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1、2021-2021学年高一英语(ying yu)±学期第四次月考试题(总分值:150分,测试(ceshi)flt间:120分钟)第一 (diyi)局部听力(共两节,总分值30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容(neirong)结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试 卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题(xiao ti);每题1. 5分,总分值7. 5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最正 确选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来答复有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对 话仅读一遍。1. What are the two speakers

2、 going to buy?A. Bread. B. Cheese. C. Eggs.2. How does the woman find the fish?A. Just so-so. B. Bad. C. Quite good.3. What does the woman mean?A. Mark should go on with the game.B. Mark should draw pictures on the computer.C. Mark should review his lessons.4. Where does the conversation take place?

3、A. In the bookstore. B. In the library. C. In the classroom.5. Why doesn,t Jane eat her chocolate cake?A. She doesn,t like chocolate. B. She has trouble with her tooth. C. She has no teeth.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,总分值22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最正确选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题5秒钟;听完 后,各小

4、题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,答复第6、7题。6. In which department can this conversation most probably take place?A. Shoe Department.B. Clothing Department.C. Jewelry Department.阅读(yuedu)下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。There lived a washerman named Bob in a village. He had two41, a donkey name

5、d Bhola and a dog named Moti. Moti was used to42Bob,s house and Bhola was used to carry the43to the river and back home.One night, when everyone was44. a thief entered the house. Moti saw him but didn,t bark. On45this, Bhola asked Moti, You saw the thief and still didn,t bark. What is the46?Moti rep

6、lied, "You don,t have to tell me about my47. I've been taking care of this house for a long time. But our master doesn,t seem to48this. He gives me less food and doesn,t49me well. If I allow this thief to 50, at least our master will understand my worth. Bhola said, "Don't act like

7、 a(n)51. This is not the time to prove your worth. This is the only time when you can act and protect our master,s house. 52 wasting time and wake our master immediately. However, Moti didn,t listen to Bhola. He replied, Why should I53when he has no respect for me? I'm not going to54him. If you

8、want, you can do that.”Bhola shouted at him. "You are so55. You have no gratitude (感谢(gdnxi e)towards our master. Anyway, I respect our master and I'll warn him about the thief. 41.A.managersB. neighborsC. partnersD. animals42.A.cleanB. buildC. protectD.decorate43.A.clothesB. stonesC. goods

9、D.fruitsBhola started shouting loudly. Hearing his56, Bob woke up. Seeing all this, the thief ran away quickly. Bob57, but he couldn't find anybody. Bob got58that Bhola had disturbed his sleep for no reason. He started beating Bhola with a stick. Bhola was left with a lot of59all over his body.

10、However, it should be remembered that not all the60are right.44.A.weakB. asleepC.silentD. tired45.A.seeingB. smellingC. planningD. hearing46.A.mistakeB. questionC. difficultyD. reason47.A.abilitiesB. thoughtsC.responsibilitiesD. identities48.A.makeB.takeC. ignoreD. understand49.A.treatB. wishC. serv

11、eD. teach50.A.cutB. stealC. climbD. settle51.A.foolB. thiefC.heroD. enemy52.A.FancyB. RiskC.StopD.Allow53.A.waitB.mindC.careD.run54.A.wakeB.believeC. acceptD. save55.A.dullB.stupidC.cleverD. interesting56.A.argumentB. explanationC. adviceD. noise57.A.tried outB. kept onC. looked outD. came about58.A

12、.fearfulB. angryC.nervousD.ashamed59.A.colorsB. injuriesC.secretsD.covers60.A.suggestionsB. answersC. effortsD. punishments总分值15分)第二节(共10小题(xiao ti);每题1.5分,阅读下面(xid mian)短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The first zoo was established around 3,500 years ago by an Egyptian queen for her61(person) enjoyment.

13、 Five hundred years later, a Chinese emperor62 (build) a huge zoo to show his power and wealth. Later zoos were set up63 the purpose of studying animals.Some of the early European zoos consisted of dark holes or dirty cages, the bad conditions of 64 made people disgusted. Later the zoos65(replace)by

14、 research centers and animals there were studied and kept in good condition. These places became the first modern zoos. As early as the 1940s, scientists understood that many kinds of wild animals faced extinction. Since then, zoos have been trying to save many endangered species.66relying on zoos t

15、o savespecies is not enough. The best method of protection is67(leave) them intheir natural habitat.Today animals in large and natural reserves are fed a balanced diet and68(watch) carefully for any sign of disease.69specially trained keeperslooking after them and some hospitals where they can recei

16、ve treatment when ill, all the animals there live70comfortable life. Anyway, it is true that zoobreeding programs have played an important role in protecting many species of wildlife.第四局部(jubu)写作(共两节,总分值35分)第一节 短文改错(9di cud)(共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换(jiaohuan)修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作 文。文中共有10处语言错误

17、,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除 或修改。增加(zengjia):在缺词处加一个漏字符号(八),并在其下面(xid mian)写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Peter,I am writing to offer my sincere congratulation to you on your winning the first prize in the Chinese Chess Network Ch

18、allenge. As your friend, I just want you to know how pleasing I am at your success. "Everything comes to him who waits.,z After these recent eight years, you've shown great interest in Chinese chess and keep on practicing it every day. Not only you read many books about Chinese chess strate

19、gy, and you have competed in all kinds of Chinese chess contests. Finally, your hard work was paid off, bringing an online competition to you! So r m so happy that you have become the winner of this network challenge. At last with the hope of make great progress, I do hope to playChinese chess with

20、you. Please tell me that you are free this Sunday.Yours,Li Hua 第二节 书面(shumian)表达(总分值25分)假定你是李华。你在这个暑假(shti j访)到英国进行了为期两周的游学,你的住宿家庭 (homestay family)给你提供了很多帮助。现在你己开始高中阶段的学习,请写一封邮件对 提供住宿的家庭Brown -家人表示感谢,并介绍自己现在的学习情况。内容包括:1. 表示感谢;2. 学习(xuexi)情况;3. 希望(xiwang)再次相见。注意(zhu yi):1 .词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

21、英语第B次月考听力景音材料Text IM: What do we need at the shop?W : Well. we ve got enough Bread, hut we need more eggs.M: What about cheese?W : No. we've got plenty.Text 2M: How about my fish?W : It couldn't be better. Cooking is really your field.lext 3M:Mark's playing computer games.W .Should he do

22、 that when the final exam is drawing near? lext 4M:1 like these books, but they look like quite expensive.W : $ 15 for two books. That's really not very expensive for good books.Text 5M: Why don't you eat your chocolate cake. Jane? Don't you like chocolate?W : Yes I do. Bin 1 am having t

23、n)ub!e with my bad tooth.Text 6参考答案phone is over there on your right.M:1 see. Thanks.Text 8W:It s time to go home. 1 really don't want to leave. I've had such fun here with you.M:m glad.W: Thank you so much for taking me to Disneyland. That is wonderful.M:m sorry that you ,ve got to leave.W:

24、 So am I.M:I m really glad that you enjoyed your stay here. Why don't you think about coming hack again next year? We can see some other things around the United States.W: I'd love to do that. Thanks for the invitation.M: You're welcome. 1 hope you'll have a safe trip back, (five me

25、a phone call when you get home so that 1 know you've got there safely.W: 1 will. Thanks again. Bye!M: Bye!Text 9M:(»(x)d afternoon. I believe that this house is for sale.W:That's right.M:May 1 have a look at it. please?M:G(x)d afternoon, madam. Is anyone taking care of you?W ; No, not y

26、et. Could you show me that overcoat in the middle?M:Certainly. What color, black or silver grey?W:Silver grey* please. 1 like the color.M: Silver grey suits you.W : Is it 100% wool?M:Of course. It's 100% new wool. Why not try it on?W :OK! Mm. 1 think it fits me.M:It fits you very well. It looks

27、gcxxi on you. madam.W :How much is it?M; It is just $ 299. But we can take 10% off if you buy it today.W : Well. it 's still very expensive.Text 7W: Excuse me* Mr. Black. I almost forget there is a phone message here for you. A Professor (reen called and asked you to call him back.M: Where is he

28、 now. do you know?W :He*s staying in the Blackwood I iotel Room 809.M: Thank you. Do you happen to have the number of the Blackwood Hotel?W:l'm sorry. I don't But you can get it by dialing 114.M:()h and could J trouble you to change a dollar?W: All right. 11 ere is your change. By the way. t

29、he publicRose thought for a few seconds before she answered. Then she said. *All right, then I'll start in three months' time.” Keys: 15 CCCAB 610 BCACB1115 ABCBC 1620 BABCA【语篇导读】本史由三个招释广告税成.介绍了三个空缺 的职位及其招聘要束.21. B【解析】细甘理解题“根据第一购招聘广告中的-Tour guides are required to lead tourists to the forest

30、and accompany them during their stay at a jungle hut°nf 知,在 秘舍工作的导游需要引导游客游览森林及在丛林木屋中 陪伴游客.故B项正确.22. C【解析】细我理解题.根据第二岫招聘广告中的 "Previous experience is not necessary but a high level of English or Italian is highly desirable."可知.想在意大利宾 馆工作的求职者工作经教不是必须的.故C项正确23. D【解析】细黄理解题,根据第一娜广告中-A rich k

31、nowledge of English is very important."第三蛔招聘广告 中的"Besides, fluent English is required. * nf 知两份工作 都要求英语好,故D项正确.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文.主妥介绍了几个与candy 有关的英语短语,24. B【解析】细,理解题。根据第二段-Eye candy is a person man or woman who is very gcxxl-looking, "nf 知.短语仕ye candy”指的是长得好看的人.故选B项。25. B【解析】词义猜测题.根据本句中-

32、and it may hide a bad W: Yes» of course, come in.M: How long have you lived here?W:20 years.M:Then why do you want to sell it?W: Because 1 have just stopped work, and I want to buy a small one in the country.M: How much does this house cost?W: $6,850.M:That's a lot of money. W:It's wort

33、h every penny of it.M:Wel 1. 1 like this house, hut 1 can't decide yet. My wife must see it first.W: Well, women always have the last word.lext 10Rose left school when she was seventeen years old and went to a college for a year to learn to type. She passed her examinations quite well and then w

34、ent to look for work. She was still living with her parents. A lot of people were looking for typists at that time, so it was not difficult to find interesting work. Rose went to several offices, and then chose one of them. It was near her parents' house. She thought. “I will walk there every mo

35、rning. 1 won t go by bus. " She went to the office again and said to the manager. *1 want to work here but how much will you pay me?" * We will pay you S 27 now.” the manager answered, "and S 30 in three months.”【语篇导读】右文主要讲遂一个小女孩想尽各种办法拯救 海龟的故事.32. B【解析】推理判断题.由文散第二段-Casey raises money

36、for the reptiles, which are in danger due to global climate change. "口J知.Casey募集资金帮助保护受到威胁 的海龟,33. A【解析】词义猜测题.根据句义W知.Casey第一次遇到 海电是在她参观一个护理动物中心的时候.口【知A项 正确.34. D【解析】细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的She also wants to create a sea turtle website, of 知.Casey 想创办一个关于 海他的网站.35. D【解析】坏题归纳题.本文主要讲述一个小女孩想尽各 抻办法拯救海龟的故事.故)项

37、作为标题最合适。【语篇导读】本文为说明丈.介绍了形式多桦的蛾艺术.36. I)【解析】根据第一段36空后的They can range from wedding cakes to store windows可知糖艺术的展示出现 在各种各样的场合。37. C【解析】根据第二段37空前的Many techniques can be used for this art可知.所有这些技能都需要技巧和实践。38. G【解析】根据第三段38空后的句子可知.人们也W以利 用已经被制作成各种形状的«S39. B【解析】根据第四段39空后的Sugar art will start to weaken

38、and melt if it is exposed to moisture or high temperatures可知,这种艺术形式很快就会变质。taste* nJ知.这个塘衣会在你吃药丸时,隐藏棹苦味.故选 B项。26. D【解析】细S理解题“根据最后一段“So use this expression when you are talking about something that may be simple to do. but probably not right. w 可知.短语"as easy as taking candy from a baby"指的是做起

39、来简中.但是 不正确的事.故选D项.27. B【解析】玉斤大意题.通读全文口【知.本文主要介绍了 几个与candy有关的英语短语.故选B项.【语篇导读】一个没有实现自己梦想的园艺工人成立了一 个纽奴.来帮助观明的孩子们实现他们的梦想.从而也实现了 白己的梦想。28. C【解析】细。理解题根据第二段的-He came to America to make his dreams come truew 和“I always wanted to be somebody* somebody 在此意为"了 不起的人 物”.故选c项.29. D【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段的-Unfortunat

40、ely, since Noel is still waiting for his citizenship. he*s not qualified for financial aid.”,不幸的是由于诺埃尔仍在等 待他的公民身份.他没有资格爽得经济援助.这样他不得 不在全日制上学的同时全飒工作.可知没有经济援助的 话他不能供n己上学故选dj®.30. D【解析】推理判断题,通读全文,结合第二段-But now 1 just want the opportunity to help others ,* 口I 知.口I 知 Cataline Tabia是一个善任并乐于助人的人.故选D项.3

41、1. A【解析】主旨大意题,文章主要讲述了一个园艺工人在足国成立团艺工人基金会帮助孩子实现拶想的故事.而主 人公也因此实现了自己的梦想故选A项.51. A 解析】根据空后内容可知.驴认为这很不明智° fool52. C t册析】根据空前的“This is not. our masters house"可 知驴警告狗别再浪费时间了 赶快把主人叫酬Rney “想妾想做,:risk-ff险”商low-允许53. C【解析】狗觉得口己不被尊重,所以不在f(carv)主人的 东西被输.54. A 解析】主人不尊重狗,狗不打算叫Itt(wakr)主人。55. B【解析】根据语境可知.此

42、处表示“你太了”.下句 ,* You have no gratitude (感 激towards our master*也是暗示.56. D【解析】根据上句中的-shouting loudly*诃知.听到了驴 的叫 (noise)* Bob !H 了. argument* 争论 explanation -Ww;advice-建议57. C 1解析】根据空后的*he couldn,! find anybody-可知.此 处指Bob向外看(looked out).看是否仃人.try out*检 技”8keep on*St 续,*iconic about*发生二58. B【解析】根据空后的-Bhol

43、a had disturbed his 炽p”可推 断出.自己的薜眠无故被打tt.Bob很生气(angry).59. B【解析】根据上句中的healing诃知Bob很生气.于是就 开始用棍了打驴.所以驴最后是谊体Mft(iryuries).60. D【薪析】根据上文的内容可知.并小所有的惩丑都是正 确的, punishment"惩罚”,符合语境 suggestion* ft 议、 answer* 答案-1 effort*?力”.【话篇导读】丈幸介绍了公园用途的变化.61. personal【解析】号杳词性转化。根据后面的名词enjoyment, )3140. F【畀析】根据第五段40

44、空前的Candy stores may also use this art as a seasonal decoration 口J 知.在一些文化中. 小装怖品也被作为礼物赠送。【语篇导读】丈章讲述了两只动物的故亨.41. D【解析】根据空后的donkey和dog可知.Bob家里养者 构只动物(animals):头驴和一条狗。manager*经理。 neighbor* 邻居 w; partner* 搭档42. C【解析】根据常识可知拘看护(protect)!:人的房子. 第四段中的"protect our master's house*” 也是提示.clean “打扫。bui

45、lcT建筑.建造,decorate-装怖-。43. A【解析】根据文散百句中的washerman 口I知.驴为主人 把要洗的衣服(clothes) ft到河边44. B【解析】根据空前的night 口 I知.有一天晚上.人们都睡 着(asleep)后.一个小输溜进了房子里.45. A【解析】看到(seeing)小偷进来了 .驴就何狗为什么 不叫.46. D【解析】驴在问狗不叫的原因(reason)是什么。mistake “错误。question-问题,difficulty-因雄”.47. C【解析】根据卜文中的Mtaking care of this house"可知 此处指贲任 r

46、esponsibility-«任”.符合语境。ability-能 力thought-法.看法"identity-身份。48. D【解析】狗认为Hd-ft在为主人看家护院.但是主人 似乎不明白(understand)这一点。卜文中的understand也 是提示.49. A【解析】根据空前的food”可知.主人不让狗吃饱. 对它不好。50. B【解析】如果狗止贼避去偷(steal)东西.这样主人就会明 白它的价值了。Di,ar PeUT»I am writing to offer my sincere ccngndul"ion to you on cong

47、 rat ulaltons your winning the finu prize in ihr Chinese Chess Net work Challrngr. A、your friend, I just wan I you to know how pleging I am at your success. "Everything comes (o him who pleased wails " Afler these recent right yvars, you've During./In/Ovcrshown gn*at intrn-st in ('

48、hirwsf chess and on praclicing itevery day. Not only A you read many books aboul Chinese havechess strategy .and you have compelcd in all kinds of Chinese* bu<chess conlests. Finally. your hard work paid off. bringing an online cxjmpt-tiiion io you! So I'm so happy thal theyou haw b<*cornc

49、 thv winner of lhi$ network challvngr. At laM with the hope of make great progress, I do hoj)c 10 play makingI'hineM- chess with you. Please lell me lh" you are fnt* whetherthis Sunday.Yours.Li Hua书面表达书面衰达评分细则书面表达各档次的给分范围和要求:第五档(很好)(2125分):此处戍填形容词形式.62. buih【郦析】号杏时态.根据时间状® five hundred

50、 years later. 此句应用一般过去时态.63. for【解析】考查介词.此地考杏固定搭配for the purpose of. 意思是为了目的。64. which【解析】号查关系同.此题与占II限制性定沿从句.which 指代前面的 dark holes or dirty cages.65. w<tc replaced【解析】号杳被动ifi态.此题考查-般过去时态的被动ift 态,bv replaced by意为"被取代66. but【解析】&杳连词.此题弯杏上下文的逻辑关系.前后句是 转折关系.67. to leave【解析】考杏不定式.此题考查动词不定式作

51、表ifi.68. watched【解析】考杳过去分词.此题每杏被动沼态.根据空前的 are fed 可知。69. With【解析】考奁介词.此题考查wiih的夏合结构.70. a【新析】考查冠词.此地考查固定搭EJivea.-life,短文改错L有一些沿法结构或词汇方面的错误.影响了对啧代内容的 理解5 .较少使用语句间的连接成分.内容缺少连贯性."!、K能清楚地传达给读者.第一档(是)(15分):1 .未完成试题规定的任务.2. 明显遗漏主要内容.弓r -些无关内容.原因诃能压未理解 试题要求.3. 语法结构单调、词汇项目有限4. 较多沿法结构或词汇方面的错误.影响对弓作内容的理解

52、.5. 缺乏语句间的连接成分.内容不连贯.6 .信息未能传达给读者.不得分(0分):1. 未能传达给读者任何信息:内容大少,无法评君.2. "的内容均与所要求内容无关或所弓内容无法看清.One possible iiersion :Dvar Mr. & Mrs. Brown,1. 完全完成了试题规定的任务.2 .覆盖所有内容要点3 .应用了较多的语法结构和词汇.LiA法结构或词汇方面有些许错误.但为尽力使用较复杂结 构或较高级词汇所致;具备较强的语言运用能力.5. 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分.使全文结构紧凑.6. 完全达到了琪期的写作目的.第四档(好)(1620分):1 .

53、完全完成了试?8规定的任务.2. 虽漏掉1、2个次重点.但覆盖所有主要内容.3. 成用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求.4. 语法结构或词汇方面应用基本席确.些许错误主要是因金 试较复杂语法结构或词汇所致。5 .应用简单的ifi句间的连接成分.使全文结构紧凑.6 .达到了 Hi期的写作目的 第三档(适当)(1115分):1 .基本完成了试籍规定的任务.2 .虽漏掉一些内容.但覆孟所有主要内容.3 .应用的语法结构和词汇能潢足任务的要求.4.有一些ifi法结构或词汇方面的错误.但不影响理解.5 .应用简单的沿句间的连接成分.使全文内容连贯.6. 常体而言.基本达到了预期的写作目的. 第二档(较差

54、)(610分):1 .未恰当完成试题规定的任务.2. 漏抻或未描述清茫-些主要内容.咛了一些无关内容.3. 语法结构单调、词汇项目有限。How is it going? It has betn two rnontlis »incc I ret uni vd from your country. To begin with. 1 really want to express rny big thanks to you. 1 rvrnember well what your family did (luring niy two wtfk trawl stucly. As a homest

55、ay family* you offered me plenty of help and convenience* for which I can't I hank you enough.Now I have started rny senior high study. To tell you the truth. I am boih excited and a little (ktvous* because ihert* is much more knowledge for me to gel. Mvanwhik*. 1 have many fantastic classmates

56、and teachers. I believe with their help 1 can get used to the new life.By the way. I siru'erely invite you to China. ! am looking forward to receiving your family warmly.Thanks again.Yours Li Hua内容总结(1) 2021-2021学年高一英语上学期第四次月考试题(总分值:150分,测试时间:120分钟)第一局部听力(共两节,总分值30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上7. What could b

57、e the reason if the woman does not buy the overcoat?A. The color. B. The size. C. The price. 听第7段材料(cailiao),答复第8至10题。8. What can the woman be?assistant ofA. A waitress at a hotel. B. The secretary of Mr. Black. C. The Professor Green.9. How could the man get in touch with Mr. Green?A. Ask the woman to find the Blackwood Hotel.B. Dial 809.C. Dial 114 to find the telephone number of the Blackwood Hotel.10. Why did the man ask the wom


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