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1、英语B1阅读理解81. Holidays in the Un ited States usually occur at least once a mon th. Most mon ths have a n atio nal holiday that has bee n arran ged to be celebrated on a Mon day. The holidays have all bee n decided to be celebrated on a Mon day so that the workers may have 3-day weeke nds- that is, Sat

2、urday, Sun day and Mon day in order to rest or travel or do things with their families. Major holidays in the United States such as New Year' s Day or Christmas Day or the day, when weremember the first settlers of the Un ited States, called Than ksgivi ng Day are celebrated all over the coun tr

3、y. During these holidays most bus in esses close and the workers stay home and celebrate with their family.Vacation can be from 2 weeks a year to 4 weeks a year. This usually depends on how long you ' ve been working for a company, what type of position you have, whether you have a very high pos

4、iti on or a very importa nt positi on and it' s difficult to find some one to replaceyou. In this case, you might take a few days at a time rather tha n tak ing one month all at once.Usually the more time you spend working for a company, the more time you may get for vacati on.1. The government

5、of the United States makes it a rule for workers to have aweekendalmost once a mon th.A. 1-day B. 2-day C. 3-day D. 4-day2. Workers in the Un ited States sometimes work from.A. Mon day to SaturdayB. Tuesday to Sun dayC. Thursday to FridayD. Tuesday to Friday3. Which stateme nt is not true accord ing

6、 to this passage?A. Only a few shops rema in ope n on New Years Day.B. Most of the workers needn' t work on Christmas Day.C. Days on vacatio n must be more tha n all the holidays in a year.D. All the workers have a half month vacati on at last.4. The reas on why some one has to divide his vacati

7、 on into several parts is that.A. no one can be found to take his placeB. he hasn' t a most high positionC. he plays an importa nt role in his workD. he hasn ' t been working for his company for a long time5. Which of the follow ing is the best title for this passage?A. Holidays in the Uni t

8、ed StatesB. Vacati on in the Un ited States.C. How do the workers spe nd their holidays.D. Someth ing about the holidays and vacati on in the U.S.82. Why don' t birds get lost in their long migratory flights? Scientists have been puzz led over this question for many years. Now they' re begin

9、ning to fill in the blanks.Not long ago, experiments showed that birds rely on the sun to guide them during daylight hours. But what about birds that fly mainly at night? Tests with artificial stars have proved conclusively that certain night-flying birds are able to follow the star in their long-di

10、stance flights.One such bird-a warbler( 鸣禽 )-had spent its lifetime in a cage and never flown under the natural sky. Yet it showed an inborn ability touse the stars for guidance. The bird' s cage wasplaced under an artificial star-filled sky at migration time. The bird tried to fly in the same d

11、irection as that taken by his outdoor cousins. Any change in the position of the make-believe stars caused a change in the direction of his flight.Scientists think that warbler, when flying in daylight, use the sun for guidance. But the stars are apparently their principal means of navigation. What

12、do they do when the stars are hidden by clouds? Apparently, they find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coast lines, and river courses. But when it' s too dark to see these, the warblers circle helplessly, unable to gettheir bearings.1. The reason why birds don' t get lost in m

13、igratory flightsA. have been known to scientists for years .B. have only recently been discovered.C. are known by everyone.D. will probably remain a mystery.2. The experiment with the warbler indicated thatA. birds have to be taught to navigate.B. a bird that has been caged will not migrate.C. some

14、birds cannot fly at night.D. some birds seem instinctively to follow the star when flying at night.3. Under artificial stars, the bird in the cageA. tried to fly in the same direction as birds not caged .B. changed direction when the position of the stars was changed.C. would not fly at all.D. both

15、A and B.4. Warblers migrateA. from North American to the Falkland Islands.B. only once during their lifetime.C. using what is apparently an inborn navigational ability.D. when they are freed from their cages.5. This article is a good example of the way scientistsA. jump to conclusion.B. discover wor

16、kable answers to general questions by studying particular cases.C. formulate a law and then carry out investigation.D. are frustrated by the habits of animals.83. Social customs and ways of behaving change. Things which were considered impolite many years ago are now acceptable. Just a few years ago

17、, it was considered impolite behavior for a man to smoke on the street. No man who thought of himself as being a gentleman would make a fool of himself by smoking when a lady was in a room.Customs also differ from country to country. Does a man walk on the left or the right of a woman in your countr

18、y? Or doesn't it matter?bWouhtataable manners? Should you use bothhands when you are eating? Should you leave one on your lap, or on the table?The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also share a large number of social customs. For example, in both America and England

19、people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time. Also, most Englishmen will open a door for a woman or offer their seat to a woman, and so will most Americans. Promptness is important both in England and in America. That is, if a dinner invitation is for 7 o' clock, the dinner gu

20、est either arrives close tothat time or calls up to explain his delay.The important thing to remember about social customs is not to do anything thatmight makeother people feel uncomfortable, especially if they are your guests. There is an old story about a man who gave a formal dinner party. When t

21、he food was served, one of the guests started to eat his peas with a knife. The other guests were amused or shocked, but the host calmly picked up his knife and began eating in the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest feel foolish or uncomfortable.1. If one has accepted a dinne

22、r invitation, what should he do if he is to be late for the dinner?A. He should find an excuse. B. He should ask for excuse.C. He should say“ SorDry. H”e.should telephone to explain his being late.2. “ Itwould have been bad manners to make his guests feel foolish or uncomfortable. “”Bad manners: mea

23、ns _.A. uglyB. dishonest C. impolite D. shameful3. Which of the following do you think is the best title for this passage?A. Social Customs and BehaviorB. Social lifeC. American and British CustomsD. Promptness Is Important4. According to the text, the best host _.A. tries his best to make his guest

24、s feel comfortableB. makes his guests feel excitedC. tries to avoid being naughty to his guestsD. tries to avoid being foolish5. The author of this article may agree with which of the following?A. The guest who ate his peas with a knife.B. The other guests who were amused or shocked.C. The host who

25、picked up his knife and began eating in the same way.D. None of the above.84. There have been many great inventions, things that changed the way we live. The first great invention was that is still very important today - the wheel. This made it easier to carry heavythings and to travel long distance

26、s.For hundreds of years after that there were few inventions that had as much effect as the wheel. Then in the early 1800' s the world started to chang e. wThaserlittle unknown land left in theworld. People didn' t have to explore much anymore. They began to work instead to make lifebetter.I

27、n the second half of the 19 th century many great inventions were made. Among them were the camera, the electric light and the radio. These all became a big part of our life today.The first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. The helicopter in 1909, sound movies in 1926, the computer

28、 in 1928, and jet planes in 1930. This was also a time when a new material was first made. Nylon came out in 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wear.The middle part of the 20th century brought new ways to help people get over disease. They worked very well. They made people healthier and le

29、t them live long lives. By the 1960s most people could expect to live to be at least 60.By this time most people had a very good life. Of course new inventions continued to be made. But man now had a desire to explore again. The world is known to man but the stars are yet. Man began looking for ways

30、 to go into space. Russia made the first step. Then the United States took a step. Since then other countries, including China and Japan, have made their steps into space.In 1969 man took his biggest step away form earth. Americans first walked on the moon. This is certainly just a beginning though.

31、 New inventions will someday allow us to do things we have never yet dreamed of.1. _ inventions had had as much effect as the wheel before the 19 th century.A. Quite a number of B. Some C. Few D. Many other2. Nylon came out nearly at the same time as _.A. the radio B. the camera C. jet planes D. the

32、 movies3. People can live longer lives because _ to help cure diseases have worked very well.A. doctors B. new methods C. medicines D. new hospitals4. This passage talks mainly about _.A. how inventions affect people'Bs. wlivheesn the electric light was inventedC. which country made the first st

33、ep into space D. why cars were very important5. We can safely come to the conclusion that p eople ' s livewsill be made even better throughA. new discoveriesB. greater inventionsC. better ways to help get over diseases D. all of the above85. The whole body is covered with skin. The surface of th

34、e skin is dead (like the hair and nails), but it is made from a living layer just under the surface. The outside dead layers wear off all the time, with new ones replacing them, and the body forms a totally new skin every three weeks.The skin protects the body from the outside world and it passes in

35、 information from the outside. It helps to keep water in the body and to keep the body at the same temperature. Bacteria (germs) cannot get in through the skin unless it is damaged.If the weather is cold, the blood vessels on the skin squeeze ( 挤压 ) down, or contract, so that as little blood as poss

36、ible comes near the surface. This means that less warmth is lost to the outside. This makes the skin look pale, or even“ blue ” . At the same time, the hairs on the skin are pulleupright by tiny muscles.When it is hot, the blood vessels expand, or get wider again, to allow plenty of blood to run nea

37、r the surface of the skin. This helps the body to loose heat, and the skin may look red. At the same time, The sweat glands produce more sweat, which cools the skin down.If the skin has ever been numb, you will realize how important the feeling from the skin is. Nerves in the skin are sensitive to h

38、eat and cold, sharpness, hardness and softness, wetness and dryness and pain. If one is not able to feel these things, which can act as warning, he is likely to be burned, cut or hurt in other ways.The color of the skin depends on special color cells. These are just below the top layers of the skin.

39、 They are needed as protection from some of the harmful rays of the sun. The stronger the sun, the more important it is to have a dark skin. People with pale skins may晒黑 ) ” in the “ tansun. This happens when the body produces extra color cells in the skin for protection. In the sun, the skin produc

40、es a vitamin (vitamin D) which is needed for strong bones.1. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?A. There is skin all over one' s body.B. The skin of one' s body will be completely different in three weeks.C. The surface of the skin is made of a living lay

41、erD. One' s hair and nails are dead.2. The second paragraph of the passage mainly talks about.A. the functions of the skin B. the temperature of the skinC. the information from the skin D. the water in one's body3. When will bacteria get in through the skin?A. When one is ill.B. When the bac

42、teria are strong enough.C. When the skin is cut. D. When the temperature is very low.4. When the weather is cold, the skin will contract in order toA. make more blood come near the surface. B. keep warmth.C. make the skin look pale. D. help the body lose heat.5. The color of the skin is determined b

43、y.A. the top layers of the skin.B. vitamin DC. the rays of the sunD. color cells.86. Many of the world ' s pollution problems have been caused by the crowding of large groups of people into the cities. Supply for the needs of the people leads to further pollution by industry. If the rapid increa

44、se in human population continues at the present rate, there may be much greater harm. Some scientists speak of the increase in numbers of people as“ population pollution ”.About 2,000 years ago, the world population was probably about 250 million. It reached a billion in 1850. By 1930, the populatio

45、n was two billion. It was three and a half billion by 1980. It doubled by the year 2000. If the population continues to grow at the same rate, there would be 25 billion people in the world a hundred years from now!Man has been using the earth' s resources more and more rapidly over the years. So

46、me of themare almost gone. Now many people believe that man' s greatest problemis how to control the growth of his own population. The materials in the world will not support the human population, in time to come, if the present rate of increase continues. Already there is overcrowding in the ci

47、ties and hunger in some countries. Can man' s rate of increase continue? Many people believethat human survival in the future depends on the answer to this question.1. The world ' s pollution problems would be less serious ifA. fewer people moved from countryside to the cities.B. More people

48、 moved from countryside to the cities.C. Industry developed less fast.D. Many people moved to the cities without the fast development of industry.2. The increasing move to the cities of the people is thought to beA. city pollutionB. population pollutionC. countryside pollution D. industry pollution3

49、. In 1850 the population in the world wasA. 250 million B. 1,000million C. 200 million D. 2,000million4. In the year 2000, the world population wasA. 350 million B. 25,000 million C. 4,000 million D. 7,000 million5. The most serious problem man is facing is thought to beA. The using of the earth'

50、; s resources.B. The control over the waste of the natural materials.C. How to slow down the increase of population.D. How to stop the birth of new babies.87. While flying in space, astronauts have no weight. It is a condition of weightlessness. How does this affect their heart and blood vessels? Wh

51、at happens to their hearts and blood vessels when they go into space?On earth gravity (引力 ) makes blood flow down towards the feet, so the heart must work to pump blood up. In space blood flows up towards the heart. The effect is similar to what happens when you lie with your feet up and your head d

52、own. The flowing blood is felt by receptors in the walls of arteries (动脉 ) in the upper part of the body and in the heart. These receptors send signals to the brain, but the brain reads them incorrectly. To the brain, the signals means the amount of blood in the body has increased, so the brain tell

53、s other parts of the body to react to the increase in the blood. For example, the body produces more urine ( 尿液 ), resulting in loss of body fluid and salt. At the same time the astronaut has less desire to drink and so does not replace the lost fluid.As a spacecraft begins to fall back to earth atm

54、osphere, the crew begins to feel gravity. Blood again flows towards the feet and collects there. The heart beats faster in an effort to pumpenough blood to the brain. Some crew members may not get enough blood to the brain and the heart beats too fast. They become sick and even lose consciousness as

55、 their spacecraft reenters the earth atmosphere. To prevent this, special clothing is invited for astronauts to prevent blood collecting in their legs. They put it on just before the craft reenters the earth' s atmosalso drink about a liter ( 升 ) of water and eat some salt to replace the fluid t

56、hey have lost while in space.Weightlessness affects the heart and blood vessels in another way. The heart does not work as hard in a weightless environment as it does in an environment of gravity. When the heart works less hard, the heart muscles become weaker. It is replaced by fibrous tissue and f

57、at.1. If one lies with his feet up and his head down on earth, hisA. heart will pump the blood up to the head.B. blood will flow down towards the feet.C. heart will have to work harder. D. blood will flow up towards the heart.2. What can we infer from the second paragraph of the passage?A. The brain

58、 reads the signals incorrectly because it tends to go wrong in outer spaceB. In space an astronaut should drink some water even when he does not feel thirsty.C. In space the amount of water in the body of an astronaut increase.D. The receptors in the walls of arteries often send wrong signals to the

59、 brain.3. When the spacecraft reenters the earth' s atmosphere some astronauts become sick or even loconsciousness becauseA. their brains cannot get enough blood B. their hearts are not strong enoughC. their blood collects in their feetD. they begin to feel the gravity again4. When the spacecraft enter the earth 'atsmosp


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