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1、2011年7月全国高等教育自学 测验法理学试题作者:日期:个人收集整理,勿做商业用途全国2011年7月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码:00832I. Each of the stateme nts below is followed by four alter native an swers. Choose the one that best completes the stateme nt and put the letter in the bracket. (30 %)1. Grammarians insist that a word be aform that can funct

2、ion in a sentence.( )A. smallB. largeC. fixedD. free2. In the earliest stage of English, the written form of a word shouldthat of theoral form.()A. agree withB. disagree withC. be the same asD. be different from3. consists of technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic areasas in med

3、icine, mathematics, etc.()A. TerminologyB. JargonC. SlangD. Argot4. Social, economic and political changes bring about such new words as the followingsEXCEPT.()A. fast foodB. TV dinnerC. Mao jacketsD. Watergate5. Reviving archaic words also contributes to the growth of English vocabulary. For instan

4、ce,“ loan ” , which was prevalent in the thirteenth century, was replaced by“ ” inAmerican English.()A. ownB. letC. rentD. lend6. If we say that Old English was a language ofendings, Middle English was oneof leveled endings.()A. fullB. shortC. longD. paralleled7. The plural morpheme"-s ” is pro

5、nounced as /z/ in the following words EXCEPT,( )A. bottlesB. eggsC. zoosD. maps8. There is/arefree morphemic word(s) in the following words: wind, man,reddish, collection.()A. IB. 2C. 3D. 49. The following words have inflectional affixes EXCEPT.()A. likesB. dislikeC. likingD. liked10. The most produ

6、ctive means of word-formation are the following EXCEPT,( )A. affixationB. blendingC. compoundingD. conversion11. Prefixes generally do not change theof the stem.()A. meaningB. formC. word classD. pronunciation12. The word“dorm” is formed byclipping.()A. backB. frontC. phraseD. front and back13. The

7、word “reading-lamp ” ismotivated.()A. onomatopoeical"B. morphologicallyC. semanticallyD. etymologically14. The synonymous pair of “ ask-question ” has the same.(A. motivationB. valueC. functionD. conceptmeaning of15. In the sentence “ East or west, home is best ” ,“ homd' has its _“family,

8、safety, love ” , etc.()A. grammaticalB. connotativeC. stylisticD. collocative16. Semantically, a word which is related to other words is related to them in( )A. senseB. spellingC. morphemeD. root and stem17. , the derived meanings, no matter how many, are secondary in comparison.( )A. Synchronically

9、B. DiachronicallyC. EtymologicallyD. Onomatopoeically18. The antonyms used in the proverb “ Speech is silver; silence is golden ” are _( )A. speech-silenceB. golden-silverC. speech-silverD. silence-goldendesignates)19. In Shakespearean line Rats and mice and such small deer' , 6deer' obvious

10、ly animal ' in general. Therefore deer' is a typical example of.(A. extensionB. elevationC. narrowingD. degradation20. Observation shows that it is much more common for word meanings to change in denotationfrom neutral tothan it is for them to go the other way.()A. importantB. agreeableC. re

11、spectiveD. pejorative21. Among the following words only“ ” expresses the property of elevation.()A. lustB. criticizeC. knightD. silly22. Which of the following is NOT one of the main functions of context?()A. Elimination of ambiguity.B. Indication for referents.C. Understanding of cultural backgroun

12、d.D. Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning.23. Which of the following is NOT a context clue?()A. Definition.B. Example.C. Synonymy.D. Sentence structure.24. The sentence“ The ball was attractive ” is ambiguous due to.()A. grammatical structureB. lexical contextC. homonymyD. polysemy25. Which

13、 of the following is one of the characteristics of idioms?()A. Semantic unity.B. Lexical manipulation.C. Phonetic unity.D. Structural variation.26. Which of the following is NOT one of the rhetoric characteristics of idioms ingeneral?( )A. Stylistic features.B. Syntactical features.C. Rhetorical fea

14、tures.D. Occasional variations.27. The idiom “ bed of dust ” is aas far as figures of speech are concerned.( )A. simileB. metaphorC. metonymyD. personification28. Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary is a(n)dictionary.()A. unabridgedB. deskC. pocketD. encyclopedic29. Whenwe choose a dictionar

15、y, we should not pay attention to whether it is.( )A. monolingual or bilingualB. general or specializedC. early or lateD. unabridged or abridged30. Readers will usually find in a general dictionary the following areas of information ofa word EXCEPT.()A. spellingB. definitionC. pronunciationD. differ

16、ence with its synonymsII. Complete the followi ng stateme nts with proper words or expressi ons accord ing to the course book. ( 15% )31. The jargon of criminals is generally referred as.32. From the historical overview of the English vocabulary, the language spoken from 1150to 1500 is calledEnglish

17、.33. The morpheme is the smallestunit in the composition of words.34. The formation of new words by joining two or more stems is called.35. Unlike conceptual meaning,meaning is open-ended and indeterminate.36. From thepoint of view, polysemy is assumed to be the result of growthand development of th

18、e semantic structure of one and same word.37. Changing in wordhas never ceased since the language came into being andwill continue in the future.38. Based on thecontext, we can determine the meaning of“ do theflowers ” as “ arrange the flowers ” .39. The stylistic features of idioms are , slang and

19、literary expressions.40. The user-friendly features of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English are its cleargrammar codes,and language notes.III. Define the following terms. ( 15% )41. free morphemes42. allomorphs43. affixation44. polysemy45. linguistic contextIV. Answer the following questions.

20、Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below. ( 20% )46. What is the difference between root and stem?47. What is collocative meaning of a word? Please take “ pretty ” and “handsome” as an example to illustrate your point.48. By the criterion of grammatical fun

21、ctions, idioms may be classified into five groups.Namethe five groups and match the following expressions with them as their examples respectively.“ white elephant”“ look into ”“beyond the pale ”“ tooth and nail”“ Never do things by halves. ”49. What contextual clues do you often use to help you in

22、guessing the meanings of new words?Demonstrate these clues with examples.V. Analyze and comment on the following.Write your answers in the space given below. ( 20%)50. Analyze and comment on the followingTWOsentences to illustrate the differences betweenblending and clipping.The program will be tele

23、cast simultaneously to nearly 150 cities.It sounds much better in stereo.51. Analyze the following dialogue and comment on the rhetoric use of homonym in italicized font.A: “ Why is Sunday the strongest day? ”B: “ Because all the others are week days.温馨提示:由于很多试题(主要是主观题),其答案并不是唯一的,甚至是开放的,一道题的解题 思路是多种

24、多样的,从实施素质教育的要求岀发,应该鼓励自考生用多样的思路解题。正是因为如此,在 评卷过程中,往往会根据考生的作答情况,对评分标准进行调整,也正因如此,教育部把国家教育考试靠 后的评分标准仍然列为秘密材料。因此教育部不在网上公布答案,请考生谅解。一、简述“文化”名称的来源。(1) 关于“文”的解释:“文”的本义是“错画”,也就是花纹。“文”的引申义:在人类认知领域,“文”引申为后天形成的品德、修养,与表示先天素质的“质”相对;在政治领域,“文”引申为“文治教化”,主张利用礼乐教化提高人们的修养而使国家安定,与诉诸军事征服他国的“武功”相对;在天文和人文的区别上,天文指的是自然现象和规律,人文

25、指的是社会现象和规律。(2) 关于“化”的解释:“化”的本义是改易,既包括从无到有的“造化”,也包括宇宙生成以后的“演 化”和“分化”。(3) “文化”合起来的解释:中国经典的“文化”是指人的后天修养与精神、物质的创造。二、 为什么说中国文化属于国别文化 ?(1) 它有着共同的文化源,各民族共同创造了上古的青铜文化,各民族共同开发了黄河中下游的中原大地;(2) 多元的各民族文化,在历史发展过程中相互交流、互相渗透、互相促进,有许多交融和契合的地方, 形成了多元一体的格局;(3) 汉民族文化在整个中华文化中起主导作用,是中华文化的主体文化,它在共同体文化的形成和发展中起到了团结和凝聚各民族文化的

26、作用。三、 什么是两个文化层面,它们的相互关系如何?两个文化层面指上层文化与底层文化。(1) 上层文化:指宫廷文化与上层文人所创造、拥有的文化。(2) 底层文化:指民间文化,即不依赖于统治阶级的广大人民及其精英人物所创造、拥有的文化。(3) 两个文化层面的关系:两个文化层面就其来源,都是原始文化的传承,它们虽在后代有所分化,产 生了差异甚至对立,但深究其内在的精神又相互关联、互相补充。民族文化与国别文化都是由这两个文化 层面联合构成的。两个文化层面缺一不成其为完整的中华文化。中华文化的优秀传统,是两个层面文化精 华的苦奉。四、为什么说文化是一个历史概念 ?(1) 文化是一个历史概念。 文化的历

27、史传播:上层文化是以文字典籍为媒体的,而底层文化主要靠口头 传承。以文化的特质变化为前提,用有关文化的重大事件和典籍事象为界限,文化流变的历史阶段划分是 可以操作的。(2) 我们说文化是一个历史的概念,应当从两个方面来认识: 首先,一切文化事象都在一定的历史背景下存在、变异、发展,从而具有某一时代的特色;其次,文化是在历时传承的过程中积淀并确立了自身的传统。五、简述中国传统文化与中国古代文化的区别。中国古代文化是针对现代文化而言,它是对文化的时代划分;传统文化是对文化的传承而言的,它强调的是文化的本源和沿着这个本源传承下来的全部文化遗产,它不局限于古代,而是迄今为止中华民族经过 筛选、淘汰,不

28、断丰富又不断增长的人文精神的总和。六、 中国文化概论课程的性质是什么?中国文化概论课立足于用马克思主义的文化观点,对中国传统文化的主要问题进行介绍和阐释。在中 国文化领域里,它不仅要关注一切上层文化的研究成果,也要研究吸取底层民俗文化的诸多成果。它是一 门兼顾历史的关于中国国别文化的基础知识和基本理论课程,是中国传统文化学的人门课程。七、简述中国文化概论课程的基本内容。(1) 有关文化的一般概念。中国文化概论在文化的外延问题上与大文化的概念一致,但在对具体问题的论述上尽量注意从人文精神的角度出发。(2) 中国文化赖以存在的地理环境。本课程所阐述的地理环境,是就曾经影响中华文化发生发展的比较 稳定的地理概况而言,不是某一个历史时期具体地理环境的描述。(3) 中国文化发展的历史脉络以及决定历史发展的诸因素。文化


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