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1、1GrammarInversion倒装倒装 2英语倒装句分为两种:英语倒装句分为两种:、整个谓语在主语前的句子,叫、整个谓语在主语前的句子,叫完全倒装完全倒装。In came our English teacher.There is a table in the room.、部分谓语(情态动词、主动词、连系、部分谓语(情态动词、主动词、连系动词)在前,谓语的主体部分仍在主语之动词)在前,谓语的主体部分仍在主语之后的句子,叫后的句子,叫不完全倒装句不完全倒装句/部分倒装部分倒装。Why did you do it like that?Seldom have I been to Beijing.3

2、一、完全倒装一、完全倒装1. There be 句型句型在在 there be 句子中,谓语是句子中,谓语是be, exist, live, lie 等表示状等表示状态的不及物动词。态的不及物动词。 动词后的名词为句子的主语。句子动词后的名词为句子的主语。句子的谓语应与最靠近它的主语相一致。的谓语应与最靠近它的主语相一致。 There is nobody in the classroom.There seems something wrong with my radio.There happened an event last week.There stands a temple on the

3、 top of the mountain.42. 用于副词(用于副词(here、there、now、 out、 in、 then、up、down、away、over、 off、 back等等)开头的句子中。)开头的句子中。The bus comes here.The children went out.The prices go up and out.The horses went off.The brown waves came down!The door opened and Mr. Smith, our headmaster came in.Here comes the bus.Out

4、went the children.Up and out go the prices.Off went the horses.Down came the brown waves!The door opened and in came Mr. Smith, our headmaster.5注、注、1.1.当代词做句子的主语时当代词做句子的主语时, ,句子不能倒装。句子不能倒装。Away they went. Back they fought.Here he comes. Up it flew.注注: 2.: 2.地点状语提前,为了保持句子平衡且地点状语提前,为了保持句子平衡且谓语是谓语是be ,

5、 stand, sit , lie 等动词时等动词时。句子也常要句子也常要构成完全倒装结构的句子。构成完全倒装结构的句子。A big steel factory lies south of the city.The frightened sound came from the valley.A small boy sat in front of the farmhouse.A picture of a horse was on every piece of paper.South of the city lies a big steel factory.From the valley came

6、 the frightened sound. In front of the farmhouse sat a small boy.On every piece of paper was a picture of a horse.63. 在there, here 引导的句子中,谓语动词 用come, go, follow, enter, rush, occur等。There goes the bell.There goes the thief!Here comes your husband.注意:注意:主语是人称代词时,则不需倒装。主语是人称代词时,则不需倒装。Here he comes.Her

7、e it is.7二、不完全倒装二、不完全倒装1. Only in this way _ make progress in your English. A. you B. can you C. you be able to D. will you able to2. Only when the meeting was over_ go back to meet his friend.A. he could B. he was able to C. was he able to D. was able to he 3. Only in this afternoon _ the novel. A.

8、 I finished B. I could finish C. did I finish D. I was able to finishBCC8Only in this way can you master English.Only then did we realize that the man was blind.Only when the war was over in 1918 was he able to get happily back to work. Only by this means is it possible to explain it. 91.1. only onl

9、y 副词副词 介词介词短语短语 状语从状语从句位于句子开头时:句位于句子开头时:Only副词副词介词短语介词短语状语从句状语从句+倒装句倒装句10 Not until _ entered the university _ the importance of time. A. had my son; he realized B. my son had; did he realize C. had my son; did he realize D. my son had; he realized2. Hardly _ asleep when someone knocked at the door.

10、 A. she had fallen B. has she fallen C. had she fallen D. she fell No sooner _ reached this conclusion than they agreed to it. A. have we B. did we C. had we D. could weBCC112. 在在No soonerthan, Hardlywhen, No soonerthan, Hardlywhen, Not until Not until 句型中。但从句不倒装句型中。但从句不倒装, , 主句倒装。主句倒装。 He did not f

11、inish his homework until the teacher came.No sooner had we entered the house than it began to rainHardly had we entered the house when it began to rain.his homework.Not until the teacher came did he finish123. never, hardly, seldom, little, scarcely, barely, not only, not等具有否定意义位于等具有否定意义位于 句首时:句首时:N

12、ot a single mistake did he make.Little did he know who the woman was.Not only did he smoke, but also he drank.Never have I seen so many people.134. 当句子中出现当句子中出现so, nor, neither 用于表示用于表示 “也也”时时:He has been to Beijing, so have I.I cant answer the question, neither can he.注意注意so do I 与与 so I do 的区别。的区别

13、。So do I I 用于说明前句所说的内容同样适合于用于说明前句所说的内容同样适合于另一个人;另一个人;而而so I do 则是用来肯定前句所则是用来肯定前句所说的内容。说的内容。145. 在在sothat 句型中,句型中,so提到句时提到句时: So carelessly did he drive that he almost killed himself. 2. So loudly did he speak that people in the next room could hear him. 3. So fast does light travel that it is diffic

14、ult for us to imagine its speed. 4. So small was the mark that I could hardly see it.156. . If 引导的虚拟条件句引导的虚拟条件句, , 可省略可省略if, , 把把should, had 或或 were 放在主语前放在主语前. . 1. Should it rain, the crops would grow better.2. Were I your father, I would not give you the money.3. Had it not been for the captain,

15、the ship would have sunk. 16在以上这些结构中,如果句子中只有在以上这些结构中,如果句子中只有 be be 动词,而没有助动词、情态动词时,动词,而没有助动词、情态动词时, 句句子也应该构成完全倒装结构。子也应该构成完全倒装结构。Not only is he a singer, but he also is a dancer.She is my teacher, so is he.So excited was he that he couldnt say a word.171. 1. as 和和 though引导的让步状语从句中:引导的让步状语从句中:a. adj.

16、+ as + s. + v., S .+ V.Proud as these nobles are, he is afraid to see me.b. adv. + as + s. + v., S. + V.Hard as they tried, they could not find the necklace.三、其他三、其他18c. n. + as + s. + v., S. + V.Child as he was, he had to make a living.注:注: 名词前不能加任何冠词名词前不能加任何冠词d. v. + as + s. + 助动词,助动词, S. + V.Try

17、as he would , he might fail again.注:在倒装句中,助动词仍出现在主语后是注:在倒装句中,助动词仍出现在主语后是很少见的。很少见的。192. however / no matter how 等引导的让步等引导的让步状语从句中状语从句中, ,常将从句中的形容词常将从句中的形容词. .副词提到句副词提到句首首, ,紧跟在紧跟在however 之后之后, ,但从句的主谓语序不但从句的主谓语序不倒装倒装. .However difficult computer science is, I will try my best to master it.207 7、在以、在以

18、often, well, many a time, now and again 等方式或频度副词等方式或频度副词( (短语短语) )开头的句子中开头的句子中, ,要用部分倒装结构。如要用部分倒装结构。如: : Many a time has John given me good advice.Often have we made that test.Always did the soldier go to help the villagers.Often did we warn them not to do so. Well do I remember the day I saw a wild

19、 tiger.Many a time did he go swimming in the river.21 Such was the result. Such were her words. Such was the story he told. Such was the story he told me.228. “8. “分词分词( ( 代词代词 ) + be + ) + be + 主语主语”结构。结构。如如: :1. Our teacher was walking at the head of the line. Walking at the head of the line was o

20、ur teacher.2. A group of young men are seated on the ground playing cards. Seated on the ground are a group of young men playing cards.3. A boy aged about seventeen was lying on the floor. Lying on the floor was a boy aged about seventeen 23 I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life _ so happy. A. did I felt B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt2. Little _ about his own safety, though he was i


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