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1、第1页Unit 4 Cyberspace词汇篇11、掌握第四单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。2、灵活运用第四单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。1. likely adj. 有可能的,有希望的; adv. 或许,很可能句型拓展:1It is likely to do sth. 可能做某事2sb. / sth. be likely to do sth. 某人 / 某物可能做某事They are likely to become angry with him. 他们可能会对他发怒。3It is likely that 很可能It is likely that the thieves

2、 don t know how much it is worth. 盗贼们可能不知道它的价值。4Not likely!不可能!2. imagine v. 想象词汇拓展:1imagination n. 想象力2imaginable adj. 可想象的,能想象到的3imaginary adj. 幻想的,虚构的4imaginative adj. 富于想象力的,创新的短语拓展:1imagine sth. 想象某事2imagine doing sth. 想象做某事第2页I can t imagine living alone on the lonely island. 我无法想象独自一人生活在那个孤岛上

3、。3imagine sb. / one s doing sth. 想象某人做某事4imagine sb. to be 想象某人是3. harm vt. 伤害,损害; n. 伤害,损害词汇拓展:1harmful adj.(对)有害的;导致伤害的2harmless adj. 无害的;不会导致损伤的短语拓展:1harm sb. / sth. 伤害某人 /某物2do/cause harm to sb. = do/ cause sb./sth. harm 对某人 /某物有害3be harmful to 对 有害易混辨析:1harm: 伤害,强调对 有害2hu 比弄伤,指肉体,精神或感情上的伤害3inju

4、re:损伤,指损害健康、名誉等功能的伤害4damage:损害,对物的价值、用途造成损害5wound:伤口,刀伤、枪伤等皮肉之伤4. affect vt. 影响,感染; (疾病)侵袭,使感动词汇拓展:1affection n. 喜爱,钟爱; ( pl. )爱情2affected adj.受影响的;受(疾病)侵袭的短语拓展:1be affected by 被所感动;受 影响She was deeply affected by the news of his death. 他去世的消息使她深感悲痛。第3页2be affected with患上疾病He was affected with high f

5、ever when we discussion the problem yesterday. 昨天当我们讨论这个问题时,他正发高烧。3affect sb. to tears 把某人感动的流泪5. attract vt. / n. 攻击,袭击;(病等)侵袭短语拓展:1under attract 遭到袭击Once again we came under attack from enemy fighter planes. 又一次我们遭到敌人战斗机的攻击。2heart attract 心脏病3make an attract on/upon 对 发起进攻We made an attract on the

6、 enemy at midnight. 午夜时分我们向敌人发起进攻。4attract sb. 袭击某人6. offer vt. 提供,提议,给予,出价; n. 提供,提议,出价 短语拓展:1offer to do sth.(主动)提出做某事2offer sb. sth. 为某人提供某物3offer sth. to sb. 为某人提供某物4accept ones offer 接受某人的建议易混辨析:offer: 提供,指主动提供provide: 提供,出于责任向别人提供必需品supply: 供应,指供应生产资料,对象是国家,市场等7. fancy v. 想要做,幻想 短语拓展:第4页1fancy

7、 (one s) doing 想象(某人)做Fancy sitting in the sun all day. 想象整天坐在太阳底下。2fancy that 认为,想象8. suggestion n. 建议1make/offer/give a suggestion 提供一条建议The teacher offered us a suggestion that we should have enough sleep. 老师建议我们应该有充足的睡眠。2ask for/call for/invite a suggestion 征求一条建议3at/on sb.s suggestion 根据某人的建议4s

8、uggest doing sth. 建议做某事He suggested going out for a walk. 他建议出去散步。5suggest sb. / onesdoing sth. 建议某人做某事6suggest sth. to sb. 向某人建议某事7suggest that sb. (should) do 建议8suggest that clause (陈述语气)暗示,言下之意是说9. reject vt. 拒绝,不接受短语拓展:1reject a gift/an opinion/a suggestion 拒绝接受一件礼物、一条意见、一个建议2reject ones reques

9、t 拒绝某人的请求3reject ones offer/help 拒绝某人的帮助10. arrangement n. 安排,整理短语拓展:1make arrangements for 为 做好安排The travel company made arrangements for our hotels and flights. 旅游公司为我们安排了旅馆和航班。2make an arrangement with 与 商定或约定第5页3come to an arrangement 达成协议4arrange sth. 安排某事5arrange to do sth. 安排做某事6arrange (for

10、sb.) to do sth. 安排(某人)做某事I ve arranged for a teacher to help your son with his English.我已经安排了一位老师帮助你儿子学英语。7arrange (with sb.) to do sth. (与某人)约定干某事8arrange that商定11. make up 编造,组成,化妆,凑数短语拓展:1make up for 补偿,弥补Hard work can work up for a lack of intelligence. 勤能补拙。2make out 辨认出3make at 扑向,攻击4make for

11、有助于,有利于5make sense 有道理(意义) ,讲得通12. come true 实现短语拓展:1come about 发生2come across 偶然碰见;被理解3come out 出来,出版4come through 经受 而活过来5come to 达到,总计为6come up 发生,被提及The subject came up in the conversation. 谈话中提到了这个话题。第6页7come up with 想出He came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 他想出了一个增加销售量的新主意。8come on 快点

12、,得了吧,加油13. connect to (使)连接The corridor connects to the living room. 走廊与客厅相连。短语拓展:1connectwith 与 有联系2be connected with 与 有关系14. as if 好像,仿佛考点释义:1as if = as though 引导标语从句: It looks /seems as if.2as if 后接“主语+系动词”结构,可省略主语和系动词,只剩下名词、不定式、形容词(短语) 介词短语或分词。例:He acts as if (he were) a fool.他表现得像个傻子。3as if 从句

13、的语气as if 从句用陈述语气的情况:当说话者所述是事实或极有可能发生或存在的事。It looks as if it is going to rain. 看来要下雨了。as if 从句用虚拟语气的情况:说话人所述与事实相反或发生的可能性不大。Gary was behaving as if nothing had happened. Gary 的举止行为好像之前什么也没发生一样。15. find out 发现,获知,查出Can you find out what time the train leaves? 你能查问出火车什么时候开吗?16. get in touch (with) 和 取得联

14、系考点释义: 强调状态: be in touch (with) 与有联系Are you sill in touch with your friends from college? 你和大学的同学还有联系吗?be out of touch (with) 与没联系第7页stay/keep in touch (with) 与保持联系2强调动作: get in touch (with) 与 取得联系It is very difficult to get in touch with those old friends overseas.与海外的那些老友取得联系是很困难的。lose touch (with

15、) 与 失去联系3bring into/in touch (with) 使接触17. hang on (=hold on) (电话用语)别挂断;抓紧;别放弃,坚持Hang on with your hands, and I will lift you up. 用手紧紧抓住,我会拉你上来。短语拓展:1hang about 闲荡,逗留2hang down 下垂3hang out 常去某处4hang up 挂断电话;悬挂5hang on to 紧紧抓住,保留6hang about (在某处附近)等待,逗留18. be up to 从事,是 的职责;由 决定Its up to you to decid

16、e whether to leave or to stay. 是走还是留你说了算。19. It s+ adj. + that 从句句型剖析:It + adj. + that 从句,该句型中 it 是形式主语,真正的主语是 that 引导的主语从句。用于此句型的常见形容词有: possible, strange, natural, necessary, important, likely, fortunate, obvious 等。例: It is strange that nobody knows where he has gone. 很奇怪没有人知道他去了哪儿?20. 使役动词 make句型

17、剖析:使役动词用法常考,常见的这类动词有: have, get, make, let, leave 等。 make 表示“使,使得”时, 一般用于“ make+宾语+宾语补足语”结构中:make +宾语+形容词/副词/介词短语/名词/省略 to 的不定式 /过去分词。例: Computer make it easier to learn English. 电脑使学习英语更容易。温馨提示:make sb. do sth. 结构的被动形式为 sb. be made to do sth.例 1. We are often told by our teachers not to do such thi

18、ngs that don _ a harmonious (和谐的)society.A. come aboutB. make forC. come upD. make up解析:句意:老师们经常告诉我们不要做那些不利于社会和谐的事情。A 意为“发生”; B 意为“有利于,有助于”; C 意为“被提及”; D 意为“组成,编造”,即可推断出正确答案。答案: B。例 2. You can make yourself _ pretty well if you keep on speaking the language.A. understandB. understoodC. understanding

19、D. to understand解析:句意:如果你一直说某种语言,你就能让别人很好的理解你。此处是make 的复合结构,使某人自己被理解 make oneself understood。答案: B。例 3.Donthandle the vase as if it _ made of steel.第8页第9页A. isB. wereC. has beenD. had been解析:句意:不要这么拿着这个花瓶,就好像它是钢制成似的。本题考查虚拟语气。as if 意为“好像”,分析句意可知 as if 后面的句子应使用虚拟语气,并且所述情况是对现在事实的假设,因此使 用一般过去时,即可推断出正确答案

20、。答案: B。例 4. Sorry, I have to _ now. It s time for class. OK, I ll call back later.A. hang upB. break upC. give upD. hold up解析:句意: 对不起, 现在我得挂断电话了。 该上课了。 好吧, 等会儿我再给你回电话。 hang up 意为“挂断电话”; break 意为“结束,解散”; give up 意为“放弃”; hold up 意为“举起”,即 可推断出正确答案。答案: A 。例 5. ( 2019 北京西城高三一模) Susans voice still remaine

21、d calm _ she was getting annoyed.A. even ifB. as long asC. as ifD. now that解析:句意:即使 Susan 很生气,她的声音仍然能保持平静。Even if 意为即使”,符合题意。as long as 意为只要”;as if 意为似乎”;now that 意为既然,均与语境不符。答案: A 。基础演练第10页一,根据首字母或汉语提示,用所学的单词填空。1. John is l_ to be in London this autumn.2. She was deeply _ (使感动) by the news of her f

22、ather s death.3. We _ (出价,开价) him the calculator for 100 yuan.4. The flood caused serious d_ to the railway.5._ (想象,设想) earning that much money?6. Two of the _ (恐怖分子) were shot dead.7. The local newspaper made a_ for an interview with Professor Stein.8. Long skirts for women are no longer in f_.9. H

23、e came up with a new s_ at the meeting.10. We offered her help, but she r_.Keys:一, 1. likely2. affected3. offered4. destruction5. imagine6. terrorists7. arrangements8. fashion9. suggestion10. rejected巩固提高一,介词填空。1.She provided a wonderful dinner _ us.2.They offered two rooms _ the students.3.The powe

24、r station supplies us _ enough electricity.二,副词填空。第11页1.Hes very ill but doctors expect him to come _ .2.He spoke for a long time but his meaning did not really come _ .3.She spent an hour making _ before the party.Keys:一, 1. for2. to3. with二, 1. through2. across3. up一,完成句子。1.我总是梦想着拥有自己的房子,不过我觉得这实现不

25、了。I always dream of owning my own house, but I never think it would _ _ .2.阅读英文小说时,我常常碰到一些不明白的习惯用语。When reading English novels, I often _ _ idiomatic expression that Iunderstand.3.警察已经把上周的银行抢劫案和这个罪犯联系到一起。The police have _ last week s bank robbery _ this criminal.4.警方对毒品贩子发动了大规模的攻击。The police are lun

26、ching a major _ _ drug dealers.5.他的心脏病上周发作了。He had a _ _ last week.6.别挂断!我马上回来。_ _! I ll be back in a minute.7.我绕着车站转了一个小时他也没有来。I _ _ the station for an hour but he never came.8.昨天我的车子发动不起来。Yesterday my car _ to start.cant第12页9.他们约好七点钟见。They arranged _ _ at seven o clock.10. 我已经准备了一辆汽车到机场接你。I ve arr

27、anged _ _ _ to meet you at the airport.二,单项选择。1. What shall we do tonight then? _ whatever you want.A. Help yourselfC. No problem2.(2019 北京西城高三一模) I _A. Hadn t exercisedC. dont exercise3.( 2019 北京西城高三一模) If you _ know, $20 an hour.A. may B. must4.( 2019 北京西城高三一模) You _ my Easter cookies. Here one.A.

28、 smell B. are smellingC. were smellingD. smelt5.(2019 北京西城高三二模) I didn t know you play the piano. It sounds wonderful!B. It s a dealD. It s up to you_ for six months. I m really out of shape.B. didn t exerciseD. haven t exercisedDaddy, how much do you earn an hour?C. can D. shouldSomething smells re

29、ally good in here!第13页 Thank you! I _ it when I worked in UK.A. learnedB. had learned C. have learnedD. learnKeys:一 . e2. come across3. connected, with4. attack on5. heart attack6. Hang onintern ati onal bus in ess. He 13 to live a life which is differe nt from14of his pare nts. In the end, hefound

30、he was not 15in doing bus in ess. He found all the subjects to be16 .17 this would nt havehappe ned if he had chose n his major accord ing to his own in terests.Choos ing a major in uni versity18 decideones whole life. Majors 19are not “ hot today maybecome the“ hot ” major of tomoChwos ing your maj

31、or accord ing to your own20 is the best way tosucceed.1. A. pers onB. wayC. teacherD.result2. A. give upB. pick upC. take upD.make up3. A. placesB. subjectsC. areasD.schools4. A. for exampleB. such asC. as toD.as well as5. A. imagesB. majorsC. featuresD.museums6. A. On ly a fewB. Quite a fewC. Perhaps fewD.the few7. A. nu mberB. powerC. levelD. degree7. hung around9. to meet二,1-5 DDBBA8. refused10. for a car,完形填空。More and more students want to stud


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