1、 0清雲科技大學國際企業經營系Aggregate Demand and Output in the Short Run 1清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 1未經許可請勿翻印Modeling FluctuationsuGoal of this chapteruTo develop a model of how recessions and expansions may arise from fluctuations in aggregate spending following Keynes 發展一套模型,來說明總合支出的變動發展一套模型,來說明總合支出的變動如何影響衰退與擴張。如何影
2、響衰退與擴張。uBasic Keynesian model or the Keynesian Cross 簡單凱因斯模型簡單凱因斯模型 2清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 2未經許可請勿翻印AssumptionsuAggregate demand fluctuates 總合需求波動總合需求波動 uTotal planned spending changes 總計畫支出金額改變總計畫支出金額改變 3清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 3未經許可請勿翻印AssumptionsuIn the short run, firms meet the demand for their prod
3、ucts at present pricesuDo not respond to every change in demand by changing their pricesuSet a price for some period and meet the demand at that priceuProduce just enough to satisfy their customers 4清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 4未經許可請勿翻印Meet the DemanduMenu costs: The costs of changing pricesuFirms do not c
4、hange their prices frequentlyuOr, in the short runuFirms will eventually change prices if there is a large imbalance between sales and potential output 5清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 5未經許可請勿翻印Aggregate DemanduAggregate demand (AD)uTotal planned spending on final goods and services 對最終財貨與勞務的總計畫支出對最終財貨與勞務的總計畫支
5、出uFour componentsuConsumer expenditure (C)uInvestment (I)uGovernment purchases (G)uNet exports (NX) 6清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 6未經許可請勿翻印InvestmentuInvestmentuSpending by firms on final goods and services 廠商購買的最終財貨與勞務廠商購買的最終財貨與勞務uBusiness fixed investment 商業固定投資商業固定投資uNew machinery and new factories 新機器與新
6、工廠新機器與新工廠uResidential investment 住宅投資住宅投資uNew homes and apartment buildings 新房屋與公寓建築新房屋與公寓建築uInventory investment 存貨投資存貨投資uUnsold inventories 未售存貨未售存貨 7清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 7未經許可請勿翻印Unplanned InvestmentuSuppose a firms actual sales are less then expecteduThe extra inventory becomes part of actual in
7、vestment uActual investment is greater than planned investmentuI IpuIp planned investment 預擬投資預擬投資uI actual investment 實際投資實際投資 u當銷售量低於預期當銷售量低於預期存貨增加存貨增加 實際投資大於預擬投資實際投資大於預擬投資 8清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 8未經許可請勿翻印Ex 25.1 實際與預擬投資uFN風箏公司本年度生產計畫如下:風箏公司本年度生產計畫如下:u生產價值生產價值5,000,000的風箏的風箏u預計銷售預計銷售4,800,000的風箏的風箏
8、u預計保留預計保留200,000的存貨的存貨uFN當年度添購當年度添購1,000,000的機器設備的機器設備uFN風箏公司實際銷售風箏公司實際銷售$4,600,000的風箏的風箏u試問試問FN風箏公司當年度的實際投資風箏公司當年度的實際投資I ? 預擬投資預擬投資Ip? 9清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 9未經許可請勿翻印小組討論:Ex 25.1 實際與預擬投資uFN風箏公司本年度生產計畫如下:風箏公司本年度生產計畫如下:u生產價值生產價值5,000,000的風箏的風箏u預計銷售預計銷售4,800,000的風箏的風箏u預計保留預計保留200,000的存貨的存貨uFN當年度添購當年度添
9、購1,000,000的機器設備的機器設備u問題問題1:若:若FN風箏公司實際銷售風箏公司實際銷售$4,800,000的風箏的風箏 試問試問FN風箏公司當年度的實際投資風箏公司當年度的實際投資I ? 預擬投資預擬投資Ip?u問題問題2:若:若FN風箏公司實際銷售風箏公司實際銷售$5,000,000的風箏的風箏 試問試問FN風箏公司當年度的實際投資風箏公司當年度的實際投資I ? 預擬投資預擬投資Ip? 10清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 10未經許可請勿翻印Planned vs. ActualuAggregate demand is planned spendinguPlanned ma
10、y differ from actual for firms 廠商的預擬投資與實際投資不同廠商的預擬投資與實際投資不同uFor households, governments, and foreign purchasers we can reasonably assume that actual equals planned 家戶、政府與國外部門的實際值預擬值家戶、政府與國外部門的實際值預擬值 11清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 11未經許可請勿翻印Definition of Aggregate DemanduAggregate demand (expenditure)equals
11、the economys total planned spendingAD = C + Ip + G + NX 12清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 12未經許可請勿翻印ConsumptionuC is nearly 2/3rds of ADuMany determinants of consumption spendinguPrices, incomes, tastes, etc.uDisposable income 可支配所得可支配所得uNational income (Y) minus net taxes (T)udisposable income consumption (C)
12、 可支配所得上升可支配所得上升消費上升消費上升 13清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 13未經許可請勿翻印Consumption FunctionCCc YT()Cu constant term capturing factors other than disposable income 不受可支配所得影響的固定項(自發性支出)不受可支配所得影響的固定項(自發性支出)uc is the MPC (Marginal propensity to consume) 邊際消費傾向邊際消費傾向uThe amount by which consumption rises when disposab
13、le income rises by $1 可支配所得增加可支配所得增加1時,消費的增加量時,消費的增加量uWe assume that 0 c C AD 18清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 18未經許可請勿翻印AD and OutputpAD C IG NX uFor now assume that Ip, G, NX, and T are fixed, so thatTTXNNXGGIIp()pADCc YTIGNX 19清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 19未經許可請勿翻印AD and OutputuSubstituting and rearranging,()ADCc
14、 YTIGNXuShows if Y increases by one unit, then AD increases by c unitsuPositive relationship between Y and ADuc is the MPC()ADCcTIGNXcY 20清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 20未經許可請勿翻印Autonomous ADuAutonomous aggregate demand 自發性總合需求自發性總合需求uThe portion of aggregate demand that is determined outside the model 總合需求中
15、,由模型以外因素決定的部分總合需求中,由模型以外因素決定的部分()CcTIGNX 21清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 21未經許可請勿翻印Induced ADuInduced aggregate demand 誘發性總合需求誘發性總合需求uThe portion of aggregate demand that is determined within the model cY總合需求中,由模型以內因素決定的部分總合需求中,由模型以內因素決定的部分 22清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 22未經許可請勿翻印Ex25.2: AD and Outputu寫出總需求函數寫出總需求函
16、數u自發性總合需求?自發性總合需求? 誘發性總合需求?誘發性總合需求?u邊際消費傾向?邊際消費傾向? 23清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 23未經許可請勿翻印小組討論:P684習題3u寫出總需求函數寫出總需求函數u自發性總合需求?自發性總合需求? 誘發性總合需求?誘發性總合需求?u邊際消費傾向?邊際消費傾向? 24清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 24未經許可請勿翻印Fig. 13.3 Determination of Short-Run Equilibrium Output (Keynesian Cross) 25清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 25未經許可請勿翻
17、印Numerical SR EquilibriumuUsing Example 25.2 and Table 25.1uIf output Y was 4,000uFirms are not producing enoughuInventories are being depleted, I IpuFirms respond by decreasing productionuSR equilibrium occurs when Y = 4,800 26清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 26未經許可請勿翻印SR Equilibrium OutputuShort-run equilibri
18、um output 短期均衡產出短期均衡產出uThe level of output at which output Y equals aggregate demand AD 短期均衡條件為短期均衡條件為YAD 27清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 27未經許可請勿翻印Ex25.2:SR Equilibrium OutputuShort-run equilibrium output 短期均衡產出短期均衡產出uAD=960+0.8YuY=ADuY=960+0.8Y 0.2Y=960 Y=4800 28清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 28未經許可請勿翻印Fig. 13.3 Det
19、ermination of Short-Run Equilibrium Output (Keynesian Cross) 29清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 29未經許可請勿翻印小組討論:P684習題3u畫出總需求函數?畫出總需求函數?u短期均衡條件短期均衡條件u計算短期均衡產出?計算短期均衡產出? 30清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 30未經許可請勿翻印小組討論:P684習題6u計算總需求函數計算總需求函數u畫出總需求函數?畫出總需求函數?u短期均衡條件短期均衡條件u計算短期均衡產出?計算短期均衡產出? 31清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 31未經許可請勿翻印A
20、D and GapsuUsing Example 25.2 and adding the assumption that potential output also equals 4,800 假設潛在產出為假設潛在產出為4800u自發性消費降低為自發性消費降低為610 短期均衡產出?短期均衡產出?uWe can see how a fall in AD can lead to a recession 總需求的降低造成經濟衰退總需求的降低造成經濟衰退 32清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 32未經許可請勿翻印Fig. 13.4A Decline in Spending Leads to
21、a Recession 33清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 33未經許可請勿翻印The MultiplieruIncome-expenditure multiplier 所得支出乘數所得支出乘數uThe effect of a one-unit increase in autonomous aggregate demand on short-run equilibrium output 一單位自發性總合需求的增加,一單位自發性總合需求的增加, 對短期均衡產出的影響。對短期均衡產出的影響。 34清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 34未經許可請勿翻印The Multiplieru
22、Income-expenditure multiplieruAn initial change in spending uleads to a larger change in short-run equilibrium outputuSimplified form:MPCAY11dd 35清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 35未經許可請勿翻印小組討論:P684習題5u產出缺口?產出缺口?u乘數?乘數? 36清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 36未經許可請勿翻印小組討論:P685習題6u產出缺口?產出缺口?u乘數?乘數?u自發性總合需求要增加多少,自發性總合需求要增加多少, 才
23、能消除產出缺口?才能消除產出缺口? 37清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 37未經許可請勿翻印小組討論:P685習題7u將習題將習題6中的中的NX改為改為0時,時, 短期均衡產出?短期均衡產出?u國外經濟復甦,國外經濟復甦,NX100時,時, 短期均衡產出?短期均衡產出?u國外經濟衰退,國外經濟衰退,NX-100時,時, 短期均衡產出?短期均衡產出?u經濟景氣是否會在國際間擴散?經濟景氣是否會在國際間擴散? 38清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 38未經許可請勿翻印StabilizationuThe Keynesian model says that recessions ar
24、e caused by insufficient aggregate spending 凱因素模型認為景氣衰退的凱因素模型認為景氣衰退的 主因是總合支出不足主因是總合支出不足uImplying that policymakers must find ways to increase aggregate demand 這意指決策者應找出增加總合需求的方法這意指決策者應找出增加總合需求的方法 39清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 39未經許可請勿翻印StabilizationuStabilization policies 穩定政策穩定政策uGovernment policies that
25、are used to affect aggregate demand, with the objective of eliminating output gaps政府應藉由政策來影響總合需求,以消除產出缺口政府應藉由政策來影響總合需求,以消除產出缺口uMonetary policy 貨幣政策貨幣政策uFiscal policy 財政政策財政政策 40清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 40未經許可請勿翻印Government PolicyuMonetary policyuDecisions on the size of the money supply 影響貨幣供給規模的決策影響貨幣供
26、給規模的決策uFiscal policyuDecisions about the governments budget 影響政府預算的決策影響政府預算的決策uGovernment spending 政府支出政府支出uGovernment revenues 政府收入政府收入 41清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 41未經許可請勿翻印Government Purchases and ADuKeynes thought that changes in G would be the most effective tool for reducing output gaps 凱因斯認為調整凱因斯認
27、為調整G 是減少是減少 產出缺口的最佳工具產出缺口的最佳工具uIncreased government purchases can eliminate a recessionary gap 有衰退缺口時增加有衰退缺口時增加G 42清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 42未經許可請勿翻印Fig. 13.5An Increase in Government Purchases Eliminates a Recessionary Gap 43清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 43未經許可請勿翻印Fig. 13.6U.S. Military Expenditures as a Share
28、 of GDP, 1940-1999 44清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 44未經許可請勿翻印Taxes, Transfers and ADuFiscal Policy uTax collections 租稅收入租稅收入uPayments from the private sector to the governmentuTransfer payments 移轉支出移轉支出uPayments from the government to the private sector (e.g., welfare, social security payments) 45清雲科技大學國際企業經
29、營系CH 25 - 45未經許可請勿翻印Taxes, Transfers, and ADuUsing taxes and/or transfers affects AD indirectly by changing disposable income 租稅與移轉租稅與移轉可支配所得可支配所得總合需求總合需求uIncrease in disposable incomeuDecrease taxesuIncrease transfersuDecrease in disposable incomeuIncrease taxesuDecrease transfers 46清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH
30、 25 - 46未經許可請勿翻印小組討論:P686習題9u短期均衡產出?短期均衡產出?u當潛在產出等於當潛在產出等於580時,產出缺口?時,產出缺口?u政府支出應改變多少才能消除產出缺口?政府支出應改變多少才能消除產出缺口?u租稅應改變多少才能消除產出缺口?租稅應改變多少才能消除產出缺口? 47清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 47未經許可請勿翻印小組討論:P686習題9u當潛在產出等於當潛在產出等於630時,產出缺口?時,產出缺口?u政府支出應改變多少才能消除產出缺口?政府支出應改變多少才能消除產出缺口?u租稅應改變多少才能消除產出缺口?租稅應改變多少才能消除產出缺口? 48清雲科技
31、大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 48未經許可請勿翻印Qualifications of Fiscal PolicyuThe real world is more complicated than the basic Keynesian model 49清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 49未經許可請勿翻印Qualifications of Fiscal Policyu Fiscal policy may affect potential output Y* as well as AD 財政政策不僅影響總合需求,也可財政政策不僅影響總合需求,也可能影響潛在的產出水準(供給面)能影響潛在
32、的產出水準(供給面) 50清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 50未經許可請勿翻印Qualifications of Fiscal PolicyuInvestments in public capital increase growth and potential output Y* 公共資本投資促進成長與增加潛在產出公共資本投資促進成長與增加潛在產出uRoads, airports, schools, etc.uTaxes and transfers affect incentives 租稅與移轉影響儲蓄與投資意願租稅與移轉影響儲蓄與投資意願uPeople save less with
33、 higher taxes on savinguTax break on new investment encourages firms to make more investment 51清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 51未經許可請勿翻印Qualifications of Fiscal Policyu供給學派強調財政政策對潛在產出的影響,供給學派強調財政政策對潛在產出的影響,在雷根擔任總統時(在雷根擔任總統時(19811985) 根據其建議,採取大規模減稅來提振景氣。根據其建議,採取大規模減稅來提振景氣。 52清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 52未經許可請勿翻印Qual
34、ifications of Fiscal Policyu建議:建議: Policymakers should take both the demand side and supply side effects into account 決策者應同時考慮決策者應同時考慮 需求面與供給面需求面與供給面 53清雲科技大學國際企業經營系CH 25 - 53未經許可請勿翻印Qualifications of Fiscal PolicyuFiscal policy is not always flexible enough to be useful for stabilization 財政政策有時並沒有足夠的彈性財政政策有時並沒有足夠的彈性 去有效
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