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1、2022年广东新高考高三英语复习【完形填空题】专练卷语境很重要Example:(1) Japan is an island country and itsgo all over Japan.(2) Japan is an island country and itsgo all over the Pacific looking for fish to catch.(3) Japan is an island country and itsgo over the Pacific looking for the fish groups.(4) Japan is an island country

2、and itsgo on the Pacific looking fbr the missing people.(5) Japan is an island country and itsgo all over Japan, sending people to and from work.A. fishing boats B. lifeboatsC. planesD. trainsIl整体把握一利用首句信息 |2016 全国 II 卷 |When I was 13 my only purpose was to become the star on our football team. That

3、 meant 21_Miller King, who was the best _22_ at our school.2 LA. cheering fbrB. beating outC. relying onD. staying withB.studentC. teacherD.player 2017 全国卷 I While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage fbr that exploration. I myself

4、went through this 41 process and found something that has changed my 42 at college fbr the better: 1 discovered ASL-American Sign Language(美 A 手 语).41. A. searchingB. planningC. naturalD formalA. progressB. experienceC. majorD. opinion |2017 全国卷 IIIA Toronto man is offering a free round-the-world ai

5、r to the right woman. But _41_ apply.You must be named Elizabeth Gallahgher and have a Candian42.41. A.benefitsB. depositsC. retrictionsD. examinationsA.orginB. passportC. accentD. friend 2018年国卷IITwo weeks earlier, my son . Ben ,had got in touch , he'd moved to England with his mum when he was

6、three and it had been 13 years since I'd 41 seen him . So imagine my 42 when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me.41. A. alsoB. oftenC. evenD. lastA. delightB. reliefC. angerD. worry 2018 年国卷 IIIWhen most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, wc usually

7、 say " sorry, 41 number! " and move on. But when Dennis Williams 42 a text that clearly wasn't intended for him, he did something 43.41. A. unlucky B secret C. new D. wrongA. received B. translated C. copied D. printed42. A. reasonable B. snecial C. necessary D. practical6. . 2021年广州市普

8、通高中毕业班综合测试(一)Camogli looks like any other small Italian coastal town. The little 41 houses face the sea, The sunlight warms their beauty. But, look carefully and you* II sec many things that seem 41 .but the/re not.This fishing village is full of trompe I oeilan art form in which nothing is what it

9、appears to be. While some flowers die, others live fbr years. Why? Because they're 43 on the building! Trompe I oeil has been around tor centuries. 44 , Camogli's fishennen painted their houses in bright colors and unusual designs, so that they could see their homes 45 from the water. Thenjn

10、 the 1700s, it became a way io make small, simple buildings look 46 and high-valued.And today? There are still many trompe / oeil houses in villages like Camogli, but only a few artists are 47 to paint them. Carlo is one of this ever-decreasing band of artists who's managed to make a business ou

11、t of it.His 48 are often people who want to improve their home's 49 .But fbr Carlo trompe I'oeil's purpose is to bring something 5() to a new place, such as bringing the city to the sea or even the deserts to the cities.Carlos painting style 51 the past. He only uses old-style paints and

12、 mixes them by hand.He does so fbr one reason: to protect the trompe I oeil 52 . He also believes this art should be 53 everywhere.54 .But remember.Fortunately, in Camogli, local art and culture are stilldon't always 5541. A. colored42. A. fancy43. A. carved44. A. Creatively45. A. closelydon'

13、;t always 5546. A. colored47. A. fancy48. A. carved49. A. Creatively50. A. closelyyour eyes!B. crowdedB. novelB. pressedB. MistakenlyB. easily46. A. comfortable B. complicated47. A. allowed B. available48. A. designers49. A. appearance50. A. civilized51. A. comes from52. A. artists53. A. accepted54.

14、 A. changing55. A. believeIl followersB. capacityB. farawayB. brings aboutB. buildingsB. discussedB. aliveB. blockC. dampC. realC. paintedC. FrequentlyC. happilyC grandC. responsibleC. customersC. convenienceC. naturalC. goes againstC. paintsC. learnedC. diverseC. widenD. woodenD. valuableD. planted

15、D. OriginallyD. hopefullyD. harmoniousD. introducedD. partnersD. privacyD. unexpectedD. leaves outV). traditionsD. seenD. unique). cheat7c 2021届深圳一模Jade lives in Australia, a country famous for kangaroos, but not for snow. Yet at 12, she _2_ to ski at the North Pole.Despite the lack of 22 training s

16、pace, Jade still built her _幻at the gym. She ran with giant tyres attached to her waist to _24_ what it was like to pull a sled (雪橇)across ice. By the age of 14, Jade was _25_.The fhr north is not a blank carpet of soft snow, but Jade 26 the tough conditions. Even though every part of her body was _

17、27_, she never thought of giving up. In April 2016, Jade made _28_, becoming the youngest person to ski to the North Pole.When talking about her 29 , she stated that every human body is 30 , whether you arc a man or a woman. But when the talk was posted online, some Internet bullies (新凌者)wrote _M_ c

18、omments like “Make inc a sandwich" to make her feel JZ_.To prove women's place is fhr beyond the _ Jade and her team pushed on to the South Pole and made it. Holding a plate with a sandwich, Jade _34_ had her photo taken and posted online. She dared the bullies, “1 made you a sandwich. Now

19、_35_ 37 days and 600 km to the South Pole, and you can cat it."8o 2021届汕头一模21. A. managedB. decidedC. offeredD. afforded22. A. authenticB. largeC. comfortableD. private23. A. careerB. confidenceC. strengthD. team24. A. tellB.feelC. rememberD.share25. A. matureB. detenninedC. availableD. ready26

20、. A. bravedB. improvedC. predictedD.27. A. workingB. refusingC. bleedingD.aching28. A. progressB. promisesC. historyD. eflbrts29. A. hobbyB. adventureC. advantageD. award30. A. complexB. bcautifiilC. amazingD. valuable31. A. meanB. kindC. briefD. fair32. A. puzzledB. smallC. nervousD. worried33. A.

21、gymB. fieldC. kitchenD. office34. A. unwillinglyB. casuallyC. secretlyD. proudly35. A. skiB. walkC. runD. cycleHave you seen or heard a honeybee lately ? Bees arc (I) disappearing in manyparts of the world. Most people don't know about this problem. It is called "Colony Collapse Disorder” (

22、CCD) Some North American beekeepers (2)80% of their bees from 2006to 2008. Bees in Italy and Australia are disappearing too.The disappearance of honeybees is a (n) (3) problem. Can you imagine nevereating another orange? Our fruits> nuts and vegetables (4)these pollinators (授粉A*). Without honeybe

23、es (5) rices will be rising high. The poorest people alwayssuffer the worst when there is a (6) of farm produce.This problem(7) other foods besides fresh produce. Imagine losing your favourite ice cream! Ilaagcn Dazs is a famous ice cream company. Many of their flavours depend on the (8)honeybees. I

24、n 2008, Haagen Dazs began (9) money ft)r CCD. Theyalso funded a garden at the University of California called The Haven. This garden helps arouse (10) about the disappearing honeybees and teaches visitors how to (11)or the pollinators.Donating money to ( 12 ) is the most important thing humans can d

25、o to savehoneybees.Scientists need money io look into the (13) of Colony Collapse Disorder. Somescientists blame CCD on climate change. Others think hannfid chemicals arc killing the bees.Not everyone has money to donate regularly. There arc other ( 14) to help thehoneybees. (15) the word by telling

26、 your friends and family about the disappearingbees. Maybe your class can write a Idler to the government about the problem.(1)A.unavoidablyB.mysteriouslyC.deliberatelyD.possibly(2)A.soldB.abandonedC.killedD.lost(3)A.controvcrsialB.temporaryC.seriousD.interesting(4)A.rely onB.coniribute toC.call inD

27、.go for(5)A. honeyB. foodC.animalsD.flowcrs(6)A.lackB.supplyC.choiceD.change(7)A.destroysB.changcsC.removcsD.aflccts 2019 全国 I 卷Every year about 40, 000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro» the highest mountain inAfrica.They (1) _with them lots of waste. The(2)_ might damage the beauty of thepl

28、ace.The glaciers (冰川)are disappearing,changing the (3)of Kilimanjaro.(1) A.keepB.mixC.connectD.bring(2) A.storiesB.buildingsC.crowdsD.reporters(3) A.positionB.agec.faceD.name 2019全国卷II It's about 250 milesfrom the hillsof west-central Iowa to Ehlers' home inMinnesota. During the long trip ho

29、me, following a weekend of hunting, Ehlers (1)about thesmall dog he had seen(2)alongside the road.He had (3)to coax (哄)the dog tohim but, frightened,it had (4) (DA. readB.forgotC. thoughtD. heard(2) A. fightingB.tremblingC. eatingD. sleeping(3) A. triedB.agreedC. promisedD. regretted(4) A. calmed do

30、wB.stood upC. rolled overD. run off 2020 全国卷 I Sinceour twins began learning to walk,my wife and 1 have kept telling them that oursliding glass door is just a window. The (1) is obvious. If we (2) it is a door, they'llwant to go outside (3) It will drive us crazy. The kids apparently know the (4

31、) Butour insisting it's (5)a window has kept them from (6 ) millions of requests to open thedoor.(DA.reliefB.targetC.reasonD.case(2) A.admitB.believeC.meanD.realize(3) A.graduallyB.constantlyc.temporarilyD.casually(4) A.resultB.dangerc.methodD.truth(5) A.merelyB.slightlyc.hardlyD.partly(6) A.rev

32、iewingB.approvingc.receivingD.attempting 2020 全国卷 11 It was just after sunrise on a June morning. "Nicolo, ” whose real name cannot be (1) to the public because of Italy*s privacy laws, (2)working the whole night at a factory in Turin. As heoften did, he stopped by the nafter work auction (拍卖)&

33、quot;(3) by the Italian police where things(4)on the trains were sold to the highest bidder. There, among many other things9 Nicolo spottedtwo paintings he thought would look (5 ) above his dining room tabic. Nicolo and another bidder(6) until Nicolo finally won the paintings for $ 32.(DA.attachedB.

34、allocatedC.exposedD.submitted(2) A.finishedB.delayedC.consideredD.tried(3) A.attendedBreservedc.cancelledD.run(4) A.shownB.foundc.keptD.hidden(5) A.niceB.familiarc.usefulD.real(6) A.battledB.debatedc.discussedD.bargained完型填空专项II微技能1. 背景常识将相关信息和我们原有的生活经验、文化背景 知识.以及科普常识等结合起来.进行简单推理从 而得出正确答案。事实上诙技巧与,逻机

35、推断”常 常交织在-起,因为虽有背景常识,仍为简单推理; 逻辑推理离不开背景常识。如:(2020 新有才 I 卷)The solution, of course, was to plant tires . He turned to the 29 department for help but was told that nothing would grow there.29. A. laborB. policeC. forestD. flnance解析:根据设空处后的“ nothing would grow there*及*识可扣,莫藁(He)想要种树,因此向某部 门寻求帮助,但对方答义他那里

36、无法生长任何东 西.由此推断他求助的应是负贵治理&休的部门。 forest 4为“女体”,符合语境,故逸C项。2. 询语厦现词语复现是指某一个词以原词.或同义词(如 decide 与 determine)、同源词(如 ill 与 illneiw)、上下 义词(如flower与m*)、反义词(如wrong与nght) 等方式在同一语篇中重复出现的现象。WiSfi现 是语篇衔接的一个而要手段,我们可以借助这一街 接手段解答完形填空题。(2)同/近义复现(2020 会国 D 卷)It was signed (签名) “Bonn砒o" or so he thought, but wh

37、en he researched it, he only found "Bonnard." a French painter he had never heard of.MThat's the garden in our picture," Nicolo'。sn told his father. They eventually learned that the painting was called "The Girl with Two Chairs. " They57 the other painting and learne

38、d that it was actually Paul Gauguin's M Still Life of Fruit on a Table with a Small Dog."57. A. collectedB. cleanedC. framedD studied解析:由甫文中的“he researched it” 及14learned that it was actually Paul Gauguin's”,他们“研究 (studied)” 了另外一幅画,得知这幅画也是名作。 research与study为近义词复现°故逸D项。(3)同源词重现(2010

39、 大纲 II 春)h can set up a warm convenmtion between two people far aj>art; it can keep a 22 with very little effort. And with lliat one letter we became friends again.22. A. recordB. promiseC. friendshipD. secret解析:由下丈的“became friend"成为朋友广可,俱I WUhl«l« 必 日5俏式一 甲式区!« MIUMVW W 俯 OWJ

40、BiAWa. ft4V« nttt b51hA:a«*AII|UDX.aiB(I)原调复现(202()公 1可 | fl) Dim, duy lhry*ll wnkr up un<l diM'tnrr that rvrnlhing lhry*vr nlwnyn known hIm»h* win<l<»wi« in u 4K.I have H vcr> Ntn>ng frur ihul the li<* we're lulling in doing duinugr to our <*hil

41、<ln*n.48. A. drramB. lieC. Gmlyr1). far!解析:由下丈的'ihe* lie we'rv lolling*可如,总有 一天他们会发现0己所了解的关于窗户的事精是 一个MiXt(lif)本勘属于原词X现,故逸B项。friend friendship比同源词是现。°(4)上下义复现(2020 新商考 I 卷)The village lay ncar wrtlandn which became his secon<l home. He the value and Iteauly of _22_ there from a 

42、76; young age.22. A. natureB. youthC. cultureD knowledge解析:根据语境可知,设空处后的1旭2指前文 所提到的wetlands,由此推断他从小在那里了解到 大自然的价值和美丽。故ii Ao其中.wetlands是 下义词(具体),nature是上义词(概括)。青春 (youth)、丈化(culture )、知识(knowledge )不合 语境。FJ情北。颁M醐巾脚拙现 的扁叫丽娜岫人册网的胸 林之为miWh。同现祠之何 <'反义成相对关系成 胴削M系等。如训、丽神、doc加,岫, 。呻帆娅5心顼相互前恤 就有同时岫在-个语篇

43、中的可能住。如:(2020 全国 I )Since our twins began learning to walk, my wife and 1 have kept telling them that our sliding glass door is just a window.I wonder if 49 should always tell the truth no matter the consequences. I have a very strong fear that the lie were telling is doing damage to our children.49

44、. A. parentsB. twinsC. colleaguesD. teachers解析:鼠有可能与“our twins”“叫wife and P“our children”导同现的应当是“父号(parents广:此处指“我”想知道父母是否应总是告诉孩子人相:4.测关系根据句'段间内在的逻辑关系来推断正确菖 案。常见的逻辑关系伽果关系、转折关系、对比 关系、递进关系、让步美知肘侦系、条件将果 的关系乳如:因果关系(2020 仝国 | 们"Nicolo," whose real namecannot be _4i to the public because of

45、Italy's privacy laws, Gnished working the whole night at a factory in Turin.41. A. mmehedB ulhxmdC. exposedD.II析:根据设空处后的"bec.g w n.版,.卜川做. law,'可知,由于意大利隐私法,人们的*名不能在 公众场念下被“尿亦(mg)-山来“ 毒为 "花附在(上)”:allocate是为"分旭”nubmil(2)转折关系(202()会 Dfl I 卷)Since our Iwing began beaming io w】k my

46、 wife and I have kept telling them that our sliding glaw door is just u window . Th© 船雨 apparently know the 44 . But our inniMing it'n merrly a window haa kept them from attempting millions of requests lo oprn llir <h>(>r.44. A. resultB. dimmerC methodD. truth析:由But可知前后句为传折关系。由&quo

47、t; insisting itvs merely a window"可推知,此处应指孩于 们基然知道.,真扣(truth)”,但是“我们”还一直坚称 那只是一扇窗户o(3) 对比关系(2017 I 卷)1 noon re«liic<| that the Kiknce not unplraM«nt. _58_ t if there had 云川 any ulking. il would have cnuMrci us to irarn Icm.58. A. lallyB. ThunC. Inte>dD However解析:上一句"I soon

48、realized ihm the ailcnee waa nol unpleasant. * if ihrrr had |>rrri any talking. it would have cuu0r<l uk to learn Id 形成对比.句.<;:拾 恰"相反(IZcad ) ".如果史诚.中有讲论有声好* ) 的久与,14必必让我们少学习一些手语。故逸C顼.(4) 避进关系(2020 会国 111 # )ir you <lo. you wolf! Im? able to handle it and I hr whole thing dcvel

49、upm inl<> a«» unpleiiMant scene and thut 60 everyone n duy60. A. ruinAB. makrnJ MarlMI), muvcm制析:由空前的the whole thing dcvelopH into an *mplettMint m:eneM可推知.此处衣示整件事演史成不 愉快的事件.址而救了大家一犬的心情.ruin念为 “馈坏,找掉,符合语境,匀上丈内容构成了谖进 关系(5)让步关系(201 7 全国 LI 卷I told the story to the class. Assad as it wa

50、s» I couldn't help smiling. Although Freddy "ns taken (Yem us. we all 60 something from Freddy.6O A. choseB. tookC,expectedD. borrowed解析£4空格' 昉的was taken可知.此.处也-应 用 Eke (拿)表示“冬音布雷德从我们身边祉带 走了 但我们都从弟/德身上每到了 一些东西”。 前后为让步关系,故选B项。« 、一(3)副词(2020 新 高考 I 卷)A nood had hit the area

51、earlier that year and the damage it caused had driven away a number of birds. 25, the number ofsnakes had declined as well.25. A. BesidesB. HoweverC. ThereforeD. Otherwise综合练习:1. 2020山东】Molai grew up in a tiny village in India. The village lay near some wetlands which became his second ( 1 ) He lear

52、ned the value and beauty of (2 )there from a very young age.When he was 16, Molai began to notice something (3) happeningaround his home. A flood had hit the area earlier that year and the (4) itcaused had driven away a number of birds. ( 5 ), the number of snakes haddeclined as well. He (6)that it

53、was because there weren't enough treesto protect them from the (7 ). The solution» of course» was to plant treesso the cinimals could seek (8 ) during the daytime. He turned to the (9)department for help but was told that nothing would grow there. However, Molai went looking on his own

54、 and ( 10)anearbyisland where he began to planttrees.(11) oung plants in the dry season was ( 12 ) for a loneboy. Molai built at the ( 13 )of each sapling (幼树)a bamboo platform where he placed earthen pots with small holes to ( 14 ) rainwater. Thewater would then drip (滴,客)on the plants below.Molai

55、( 15 ) to plant trees for the next 37 years. His efforts haveresulted in I , 360 acres of naturally - grown land that has become home to many plants and animals.(1)A.dreamB.jobC.homeD.choice(2)A.natureB.youthC.cultureD.knowledge(3)A.preciousB.interestingc.disturbingD.awkward(4)A.wasteB.tensionc.pain

56、D.damage(5)A.BesidesB.Howeverc.ThereforeDOtherwise(6)A.agreedB.realizedc.rememberedD.predicted(7)A.noiseB.heatc.diseaseD.dust(8) A.directionsB.partnersC.helpD.shelter(9) A.laborB.policeC.forestD.finance(10) A.rebuiltB.discoveredc.leftDmanaged(11 ) A.DecoratingB.Observingc.WateringD.Guarding(12) A.toughB.illegalc.fantasticD.beneHcial(13) A.backB.topc.footD.side(14) A.cool downB.keep offc.purifyD.collect(15) A.returnedB.learnedc.failedD.continued1. 2021届广东省深圳、汕头、潮州、揭阳名校2021届高三联考】I grew up in a West Virginia mining town in Fayette County. A man named John moved into our town from New Orlea


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