



1、八年级英语期中考试试题一选择填空 (每小题1分,共20分)( )1.  _ do you go to the movies?     Once a month. A. How long   B. how often   C. How far   D. how(   &#

2、160;) 2. Everyone well A. to  do      B. do     C. does D did(    ) 3. -Ill go fishing with my best friend this weekend.  -_ _. A. Cant you&

3、#160;fish?            B. Thats very kind of you   C. What about more fish?      D. Have a good time.( ) 4. The Changjiang River is one

4、of in the world. A. the longest river B. longest rivers C. the longest rivers D. longer rivers ( ) 5. What do you think of the film? _ A. Its right. B. Thats all right. C. Its great. D. Thats nothing. (   ) 6. Annas hair is longer than A. me     B. I 

5、;   C.  my D mine(    ) 7.On Sundays, I want to do _. A. different something    B. something different  C. anything different     D different anything(   

6、) 8.she is as_ as Lucy. A. tall               B. taller            C. tallest D. High( )9. I like English very much, so I_ li

7、sten to the tape in the morning. A. usually B. hardly ever C. never D ever ( ) 10. The teacher asked us _so much noise. A .dont make B. not make C. not making D .not to make(  ) 11. He often makes us _. A. laugh    B. to laugh

8、0;      C. laughing D laughed(   ) 12.My brother is _ than me.   A. more athletic    B. athletic    C. athleticer D much athletic( )13._ milk is&

9、#160;_ your health. A. Drinking, good for   B. Drink, good at C. Drinking, good at    D. Drinking, good to(    )14. Can you finish_ this book in 

10、two days? A. read     B. to read    C. reading D reads( )15.He except a dentist one day A be B to be C being D is( )16. Thanks a lot for _ me to join you. A. ask B. asked C. asking D to ask(    )17.-Would you&#

11、160;like to go to see a film with me?    - Id love to, _ I have an exam tomorrow.     A. and        B. so    &

12、#160;    C. but          D. as  (    ) 18. Of all boys, Tom is A popular B more popular C most popular D the most popular(    ) 19.You play the guitar

13、 very well.  -_ A. Yes.          B. No             C. Where?   D. Thanks.(    ) 20. -Do you mind me the window

14、? -NO, its too hot A opean B opeaning C close D closing 二用所给动词的适当形式填空 (每空一分共10分)1. The old man plan (give) away some money to the poor girl.2. Last summer vacation, we (take) many photos when we had a trip to Dalian.3. Of all the children she has (little) food, so she is very thin.4.We decide (go) s

15、hopping on Sunday5.It is a good habit to brush our teeth (two) a day6. Linda is (outgoing) than Jane7. I hope (go) to study in America when I am 18. 8.My mother wants me (drink) milk every day.9.Bob ( not do) homework yesterday.10.Jack does well in (swim)三 句型转换(每空一分共15分)1. He went to see a film last

16、 night( 改为一般疑问句) he to see a film last night.2.My father exercises every day.(划线部分提问) He exercise?3. Tara is 13 years old , Anna is 15 years old.(合为一句)Tara is than Anna.4.Blue hat is 6 yuan ,green hat is 9 yuan ,the pink hat is 12 yuan (同义句)The pink hat is of all.5.What do you think of the movie? (同

17、义句) do you the movie?6.She likes sitcoms because its funny. (划线部分提问) she like sitcoms?四完形填空(10分)There is a saying, “No sports, no life.”Sports are very important to us. Sports help us to stay 1 and get good grades.Everyone in our class 2 sports. Our favourite 3 is PE. We only have PE lessons 4 a wee

18、k, but we play sports every day. The most popular sport in our class is basketball. The boys enjoy 5 it, and many of the 6 like it, too. Another popular sport is football and there 7 a lot of football fans (球迷) in our class. When the weather is 8 ,we often play ping-pong outside. We hardly ever play

19、 volleyball. We think its 9 .We have a basketball team. Our team often has friendship (友谊) matches (比赛) with teams from other schools. When there is a match, many of us go to 10 it. Its very interesting.1. A. healthy B. coolC. fatD. thin2. A. loveB. lovesC. lovingD. loved3. A. foodB. drinkC. subject

20、D. fruit4. A. twoB. two timeC. secondD. twice5. A. playB. playingC. playedD. to play6. A. studentsB. teachersC. girlsD. people7. A. wereB. areC. isD. was8. A. cloudy B. windy C. fineD. wet9. A. boring B. relaxingC. excitingD. interesting10. A. watchB. readC. lookD. look at来五 阅读理解(共20分)AMr Tanaka is

21、a teacher at a school of Japan. He usually goes to France or England for his summer vacation, and he speaks French and English very well But last year, Mr Tanaka said to one of his friends, “I am going to China for vacation, but I cant speak Chinese, so I am going to evening classes and having Chine

22、se lessons for three months .He studied very hard for three months, and then his friend asked, “ did you have any trouble(麻烦) with your Chinese when you were in China?”“no, I didnt have any trouble”, he answered , “but the Chinese have!”( )1、Mr Tanaka was a _in Japan? Apoliceman Bteacher Cdoctor Dre

23、porter ( )2Mr Tanaka studied Chinese because _ Ahe liked evening classes Bhe didnt like French or English Che had a Chinese friend Dhe wanted to go to China ( )3Mr Tanaka studied Chinese in Japan for _ Aa month Bone week Cthree months Dthree weeks ( )4Mr Tanaka went to China to _ Aspend his vacation

24、 Bsee one of friends Cgo shopping Dspend a weekend ( )5the Chinese had trouble with Mr Tanakas _ Afriend Bvacation CChinese DJapanese B根据短文,判断对错。对的写T,错的写F. Vince is an office in the Navy(海军).Last week ,Vince went to a city for vacation.One evening,after he had supper,he decided to go to a movie .He

25、got on a bus and stood by the door.About ten minutes later,a drunk(醉汉)got on the bus.”Hey,does the bus go to the zoo?”he asked Vince.Vince didnt want to talk to him and was going to the front.But the drunk stopped him and went on asking,”This bus will take me to the zoo,wont it?Vince became angry and


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