



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Lesson1Beginning in the late seventeenth century with the work of Robert Bayle, who proposed the presently acceptable concept of an element, numerous investigations produced a considerable knowledge of the properties of elements and their compounds.早在17世纪末期,RB就开始了这项工作,他提出了现在公认的元素概念,大量的研

2、究使我们对元素及其化合物的性质有了相当的了解。Thus it is possible to arrange the list of elements in tabular form with elements having simliliar properties placed in vertical columes.于是,将具有类似性质的元素排成纵列,从而把元素排成表格形式是可能的。However, as is characteristic of most transtion elements, they form ions having other charges as well.然而,像

3、许多过度元素所具有的特点一样,它们也形成了具有其它电荷的离子。They from such a wide varity of compounds that it is not practical at this point to present any examples as being typical of the behavior of the respective groups.它们形成了各种不同的化合物,在这一点上我们甚至不能举出任何能表现各族元素典型变化的例子。Lesson6It would be impossible to learn properties and behavior

4、 of even a fraction of the number if it had to be done on the basis of individual compounds.如果根据个别化合物来了解这么多化合物的性质和行为,即使其中的一小部分也是不可能的。For example, HCl is classed as an acid, and by becoming familiar with the behavior of acid as a distinct class, we are at once aware of the general properties of the c

5、ompound.例如,盐酸归类为酸,由于已熟悉作为不同类别的酸的性质,我们就会立即知道这一化合物的一般性质。Of these five classes of compounds, the first three acids, bases, and salts are by far the most important.在这五种化合物类型中,酸、碱、盐是目前最重要的三种。Acid, in the conventional sense, maybe recognized by noting that the H is written first in the formula and that th

6、e rest of the compound is generally nonmetallic.酸。通常来说,氢离子写在化学式的前面,剩下的部分通常是非金属物质的化合物称为酸。A salt consists of a metal, written first, combined with a non-metal or radical written last in a formula.盐。盐通常由一个金属和一个非金属离子组成。金属一般写在前面,非金属离子写在后面。The hydronium ion is a hydrated hydrogen ion or proton (H+H2O) and

7、, while the ionization of acids in aqueous solution depends on its formation, we shall ordinarily use the simple H+ in writing equations.水合氢离子是水合的氢离子或质子,酸在水溶液中的解离由自身结构决定,我们在写方程式时可以简单地写成H+。Just as the characteristic part of an acid is hydrogen ion, so the characteristic part of a base in water soluti

8、on is the hydroxide ion, OH-.正如酸中的特征部分是H离子,健在水溶液中的特征部分是OH-。Lesson7One of the principle changes is that proposed by Albert Stock and now known as the stock system for the naming of compounds of metals (oxides, hydroxides, and salts) in which the metal may exhibit more than one oxidation state.主要的变化之一

9、是由AS提出,现在称之为Stock体系,Stock体系用于命名金属化合物(氧化物,氢氧化物和盐)在这些化合物中金属可能显示不止一种氧化态。In these cases the oxidation state of the metal is shown by a Roman numeral in parentheses immediately following the English name of the metal which corresponds to its oxidation number.在这种情况下,金属化合物氧化态是紧接着金属的英语名称之后在圆括号中用罗马数字表示,该数字与金

10、属的氧化态一致。The student should have a good start in learning nomenclature if he has learned the valence table 3 which gives both charges on ions and names for the more common ones.一个学生如果掌握了给出离子电荷和较常见离子名称的价键表3,他在掌握命名方面就必定有了一个好的开端。The older system of naming and one still widely used employs Greek prefixes

11、 for both the number of oxygen atoms and that of the other element in the compound.仍被广泛使用的老的命名体系使用希腊前缀表示氧原子数量和化合物中其它原子的数量。There are a few cases where name of the acid is changed slightly from that of the acid radical; for example, H2SO4 is sulfuric acid rather than sulfic.在这些案例中,酸的名称与其酸根离子基团相比有略微改变。

12、例如硫酸命名为sulfuric acid而不是 sulfic。The compound NaHSO4 has acid properties, since it contains hydrogen, and is also a salt, since it contains both a metal and an acid radical.NaHSO4因为含有H,所以有酸性,同时因为含有金属和酸根,所以也是盐。The third compound, sodium phosphate Na3PO4, which contains no replaceable hydrogen, is often

13、 referred to as normal sodium phosphate, or trisodium phosphate to differentiate it from the two acid salts.第三种化合物,Na3PO4,没有可置换H,通常指正的Na3PO4或Na3PO4来与两种酸式盐区分.Lesson10The word paraffin, from the Latin parum affinis (slight affinity) refers to the inert chemical nature of the substances and is applied

14、also to the wax obtainable from petroleum and consisting of a mixture of higher alkanes.石蜡,源于拉丁文,指的是物质的不活泼的性质,同时也用于来源于石油的蜡,由一些高级烷烃构成。Saturated branched acyclic hydrocarbon is named by prefixing the designations of the side chains to the name of the longest chain which is numbered from one end to the

15、 other by Arabic numerals, the direction being so chosen as to give the lowest numbers possible to the side chains.饱和带支链直链烃通过把支链的的名称放在长链的前面作为前缀,从一端到另一端用阿拉伯数字计数,选择使支链位数最少的来命名。When series of locants containing the same number of terms are compared term by term, that series is “lowest” which contains t

16、he lowest number on the occasion of the first difference.当逐一比较包含着相同(碳原子)数目的词语的许多位次时,根据第一个位次差值的理由,含最低数字的是最低者。Lesson 11The term olefin, meaning oil-forming, was applied by early chemists because the gaseous members of the series combine with chlorine and bromine to form oily addition products.烯烃,意思是成油

17、,被早期的化学家使用,因为该系列的气态组分与氯和溴结合形成了油产物。A third product, diethyl sulfate can be prepared by heating ethylsulfuric acid at a temperature below 140 at a pressure sufficiently reduced to cause diethyl sulfate to distill from the nonvolatile acids.第三种产物,硫酸二乙酯 ,可以通过在140度以下加热乙基硫酸缓慢减少压强来使硫酸二乙酯 从不易挥发的酸中蒸发出来。Lesso

18、n13从When a compound contains more than one kind of group, not listed in table 11, the principle group is that which characterizes the class occurring as high as possible in table 12; all other characteristic groups are then cited as prefixes.If, but only if, the complete suffix (that is, the suffix

19、itself plus its multiplying affix, if any ) begins with a vowel, a terminal “e”(if any) of the preceding parent name is elided.The characteristic groups listed in Table 11 are always cited by prefixes, as given in the Table, to the name of the parent compound.表11中列出的特征性基团,对母体化合物名称来说总是按表中所给出的前缀加以引用。I

20、f any characteristic groups other than those in Table 11 are present, one kind must be cited as suffix, but only one kind.除了表11的基团外,如果存在着其它特征官能团,一种,而且只有一种,必定作为后缀引用。Lesson26In gas chromatography each component of a volatile mixture of compounds is partitioned between vapor and liquid phases as the mi

21、xture is passed through a column containing a suitable, relatively non-volatile liquid(the adsorbent ) impregnated in a finely divided,inert, porous solid material (the solid support).在气相色谱中,化合物的挥发混合物的每个组分,当通过含有相对不挥发液体(吸附剂)的色谱柱时,气相和液相的混合物便分离。吸附剂浸于分离效果好,惰性,多孔的材料(载体)。In actual practice, a very small s

22、ample of the mixture is injected into a heated chamber where it is vaporized and swept through the column (which is encased in an oven which also is usually heated) with the aid of an inert carrier gas, most commonly helium.在实验中,很少量的混合物样品被注射到加热室中,在之中混合物蒸发,通过惰性载气的协助通过色谱柱(也在加热室中),载气多为氮气。You can then c

23、onfirm your suspicious as to the nature of one of the contaminants by deliberately adding some o-xylene to the reagent and obtaining a new vapor-phase chromatogram.然后你可以通过有意加入一些邻-二甲苯到试剂中和得到一个新的气相色谱图而证实你的关于污染物之一的种类的猜想。One of the best ways to do this is to condense the compound as it leaves the detect

24、or unit of the gas chromatograph, take the infrared spectrum of the condensate and then compare it with the spectrum of the compound whose presence is suspected.最好的方法之一是在当化合物离开色谱柱的检测器时将其冷凝,将冷凝物的红外光谱图余所猜想存在的化合物图谱进行比对。Since the recorder paper used in vapor-phase chromatography has a very uniform thick

25、ness and density, a simple way to calculate relative areas is to cut out the peaks and weigh the pieces of paper on an analytical grade balance.因为用于气象色谱的记录纸,有非常一致的厚度和密度,一个非常简单的计算相对面积方法是将峰剪下来并在分析天平上称量。Thus, it is usually wise to confirm a tentative identification of a compound through its retention t

26、ime by some other means.通常利用一些其他方法来证实通过化合物的保留时间的不明确鉴别是明智的。Lesson30Given an expression for the potential energy of interaction of any group of these particles, quantum mechanics allows us, at least in principle, to compute properties of the particles such as probabilities that they have certain posit

27、ions and momenta, and the quantized energy levels accessible to them.The modifying phase “in principle” is crucial to the accuracy of the preceding sentence, because computations on all but the simplest systems bog down within a few steps in fearful mathematical complexity.Calculations of the struct

28、ure and properties of a single water molecule can now be made in good agreement with experiment, but the computation for a group of ten water molecules is a frontier problem, and calculations of the properties of sodium and chloride ions surrounded by water molecules are at the limit of and perhaps

29、beyond the capacity of current methods and computers.Some ideas of the very limited power of quantum mechanics to make predictions emerges from the list of real system for which it gives the exact descriptions: the hydrogen atom and the H2+ ion.从量子力学给出表列真实体系以准确的描述(如像氢原子和H2+离子的描述)这一事实出发,显示出量子力学在进行预言时

30、,其能力十分有限。When a quantity is defined by an equation, one may dispute the wisdom of the definition, but rarely is there any dispute about its meaning. This is much less true with verbal definitions, as the thriving activity of our law courts and diplomatic missions attests. 只用一个(数学)方程去定义一个(物理)量时,人们可能会

31、一轮该定义是否合理,而很少对它的含义提出质疑。用文字定义该物理量是很难准确的,就像我们法院和外交使团作证时所富有的灵活性。Lesson31A major objective of chemists is to understand and control chemical reactions - to know whether or not under a given set of conditions two substances will react when mixed, to predict the extent to which a given reaction will proceed before equilibrium is established, and to determine whether or not a given reaction will be endothermic or exothermic.化学家的主要目标是了解并控制化学反应,来知道在一定条件下混合的两个物质是否会发生反应,来预测在平衡达到时,反应进行的程度,同时确定反应是放热的还是吸热的。Lesson32 In this lesson it will be shown how one can predict the equilibrium stat


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