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1、临床医学院简介 临床医学院中文简介    大理学院附属医院是云南省人民政府根据医疗资源合理布局及高等医学院校教学需要,按国家三级甲等标准建设,融医疗、教学及科研为一体的云南省卫生厅直属综合性医院。医院占地面积130亩,建筑面积53670平方米,核定病床500张.设有临床、医技科室29个:其中临床科室20个,医技科室9个。1个实验室,1个技能培训中心。在省卫生厅的关心和支持下,我院历届领导以发展为第一要务,内引外联,不断加强人才建设和硬件设施建设,注重医疗水平和服务质量的不断提高,现已成为一所发展中的学科专业齐全、技术力量雄厚、仪器设备精良,医疗技术精湛、科研实力强劲的大型现

2、代化综合性医院。 经过近十年的建设,医院已经形成了一支滇西学历层次最高、具有较高的临床诊疗水平的医疗专家队伍,在571名职工中,拥有教授、副教授、主任医师、副主任医师等高级技术职称专业人员87人,其中教授19名、副教授16名、主任医师7名、副主任医师39名,以及其他非主系高级技术职称人员6名。具有博士、硕士学位人员41人,省级学术带头人1人.省中青年学术技术带头人培养对象1名,中华医学会小儿外科分会青年委员1名,省医学会各专业分会委员30余名。 2003年以来,大理学院附属医院与大理学院临床医学院实行合一管理。现有教研室18个,有儿科学、外科学、内科学三个硕士点,有硕士生导师22人,在读硕士生

3、38人。此外,医院还承担着大理学院医学类3个学院五个专业部分学生的临床教学和生产实习任务。 医院拥有高压氧仓、大型臂、美国GE800MA数字式X光机、核磁共振、多尼尔震波碎石机、血液透析等大型精良的医疗设备。同时,医院正在继续加大投资,用于改善就医环境,提高服务水平。 近十年来,医院医疗技术不断取得突破,成功开展了难度较大的颈椎前后路手术;腹主动脉瘤切除人工血管置换术;胰、十二指肠切除术;人工心脏起博器置入术;膀胱全切肠新膀胱术;双侧全髋关节一次性置换术;心脏直视手术;右桥小脑角巨大听神经瘤摘除术;试管婴儿;颅内肿瘤切除术;眼底激光手术;喉癌、舌癌根治术;连续性床旁血液净化治疗()在 的应用等

4、新技术、新项目。 自开诊以来,医院的诊疗水平不断提高,院有重点、科有特色、人有专长的格局已基本形成。凭借一支医疗技术精湛的专家诊疗队伍、精良的医疗设备、良好的服务态度、合理的收费和科学的管理,我院各项医疗数量、质量、效率指标均保持持续上升的强劲势头,近年来,医院的总收入、业务收入和人均业务收入同比增长都在20%以上。 医院正以团结奋进的精神状态、以坚实的步伐,向省政府提出的“要将大理医学院附属医院办成立足大理、覆盖滇西,集医疗、教学、科研为一体的医、教、研中心”的目标迈进。进入十一五,医院已构筑了宏伟的发展蓝图,将进一步加强硬件基础设施建设,大力培养和引进高级技术人才,推进医院管理科学化、医疗

5、服务人性化、质量监控标准化、科研工作开放化、后勤服务社会化。加快把医院建设成为滇西领先、省内先进、在周边国家有一定影响的大型现代化综合性医院的步伐。坚持“科教兴院促发展,救死扶伤为人民”的办院方针,贯彻“以人为本、以病人为中心”的服务理念,发扬“诚信、进取、和谐、奉献”的医院精神,全心全意为病人服务,为广大患者朋友及时有效地解除病痛,提供有力的生命健康保障,为国家医疗卫生事业的发展做出自己应有的贡献。A brief introduction of the clinical medicine collegeThe college of clinical medicine is a compreh

6、ensive institution which includes the teaching, medical services, scientific researches and the up dated education. It is situated in the east foot of Cang Shan Mountain and the west bank of Er Hai Lake. This college has a graceful learning environment and modern medicated services. It has 18 differ

7、ent faculty offices, 35 administrative offices with clinical medical techniques and 1 clinical skill training center which having the advanced medical scientific research instruments (nearly 100 million RMB). The college provides a staff of 577 persons, among them 95 are highly qualified and special

8、ized technical persons, 24 professors, 71 associate professors, 21 tutors of master of students, 38 persons with doctor and master's degree, and some top talented faculties in various provincial medical academic organizations. The clinical medicine college is equipped with three majors: the Clin

9、ical Medicine, the Medical Radiology and Medical Cosmetology . At present the amount of school students reaches to more than 1,500. The major of clinical medicine has the longest history, which is regarded as the best majors in the school. The major started to recruit the undergraduate students from

10、 1982. Now it has raised 21 sessions of the undergraduates, and has recruited two sessions of foreign students which is around 300 people. The clinical medicine college has a strong teacher faculties, abundant technical talents, superior teaching and scientific research facilities, suitable academic

11、 atmosphere which creates the good platform for raising a high level and qualified talented person and provides the favorable condition of graduate students education quality. Since the State Council has authorized the Pediatrics, we awarded by the master's degree in the field of the internal me

12、dicine, the surgery one after another in 2003 respectly and also recruited by four sessions of postgraduates from 2004. The clinical medicine college has 88 scientific research papers including 1 national natural sciences fund project, 2 Yun Nan Province natural science fund projects, 11 items of educational reformation which gives the scientific


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