1、研究生英语模拟题 ( 附答案)Part I Vocabulary(20 points) Section A:Directions:Thereare20incompletesentencesinthispart. For each sentence there are our choices marked A),B),C)andD).ChoosetheONEanswerthatbest completes the sentence. Then mark the correspondingletter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through t
2、he center.1. Furthermore,wedidnotwanttojointhelegions whoconqueredtheirguiltenroutetonewdepthsof rottennessA. retrospectiveB. narcissisticC. subjectiveD. prescriptive2. What they were hearing, as it turned out, were the leftoverfromthefirstexplosion,thehissing echoes ofcreation.A. reverberationsB. p
3、roprietyC. repercussiveD. imminentness3. When Title 13 of the U.S. Code forbade publicationofan individual s records,a complexseriesofsteps gradually increasedprotections.A. assuranceB. diffidenceC. confidenceD. confidentiality4. Others came with skills and. Many were born in the US to immigrant par
4、ents.A. imaginationB. effluenceC. affluenceD. medication5. James Dean, in“Rebel Without a Cause,” is certainly larger than life, but the teenage angst that hethe confusionalmostalladolescentsfeelinthejourneyfrom childhood to adulthood.A. articulatesB. displacesC. disposesD. discharges6. As we speak
5、of the growing maturity of Su Tung-po s prose,wesaythathehas“ graduallyapproached naturalness” -a style that has shed off its youthful loveofpomposity,pedantry,andliteraryshow man-ship.A. paymentB. disposalC. fluencyD. virtuosity7. Somefoundthename“ colonialandoffensive.”Liew responded,“ British-Ind
6、ia is about the beauty and of that era.A. enthusiasmB. romanceC. passionD. compassion8. My concerns are not on religious grounds or on the basis of a perceivedethical principle.A. intrinsicB. extrinsicC. extraneousD. irrelevant9. Therefore,thefreestpossibleflowofinformation, ideas,andopinions,anda g
7、reaterrespectfor politicalandreligiousconvictionswillactuallybreedstrength and stability going forward.A. convergentB. acquittalC. divergentD. sanctimonious10. Fromabusinessperspective,workingunder government contracts can be a veryproposition.A. concentrativeB. pathogenicC. lucrativeD. dimensional1
8、1. This step is of great significance when viewed in the of the progress of the experiment.A. prospectiveB. respectiveC. perspectiveD. prescriptive12. Whena hurricaneis, theNationalWeatherBureau issues a warning.A. immaculateB. impertinentC. immenseD. imminent13. Despite the rescuers strenuous effor
9、ts, hopes of findingthemissingclimbersarenowbeginningto .A. decreaseB. fadeC. looseD. faint14. Negotiationsbetweentheemployersandthe workers broke down because both sides were too.A. ingeniousB. indispensableC. incredibleD. incompatible15. The group of spectators wasby the police who were at the sce
10、ne of the accident.A. dispersedB. displacedC. disposedD. discharged16. Beforethegasesaredischargedintothe atmosphere they must beharmless.A. renderedB. disposedC. handledD. converted17. Heafter the car accident, although at first he wasn t expected to live.A. pilled upB. pulled offC. pulled overD. p
11、ulled through18. Butveryfewfeartheslowcatastrophethatis upon the world through environmental pollution.A. creepingB. crawlingC. mountingD. ascending19. Inspiteofthedestructioncausedbythe earthquake, the people tried totheir own businessas if nothing had happened.A. go overB. go aboutC. go withD. go
12、through20. Wearepreparedtomakesomeconcessionson minor details, but we can noton fundamentals.A. concentrateB. complementC. compensateD. compromise Section B: SubstitutionDirections:Inthispart,youaretochooseoneword from the words marked A, B, C and D to substitute theoneunderlinedinthesentenceinorder
13、tokeepthe meaning closest to the original one. Mark your choiceontheanswersheetwithasinglelinethroughthe center.21. In that sense guilt is the great civilizer, the internalcommandment that helps us choose to be kind to each other ratherthan to join in a stampede of me-firsts.A. impulsiveB. crashC. f
14、lightD. shatter22. Areligiousenthusiasmfortheapparent convergenceofscienceandtheologyinthebigbang cosmology is understandable.A. configurationB. syzygyC. syllableD. connection23. Thus, surveillance of citizens in the name of national security undermines the very society it was intended to protect.A.
15、 observationB. judgmentC. constitutionD. institution24. An alarming number are pushing themselves to the emotional brink in their quest for excellence. Many also detect signsof resentment among non-Asians, an u pdated“ yellowperil.A. accidenceB. SuppositionC. correspondenceD. indignation25. In this
16、case, I said there were aspects of her storythatremindedmeof“ OneTrueThing,” apicture about a mother andherestrangeddaughterwhoarereconciledasthe mother is dying of cancer.A. reestablishedB. harmonizedC. circulatedD. distributed26. Allformsofpose,sham,learnednonsense, academic stupidity and social h
17、umbug are politely buteffectively shown the door.A. excavationB. reverenceC. deceptionD. spoil27. Despite her high-powered contacts, she can oftenbe found in Bangkok s bustling Chanukah market.A. meddlesomeB. busyC. sedulousD. assiduous28. In making a copy of oneself or some famous person,a parentis
18、 deliberatelyspecifyingthewayheorshe wishes thatchild to develop.A. memorizingB. providingC. combiningD. designating29. Againstgreatoddsinthe20thcenturyChinahas not only survived, it is moving forward dramatically.A. likelihoodB. disadvantageC. inconvenienceD. convenience30. They are still to be hel
19、d responsible for any errors that their products cause, on matter the magnitude.A. significanceB. directionC. diagramD. prediction31. HerememberedhowonedaySullivanentered, placed a piece of paper on the desk.A. retardedB. recalledC. revealedD. observed32. The scientist always checks statements and m
20、akes experiments carefully and objectively to verify them.A. confirmB. conformC. articulateD. discrete33. Earlyinsixteenthcentury,Copernicussuggested that the earth revolved around the sun.A. proposedB. believedC. explainedD. implied34. It happened that a camera crew was on board the plane when a UF
21、O appeared.A. AccidentallyB. SupposedlyC. CorrespondinglyD. Fortunately35. Amajorbreakthroughcamein1971when microprocessors came into being.A. was developedB. appearedC. got circulatedD. became real36. A passing tanker saved them five days later.A. recoveredB. reverencedC. rescuedD. spoiled37. Bewar
22、e of pickpockets in public places.A. Take care ofB. look ofC. Watch out forD. Take notice of38. We will assemble statistics.A. memorizeB. provideC. combineD. gather39. Would you please distribute these invitations to the students in your class?A. hand inB. hand outC. hand overD. hand back40. Largepa
23、ssengerplanesoftencarryweather instruments with which to forecast storms.A. impedeB. directC. diagramD. predictPart II Filling in the Blanks (20 points)Directions:Inthissection,thereis a passagewithI0 blanks.YouarerequiredtoselectonewordForeach blankfromalistofchoicesgiveninawordbank followingthepas
24、sage.Readthepassagethroughcarefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2with a single line through the center. You may not useany of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 41 to 50
25、 are based on the following passage. There is an alarming 41e that our American economy is direction of what some people call a two-tier society-alarge population middle-class or higher incomes and values, with a a42 increase at the top, and a large number of people who have been economically and cu
26、lturally uncouple from the main society.A great many 43k myself included, feel uneasy about the fact that 70 percent of the economy does what iscalled service work and only 30 percent does what is called goods-related work New 44 n keeps entering theeconomy and bringing employment into disorder. Whe
27、n you look back at how the American economy developed; you see a 45h off the farm into the factoryand out of the factory into the office. Themain pushhas come from technology. There has been 46 b littlenew machinery to push people out of the office, butthat's changing now. If the computer create
28、s jobs in the office, the service sector will increase and there will be no squeezing of employment. But if technology press service people out of work, I don't know where they are going to go.Personally, I think American 47 i is in for a very severechallenge.Wehavealwaysconsideredourselves virt
29、ually to have a right to be number one in the world.But of course we don't have any such right or 48l . Andwehavetobepatientlypreparedforunsettlingfact that we are number two, or three, or four in many ways.Intermsofhealth,forinstancewehavefallen49c behind, and that's a big blow to our self-
30、image.In the next 20 years the government will have to takeactivestepsinprovidingworkandincomeforthe bottomonethirdofthepopulation.Thegovernment 50gprovidessomesortofincome,butitdoesn't providework.Andworkisessentialforpeople's self-respect and also for the building of many kinds ofbasic fra
31、me works that are needed in the country.A) considerable I) optimismB) relatively J) immigrationC) variously K) economistD) provided L) assuranceE) possibility M) insuranceF) complete N) technologyG) unwillingly O) eventuallyH) migrationQuestions 51 to 60 are based on the following passage.The status
32、 of women in 51m North America has beenwellstudiedanddescribedandcanbebriefly52d. Throughoutthecolonialperiodtherewasa marked shortage of women, which varied with the regions andwas always greatest in the frontierareas.Thisfavorableratio53gwomen s statusand position and allowed them to pursue differ
33、ent careers.The puritans, the religious sect(教派) that 54l the early British colonies in North America, regarded 55l as a sin,andbelievedthatlifeinanunderdevelopedcountry made it absolutely necessary that each member of thecommunityperforman56hfunction.Thusworkforwomen,marriedorsingle,wasnotonlyappro
34、ved,it wasregardedasa civicduty.Puritantowncouncils expectedwidowsandunattachedwomentobeself-supportingandforalongtimeprovidedneedy spinsters with parcels of land. There was no social 57iagainstmarriedwomenworking.Onthecontrary, wiveswereexpectedtohelptheirhusbandsintheir trade and won social 58e fo
35、r doing extra work in or outofhome.Needychildren,girlsas wellas boys,were indentured or apprenticed and were expected to workfor their keep.The vast majority of women worked within theirs homes, where their labor produced most articles needed for the family. The entire colonial production ofcloth an
36、d clothing and partially that of shoes was in the hands of women. In addition to these 59j, women werefound in many 60k kinds of employment. They werebutchers,silversmiths,gunsmiths,upholsterers.They ranmills,plantations,tankards,shipyards,andevery kindofshop,tavern,andboardinghouse.Theywere gatekee
37、pers, jail keepers, sextons, journalists, printers, apothecaries, midwives, nurses, and teachers.A. extract F. laziness K. differentB. idleness G. enhanced L. dominatedC. digest H. economic M. colonialD. summarized I. sanction N. controlE. approval J. occupations O. professionals Part III Reading Co
38、mprehension(30 points) Section ADirections:Thereare3 passagesinthissection.Eachpassageis followedbysomequestionsorunfinished statements.Foreachofthemtherearefourchoices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the bestchoiceandmarkthecorrespondingletteronAnswerSheet 2 with a single line throug
39、h the centre.Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage:Will Rogers (1879 1935) achieved success over a longand varied career with his humorous and incisive commentary on the foibles of American life. Calling himself a cowboy philosopher, he reached a wide following with his stage act, le
40、ctures, newspaper and magazine articles, films, radio broadcasts, and books.Theyoungestofeightchildrenofacomfortable Oklahoma family, he was born on his parents' ranch in1879. He was not a very dedicated student and never actually graduated from high school; he ran away fromthemilitaryschoolwher
41、ehisfathersenthimtohelphimsettledowntoaresponsiblelifeinOklahoma.Wanting to see the world, he took on a number of jobs that allowed him to travel. He worked as a trick rider in Texas Jack's Wild West Show in South Africa and later toured around Australia and New Zealand with a circus; he then to
42、ured the United States as part of a Wild Westshowandeventuallybeganworkinginvaudevilleshows in New York City as a trick roper. He experienced his first success as a performer when he began tellingjokesduringhisropeact.Heworkedas a vaudeville performer,interspersinghumorwithhisropeact,for more than a
43、 decade.In1916,RogerswashiredbytheZiegfeldFolliesand quickly became a star of the show. He had discoveredthatnewspaperstoriesprovidedgreatmaterialon whichtobasehishumorouscommentary;using newspaper stories as his source material, he was able tocome up with comic material for three shows daily withth
44、eFollies.By1919,hehadgatheredenough successful jokes to create two collections of his humor,The Cowboy Philosopher on the Peace Conference andTheCowboyPhilosopheronProhibitionAftera briefattemptatamoviecareerinCaliforniain1918,he returned to New York, where he immediately found adifferentforumforhis
45、humorouscommentaryas an after-dinnerspeaker.Hissuccessas a speakercaught theattentionoftheMcNaughtNewspaperSyndicate, and in 1922 he was asked to write a weekly column forthe syndicate, a position he maintained for the rest of his life. In 1924, he created a collection of his favoritecolumnsforpubli
46、cationinthebookTheIlliterateDigest. In 1926, his career expanded even more. In that year, he was sent to Europe to write a series of articles for the Saturday Evening Post;thesearticleswerethencompiledintothevolume Letters of a Self-Made Diplomat to the President (1926).He was also hired in 1926 to
47、send a daily telegram for inclusion in the New York Times, an assignment that he maintained for the rest of his life. Additionally, in 1926hemadehisfirstradiobroadcast,whicheventually became a popular series of weekly broadcasts.Rogers' popularity increased dramatically during this period, and h
48、e was soon sought after by the film industry for a second attempt at moviemaking. Hebegan a new career in sound films with They Had to See Paris (1929) and continued to make films throughout this period, the best known of which wereA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1931) andSteamboat
49、'Round the Bend (1935).Throughout his varied career, Rogers always managed to reflect the essence of life in America, and the publicrespondedenthusiasticallytohim.Thoughhis criticismsofthecountry'scurrentfoiblescouldbe pointed,overallRogersreflecteda genuineoptimism aboutthefutureofthecountr
50、yanditscitizens, resultingintheimmensepopularitythathe experienced throughout his career.61. It is mentioned in paragraph 1 that Will Rogers was known for all of the following EXCEPT for his work .A) as a rancher B) as a speaker C) as a writer D) as an actor62. Accordingtoparagraph2,whenWillRogerswa
51、sborn, his family was.A) friendly B) well-off C) urban D)casual63. According to paragraph 2, it is NOT true that WillRogers.A) was a good studentB) failed to graduate from high schoolC) attended a military schoolD) left a military school without explanation64. ItisNOTmentionedinparagraph2thatWill Ro
52、gers.A) took part in a Western show in South AfricaB) traveled with a circus in AustraliaC) was a circus performer in the United StatesD) worked as a trick roper in New York65. It is indicated in paragraph 2 that Will Rogers first became successful when he.A) began telling jokes during his nightclub actB )introduced humor into his v
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