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1、1英汉视译基础英汉视译基础2视译单位之间的连接视译单位之间的连接It is often said that Asian Americans are a “model minority”, with parents who work 18 hours a day in the family grocery and children who work with equal amazing perseverance in the classroom.笔译:美国亚裔人经常被称为“模范少数民族”。他们的父母每天在家庭经营的杂货店干18个小时,而其子女也以同样令人惊异的坚韧精神在课堂里努力学习。3视译单位

2、之间的连接视译单位之间的连接It is often said that Asian Americans are a “model minority”, with parents who work 18 hours a day in the family grocery and children who work with equal amazing perseverance in the classroom.It is often said /that Asian Americans are a “model minority”, /with parents who work 18 hours

3、 a day /in the family grocery /and children who work with equal amazing perseverance /in the classroom.解决方法:加动词“在家庭经营的杂货店辛劳”“在学校里刻苦学习”4视译单位之间的连接视译单位之间的连接It is often said /that Asian Americans are a “model minority”, /with parents who work 18 hours a day /in the family grocery /and children who work

4、with equal amazing perseverance /in the classroom.视译:人们常说,亚裔美国人是“模范少数民族”,父母每天工作18小时,在家庭经营的杂货店辛劳。子女也以同样惊人的坚韧精神,在学校里刻苦学习。5视译单位之间的连接视译单位之间的连接At a glance, the evidence seems clear: while the first Asians to come to America lived poorly as farmers, miners and railway workers, we now enjoy one of the high

5、est average incomes in the country.笔译:粗略一看,赢得这一称号的证据似乎明摆着:第一批亚洲人来到美国时,他们当农民、当矿工、当铁路工人,生活贫困;而现在我们亚裔美国人的收入属于这个国家最高的平均收入。6视译单位之间的连接视译单位之间的连接At a glance, /the evidence seems clear: /while the first Asians to come to America /lived poorly /as farmers, miners and railway workers, /we now enjoy one of the

6、highest average incomes in the country.视译:粗略一看,成功的证据十分清楚:第一批亚洲人来到美国,他们生活贫困,当农民、当矿工、当铁路工人,而我们现在却是美国平均收入最高的群体之一。7视译单位之间的连接视译单位之间的连接Here at Harvard, 18% of the class of 1996 are Asian Americans, compared to 3% of the total US population. By focusing on the “positive stereotype”, however, one neglects t

7、he other side of our lives.笔译:在哈佛大学,1996届学生18%是亚裔美国人,而亚裔美国人的人口却只占美国人口的3%。但是,人们注意力都集中在这一“固定形象的积极方面”,往往忽略了我们生活的另一面。8视译单位之间的连接视译单位之间的连接Here at Harvard, /18% of the class of 1996 /are Asian Americans, /compared to 3% of the total US population. By focusing on the “positive stereotype”, /however, one neg

8、lects the other side of our lives.视译:就在哈佛大学,18%的1996届学生是亚裔美国人,而亚裔美国人只占美国总人口的3%。如果只看到这种“积极形象”的方面,那就会忽视了我们生活的另一面。9视译单位之间的连接视译单位之间的连接For many of us the second generation there is something uncomfortable about being Asian in America. 笔译:我们第二代的许多人都觉得生活在美国而身为亚裔不怎么舒服。10视译单位之间的连接视译单位之间的连接For many of us /the

9、 second generation /there is something uncomfortable /about being Asian in America. 视译:对于我们中许多人来说,也就是对第二代移民来说,总有不舒服的感觉,这就是作为亚裔美国人的感觉。11视译单位之间的连接视译单位之间的连接Although many of us appreciate the great sacrifices our parents have made, their economic success somehow represents for us an unsatisfying legacy.

10、笔译:我们很感激父母做出的巨大牺牲,不知怎地尽管他们经济上很有成就,但给我们留下的却是一种不令人满意的处境。12视译单位之间的连接视译单位之间的连接Although many of us /appreciate the great sacrifices /our parents have made, /their economic success somehow /represents for us an unsatisfying legacy.视译:虽然我们许多人感激那种巨大的牺牲,即我们父辈做出的牺牲,但他们在经济上的成功,却给我们留下了并不令人满意的处境。13视译单位之间的连接视译单位之

11、间的连接 We suffer in particular from an endemic identity crisis. W e hav e b e g u n t o q u e s t i o n t h e accommodationist ways of our forebears, our quietly studious manner, our narrow priorities, and our previous notions of success.笔译: 尤其折磨我们的是我们这类人特有的身份危机感。 我们开始对祖辈那种文化归化白人的生活方式产生怀疑,对我们自己埋头读书、狭隘的生活追求以及先前对成功的理解都产生了怀疑。14视译单位之间的连接视译单位之间的连接 We suffer in particular /from an endemic identity crisis. We have begun to question /the accommodationist ways of our f


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