九年级英语专项练习—定语从句和宾语从句精编 带答案_第1页
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1、2018年九年级英语专项练习定语从句和宾语从句Name_ Grade_第一部分 单项选择。(本题共45小题,每题1分,计45分) 从每小题所给的A、 B、 C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. kind of tea would you like? I love tea has a fruity taste. A. Which;what B. What; which C. Whose; that D. What; who( )2.Excuse me, how long will it take me to get to the post office? Well, it d

2、epends on . A. how you will get there B. when you will get there C. where you will get D. how will you get there( )3.Excuse me. Could you please tell me _?Sure. Go along this street and turn left. Its on your right.A. when I can get to the bookstore B. when can I get to the bookstoreC. how I can get

3、 to the bookstore D. how can I get to the bookstore( )4.Why are you so worried? Ive lost the watch _ my dad bought me on my birthday. A. what B. who C. whose D. which( )5. She often parks her car near the house _she can easily get to.A. where B. who C. which D. what ( )6. Could you please tell _? A.

4、 how can I make the machine work B. how I can make the machine work C. how I can make the machine to work D. how can I make the machine to work( )7.What did the manager ask you after the meeting? She asked me_. A. what I do for the project last week B. if can I finish the work on time C. how did I d

5、eal with the problem D. why I was late for the meeting( )8.CCTV has produced a TV show-Chinese Poetry Competition. Have you seen it? Sure. Wu Yishu, 16, _studies at the High School Affiliated to Fudan, is the winner. A. which B. where C. who D. whom ( )9. Excuse me, can you tell me_?Sorry, I am too

6、busy now. Why not search the Internet for information?A. how does smog come into being B. where the national space station lies C. why are tigers becoming fewer now D. how many years did the Qin empire last ( )10.Do you know_ Yes, of course. It will be hosted by Beijing and Zhangjiakou.A. how will b

7、e the 2022 Winter Olympics B. which city will host the 2022 Winter OlympicsC. when will be the next Winter Olympics D. where will be the next Winter Olympics( )11.Could you tell me how long you   this computer? A. had boughtB. have boughtC. have hadD. had had( )12.I don't believe the reason

8、   you were late this morning. A. becauseB. whyC. ifD. when( )13.Guess   I did last Sunday. I think you went to the party. A. whereB. whatC. howD. why( )14.Judy likes music very much. She likes music   she can dance to. A. whatB. whoC. thatD. whom( )15.Cindy shut the door heavily and

9、burst into tears. No one in the office knew she was so angry. A. whereB. whetherC. thatD. why( )16.Could you tell me something about Zheng He? Sure. He was a Ming Dynasty explorer   the Chinese people are proud of. A. whichB. whoseC. whomD. where( )17.He showed me around the school   he st

10、udied three years ago. A. thatB. whenC. whereD. there( )18.Can you tell me   you have been collecting shells? Since I was seven years old. A. how long B. how oldC. how farD. how many( )19.I really want to know  . A. what is wrong with my brother B. how will he go to Beijing tomorrow C. if

11、had he bought that car D. where did he go yesterday( )20.Could you tell me how long   the book? Three days. A. I can keepB. can I borrowC. I can borrowD. can I keep( )21.Liu Ling's mother wanted to know  . A. if she studied hard at school B. how did she study at school C. what did she

12、study at school D. whether did she study hard at school( )22.I hate people   talk much but do little. A. whomB. whoseC. whichD. who( )23.Everyone should know   they can save themselves when a fire breaks out. A. whetherB. whatC. whenD. how( )24.Do you know  about Wuhu? The people and

13、the food. A. how Jack likesB. what Jack likes C. how does Jack likeD. what does Jack like( )25.The computer   last week works very well. A. which we bought itB. that we bought it C. we boughtD. what we bought( )26.Everything depends on we can get there on time. A. ifB. whenC. whetherD. which( )

14、27.I will never forget the years we studied in the same class. A. whenB. thatC. whichD. where( )28.We are sure   she will pass the physics test. A. whatB. thatC. whichD. how( )29.The panda is a kind of animal   can be found only in China. A. whoB. whoseC. whichD. when( )30.He said he  

15、; three English songs since he came here. A. had learnedB. learnedC. would learnD. has learned( )31.Miss Green is the only person   can help you with your English. A. sheB. whomC. whichD. who( )32.Can you tell me   is going to clean the classroom? A. whoseB. whomC. whatD. who( )33.This is

16、the room   I used to live. A. whereB. whyC. whoD. when( )34.We don't know   at that time. A. what were you doingB. what you were doing C. what are you doingD. what you are doing( )35.He is the teacher   son we all like. A. whenB. whoC. whomD. whose( )36. Excuse me, could you tell

17、me_? Well, theres one on your left.A. when the bank opens B. where the bank is C. how far is the bank D. how can I get to the bank( )37.I know the lady is singing over there. She is our Chinese teacher. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose( )38. Sara is the girl has taught me how to use We-chat. A. whom

18、 B. which C. what D. who( )39. We can use VQR code(二维码) to find information on the cell phone now. Really? Can you show me it? A. how I can use B. how can I use C. why can I use D. what I can use( )40. Alice, could you tell me when your sister _ from Harbin?I'm not sure. I will call you when she

19、 _.A. will come back, will return B. comes back, will return C. will come back, returns D.comes back, returns( )41. She is the girl _ invention got the first prize in the school competition. A. who B. that C. which D. whose ( )42. What do you think of lemon? Terrible. I like fruit _ tastes sweet. A.

20、 who B. what C. which D. when( )43. Could you please tell me_? At 8:00 p.m.A. when the train will leave B. where will the train goC. where the train will go D. when will the train leave( )44. Could you please tell me_? The people and the food.A. How does Tom like China B. if Tom likes ChinaC. what d

21、oes Tom like about China D. what Tom likes about China( )45. Could you tell me_? The movie Fast and Furious(激情)8.A. where you saw the movie B. which movie you like bestC. where did you see the movie D. which movie do you like best第二部分 根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文内容完整、通顺。(共15小题;共15分)46. Our geography t

22、eacher told us that China  (lie) in the east of the world.47. He said he   then  (do) his English homework.48. Could you tell me when we  (have) the sports meeting the next term?49. The stranger asked me how long I  (study) English.40. She asked me if I  (go) to Lucy

23、9;s birthday party the next week.41. She said that the sun  (be) brighter than the moon.42. I didn't know how old she  (be).43. I don't know how many people  (be) in the room.44. I wanted to know if he  (can) mend the car.45. She said that she  (go) fishing the day b

24、efore yesterday.46. She told me that they  (be) talking about the new film.47. The young woman said that she  (work) in the south for three years.48. Mother asked me if I  (be) late for school yesterday afternoon.49. I hear that Tom  (be) here for a week.60. I hope that I  (

25、visit) Beijing soon.第三部分 用适当的关系代词和关系副词填空(共20小题;共20分)61. This is the tallest building   I have ever seen.62. The film about   they talked will be on next month.63. This is the house in   I lived ten years ago.64. I love the present   you gave me for my birthday very much.65. The m

26、an   spoke at the meeting is Mr. Black.66. The man from   I borrowed the book is Li Lei.67. They rushed over to help the man   car had broken down.68. There are many works of art in the museum   we will visit tomorrow.69. Is this the reason   he refused our offers?70. This i

27、s the mountain village   I stayed last year.71. He gave us everything   he had in the bag.72. This is the car for   he paid fifty thousand dollars.73. The beautiful girl   we met yesterday afternoon is a college student.54. She said   her aunt lived in Shanghai.75. - Did you

28、 know   Peter was?- A reporter.76. He was surprised at   you said to him yesterday afternoon.77. I couldn't understand   my wife was so angry.78. - Excuse me. I'm a traveller here. Could you tell me   I can get to the Museum of Natural History?- Take the No. 8 Bus.79. - I

29、'm calling to know   there is any food left in the refrigerator.- Hold the line, please. Let me have a look.80. - Do you know   the football match will begin?- It'll start at 9:00 a.m.第四部分 完成句子(本题共20小题,每题1分,计20分) 根据汉语提示完成句子,一空一词(包括缩写词)81. 我认为迈克不会来参加我的生日聚会了。I   think Mike  

30、;   to my birthday party.82. 爱丽丝说她已经买了一台新电脑。Alice said that she       a new computer.83. 弗兰克说他要去上海。Frank said that he     for Shanghai.84. 我想知道这个小女孩为什么在哭。I wonder   the little girl    .85. 他没有告诉我今晚有没有去深圳的火车。He didn't tell me       a tra

31、in to Shenzhen this evening.86. 你决定将怎样帮助那些贫困地区的孩子了吗?Have you decided   you     the children in the poor area?87. 这是我曾经听过的最有趣的故事之一。This is one of the most interesting     I      .88. Who was the boy (获得第一名)         in last year's sp

32、orts meeting?89. Jack Will visit the hospital          (他出生的) next week.90. This is the best TV play         (我所看过的) this year.91. All         (他们所做的) is good for us.92. Those (想学习英语的)           during the summer holidays please stand up.93. Please pass me the book         (封面是绿色的).94. Have you finished all the homework               (我们老师要求我们做的)?95. The woman        (我们谈论的)


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