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1、Words British adj. British schools lift (elevator) n. by lift post (mail) n. send books by post at the post office eraser (rubber) n. an eraser/ a rubber fall (autumn) n. in fall/autumn v. fall asleep/ fall ill fall off the horse fall into the river fall in love with sb fall -fell-fallen feelfelt-fe

2、lt vacation (holiday) be on vacation/ summer/winter vacation Math (maths) n. have maths lessons have problems with maths work out the maths problem Maths is not difficult for me. movie (film) n. see a film/movie a movie fan soccer (football) n. play soccer/footballa member of the school football tea

3、m mixed adj. a mixed school subject n. one of my favourite subjects How many subjects do you learn now? Which subject do you like better, physics or geography?sew v. I dont know how to sew. do some sewing /washing/reading/cooking I learned to sew when I was young. Even adv. Even a second is importan

4、t. Today is even colder than yesterday. English is even more useful than Chinese. taste v. taste good /bad /deliciousThe bread tastes good. Would you like some?It tastes bad. Please throw it away. tasty adj. (with a pleasant taste(n.)/delicious) Wow, the roast chicken tastes tasty. hero n. one of my

5、 heroes remember the heroes names I admire these heroes very much. article n. an article/ any article you like Whats the general idea of the article? Did you read the article by a girl from the USA? language n. a useful language speak different languagesEnglish is one of the most useful languages in

6、 the world. useful-useless adj. be useful to sb The dictionary is useful to me. The article is useless to you. What useful advice it is! point n. Score the most/fewest points length n. Whats the length of the river? How long is the river? Important-unimportant adj. an important festival Its importan

7、t for sb to do sth. an unimportant meeting He isnt good at English because he thinks its unimportant. Health n. be good for ones health healthy adj. healthier Eating healthy food is good for our health. Join the Health Club least little less least less than at least have the least money/time/rice/ju

8、ice few fewer-fewest have the fewest scores/subjects/online-friends close adj. be close to my closest friend v. close the door (adj.) closed The door is closed Why is the supermarket closed able (unable) adj. be able to My friend hurt his leg two days ago, but now he is able to walk now. He was able

9、 to speak several languages when he was ten years old. Some exercises1 What do you call it in _ (Britain) English?2 Can you do some _ (sew) after having Home Economics?3 In England, people go up and down by _ in a tall building.4 English is one of my favorite s_. 5 In a _ (mix) school, boys and girl

10、s have lessons together.6 Life is like _ (爬山爬山). You need more practice.7 The food in the restaurant is very _ (taste). We often go there.Britishsewingliftbujectsmixedtastyclimbing8 It rained heavily yesterday, so my father_ (drive) me to school.9 Do you know the _ (long) of the Yellow River?10 Jay

11、and Yao Ming are my _ (hero).11 I have _ (少少) books than Li Lei does.12 who has _ (少少)books of the three.13 China is a great country with a long h_.14 As we all know, light travels _(fast) than sound.15 Lin Shuhao spends 6 hours_ (practice) _ (play) table tennis every day.lengthheroesthe fewestistor

12、yfasterpracticingplayingfewerdrovePhrases美国学校生活美国学校生活 life in an American school / American school life喜欢看电视喜欢看电视/ 像看电视像看电视 like watching TV / be like watching TV更少的广告更少的广告 fewer advertisements在底楼在底楼 on the ground floor / on the first floor在在8年级年级 in Grade 8 / in 8th grade/in Year 8混合学校混合学校 a mixed

13、school倾听我的困难倾听我的困难 listen to my problems一起上地理课一起上地理课 have geography lessons together家政课家政课 Home Economics怎样做饭缝纫怎样做饭缝纫 how to cook and sew亲自做事亲自做事 do things for oneself 做健康美味的饭做健康美味的饭 cook healthy and tasty meals 阅读周阅读周 a Reading Week一个美国女孩写的文章一个美国女孩写的文章 an article by a girl from America / an America

14、n girl读最多的书读最多的书 read the most books从图书馆借杂志从图书馆借杂志 borrow magazines from the library 从家里带来书从家里带来书 bring in books from home告诉我你读的内容告诉我你读的内容 tell me what you are reading tell me what you read每堂课将近在结束时每堂课将近在结束时 near the end of each class也也 as well上驾驶课上驾驶课 have driving lessons开车带我去车站开车带我去车站 drive me to

15、the station一周一次一周一次 once a week练习打垒球练习打垒球 practice playing softball在好朋友俱乐部在好朋友俱乐部 in the Buddy Club花很多时间练习弹钢琴花很多时间练习弹钢琴 spend lots of time practicing playing the piano和新同学谈论学校生活和新同学谈论学校生活 talk to new students about school life互相聊天很开心互相聊天很开心 have a great time talking to each other 亲密的朋友亲密的朋友 a close

16、friend关于烹饪和缝纫的功课关于烹饪和缝纫的功课 a subject about cooking and sewing我的偶像之一我的偶像之一 one of my heroes某个你钦佩的人某个你钦佩的人 someone you admire一个有用的语言一个有用的语言 a useful language一次不重要的会议一次不重要的会议 an unimportant meeting 有两周休假有两周休假 have two weeks off/have two weeks holiday have a two-week holiday 学生数学生数 the number of the stu

17、dents暑假长度暑假长度 the length of the summer holiday山的高度山的高度 the height of the hill 穿校服穿校服 wear school uniform有很多有用的书的图书馆有很多有用的书的图书馆 a library with many useful books有半小时的家庭作业有半小时的家庭作业 have half an hour of homeworkGrammar有少一些的花有少一些的花 have fewer flowers有更少的钱有更少的钱 have less money 参加的俱乐部最少参加的俱乐部最少 join the fe

18、west clubs有最少的空余时间有最少的空余时间 have the least time讲更多滑稽的笑话讲更多滑稽的笑话 tell more funny jokes学最少的功课学最少的功课 study the fewest subjects植更少的树植更少的树 plant fewer trees与与一样一样 be the same as与与不同不同 be different from 与与 尺寸相同尺寸相同 be the same size as与与 年龄相同年龄相同 be the same age as与与 颜色相同颜色相同 be the same colour asLilys hair

19、style is the same as Lucys hairstyle. LilyLucy4 The brown shoes are the same size as the black shoes.size: 40size: 40Kitty 13Amy 131 Kitty is the same age as Amy. 3 This goldfish is the same colour as that one. 2 The hat is the same price as the tie. 98 98JimsTomsJims notebook _Toms. Jims and Toms n

20、otebooks_is different fromare different.Do some exercises ( ) 1. What _ your school life_? A. does, like B. do, like C. is, like D. is, likes( ) 2. Simon drank _ water of the three. A. more B. the fewest C. much D. the least( )3.I bought _exercise books with _money. A. a few, a few B. a few, a littl

21、e C. a little, a few D. a little, a little( )4.I think skiing is _dangerous than cycling. A. very B. much C. as D. much more( )5. - _ is your home from the center of the city? - Well, only five minutes bus ride. A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often CDBDCreading 杰克是一名八年级的学生,就读于伦敦附近的一所学校; 他

22、最喜欢的是家政课,喜欢学烹饪; 学校每学期有一个“读书周”,他和他的同学都喜欢这个“读书周”,他们可以读到来自学校图书馆的许多书和杂志;他很喜欢他的学校。 南希14岁,是七年级的学生; 她放学后打排球,每周两次;她喜爱这项运动,花很多时间练习; 每周一她去“同伴俱乐部”;在那里,老生给新生讲学校生活的情况;同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况;朱莉是她的好朋友。Some language Some language points:points:1 why not do sth 为什么不呢?(表建议)为什么不和我去当地的剧院呢?Why dont you go to the local theatre

23、 with me?How / what about going to the local theatre with me?Lets go to the local theatre, shall we?Shall we go to the local theatre?Why dont do sth用于特殊疑问句时也可表示为什么没用于特殊疑问句时也可表示为什么没有做某件事情有做某件事情狗为什么不去上学?你刚才为什么不和我分享你的蛋糕?Why didnt you share your cake with me just now?Why dont dogs go to school?like你你喜欢什

24、么什么?What do you like?V. 喜欢喜欢Prep. 像像.你姐姐长什么样?What does your sister look like?你最好的朋友为人如何?What is your best friend like?Tom 像他爸爸一样喜欢踢足球.Tom like his father likes playing football.because 与与 because of因为雨下得大因为雨下得大,我们没能去成公园我们没能去成公园We couldnt go to the park because it rained a lotWe couldnt go to the par

25、k because of a lot of rain.味道好的tasty (adj.)-taste (n./v.)这食物的味道好.The food is tasty.The food tastes delicious.The food has a good taste.结束,末端end在最后in the end = at last= finally在的最后at the end of在这个月底at the end of this month在街道的尽头at the end of the street在上学期快结束的时候near the end of last term.数字,数目number你的

26、电话号码是多少?Whats your telephone number ?我们班的学生数是The number of students is 50 in our class.许多的学生正在植树A number of students are planting trees.Exercises Help me find the mistakes then correct them1 John has the least story books of all.2 Drink milk is good for your health.3 What is the mean of the word bud

27、dy?4 He runs fast than I 5 Home Economics is one of my favourite subject.6 I think it is an useful book.fewestDrinking meaningfastersubjectsa7 Can you tell me what should I do next?8 We had a great time to practice playing softball.9 I can say different languages.10 The boy looks the same like his father.11 How long do you live from your school? Four kilometres 12 Simon has little orange juice than Sandy.I shouldpracticingspeakasfarlessDictation 1. 同学们一起在混合学校上课. 2. 我们总是聊天聊得很开心. 3. “英雄” 这个单词是什么意思?(2) 4. 我比Millie花更少的时间做家庭作业. 5. 电视上比报纸上有更少的广告. 6. 在我们班我读书最多. 7. 我们家乡的


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