业.咙略中的战略决策是对企业未来较长时期(通常5年以上)内,就企业如何生存和发展等问题进行统筹规划。虽然这种决策以企业外部环境和内部条件的当前情况为出发点,并卫_对企业当前的生产经营活动有指针、限制作用,但是这一切都是为了更长远的发展,是长期发展的刀始。在迅速变化和竞争的环境中,企业要生存、要发展,必须对未来的变化采取预应性的态度,这也就是制定企业.钱略的目的之一。 企业战

11、略具有竞争性。当今的市场是充满竞争的市场,企业战略的制定必须以本企业在市场中的竞争地位为出发点,它需要分析相对于竞争对手,本企业的竞争优势和劣势在哪里,并且还必须不断关注竞争对手的战略,从而制定和实施自己的企业战略,所以说,企业战略从一出生就具备了竞争性。 企业战略具有纲领性。企业战略是企业实现长期目标的方法,为企业指明了发展方向,它不可能详细叙述具体细节,具有高度概括性的特点,对企业全局起着总体的指导作用。这也是战略能够得以实施的前提,因为企业各部门情况并不雷同,他们根据企业战略制定自己的实施战略,但是,各部门的行动又不能超越企业战略的范围,所以企业战略具有纲领性的特点。 企业战略还具有系统



14、司的战略层次,它们之间相互作用,紧密联系。如果企业整体要想获得成功,必须将三者有机地结合起来。企业中每一层次的战略构成F一层次的战略环境,同时,低一级的战略为上一层次的战略目标的实现提供保障和支持。6、公司战略的概念体系公司战略作为一个概念体系,包括愿景、使命、标的、目标、以及措施五个层次。其中,愿景、使命和标的构成公司战略的战略意图,而目标和措施则构成了战略计划。本文将会探讨品牌战略与公司战略中各层次的关系,以期得出品牌战略与企业战略之间较为深层次的联系。 愿景是指企业发展的蓝图,企业未来的愿望;使命是指企业存在的价值观和企业的方针,价值观是指利益相关者中谁最为重要的问题,所谓方针是指一个企


16、务品牌的战略,广义的品牌战略还包括创建并且运用公司品牌的战略。8、品牌战略与企业战略的关系上文可知:品牌战略是企业为了增强市场竞争能力,谋求持续成长和更高盈利水平为目的,创建并且运用著名品牌的、系统的、长远的谋划。企业战略是企业在对自身所处外部环境、内部组织条件及能力所作全面分析的基础从企业全局出发,就企业长期发展所做出的总体谋划。作为战略,无论是品牌战略还是企业战略,都是一种系统的、长期的谋划,但企业战略的对象是企业整体,品牌战略的对象仅仅是品牌。结合企业战略及企业公司战略的几个层次,本文旨在得出品牌战略与企业战略更深层次的内在关系。首先 ,用企业战略的三个层次来解释,从品牌的种类来看,狭义




20、品,因而商标在这里不起作用,发挥吸引顾客、招揽生意作用的,是代表服务质量与信誉的企业名称 商号。品牌战略是包括创建产品品牌和企业品牌两个对象在内的一种战略。这是因为,由于各行各业的产品与市场特点不同,品牌战略的对象将会产生不同的组合,从而形成不同的战略类型,企业应从实际出发加以选择。11、品牌战略的运作过程从运作过程看,品牌战略不仅包括如何创建品牌,还应包括如何运用品牌。这里所说创建品牌,包括选择、包装、培育、宣传和保护某一品牌,使之逐步享有盛誉的过程。所谓运用品牌,就是要充分发挥品牌效应,促进品牌自身和整个企业的发展,并且把它作为品牌战略的一个重要组成部分,加以规划和落实。运用品牌的具体途径




24、把战略行动仅仅放在产品的纯生产技术方面。但市场上的大量事实告诉我们,很多按技术标准衡量属于质量上乘的产品却不畅销,生产管理、组织管理等方面的工作跟不上去。在实际工作中,按照系统工程的思想去实施品牌战略外文文献译文原文1、what is the brand"Brand", the first words from the ancient Norway Brander, which means "burning." Early this method people use to mark their livestock, the later developm

25、ent of handicrafts markings. In this sense, there is a market brand product, it is the result of competition. Brand, as a valuable intangible assets, are a growing cause of concern to the Chinese business community, However, people on the connotation of brand awareness there is a certain misundersta

26、nding. Following is part of the world business, the advertising industry, academia on the famous "brand name," explained hope this study can serve as a trigger effect. Philip Kotler that : Brand is a name, the name, mark, symbol or design, or combinations of them used; its purpose is to id

27、entify a particular sales or sales of a certain group of products or services. making it with the competitors products and services to distinguish. "This fundamental for a just cause in the United States Marketing Association's definition. David Aogewei that : Brand is a complex symbolic, i

28、t is brand attributes, names, packaging, pricing, history, reputation and advertisement sum of the invisible; Brand also because consumers about their users the impression that and their own experience is defined. Consumer and the brand is the relationship between the products. Aogewei the definitio

29、n of the enterprise the focus of attention from the first product to the brand image and personality Michael Mairui that brand on behalf of consumers in their lives right products and services feelings, thus breeding confidence relevance and significance of the sum. Steven, gold, the United States e

30、xperienced business planning experts) that : products are produced by factories things, Brand is consumers buy things. Competitors products can be copied, brand and is unique. Product is anachronistic, but successful brand able to lasting popularity.2.、Brand on the three theories Following introduct

31、ion of the three brands of theories, from marketing, value management, the perspective elaborated. Philip Kotler his book "Marketing Management : Analysis, Planning and Control "and become the marketing world-class theoretical authority, he developed the brand decision-making theory. Kotle

32、r will brand as a process, in which the brand : in the process, Enterprise decision makers face is a series of brand decisions. Kotler said : brand products is a need to pay more costs, can add value to their products in the decision-making process.Kotler brand of decision-making analysis of the use

33、 of brand names of the top five advantages : With brand name, sales can more easily handle orders and found the problem; brand name and trademark of unique products provide legal protection, it is not easy for competitors imitation; attract faithful, and to the company's customers; who have to s

34、ell segments of the market; who have to sell segments of the market; The world-renowned management consulting firm McKinsey that enterprises establish the brand in this investment must be very cautious; Marketing history has been too many companies in the branding of investment failures, Part of the

35、 reason is that they do not understand what the brand name, not to mention what is a strong brand. The company's brand management consulting to develop a series of theories and methods, the recent value management perspective. McKinsey noted that the president of brand management at the time the

36、 attention of three principles : create brands is a careful process, including the proper time for appropriate investment; how investment should be made, such as when the investment, which depends in part on industry conditions; whatever industry, brand building has to have a strong marketing force.

37、 For us, McKinsey view the most valuable, to the evolutionary perspective, progressive development perspective to understand the development of brand development process. McKinsey and the other two views are very important, that is a broad divisions alone can not establish a brand and the brand is n

38、o net is not a brand. McKinsey & Company that the brand value should adhere to two principles :on the market make their products come to the fore; to literally that the consumers with advertisements, as described in the line customers in the development of a brand closely, is a purely consumer e

39、xperience through the establishment of the link, This more closely linked, will be able to more powerful brands. 3、the paper right understanding of the concept of the Brand Previous research based on the theory of this paper that : Brand is not only trademark, advertising it, in terms of customers,

40、It reflects the product's value, with the products, services and the enterprises themselves - persistent, credible commitment to the value, It also marked the commitment to the source. Brand name and reputation. As is the function of trademarks can be found and identified consumers out, the valu

41、e of the brand promise must also clearly reflected in the company's business practices, and the ultimate goal embodied in their products and services. Furthermore, this paper from the narrow side and the generalized two brands from expounded the meaning. From the terms of the types of brands, an

42、d the narrow brands include brand products and services brands, broad brand also include Brand, not just products. In other words, brands should include : enterprise products, product trademarks and corporate culture. It should be said, the consumer brand recognition, including material and spirit o

43、f the two aspects : they agree that the product on January 1 business services; corporate culture; Secondly, from the brand development process, That was brand new, almost without exception, and the specific products and product characteristics linked. However, with a mature brand, brand moving away

44、 from product-specific, more abstract illustration of the meaning of the concept and enterprises, strength, and cultural linked. Thus, the above three brands of theory, Kotler is the "branding as a business decision-making process," McKinsey "brand is to create value," Ogilvy &am

45、p; Mather or "brand definition," all products from the brand point of view, is based on a narrow brand research. 4、Brand and the distinction between several concepts Brand and trademark, traders are most prone to be confused concept. Property commodity producers or vendors on the use of th

46、e commodity to commodity different from the others as a symbol; Brand is the value inherent in the quality, credibility and all other information combined. Popular said, trademarks such as a person's name and the brand is the overall, include the name and the quality of the trademark brand is on

47、e of the organic components, but it does not completely represent the brand. And the firm is the company's name, is generally more brand's trademark enterprises (main brand), The enterprise is different from other enterprises of the most important signs. For product manufacturers, is the use

48、 of the trademark is the brand name products; For service enterprises, Brand is implicit in customers for the service each oneThe definition of brand strategy On the definition of brand strategy, there is still no one unified statement. This paper is based on corporate strategy as the foundation of

49、all of the brand strategy described in the summary, come to the brand strategy and the definition of content. Therefore, it is necessary to brief you on corporate strategy McNicholas scholars to the strategy : the definition of strategic enterprises to use all its technology and resources. in the mo

50、st favorable circumstances reached a basic goal of the science and art. Alfred Chandler to the definition : Enterprise basic strategy is a long-term goal to achieve these goals and the actions taken by the program and the allocation of the necessary resources to decision-making. In this paper, the m

51、eaning of strategic enterprises understand : business strategy in the enterprise itself and the external environment, Internal organizational conditions and a comprehensive analysis of capacity on the basis of enterprises from the overall situation, on the long-term development, as well the overall

52、plan.From the strategic definition and the meaning of enterprise strategy can be seen : Enterprise feature of the strategy is the overall, long-term, competitive, programmatic and systemic.corporate strategy with the overall situation. Because corporate strategy from the overall situation of enterpr

53、ises, in light of the overall development needs of the development, It is considered the overall activities of the enterprise, the pursuit of the enterprise's overall results. Although corporate strategy also includes local enterprises, But these local activities as part of the overall activitie

54、s of the organic components in the strategy. Specifically, the enterprise strategy is not a cause of stress or a particular sector of the importance of the functional departments, but through the development of enterprise's mission, goals and plans to coordinating the activities of various depar

55、tments. enterprises is a long-term strategy. Enterprises. Throat strategy of the strategic decision-making enterprises in the future to a longer period (usually five years or more), How on the survival and development issues such as overall planning. While such decision-making to the external enviro

56、nment and internal conditions of the current situation as the starting point. Wei _ and the current corporate production and management activities are indicators restrictions role, but all these are intended for long-term development. is the long-term development of a knife before. In a rapidly chan

57、ging and competitive environment, enterprises to survive, to development, the need for future changes to take pro-active attitude. This is the formulation of enterprise. Qian one of the aims of the strategy. strategic competitive. Today's market is very competitive market, Enterprises must devel

58、op strategies to the enterprise in the market's competitive position as a starting point, it needs analysis for the competitors, the enterprise's competitive advantages and disadvantages of where we are and also must pay constant attention to the strategic competitors, so as to develop and implement their own business strategies, so that corporate strategy from one born with a competitive edge. enterprise strategy is programmatic. Enterprise business strategy is to achieve long-term goals, as specified in the enterprise development di


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