1、实用标准Test 1第一节短文朗读(计 6 分)你将有 60 秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的短文,并作朗读准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在 90 秒钟内朗读短文一遍。请看下面的短文:Our class will have a day out on Tuesday. This is the plan for the day. We will meet at8:30 a. m. at the school gate and then take the bus to the Window of the World. We willvisit the museum in the afternoon. A
2、t 3:00 p. m. we will be back to school. Everyone needsto bring lunch and some money to buy tickets. Please obey the rules in the park and museum. Finally, mind your time, you are supposed to arrive in time.第二节情景反应你将有 20 秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音” 的信号后,请根据提示的内容,按照提问顺序用英语回答问题,每道题的作答时间为15 秒钟。请看下面
3、的情景提示:昨天晚上九点钟妈妈下班回来了,当时我正在专心看书。看到我学习认真,妈妈感到很开心,表扬了我。1.When did Mother get home last night? (2分)At 9 o clock.2.What was I doing then? (2分 )I was reading a book.3.Was Mother happy when she saw me? (2分)Yes.4.Why did Mother praise me? (2分)Because I study hard.第三节口头表达(计 6 分)你将有 2 分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示, 并作答题准备。
4、 在听到“开始录音” 的信号后,请根据提示的要点,用 5 句以上的英语句子在 2 分钟内进行表述。请看下面的要点提示:1.爸爸太胖了,不得不每天锻炼一下身体;2.上午他花 30 分钟的时间骑单车去图书馆;3.下午,他散步一个小时;4.爸爸看上去比以前瘦多了。My father is so heavy that he has to do sports every day. In the morning, he spends half an hour riding a bike to the library. In the afternoon, he takes a walk for an hou
5、r. Now, myfather is much thinner than before. And he thinks it s important to keep health.Test 2第一节短文朗读(计 6 分)Choose your favorite fruit. Use fruit in season and make sure it is fresh. Use fruit ofdifferent colors and try to make your fruit salad look as nice as it tastes. For example, mixing red ap
6、ples, purple grapes and yellow bananas together will make the salad look文案大全实用标准very colorful. Prepare the fruit salad just before you are going to eat it. Some of the fruit will quickly turn brown when you leave it in the air for some time.第二节情景反应(共 4 小题,计 8 分)爱丽丝爱好音乐,从5 岁开始练习钢琴,到现在已经10 年了。她希望长大后成为
7、优秀的钢琴家。1. Is Alice fond of music? Yes, she is.2. When did Alice begin to learn piano? At the age of 5.3. How long has she learned piano? For 10 years.4. What is she going to be when she grows up? She wants to be a great pianist.第三节口头表达(计 6 分)1.这个周末,汤姆和玛丽去了一趟超市;2.超市里的商品可真多;3.汤姆购买了做沙拉用的水果;4.玛丽购买了旅游要用的
8、背包和鞋子。This weekend, Mary and Tom went to the supermarket. There were all kinds of things in the supermarket. T om likes salad. So he bought some fruit to make salad. And Mary is going to take a trip so she bought a sports bag and a pair of shoes for a trip.Test3请看下面短文;There is some advice on buildin
9、g a nicer school. First, a library with a lot interesting booksshould be build, so that we can read in our spare time every day. Second, we expect ourown dancing hall and piano room. Many of us like dancing, and some are even good atplaying piano. Finally, we dream of having a playing-field with man
10、y flowers and greentrees around. We can exercise there every day to make our body strong.情景反应:请看下面的情景提示;约翰去年四月去过泰国, 四月非常热,但是有一个泼水节, 哪里的食物很便宜却很美味, 他很喜欢。1. Where did john go last year?Thailand2. What was the weather like there in April?It was very hot.3. Did he like the food thereIt was very hot.4. Wh
11、at festival is there in April?The Water Festival文案大全实用标准请看下面的要点提示 :1. 我最喜欢的节日是春节,这是我们的传统节日之一;2. 中国人在元月或者二月庆祝春节3. 家人可以团聚在一起分享快乐和美食;4. 我喜欢春节是因为我很享受和家人在一起时光。Myfavoritefestivalis SpringFestival.Itis oneoftraditionalfestivalinChina.Chinese people can celebrate it in January or February. Family can get to
12、gether tosharehappinessanddeliciousfood.I liketheSpringFestivalbecauseI enjoyspending time with my family.Test4请看下面的短文:Nowadays more and more people in the world are getting fatter which troubles them a lot in the past 25 years. Experts say that it has a lot to do with our eating habits. Our eating
13、habits are very important for good health and a strong body. Most of us like eating sweets and ice cream better than vegetables and rice. But they are not good for us if weeat them at the end of meal. It s also important for us to eat our meals at the same time each day.请看下面的情景提示:你们学校每个学期都会举行许多有趣的活动
14、,例如9 月 5 日是艺术节,每个班都会组织精彩的节目, 10 月 8 日是学校的开放日,家长可以来学校参加活动。 1. Are there a lot of activities every term in your school? Yes.2.When is the art festival? On September 5th .3. Who prepares excellent programs? Every class.4. What can your parents do on School Day? They can go to school and take part in th
15、e activities.1.汤姆来自一个贫困的家庭,因此他只上了初中;2.现在她在医院做一些辛苦的工作;3.他喜欢看足球赛和踢足球;4.这让他结交了许多朋友,生活得更加快乐。Tom is from a poor family. So he just finished junior high-school. Now he works at a hospital. It s hard. But he likes playing football and enjoys watching matches. And he makes a lot of friends. He lives a happi
16、er life.Test 5请看下面的短文Would you like to be called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody文案大全实用标准wants to be a good student. However, to be a good student is not an easy thing. Here aresome tips for you to follow. Firstly, you are supposed to do your best to study well. Secondly, yo
17、u must remember to improve your health, only in this way can you do greattasks. Thirdly, you should be kind to people, so people will want to make friends with you.请看下面的情景提示:珍妮是一名护士,她最喜欢吃牛肉面。每周二和周四的早上她都能吃到妈妈亲手做的牛肉面。1. What does Jenny do? She is a nurse.2. Is jenny s favorite food meat noodles? Yes3.
18、 How often does she have beef noodles in a week? Twice a week.4. Who makes beef noodles for her. Her mother.请看下面的要点提示1. 安娜去年来到中国,现在住在上海;2. 她对人友善,与人关系融洽;3. 她努力学习汉语,并且进步很快;4. 她喜欢上海这座城市,想留在这里工作。Anna came to China last year. She lives in Shanghai now. She is very friendly and gets on well with others. S
19、he studies Chinese very hard and makes great progress. She likes Shanghai very much. She thinks it is beautiful and clean. She wants to work in Shanghai.Test 6第一节短文朗读( 6 分)Hello,everyone!Duringthefollowingfivedays, youwillenjoyfourconcertsatdifferentschools. Thefirstone willbe at SunshineMiddleSchoo
20、l onthe eveningofMonday, September the fifteenth. The second one will be at North Middle School onTuesday evening. On Friday, you will enjoy a classical music concert at Lemon MiddleSchool. And I'm inviting you to my school's concert on Thursday. My phone number iseight nine 0, nine three ei
21、ght two.第二节情景问答(共 4 小题)( 8 分)你校七年级学生张云于今年2 月遭遇车祸受伤。为了早日康复,几个月来她一直在医院接受治疗。每天需花费大约一千元进行治疗。1.Was Zhang Yun in Grade Nine?No, she wasn't.文案大全实用标准2.What happened to her this February?A car accident.3.How long has she been in the hospital?For months.4.How much does it cost to treat her every day?About
22、 one thousand yuan.第三节 口头表达( 6 分)1.以前,我很少吃水果、蔬菜,喜欢糕点、糖果和可乐;2.现在,早餐时我总吃一根香蕉、一些面包,喝一杯牛奶;午餐时通常吃鱼和蔬菜;3.我现在正变得越来越健康,学习情况也因此而大大改善了。In the past, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables. I liked cakes, sweets and cola. Now, Ialwayshavea banana,somebreadanda cupof milkforbreakfast.For lunch,Iusually have fish and
23、vegetables. I am becoming healthier and healthier. My studyhas improved a lot because of it.Test 7第一节短文朗读( 6 分)I still remember the soccer competition when I was in Grade 8. We played against Class3. Their players looked tall and strong. One of their players called Li Wei played soccer quite well. W
24、e were not confident. But our teacher Mrs Wu said that ours was a good team. She also told us not to worry. During the match, our players all played so well that the other team hardly got the ball. When the competition was over, we were so excited.第二节情景问答(共 4 小题)( 8 分)今天下午妈妈购物时丢了钱包;钱包里有钱、一把钥匙和三张银行卡。
25、妈妈很着急。于是她立即报了警。最后警方抓住了小偷。文案大全实用标准1.Did your mother go shopping in the afternoon? Yes, she did2.2.What did she lose?A purse.3.3.What were in it?Some money, a key and three bank cards.4.4.What did she do after that?She called the police.第三节口头表达( 6 分)1.以前,汤姆( Tom )很少吃水果和蔬菜;2.现在,为了更加健康他已改变了饮食习惯;正餐时他通常吃米
26、饭、鱼和蔬菜;饭后常吃些水果;3.汤姆( Tom )现在健康多了,他知道改变不健康的饮食很重要。In the past, Tom seldom ate fruit and vegetables. Now, he has changed his diet inorder to be healthier. He usually eats rice, fish and vegetables for dinner. He ofteneats fruit after meals. Tom is much healthier now and he knows it is very importantto
27、change an unhealthy diet.Test 8第一节短文朗读( 80 词左右)(6 分)New York, London, Paris and many other cities are exciting places to live.There arelots of interesting things to see and do.But there are serious problems in big cities too. It is expensive to live there, and thereare too many people. Every year ma
28、ny people move to the cities to find work, study atgood schools and receive high-quality medical care. But sometimes these people can'tfind work or good places to live. Also it is hard to keep big cities safe and clean.第二节情景反应(共 4 小题)( 8 分)文案大全实用标准请看下面的情景提示:杰克不爱在家吃饭,经常叫爸爸妈妈带他去餐馆吃饭。他最爱点的是一个汉堡和一些薯
29、条,他觉得美味极了,但是父母觉得这些不健康。1.Does Jack often eat in the restaurant?Yes, he does.2.Is the food healthy in his parents' eyes?No, it isn't.3.Who takes him to the restaurant?His parents.4.What does he usually order?A hamburger and some fried chips.第三节口头表达1. 我叫 Simon , 12 岁,来自美国,在阳光中学读书,我看起来很壮,我也很高;2.
30、我喜欢学习汉语,因为我觉得它有趣。我喜欢运动,我经常打篮球;3.我的偶像是姚明,我喜欢看他打球,我想成为一名像他那样的运动员。I'm Simon. I'm 12 years old. I am American. I study at Sunshine Middle School. I lookstrong.I'mtall too.I likelearningChinesebecauseI thinkit's interesting.I lovesports.I oftenplaybasketball.Myherois Yao Ming.I likewatchi
31、nghimplaybasketball. I want to be a player like him.Test 9第一节短文朗读( 80 词左右)(6 分)I haveto chooseanewcolourfor mybedroom. Itisa veryimportantdecision, becausecolourcanchangea person'smood. Ilikeorange, becauseit'sahappy, warm colour. It can make people feel comfortable. My best friend Jack does
32、n'tagreethough. Hethinksgreenis better. Jacksaysthat greenrepresentsnatureandthatit canmakeyoufeel energetic. IremindJackthatgreenisalso the colourofenvy. My mother recommends blue. She thinks blue creates a feeling of harmony.文案大全实用标准第二节情景反应(共 4 小题)( 8 分)请看下面的情景提示:我们学校历史悠久,干净漂亮。校门口左边是操场,右边是办公楼,
33、操场的旁边是四层楼高的图书馆。科学馆在餐厅和体育馆之间。1.Does the school have a long history?Yes, it does.2.Is there a science building in the school?Yes, there is.3.Where is the playground?On the left of the school gate.4.How high is the library?4 floors第三节口头表达(6 分)1. 这学期我们共有 9 门功课,它们是语文、数学、英语、地理、生物、历史、体育、音乐和艺术;2. 我喜欢画画和游泳,所
34、以艺术和体育是我最喜欢的学科;3. 我有点喜欢历史,我觉得它有趣。Wehaveninesubjectsthisterm.They'reChinese,Maths,English,Geography,Biology, History, PE, Music and Art. I like painting and swimming, so Art and PE aremy favorite subjects. I also like History a little. I think it is interesting.Test 10第一节短文朗读( 80 词左右)(6 分)Neil li
35、ves in a town 15 miles from London. The house is big. His favorite room is thekitchen. His family and he often sit there and enjoy a cup of tea. They have a beautifulgarden. They always have fun with their dog there.Anna lives in a flat in the centre of Moscow with her family. It's not big, but
36、they havea nice living room. After dinner, they like to watch TV and chat there. Anna shares a文案大全实用标准bedroom with her sister. They often listen to music in bed.第二节情景反应(共 4 小题)( 8 分)请看下面的情景提示:埃里克上周末去了乡村拜访他的祖父母。那天天气晴朗。他和他爷爷一起钓了鱼,他非常喜欢乡村的生活。1.When did Eric go to the countryside?Last weekend.2.What was
37、 the weather like?It was sunny.3.What did he do?He went fishing with his grandpa.4.Did he like country life?Yes./Yes, he did.第三节口头表达(6 分)1. 我家旁边有一条美丽的河。每天很多孩子们来这儿玩。2. 孩子们经常在河中游泳划船。3. 在河的东部有一个足球场。一些男孩经常在那儿踢足球。There is a nice river near my house./ There is a beautiful river near my house. A lot ofchil
38、dren come here to play every day./ Every day many children come here to play.Thechildrenusuallyswimandgoboatingintheriver./Thechildrenoftengoswimmingand go boating intheriver.There isa football fieldto the east oftheriver./ To the east of the river is a football field. Some boys often play soccer th
39、ereTest 11第一节短文朗读( 80 词左右)(6 分)Dear Mom,I live in my flat. It is small, but very comfortable. I have my own bedroom, but I don'thavea study. IshareonewithanotherboywhenI needtodosomereading. The文案大全实用标准kitchen is small, but we have a big fridge. It is now full of food and drinks.Life here is dif
40、ferent from that in China. I am learning to use a fork to have meals. ButI am still not good at using a knife with my left hand.Jim第二节情景反应(共 4 小题)( 8 分)请看下面的情景提示:丽莎在历史博物馆担任一名向导。这周蝴蝶馆将会展出200 多种蝴蝶。她将向游客介绍这些蝴蝶的生活习惯。尽管会很累,但是她觉得很开心。1.What is Lisa's job?A guide.2.Where does she work?At the History Mus
41、eum.3.How many kinds of butterflies will be presented?Over 200 kinds.4.Is the job tiring?Yes, it is.第三节口头表达(6 分)1. 我们的小区里有许多志愿者 ,他们帮助人们解决各种问题。2. 志愿者们有时帮助打扫小区卫生,有时去探望老人。3. 长大后我也想成为一名志愿者。Ourneighborhoodhasmanyvolunteers./Therearea lotofvolunteerinourneighborhood.Theyhelppeoplesolvedifferentproblems./T
42、heyhelppeopletosolve various problems. The volunteers sometimes help to clean the neighborhood./The volunteers sometimes help clean up the neighborhood, and sometimes they goto visit the old people./ Sometimes they go to visit the old people. I also want to bea volunteer when I grow up./ When I grow
43、 up I want to be a volunteer, too.Test 12文案大全实用标准第一节短文朗读( 80 词左右)(6 分)My neighbors are kind and helpful. Some of them are volunteers. They have differentskills and often help us with all kinds of problems.People go there when they need help with their problems. The computer engineersare popular. The
44、y help people check their computers. You can also find someone to fixthingslikebrokenbicycles. Thevolunteersalsohelpsomestudentswiththeirhomework or help the old people clean their houses.We are lucky to live in a neighborhood like this. People here are like a big family.第二节情景反应(共 4 小题)( 8 分)请看下面的情景
45、提示:李亮是一个13 岁的男孩。他住在中国的一个小村庄。在他家和学校之间有一条河流,河流湍急。他每天坐索道去上学。1.How old is Li Liang?Thirteen years old.2.Where does he live?In a small village.3.Does the river run quickly?Yes, it does.4.How does he get to school?On a ropeway.第三节口头表达(6 分)1. Tina 住在一个现代化的新镇。离市中心乘地铁半小时。2. 那里空气新鲜,有个漂亮的公园。 3. 人们在那能闻到花香,听到鸟叫。
46、Tina lives in a modern town./ Tina lives in a modern town which is new. It takes halfan hour to get to the downtown by subway./ It takes half an hour to go downtownby subway. The air there is fresh. There is also a beautiful park./ There is a beautiful文案大全实用标准park, where the air is fresh. People can
47、 smell the sweet flowers and listen to birdssing there./ People can smell the flowers and hear the birds sing there.Test 13第一节短文朗读( 80 词左右)(6 分)Hello! My name is Kitty. I want to talk about my hometown today. My hometown issmall but pretty. In the centre of the town there is a small lake. There are
48、lots of treesand flowers around the lake. The air in my hometown is fresh and clean. There are twoschools in my hometown, one primary school and one middle school. I study in themiddleschool. Ioftenridemybicycletoschool. Ilikegoingshoppingattheweekend. There are two big shopping malls there.第二节情景反应(
49、共 4 小题)( 8 分)请看下面的情景提示:Tina 家离学校大约有10 公里。每天我都会搭公交车去上学,大概需要 20 分钟。到学校后,我通常会和同学们一起跑步和读英语。1.How far is it from Tina's home to school?10 kilometers.2.Does she walk to school?No, she doesn't.3.How long does it take to get to school? 20 minutes.4.Whatdoesshe usuallydoaftergettingtoschool? Sheusual
50、lyrunsandreadsEnglish with classmates.第三节口头表达(6 分)1. 如果天气晴朗,我和朋友打算这个星期天下午2 :00 去野营;野营的地点在海边的小公园2. 我们将会在海边唱歌、跳舞、野餐; 3. 我相信我们会很开心。文案大全实用标准If it is sunny, my friends and I are going to go camping at 2:00 p.m. this Sunday./ Iftheweatheris fine,myfriendsandI are goingtogo campingat 2:00 p.m. thisSunday.
51、We will go to the park by the sea./ The camping place is in the park by theseaside. We will sing, dance and have a picnic./ We are going to sing, dance andhave a picnic. I am sure that we will have great fun there./ I believe we will be veryhappy.Test 14第一节短文朗读Kites have a long history in China. The
52、 Chinese began to make kites over 2,000 yearsago. In the Warring States period, a famous man, Mozi, made a bird out of wood. Thatwas the first kite in history. In the 13th century, an Italian man called Marco Polo visitedChina. He told people in the West all about kites. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, kiteflying became a ve
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