1、人体运动论文:新型人体运动位姿测量系统【中文摘要】人体运动是自然界最复杂的运动之一,随着当今医疗、体育及机器人等技术的快速发展,人类对于人体运动的研究也越 来越深入。为探究人体运动规律,获取人体运动参数,本文提出一种基 于丝线并联技术的新型人体运动位姿测量系统,该系统在人体运动测 量、病人康复训练、仿人机器人和虚拟现实等领域具有重要应用。本 文主要研究内容如下:1.根据运动生物力学及解剖学等相关理论,提 出一种基于丝线并联机构的人体运动位姿测量系统,提出人体运动测量单元概念,对人体运动测量单元的构型和布局进行了分析;2.对人 体运动测量单元进行了运动学和动力学分析,介绍了三种人体运动测 量单元
2、正解的求解方法:四面体法、无坐标法及消元法 3 对人体运动 测量单元的工作空间进行了分析,对静态可达位置工作空间、静态可 达方向工作空间和可达方向工作空间进行了计算,提出了静态可达工作空间和可达方向工作空间的性能评价指标;4.对人体运动测量系统 进行了系统仿真和实验,获取了人体行走过程中下肢位姿数据,计算 了髋关节欧拉角、膝关节欧拉角以及人体行走过程中大腿的速度和角 速度,最后给出了误差估计算法并对实验误差来源进行了分析。【英文摘要】 Humarmotion is perhaps one of the most complexmotions in nature. With the rapid
3、development of today s health care,sports and robotics tech no logy, the study of huma n body movementismore and more in-depth.To explore the laws of humanmotion and acquire humanmotion parameters, a newtype of human motion measureme nt system based on cable parallel tech no logy is proposedin this
4、thesis. The system can be applied to many doma ins such as human moti on measureme nt, patie nt rehabilitationtraining, humanoid robotsand virtual reality.The main contents of this thesis are as follows:1. Accord ing to the theoriesof sports biomecha nics and an atomy, a new type of humanmotionmeasu
5、rement system is presented in the thesis. The con cept of huma nmoti on measureme nt un it is proposed, the con figurati on and layout ofthe huma n motio n measureme nt unit are an alysed.2. The kin ematicsand dyn amics of huma n motio n measureme nt un it are studied.Threekinds of direct kin ematic
6、 soluti on of huma n moti on measureme nt un itare in troduced: Tetrahedr on approach, coord in ate-free method and elimin ati on method.3. The thesis researched the workspace of huma n motion measureme nt un it and discussed the statically reachable positionworkspace, the statically reachable orien
7、tation workspace and thereachable orie ntati on workspace, fin ally proposed the performa neeevaluati on in dex of the statically reachable workspace and reachableorientationworkspace.4. Wecon ducted the system simulatio n and experime nt of huma nm oti onmeasurement system, acquired the position an
8、d orientationdataof the lower limb during humanwalking, and also calculated the hip joi ntEuler an gles, knee joi nt Euler an gles, the velocityand angular velocity of the thigh. Finally, the errorestimati on algorithm was proposed and the experime ntal error sourceswere an alyzed.【关键词】人体运动位姿测量丝线并联机
9、构四面体法工作空 间【英文关键词】HumarMotio nPositio n and Orie ntatio nMeasureme ntCable Drive n Parallel Mecha nismTetrahedr on ApproachWorkspace【目录】新型人体运动位姿测量系统摘要3-5ABSTRACTS第一章 绪论 10-181.1 课题研究背景及意义 10-111.2 人体运动测量国内外研究现状11-161.3 课题来源及本文主要研究内容 16-181.3.1 课题来源 161.3.2 主要研究内容 16-18 第二章 人体运动及其测量系统基本原理18-312.1 引言 182.2 人体运动基本术语 18-242.2.1 解剖学姿势 18 2.2.2 基本平面和人体解剖学坐标系 18-19 2.2.3 人体关节、环节的概念 19-202.2.4
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