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1、Language points P49-52新新人教选择性必修人教选择性必修Book 2 Unit 5 First Aid What are the basic first aid procedures for burns in this video? 1. Cool the burn under cold running water for at least ten minutes.2. Cover the burn with a clean plastic bag or cling film.3. Call 999 if necessary.Language points1.What fi

2、rst-aid techniques do you know of ? technique n. 技能技能;技术技术;技艺技艺 (pl. techniques ) 【多指某一领多指某一领域域(如如艺术、体育艺术、体育等等)的的专门技专门技术术或或技技巧巧】拓展:拓展:technical adj. 技术的技术的; 工艺的工艺的technology n. 技术技术;工工艺艺【含义比含义比 technique 广广泛泛,尤尤指生产工艺以指生产工艺以及科学或及科学或工业技工业技术术】e.g.(1)The artist combines different _(技技术术) in the same pai

3、nting.(2)Science and _(技术技术) have made major changes to the way we live.techniquestechnology2.The skin is an essential part of your body and its largest organ.句意:句意:皮肤是身体必不可少的部分,也是身体的最皮肤是身体必不可少的部分,也是身体的最大器官。大器官。(1)essentialadj.必要的,基本的,本质的beessentialfor/to对来说是必要的Itisessentialforsbtodo 做某事对某人来讲是 必要的It

4、isessentialthat从句是必要的essentialsn.必需品 例1:成功必须努力工作。Hardworkis_success.essentialto(2)organn.(人或动植物的)器官例:证据表明,吸烟几乎危害身体的每一个器官。Evidenceshowsthatsmokingharmsnearlyevery_an例3:这套公寓配有单身生活的基本必需品。Theapartmentcontainedthebasic_forbachelorlife.例4:对我们来说,了解所有的事实是必要的。_toknowallthefacts.essentials例2:你必须得

5、有些经验。_youhavesomeexperience.ItisessentialthatItisessentialforusorgan organ 词族词族organ(器官(器官 / / 人体组织)人体组织)+ + -ise(使(使化)化) organise 使有组织地运行,引申为使有组织地运行,引申为“组织组织”organorganic organic adjadj 有机的有机的organised adj 有组织的;有组织的;有条理的有条理的organisation n 组织组织organiser n 组织者组织者organism adj 生物;有生物;有机体机体reorganise v

6、重新组织重新组织organise organise v v 组织组织3. Your skin acts _ a barrier against disease, _ (toxin), and the suns _(ray). ray n. 光线光线;光束光束;(热、电等热、电等)射线射线 (pl. rays ) a ray of. 一点一点; 少量少量; 一线一线 the suns rays 太太阳的光线阳的光线/射线射线 a ray of hope 一线生机;一线希望一线生机;一线希望e.g. There is _ left for us.astoxinsraysa ray of hope句

7、意:皮肤还有助于控制体温,防止身体流失过多水句意:皮肤还有助于控制体温,防止身体流失过多水分,在外物过热或过冷时发出警告,并使你拥有触觉。分,在外物过热或过冷时发出警告,并使你拥有触觉。preventsb.fromdoingsth.阻止某人做某事例:1.Whatcanwedotopreventthisdiseasespreading?2.Shewaspreventedfromtakingtheexambyillness.4.It also helps control your body temperature,prevents your body from losing too much wa

8、ter, warns you when things are too hot or cold, andgives you your sense of touch. 【拓展】阻止某人做某事stop sb (from) doing sthkeep sb from doing sthsenseoftouch 触觉其他表示各种感觉的词还有:senseofsight视觉senseofhearing听觉senseoftaste味觉senseofsmell嗅觉senseofhumor幽默感senseofdirection方向感senseofurgency紧迫感 sense of honor 荣誉感荣誉感 s

9、ense of values 价值观价值观 sense of justice 正义感正义感 sense of hunger 饥饿感饥饿感 sense of responsibility 责任感责任感 the sixth sense 第六感第六感 make sense 有道理有道理;讲得通讲得通 make no sense 没有意义没有意义, 讲不通讲不通 common sense 常识常识 5. As you can imagine, getting burnt can lead tovery serious injuries. e.g1.我们搬家的时候,电脑坏了。Thecomputergot

10、damagedwhenweweremoving.2.我的自行车正在修理。Mybikeisgettingrepairednow.3.我的眼镜在打篮球的时候给弄坏了。Myglasses, _whileIwasplayingbasketball.4.彼得和玛丽去年结了婚。PeterandMary_lastyear.get+过去分词,表被动或状态 got broken got married6.You can get burnt by a variety of things: hot liquids, steam, fire, _(radiate), the sun, electricity, _(a

11、cid), or other chemicals.acids(1). radiation n. 辐射辐射;放射线放射线radiate vt. 辐射辐射; 发射发射; 使向周围扩展使向周围扩展;vi. 射出射出; 发散发散; 发光发光radiative adj. 辐射的辐射的ultraviolet ltrvalt radiation 紫外线辐射紫外线辐射radiate heat, light or energy 放射放射.(2). acid n. 酸酸 adj. 酸的酸的;酸性的酸性的; 尖酸的,刻薄的尖酸的,刻薄的(pl. acids n. 酸酸; 酸味物质酸味物质) acid fruit 酸

12、水果酸水果 acidly adv. 不悦地不悦地;挖苦地挖苦地 acidify vt. 使酸化使酸化radiation7.These affect only the top few millimetres of the skin. millimeter/millimetre n. 毫米毫米;千分之一米千分之一米 centimeter/centimetre n. 厘米厘米 meter/metre n. 米米; 公尺公尺 kilometer/kilometre n. 千米千米; 公里公里8.Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by othe

13、r minor household incidents. minor adj. 较小的;次要的;轻微的较小的;次要的;轻微的 minor injury/ subject/ language 轻伤轻伤 / 副科副科 / 少数民少数民族语言族语言 minor adj. 较少的,次要的较少的,次要的 opp. minority n. 少数,少数派少数,少数派; 少数民族少数民族 a minority of 少量的,少数的少量的,少数的 be in a/the minority 占少数占少数e.g. Western officials say the problem is_, and should b

14、e quickly overcome. 西方官员称这个问题并不严重,应该很快就会解决。西方官员称这个问题并不严重,应该很快就会解决。major adj. 较多的,较多的, 主要主要 的的majority n. 大半;大半; 大多数大多数minor9. electric shock 触电;电休克触电;电休克electric adj常用于名词前电的;电动的;用常用于名词前电的;电动的;用电的电的 producing or using electricity:an electric iron / fan / light / car 令人激动的:令人激动的:e.g.The atmosphere her

15、e is electric.词汇拓展词汇拓展electrical adj 电气科学的;与(用)电有关的电气科学的;与(用)电有关的 of or about electricity:an electrical engineer e.g.Its OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it if not, turn it off!electricity n U 电;电学;电流:电;电学;电流:cut off electricity make / produce / generate electricity tu

16、rn on / off electricity 10.victim n. 受害者受害者;患者患者(pl. victims )AIDS/cancer victim 艾滋病艾滋病/癌症患者癌症患者fall victim to sth 成成为为的牺牲品的牺牲品/受害受害者者e.g. Be careful not _(成成为为的牺牲品的牺牲品) online banking fraud(诈骗诈骗).to fall victim to 拓展:拓展:victimizevt.使受害;使牺牲;欺骗victimizationn.迫害;牺牲;受害;受欺负e.g:1. I have stated I will no

17、t _anybody. 2. Not all the _ survived.3. The probabilities of crime or _ are higher with some situations than with others. victimizevictimizationvictims11. Remove any clothes using scissors if necessary, unless you see the fabric sticking the burnt skin.fabric n. 织物织物;布料布料;(社会、机构等的社会、机构等的)结构结构 (pl.

18、fabrics ) (尤指用于制作服装尤指用于制作服装/窗帘窗帘/家具覆盖物等的织物家具覆盖物等的织物)cloth n. 布布; 布料布料 (普通用词普通用词, 指用于制作服装的指用于制作服装的材料材料)material n. 布布; 布料布料 (与与 fabric 同义同义, 可换用可换用)cotton fabric 棉织物棉织物 furnishing fabrics 室内室内装饰织品装饰织品12. Cover the burnt area with a loose clean cloth.loose adj.松的松的;未系紧的未系紧的;宽松的宽松的 loosely adv. 松散的松散的;

19、蓬松的蓬松的; 轻松地轻松地;随意地随意地; 无无力地力地;软绵绵地软绵绵地loosen vt./vi. 解开或使松解开或使松; 放宽放宽;放松放松; 使(肠)使(肠)通畅通畅;a fabric with a loose weave 编织稀疏的织物编织稀疏的织物e.g.一瓶酒下肚,老人的话匣子打开了。一瓶酒下肚,老人的话匣子打开了。A bottle of wine had .loosened the old mans tongue13.urgent adj. 紧急的;急迫的;急切的紧急的;急迫的;急切的 an urgent message/call/telegram 紧急消紧急消息息 / 紧急

20、呼叫紧急呼叫 / 紧急电报紧急电报(1)urgency n. 紧急;急迫的事紧急;急迫的事e.g. In case of ,call the police. 一旦一旦发生紧急情况,打电话给警察发生紧急情况,打电话给警察。(2)urgently adv. 紧急地紧急地(3)urge n. 强烈的欲望,冲动强烈的欲望,冲动 v. 催促,力催促,力劝劝 have an urge to do sth. 做某事的做某事的冲动冲动 urge sb. on 鼓励,为鼓励,为加油加油 urge sb.(not) to do sth. 力劝某人(不要)力劝某人(不要)做某事做某事urgency14. Putti

21、ng butter or oil on burns helps because it may reduce swelling and ease discomfort. ease v. & n.(1)vt. 减轻;缓解减轻;缓解 vi. & vt. 使容易;使顺利使容易;使顺利 搭配搭配:ease off 减轻;缓和;放松减轻;缓和;放松e.g.This should help the pain. 这该有助于减轻痛这该有助于减轻痛苦。苦。 We waited until the traffic . 我们一直等到交我们一直等到交通缓解。通缓解。(2)n. 容易;舒适;自在容易;舒适

22、;自在 at ease 舒适,不拘束,自由自在舒适,不拘束,自由自在 put sb. at ease 使某人放松,舒适,自在使某人放松,舒适,自在 with ease 轻易地,毫不费劲地轻易地,毫不费劲地e.g.Now he can set his mind at ease because he has passed the exam with ease. easehad eased off重点句式:重点句式:1. .there is an urgent need to take him/her to the hospital at once. 【句式分析句式分析】本句是 there be 句

23、型,其中不定式 to take. 作 need 的后置定语。 There is a need to do sth.(1)意义:本句型表示“有必要做某事”,不定式作后置定语。(2)否定句型:There is no need(for sb.)to do sth.(某人)没必要做某事。 get angry. I merely suggest that you should do that again. 没有必要生气。我只是建议你再做一次。There is no need to 【归纳拓展归纳拓展】类似的therebe句型还有: Thereisnodoubtthat.毫无疑问 Thereisnosen

24、se/pointindoingsth.做某事没意义。 Thereisnopossibilitythat.没有可能。 Thereisnodifficultyindoingsth.做某事没困难。 Thereisatimewhen.曾经/一度单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Nowthatithappened,therewasnoneedyoutoblameyourself.(2)Thereisnopossibilityyoucouldthinkofamorereasonablesolution.(4)issomedoubtwhetherhehasthecouragetowalkoutofthecomf

25、ortzone.(5)Thoughthetwocountriesbordereachotherandareatpeacenow,_(曾经)thetwocountrieswereatwarforyears.forthatThere there was a time whenIf necessary,give me a ring. 3. As you can imagine, getting burnt can lead tovery serious injuries. 句意:可想而知,烧伤会造成严重后果。句意:可想而知,烧伤会造成严重后果。例1.众所周知,中国是一个发展中国家。_,Chinais

26、adevelopingcountry.例2.正如我们所预料的,他考试不及格。_,hefailedintheexam.例3.正如报道的那样,两国间的谈判正在取得进展。_,talksbetweenthetwocountriesaremakingprogress.Asweknowas引导非限制性定语从句,指代后面的内容,“正如”,“就像”可以位于句首、句中或句末。AsweexpectedAsisreportedWrite a word you have learnt in this unit before each definition. Build up your vocabulary11_apa


28、game释义匹配1.screamA.to give or to be a good reason for2.chokeB.to make a loud high noise with your voice 3.grab C.to suddenly fall down or become unconscious because you are ill or weak 4.justifyD.to be unable to breathe properly because something is in your throat5.collapse E.to take hold of someone

29、or something with a sudden or violent movementChoose the right word(s) from AC to complete each short conversation. 31. A: The price for this car? Fifteen thousand dollars out the door! What a deal! B: Well, if the car hadnt been in an accident, that would be a good price, but it has a few _ problem

30、s. A slight B minor C tiny2. A: Ouch! My leg really hurts! B: Why dont you take some medicine to _ the pain? A reduce B relax C ease3. A: Have you treated any real emergencies in your first-aid course at the Red Cross?A/BA/CChoose the right word(s) from AC to complete each short conversation. 3AAA B

31、: Well, they let us ride along with some paramedics. Once, we gave first aid to a _ of a traffic accident before rushing him to the hospital. A victim B patient C sufferer4. A: Did you hear that three people died in a fire last night? B: What a terrible _ ! How did it happen? A accident B incident C occasio


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