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1、.Unit 3The land down under(B卷)第卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。M:What about the party last weekend?W:We had no end of a good time.I wish for it once again.1What does the woman mean?A.

2、She had a wonderful party.B.She had a very bad party.C.She hadnt attended the party.答案AM:Mom,Ive got an “A” in the English test last week.W:Good job!2What do you know about the boy?A.He got a good job.B.He failed in a test.C.He did well in the test.答案CM:Mom,can I have two pieces of cake?W:Certainly.

3、Take this piece and cut it in two.3What is the result according to the dialogue?A.The boy will get more cake.B.The boy will get the same amount.C.The boy will get less cake.答案BM:I hate to see a girl standing in a bus when I am comfortably seated.W:So what do you do?M:I close my eyes.4What does the m

4、an do according to the dialogue?A.He gives his seat to the girl.B.He asks the girl to sit beside him.C.He acts as if he didnt see the girl.答案CM:Hello,Miss Anderson.I hear you are going to get married.Congratulations!W:Oh,dear.Well,its not definite really.Nobodys supposed to know.5Why does the man co

5、ngratulate Miss Anderson?A.Nobody knows.B.She will have a baby.C.Shell get married.答案C第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第67题。W:What do you find hardest in English?M:I find listening

6、 really hard.Sometimes its just impossible to understand.W:Well,you just need a lot of practice.The more you listen to English,the easier it becomes.M:Its easier said than done!W:Why dont you buy a radio?Then you can listen to BBC or VOA English programs on the radio.M:Do you think that would help?W

7、:Of course.M:Thats a good idea.6What does the man find hardest in English?A.Reading.B.Listening.C.Speaking.答案B7Which of the following is NOT the advice that the woman gives the man?A.Buying a radio.B.Listening to English broadcast.C.Listening to lectures.答案C听第7段材料,回答第810题。M:Lucy,what do you think yo

8、ull do on your vacation?W:I havent made up my mind yet.But I know for sure I need to do something really interesting.M:May I make a suggestion?W:Sure,whats that?M:How about camping in mountains?W:I have never done that before.Isnt it true that one can easily get lost in the mountains?M:Not if you ha

9、ve the knowledge.I got much experience from hard training,and I know the path like the back of my hand.Dont worry.Once you get your feet wet,youll learn how to camp very fast.W:It sounds like a good idea,but I am green.I need help and instruction.Can you go with me?M:No problem.Id love to give you a

10、 hand whenever you need it.8What are they talking about?A.The plan for their vacation.B.The rules for the physical training.C.The hard training in climbing mountains.答案A9Whats the mans suggestion?A.Swimming.B.Camping in mountains.C.Training for experience.答案B10What do you learn from the dialogue?A.T

11、he woman wont go camping in mountains on her vacation.B.The woman will go camping in mountains with the man.C.The woman has much experience in camping.答案B听第8段材料,回答第1113题。W:Hello,Ben.Youre getting ready for tomorrows lessons,arent you?M:Yes.Im a bit nervous.I have no idea whatll happen in class and h

12、ow Ill get along with my classmates.W:I understand how youre feeling.Just take it easy.Youll make a lot of new friends very soon.M:Thank you.Ill try my best to get used to my new school life as soon as possible.By the way,what time does the first class begin?W:At 8 oclock.But before that we have 10

13、minutes to hand in homework and then 20 minutes for morning reading.M:So we must get to school before 7:30,right?W:Right.M:How long does each class last?W:45 minutes,I think,with a 10 or 15 minutes break.M:Well,I hear that lunchtime is nearly 12 oclock and Ill be studying to eat.W:Dont worry.During

14、the break after the second class,we can buy something to eat.M:Thats good.11Why was the boy a bit nervous?A.He was a newcomer to the school.B.He was afraid of getting up early.C.He didnt prepare for the exams.答案A12What must the students do before morning reading?A.Do morning exercises.B.Hand in home

15、work.C.Copy words and expressions.答案B13What can they do if they feel hungry?A.Have something to eat in class.B.Buy something to eat during the break.C.Ask the teacher for some food.答案B听第9段材料,回答第1417题。W:Hello.M:Hi,Sally.This is Polly.W:Great to hear from you,Polly.How have you been doing?M:To tell th

16、e truth,Im very worried about our final examinations next month.For one thing,I cant sleep.W:I am sorry for that.I went through the same thing last year.M:Thats exactly why Im calling you.Do you have any suggestions for dealing with anxiety?You know how I hate exams.W:Well,last year the teacher offe

17、red a lesson about it.Have you been in contact with the teacher?M:No.I havent had time.W:Funny,isnt it?Just when students need help most we cant afford time to get it.M:Well,perhaps I should turn to the teacher.W:I suggest you call the teacher tomorrow.He may give you some advice.M:Thanks,Sally.Ill

18、let you know how it goes.W:Best luck.And have a good rest.M:Thats easier said than done.14What is the main topic of this dialogue?A.Test anxiety.B.Truth.C.Time.答案A15Why is Polly worried?A.He failed his last test.B.He missed his teacher.C.Hes taking examinations soon.答案C16Why does Polly turn to Sally

19、 for advice?A.She is older than he is.B.She has been through a similar experience.C.She is a medical expert.答案B17What does Sally advise Polly to do?A.Turn to the teacher.B.Have a good rest.C.Stop taking the exam.答案A听第10段材料,回答第1820题。You might think the largest library in the world would be in Europe.

20、But it isnt.Its in Washington D.C.Its called the Library of Congress.President John Adams started the library in 1800 for members of Congress.He wanted them to be able to read books about law.The first 740 books were bought in England.They were simply set up in the room where Congress met.Then Thoma

21、s Jefferson sold Congress many of his own books.He felt Congress should have books on all subjects,not just on law.This idea changed the library.The library grew and grew.Now it covers acres of land.It contains 20 million books as well as lots of pictures,movies,globes and machines.Experts in every

22、field work there.Hundreds of people call every day with all kinds of questions.Many of them get answers right over the phone.The library is a huge storehouse.Thomas Edisons first movie lies there.18Who started the Library of Congress?A.John Adams.B.Thomas Jefferson.C.Thomas Edison.答案A19Where were th

23、e first books in the Library from?A.Thomas Jefferson sold them to the Library.B.Experts in every field wrote for the Library.C.They were bought from England.答案C20To whom is the Library opened today?A.The members of Congress.B.The public.C.Lawyers and experts.答案B第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:语法和词汇知识(共15小

24、题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21She claimed 500 dollars him injuries suffered.A.for;ofB.from;of C.from;forD.for;from解析本题考查claim与介词搭配所表达的不同意思。由题干可判断出句子的意思应为“她向他索取500美元伤害赔偿费”。表达“向某人索取钱款”时,claim应与from搭配。因为而索赔,表示原因时,应用介词for,所以答案应选C。答案C22The Labor Party was from 1964 to 1970.A.governedB.in g

25、overnmentC.under the governmentD.governing解析本题考查in government“执政,治理”的意思。只要弄清楚题干的意思,就不会选错,题干意为“工党从1964年到1970年执政”。答案B23Your story has little the facts.A.resemblances toB.resemblances inC.resemblance toD.resemblance in解析本题考查resemblance是作可数名词还是不可数名词,以及resemblance与介词to的搭配。题干当中已有提示词“little”,little是用来修饰不可数

26、名词的,所以resemblance不能加s。本题意为“你的陈述与事实没有什么相符合的地方”。答案C24At times,he wrote under names.A.diversified;diverseB.diversity;diversityC.diverse;diversityD.diverse;diverse解析此题考查“diverse”作定语的用法。句子意思是“在不同的时代,他用不同的笔名写作”。答案D25The traffic lights have from red green.A.transformed;intoB.changed;intoC.transformed;inD.c

27、hanged;to解析本题考查transform及change与介词的搭配问题,交通灯由红变绿,是颜色外在的变化,并没有什么本质上的变化,所以不用介词into,而用to。答案D26Equipped with modern facilities,todays libraries differ greatly from .A.those of the pastB.the pastC.which of the pastD.these past解析本题考查those作替代的用法,those代替前面提到的可数名词复数libraries。libraries前有定语todays,故those后应用of短语作

28、定语。答案A27He drew the picture quite the others.A.different fromB.different withC.differently fromD.differently with解析differ在表示“不同于”时,它的各种形式都是与from搭配,所以排除B、D项;题意为“他画这幅画不同于其他人”。修饰动词draw,应用副词形式。答案C28After the war,that country their defence works.A.improvedB.increasedC.strengthenedD.powered解析此题考查strengthe

29、n的意思和用法。improve和increase虽然也有“提高,增加”的意思,但与宾语defence works(防御工事)相搭配不合适,而power重在指权力。答案C29He withdrew from political life and he was soon forgotten.A.as a consequence ofB.as a consequenceC.as a result ofD.as result解析and连接的是两个并列句。而of后面只能跟名词、代词或动名词,不能连接句子。所以排除A、C项。虽然in consequence相当于as a consequence。但as a

30、 result的意思却不同于as result。所以D项是不对的。答案B30She feeds the baby milk and hay her cattle.A.on;toB.to;onC.with;toD.on;with解析本题考查feed与不同介词搭配的不同意思。该句意思为“她用牛奶喂婴儿,把干草喂给牛”。只有分清楚feed的宾语是人还是物,才能选择合适的介词。feed+人或动物+on+食物=feed+食物+to+人或动物。答案A31I spent the morning trying to the documents I needed.A.round upB.round offC.r

31、ound outD.round on解析此题意为“我花了一整个上午的时间收集我所需要的文件”。所缺处需要一个短语来表达“收集”。选择项中,round off意为“把弄成圆形”。round out意为“使变圆,丰满或完美”。round on意为“攻击,谩骂”,所以应选A。答案A32When did the Second World War ?A.happenB.take placeC.occurD.break out解析战争的爆发是正式而严肃的,不论战争是正义的带是非正义的,总会给人们带来一些灾害,所以应用break out。答案D33She thought I was talking abou

32、t her daughter,in fact,I was talking about my daughter.A.whomB.whereC.whichD.while解析句意为“她认为我在谈她女儿,而实际上我在谈我的女儿”。whom,which和where分别是引导定语从句的关系代词和关系副词,后一句并非修饰定语从句,故应排除A、B、C三项。答案D34Only in this way to make improvements in the operating system.A.you can hopeB.you did hopeC.can you hopeD.did you hope解析本题中“

33、only+介词短语”置于句首作状语,须用倒装语序;因为句意表达的是一种条件,故使用did不符合题意。题意:只有用这种方法,才能改善操作系统。答案C35They have produced they did last year.A.twice more grain asB.twice as much grain asC.twice as many grain asD.as twice many grain as解析此题考查倍数表示法,不论哪种表示法,主语、谓语之后都应先加上倍数,所以首先排除D。若选A,more应与than搭配,所以此选项也可排除。grain是不可数名词,应用much修饰,所以排

34、除C。答案B第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。“World War was terrible,” said Sophie. “Do you think countries will 36 learn to live together 37?”“They mightone day,” said Jake. “Lets 38 what happens when people leave the Earth and explore other 39.” He typed “SPACE

35、 EXPLORATION”.Whirligigs voice began:“The first manmade satellite was 40 in October 1957 by the 41 Soviet Union.It was called Sputnik .The next month,they sent the first 42 creature into orbita dog called Laika.From then on,it was a match between the USSR and America to put the first 43 into space.T

36、he USSR won the game 44 some amazing news was reported on 12 April 1976:Yuri Gagarin had 45 a single orbit of the Earth.”The American won 46 race on 20 July,1969 when their spacecraft 47 on the moon.As Neil Armstrong walked on to the moons dusty 48,he took “one small step for man and one gaint leap

37、49 mankind”.“Even in space,50 compete instead of helping one another,”51Sophie.Whirligig went on:“The Russians launched the first space station,Salyut,in 1971.Then the Americans 52 it with Skylab.The most successful space station was the Russian Mir,which 53 “space”.54 of many nations,including Brit

38、ain and America,spent hours in Mir before it crashed 55 into the earths atmosphere.”36A.stillB.yetC.everD.never解析本题考查句意理解。根据句意知这里表示将来,故排除A、B两项,从下文的回答They mightone day可排除D项。答案C37A.in peaceB.at peaceC.with peaceD.for peace解析本题考查上下文理解和短语区别。文章一开头就提到战争可怕,这里当然是希望和平。答案A38A.findB.find outC.work atD.work on解

39、析本题考查词义区别。根据句意可知是去网上查找,故B项正确。答案B39A.earthsB.globesC.planetsD.stars解析考查词义理解。显然这里是与地球对比,故C项正确。答案C40A.put upB.sent outC.drivenD.launched解析本题考查词义区别及上下文联系。根据句意知这里应是“发射人造卫星”,只有D项有此意。答案D41A.formerB.greatC.powerfulD.earlier解析本题考查常识理解。第一颗人造卫星是由前苏联发射的,former意为“以前的”,符合文章意思。答案A42A.livelyB.aliveC.livedD.living解析

40、考查词义区别。D项意为“有生命的”,这里living creature意为“生物”,与下文的a dog对应。答案D43A.animalB.plantC.monkeyD.man解析本题考查对下文内容的理解。从此空格的后面一句可知,前苏联将人最先送入太空中。答案D44A.whenB.in whichC.whereD.before解析本题考查句型理解。这里是时间状语从句。答案A45A.movedB.completedC.spentD.surrounded解析本题考查句意理解。这是指Yuri Gagarin成功地绕地球飞行了一圈,故用complete。答案B46A.anotherB.the other

41、C.a differentD.an easier解析本题考查文章理解。显然这是两个领域的竞争,因此应是不同的比赛。答案C47A.reachedB.boardedC.arrivedD.landed解析本题考查词义理解。这里指宇宙飞船登陆月球。答案D48A.surfaceB.groundC.floorD.outside解析本题考查常识理解。显然人类是着陆在月球的表面上的。答案A49A.forB.toC.onD.of解析本题考查短语搭配。从本句中and前的for man这一平行结构可知应填for。答案A50A.peoplesB.countriesC.governmentsD.states解析本题考查

42、文意理解。从上文可知,太空的竞争是国家间的竞争。答案B51A.sighedB.announcedC.arguedD.declared解析本题考查文意理解。Sophie讨厌战争,因此,才去太空中寻找和平,但太空也不平静,只有叹息了。答案A52A.connectedB.suppliedC.joinedD.followed解析本题考查文意理解。美国紧跟其后,因此,应为follow。答案D53A.meantB.achievedC.resulted inD.led to解析本题考查词义理解。答案A54A.CaptainsB.Rich menC.AstronautsD.Pilots解析本题考查句意理解。在

43、空间站Mir工作的人当然是宇航员。答案C55A.backB.forwardC.downD.up解析本题考查文章理解。发射到太空的东西坠毁后自然是落到地球上(大气层中)。答案A第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet,chat and go where weve never been before.But just as in facetoface communication,t

44、here are some basic rules of behaviour that should be followed when online.The basic rule is simple:treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.Imagine how youd feel if you were in the other persons shoes.For anything youre about to send:ask yourself,“Would I say this to the persons fa

45、ce?”If the answer is no,rewrite and reread.Repeat the process till you feel sure that youd feel comfortable saying the words to the persons face.If someone in the chat room is rude to you,your instinct(本能) is to fire back in the same manner.But try not to do so.You should either ignore the person,or

46、 use your chat software to block their messages.If it was caused by a disagreement with another member,try to fix the situation by politely discussing it.Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.Everyone was new to the network once.Offer advice when asked by newcomers,

47、as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate.When someone makes a mistake,whether its a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer,be kind about it.If its a small mistake,you may not need to say anything.Even if you feel strongly about it,think twice before saying anything.Having go

48、od manners yourself doesnt give you license to correct everyone else.If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake,point it out politely.At the same time,if you find you are wrong,be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.It is not polite to ask others personal que

49、stions such as their age,sex,and marital status.Unless you know the person very well,and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information,dont ask such questions.56When you send short messages to a person online,you must .A.make sure that they mean no harmB.read them again and againC.say s

50、omething beautiful to hearD.repeat them later to the persons face解析细节理解题。短文第三段表述的意思是:倘若现在我们面对面,我这样说合适吗?如果答案是否定的,那么就把信息重写一遍,然后读一遍。如此反复几次,直到你觉得语言比较得体时,再把它发出去。由此可得出答案。答案A57If you are hurt in the chat room by others,you can .A.fight back in the same wayB.take them seriouslyC.refuse to receive their mess

51、agesD.tell the police about this解析细节理解题。短文第四段提到:你可能本能地想到马上予以“还击”。不要这样做。你可以不理那个人,或用聊天软件阻止他的信息。答案C58If a newcomer who communicates online makes any mistakes,you .A.should point them out sharplyB.shouldnt be so strict with themC.should say something about themD.should take your responsibility to correc

52、t them解析细节理解题。根据第五段的内容可知。答案B59This passage mainly tells us .A.some rules of Internet communicationB.ways of sending messagesC.rules of the chat roomD.ways of making friends on the Internet解析主旨大意题。根据第二段中“But just as in facetoface communication,there are some basic rules of behavior that should be fol

53、lowed when online”一句可知。答案ABMusic is an international language.The songs that are sung or played by instruments are beautiful to all people everywhere.Popular music in America is what every student likes.Students carry small radios with earphones and listen to music before class,after class,and at lu

54、nch.Students with cars buy large speakers and play the music loudly as they drive on the streets.Adult drivers listen to music on the car radio as they drive to work.They also listen to the news about sports,the weather,politics,and activities of the American people.Most of the radio broadcast is music.Pop or popular music singers make much money.They make a CD or tape which radio stations use in every state.Once the popular singer is heard throughout the country,young people buy his or her tapes.Some of the money from these tapes come


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