1、2019 年重庆暑假初二英语人教版上 U7 综合检测一、单项选择1.- When will-_ two2.- My son years old.He was soyou finishbuild ingthe apartme nt?years.was ablethreeIan guages whe nhe wasfifteenA.speak ingB.spokeCspeakD. to speak3. What do you usuallyhavefor breakfast?-milk andeggs.A.A little;a fewB. Alittle;alittleB.A few; a lit
2、tleD.Afew; afew4.Lily isherbook,butshe cantit.A. look ingfor;fi ndB.findin g;lookforC. look ingfor;lookforD.findin g;fi ng5.We planttreesevery year.A. hun dreds ofB.hun dred ofC. fivehun dredsD.fivehun dredof6.Thereafootballgame betwee nItalyandGermantomorrow morni ng.A. willhaveB.willbeC.haveD. has
3、 been7.willhe arrivehere?Inan hour.A. How longB.How ofte nC.How soonD.How far8.There ismilkinthisglass tha nin thatone.A. lessB. littleC.leastD. fewer9.Ihim asi soon asheback.A. willtell;willcomeB. tell;willcomeC. tell;comesD.willtell;comes1O.Mv lifea lottha n itisnow.A. willbe, goodB. is,betterC. w
4、illbe, goodD. willbe,better. 、完形填空Robots seem verynewtomost people.Buttheyhave agreat.longhistory.The1one wasmade byaGreekinventor(发明家).Youmay2robots insome films.The robotsinthese3are stro nger,fasterand cleverertha npeople.Inreallife,most robotsare usedin factories.They areused todomany dan gerous
5、,difficultorbori ng4.Somepeople can t lookafter5and robotsareusedtohelp them. Forexample,some peoplecan t see.Many ofthese people use a_6_to help them move around.This dog is called a guide dog.7_ are making arobot to help them. In the future, robot dogs _ 8take the place of(代替) these guide dogs.Rob
6、ots are also 9 in America n hospitals.At one hospital, a robot takesmeals_ 10_thekitchento the sick people s rooms. Itneverloses its way because it has a map of the hospitalin its computer system(系统).Inthefuture,robotswillworkin space.Butrobotswilln evertakethe placeof huma n.They canhelpus inalotof
7、differe ntways.1. A.firstB. secondC.thirdD. fourth2. A.lookB. watchC.lookforD. see3. A.factoriesB.apartme ntsC. filmsD.programs4. A.choresB.homeworkC. houseworkD.jobs5. A.theyB. theirC.themselves D. them6. A.dogB. catC.parrotD.panda7. A.DoctorsB. ReportersC. TeachersD.Scien tists8. A.D.must has toB.
8、mightC.have to9. A.usedB.tookC.madeD.looked10.A.withB.toC.fromD. for、阅读理解ADoyouknow the movie I, Robot? It tellsus a storyaboutthefuture.The year is 2035 and robots are just as common asmobile phones. People depend on their robots to do lots of things,for example,babysitting, cooking, doing chores a
9、ndtaking their dogs for a walk.Robots have to obey( 听从 ) human s orders, because their designers make themdo so. A police officer called Spooner hates robots. He doesnt think humans can geton well with their robots at all! But the scientist Susan has different opinions. Susanworks on robots mind and
10、 she thinks one day robots will become more powerful( 强大的 )than humans and help humans to make progress( 进步 ).When Spooner and Susan work together, they find that something is wrong withthe world s robots. A few robots have their own thoughts and they re trying to get outof humans control( 控制 )! Of
11、course these robots dream doesn t come true.Humans work hard to control their robotsagain and they succeed at last.1. The story will happen(发生)in _A.2010D. 2040B. 2020C.20352.The phrase“dependon”in this articlemeans _A.r、依靠B. 悬挂C.相信D. 取决于3.Spooner isa _ and Susan is a _A.scientist;professorB.bankcle
12、rk;policeofficerB.policeman;doctorD.police officer; scientistarticle?A. Themovie I,Robot talksabout thefuture.B.Peopleuse their robotstodoeverything.C.A fewrobots want togetoutof humans control.D.At lasthumans succeedincontrollingthe robotsDagain.Are youable to sendaletterwith picturesandsoundstosom
13、eonesomewhere intheworldwithout a stampon it?offollowingNOT TRUE accordingWhichtheisthis5.toUsing a computer you can send e-mails quickly and easily.4.SusanthinksthatA.robots, 丄cantgetB.robotswillhelpC.robotswillhaveone day _ .on well with humans humanto make progress their ownthoughtsthe worldD. ro
14、bots willThe post is much slower than e-mail. E-mail can send its message to the other side ofthe world in seconds.E-mail iseasy touseand itsaves timeandmoney.Thedifferencesin timein differentparts of theworld donotmatter when sendinge-mail . It stwenty-four-hourservicethatyou cansend e-mailatany ti
15、meof the dayornight.No one has tobe theretoget e-mail. It doesnotmatterifyour friendsare inbedswhen yousend e-mailtothem,or you are seeing a movie at the movie theater when they send e-mail back.1.We can use a_ tosende-mail.A. robotB. videoC.computerD.letter2.E-mailis_ thepostA. fasterthanB.asfastas
16、C. much slowerthanD.notsofastas3.It takes_tosende-mailto the otherside oftheworld.A.minutesB.secondsC.sevendaysD.hours4.Youcansende-mailat any time_.A. inthedaytimeB.atnightC. onweekendsD.ofthedayornight5._sende-mailtoyourfriendswhentheyaresleeping.A.You, 丄cantB.youmustC. You canD.YoushouldntCLifein
17、thefuturewillbedifferentfromlifeinthe21stcentury,because manychangeswilltakeplaceinthefuture,butwhat willthe changesbe?Thepopulation( 人口 )is growingfast.Therewillbemoreand more people in the world and most of them willlivelonger than before.Computers will be much smallerandmore useful, and there wil
18、l be at least one in every home. And computer studies willbe one of the importantsuvjectsin school.People will work fewer hours than they did in the 21st century, and they willhave more free time for sports,watching TV and traveling.Traveling will be much cheaper and easier.And manymore people willg
19、o to other countriesfor holidays.There will be changes in our food, too.More land will be used for building newtowns and houses. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep,so meat will bemore expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day;instead,they eat more vegetablesand fruit. Maybe people w
20、ill be healthier.Working inthe futurewill be different,too.Dangerousand hard workwill be done by robots.Becauseof this,many people willnot haveenough work todo.Thiswill bea problem.1.People may not have asmuch_ _astheydid inthe21st century.A.fruitB WaterC.breadD.meat2.In the futurepeople wont have t
21、o _A.travelB.work fastC.work longhoursD.eat meat3.A.Travelling will be_A.lessinterestingB.more difficultC.more expensiveD.much cheaper andeasier4.In the futuretherewillbe_ .A.more cows andsheepB.more peopleC.fewerpeopleD.fewer buildingsand houses5.Everyfamilywillhaveat least one _in thefuture.A. com
22、puterB.cowC.childDabout and usingD.robotWe are allbusytalkingthe Internet,but how manyof us knowabout thehistory oftheInternet?Many peopleare surprisedwhen theyfindthattheInternet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive.Computer networks( 网络) didn t work well. If on
23、e computer in the network brokedown, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system( 系统 ) had to beset up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part ofthe network was not working,information could be sent through another part. In this waythecomputernetworksyst
24、em would keepon workingallthetime.Atfirst,the Internet was only used by thegovernment,but,in theearly1970s, universities,hospitalsandbankswereallowedto useit too. However,computerswerestillexpensive andtheInternet was difficultto useBythestartof the1990s,computers become cheaper andeasiertouse. Scie
25、ntists had also developed software( 软件 )that made “ surfing( 浏览)”the Internet more convenient ( 方便).Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internetevery day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students.The Internet has now become one of the most imp
26、ortant parts of people s life.1.The Internet has a history of _ years.A.about 40 B. less than 30 C. more than 45D. nearly 352.Scientists set up a new network system to _ .A. make thecomputer cheaperB. make thesystemwork wellC. make thecomputer go wellD.developnewsoftwares3.The Internetwas widely use
27、d inthe _ .A.1960sB.1970sC.1980sD.1990s4.The underlined words “get on-line” in Chinese meanA. 上机B. 上网C.接线D.买电脑5.Which of the following is NOT true?A.In the 1960s computer network system went wrong easily.B.Computers are much cheaper than before.C.Today the Internet is used everywhere.D.People had en
28、ough softwares toget on-linefifteen yearsago.四、从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。(有两项是多余的)A:Do you think it is interesting to predict the future?B: Yeah.1._A:I think there will be at least one car in every family. B:Really?2.Cars will makemore pollution.A:No.3_B:That s great! Doyou think people will have more free ti
29、me in te future?A: Yes. That s because there will be more robots to do the work.B: I hope so.4._A: No. I think people will like living in the countryside in the future.B: Why?A:5_B:You are right.better.A. Cars in the future will be green ones.B.Why do you thinkso?C.The future always makes usexcited.D.Because people willlike maturemore.Hope our future willbe better andE.Do youthink it will bemore crowdedinthe city?F.But Idon t thi nkso.G.What are yougoingtobewhen you growup?五、词汇考察根据提示完成单词1.He
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