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1、1中国环境下的英语教学Teaching English in the Chinese Context23The Introduction of the book The writer of the book The purpose and organization of this book The reason I choose this book 4The writer of this booku刘倩 In the past decade, she has taught various subjects of English and courses concerning language t

2、eaching to either undergraduates or graduate students. Besides, she has engaged in various training programs for teachers from primary and middle school.u关于本书 出版与山东教育出版社 2008年第一版第一次印刷 5作者的思路和框架 思路: 分析中国目前英语教学现状 引出存在问题 分析原因 提出解决方案 案例论证 总结观点 框架: 第一章介绍本书的目的和结构 第二章介绍外语教学法主要流派 和对我国英语教学的影响 第三章重点介绍英语教学作为外语

3、的指导方针 第四到第九章分别从听、说、读、写、语法、词汇六个方面讨论适应中国现状的英语 教学方法 第十章通过具体案例来分析中国英语教 学的几个问题,来总结强调本书主旨6The purpose of this book 本书是专门论述英语作为外语教学理论和方法的专著。出发点是肯定英语在我国是外语的的前提下探讨英语教学问题。因此,在吸收和借鉴国外英语教学理论和经验时要充分考虑中国的教学环境,进行有针对性地选择和调整,同时,注重继承我国英语教学研究者和教师在长期的实践中总结的理论和方法,试图根据我国学生英语学习的特点,遵循外语教学的规律探索教学方法。 本书适用于有志从事教师职业的英语专业研究生和本科

4、生及各类学校在职英语教师阅读,也可供在我国从事教师教师职业的外国教师参考。7中国英语教学的现状 英语教学理念多元化的利于弊 在我国经济迅猛发展和对外开放的今天,英语教学向着更加注重语言应用能力的方向发展,与此同时,国外的教学理论和经验大量涌入我国,在英语改革的浪潮中,大批学者和教师深入研究,尝试把多种教育理论应用于英语教学,开始注重素质教育,如关注学习过程,鼓励学生参与,丰富教学内容,改变评价方式等,使英语教学呈现了新气象,使教师和学生都得到了发展. 然而,改革的过程又是一个学习和探索的过程,在尝试中,教师发现有些方法不仅没有奏效还产生了负面效果. The current English cu

5、rriculum reform puts emphasis on changing the tendency of overemphasizing the explanation and transmission of grammar and vocabulary knowledge, However, there has appeared a phenomenon of overemphasizing the teaching of speaking while neglecting the teaching of grammar. As a result, students trained

6、 this way can communicate in English to some extent but cannot use English accurately, fluently and appropriately. 为什么呢? 8反思在英语教学中对一些教学理论的错误理解忽视了以英语为第二语言(二语)和以英语为外语的学生人群的差异 国外的教学理论和方法多半是针对在英美等英语国家的留学生或移民发展起来的,这些人学习英语的目的和环境与中国学习英语的学生有着很大的差别. 英语作为二语和作为外语的教学方法有共同点,但又有很大的不同之处.如果忽略两者的区别,即(ESL和EFL的区别)就会盲目

7、地把国外的英语教学理论及方法运用到中国的英语教学中从而造成教学的困惑和不能有效的达到教学目的.什么是ESL和EFL?他们的区别又是什么?9 ESL和EFL定义 Many scholars have given definitions to ESL and EFL. Let us examine how Richards (1985:2) defines them: ESL(English as a second language)In many countries a language that is not the mother tongue of the majority of the p

8、opulation may still function as an official language, that is, as the sole or major language of law, government, education, business, and the media. In countries where English has these functions it is usually referred to as a second language. English is an official ( and hence second) language in C

9、ameroon, Fiji, Gambia, Ghana, India, Liberia EFL (English as a foreign language) In countries where English is not an official language it may still have a significant role to play. It may be an important school subject and it may be necessary to pass an examination in English to enter a university.

10、 It may be the language of certain courses at university, or at least of a large percentage of the students textbooks. It may also needed for people who work in tourism, business, and for some section of the civil service. In countries where English has these functions, such as China, Japan, France, Germany, Mexico10The Result of Distinguish the ESL and EFLStudents can speak English but when they asked to write, they cannot avoid making mistakes of various kinds. This is a prevalent phenomenon at all levels. Look at these sentences written bu second-year college students: The company do


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