1、1.欢迎到连云港来。Welcome to lianyungang.2.祝一路顺风。Have a good journey.3.谢谢合作。Thank you for your cooperation.4.很高兴又见到你。Nice to see you again.5.商业区离这儿不远,大约3公里。Commercial district is not far from here,about 3 kilometers.6.下船后,向南走,在第一个转弯处向右拐。Go south after your disembarkation,and take the first turn on the right
2、.7.你可以在门口打的,打的费用大约10元。You may take a taxi at the gate,the taxi fare is about 10 yuan.8.市区有许多银行,你可以很方便地兑换外汇以便买东西。There are a lot of banks in downtown area,you can change your moner easily to buy something.9.谢谢你的好意,我们不收礼。Thank you for your kindness,we dont accept any gifts.10.连云港是个美丽的海滨城市,希望你在连云港过得愉快。
3、LYG is a beautiful coastal city.may you have a good time here.11.船长,你好,我们是海事监督员,我们来你船进行防污检查。Captain,good morning,we are harbor officers,and come to carry out inspection on pollution prevention.12.我们首先想检查以下防污文书,然后检查一下防污设备。Wed like to check your anti-pollution files first,then your equipment.13.请出示你的油
4、类记录簿、油污应急计划和国际防污证书。Please show me your oil record book(ROB),shipboard oil pollution emergency plan(SOPEP) and internation oil pollution prevention certificate(IOPP).13.按照油类记录簿说明,每记完一项作业,应由负责的人员签署姓名和日期,每记完一页,应由船长签字。According to the introduction of ORB,each completed operation shall be signed and date
5、d by the officer in charge,each completed page shall be signed by the master of the ship.14.谁负责油水分离器?Who is in charge of oil water separator(OWS)?15.你船的油水分离器是否运行良好?Is your OWS in good condition?16.请带我到机舱,我想现场检查一下。Please show me the way to the engine room,I want to have a spot check.17.我想看一下油水分离器的说明书
6、。I want to read the instruction of OWS.18.请启动油水分离器,从进口、出口和舱底取3个水样。Please start OWS,and take 3 samples from inlet,outlet and bilge well respectively.19.请试一下油污报警装置。Test the oil alarm please.20.这里有一根旁通管,你必须在开航前将其拆除或盲封。There is a bypass pipe which shall me romoved or clogged before your departure.21.三管轮
7、操作油水分离器不够熟练,他必须尽快熟悉。The fourth engineer are not skillful at operation of OWS,he shall acquaint himself with it as soon as possible.22.你船的油水分离器出口水样比进口水样还脏,你最好清洗一下滤器,以后要加强对油水分离器的保养。The sample from the outlet is dirtier than the one from the inlet,youd better clean the filter and strengthen maintenance
8、 of OWS.23.请带我去看一下焚烧炉。Please take me to check the incinerator.24.你船定期进行油污应急演习吗?请给我看一下记录。Have you carried out oil emergency drill regularly?show me the relevant entries.25.你不能只进行一种演习,你应该针对不同的油污事故开展演习。You should do exercises on different kinds of oil accident rather than one kind.26.油污应急演习应定期进行,一个月至少一
9、次。Oil emergency drills shall be done regularly,at least once per month.27.你船有哪些防污器材,放在哪里?What anti-pollution materials and appliances do you have?28.船员们都掌握本计划内容吗?Do all of the crew know this plan?29.请给我看一下你船的垃圾记录簿。Please show me your garbage record book.30.按照73/78防污公约规定,每次垃圾排放或焚烧作业都应予以记录,其中包括排放入海、排入
10、接收设施或其他船舶。In according with MARPOL 73/78,a record is to be kept of each discharge operation or completed incineration,this includes discharges to sea,to reception facilities,or to other ships.31.船舶垃圾接收证明和垃圾记录簿一起在船上保存两年。The receipt for garbage-transferring must be kept on board the ship with the GRB
11、for 2 years.32.请给我看一下船员适任证书。Please show me your crewmembers certificate of competency.33.二副的证书不够登记,你必须在开航前更换二副。The certificate of competency of the second officer is not in accordance with the actual gross tonnage your vessel,you must change the second officer before your departure.34.这是本港港章,请你们仔细地学
12、习一遍。This is the port regulation,please read it over.35.外国籍船舶进出本港或在本港停泊,必须有引航员引领。Pilotage is compulsory for vessels of foreign nationality which are navigating or shifting their berth within this port.36.你船没有悬挂中国国旗,你必须马上挂上。Your havent fly the flag of the peoples republic of china ,you must hoist one
13、at once.37.你船悬挂的中国国旗已经破损,必须马上换新。The flag of the PRC on your ship is damaged ,and shall be replaced with a new one at once.38.船舶在停泊期间,在船船员不得少于各部分船员的三分之一。While vessels are berthing in this port ,the watch-keeping personnel on board shall not be less than one-third of crew members of the respective dep
14、artments.39.在任何情况下,船长与大副,轮机长和大管轮不得同时离船。In no case shall master and chief officer or chief and second engineer go ashore simultaneously.40.船舶需明火作业,必须提前申报并得到批准。Vessels at berth shall apply in advance for permission to carry out naked fire operation.41.明火作业时,应备足有效的消防器材,并派专人看护现场。While carrying out naked
15、 fire operations ,sufficient and effective fire-fighting appliances shall be prepared,and a watchman shall be stationed at the worksite.42.刚才,我在机场看到有人在检修主机,请问你们检修主机向主管机关申报了吗?I found someone was overhauling main engine just now,have you applied to the competent authority fo approval?按照规定,检修主机、锅炉、锚机、舵
16、机必须事先向主管机关申报并得到批准后方能进行。In accordance with the regulations,vessels shall make application to the competent authority for approval before overhauling main engine,boiler,windlass and steering gear.按照港章,船舶在本港进行下列事项,应报主管机关批准后方可进行:排放压载水,舷外拷铲,刷油漆,装卸有污染危害的散装货物时冲洗甲板,等等。According to the port regulation ,vesse
17、ls shall apply to the competent authority for approval before carrying out the following operations in this port:pumping out ballast water,scraping or painting hull overboard,washing desks or carge holds while loading or unloading bulk cargoes of pollutant nature.船舶生活垃圾不得在本港水域倾倒,应由主管机关认可的接收单位接收处理。It
18、 is prohibited to dump garbage into the port water, garbage shall be received by the organization recognized by the competent authority.船舶发生交通事故或污染事故,必须立即采取措施控制事故扩大,并迅速报告主管机关。如果擅自处理不报,将会受到严厉处罚。In case pollution or traffic accident occurs ,the vessel at fault shall immediately take all avaiable and e
19、ffective measures to minimize and control the damage,and inform the competent authority of the accident as soon as possible ,if she were to fail to do so,she would be severely punished.请给我看一下危险货物申报单和安全适运证书。Let me have a look at your declaration form of dangerous goods carried by ship and cetificate
20、of fitness for ship carrying dangerous goods.按照你的危险货物安全适运证书,烟花应该装在一舱甲板上,而你装在一舱内,你必须重装。According to your certificate of fitness for ship carrying dangerous goods,fireworks should be placed on the hatch cover of NO.1 hold,but you put it in NO.1 hold ,you have to replace them.你没有悬挂B字旗,这是违反规定的。It is ill
21、egal for you not to hoist B flag.危险标志不全,按规定,集装箱四面都应张贴标志,你必须立即补全。The signs of dangerous goods are not sufficient ,it is regulated that the four side of the containers should be decorated with signs ,so you should replenish some signs at once.你船张贴了垃圾公告牌吗?Have you put up garbage notice already?我们来为你船办理
22、海事声明签证。We are going to go through formalities of sea protest endorsement for you.请把你船的航海日志给我看一下,顺便把当时的气象资料也拿来看看。Bring me your deck log as well as the weather materials at that time.请让两个见证人在海事声明上签字。Please ask two witnesses sign in the sea protest.海事声明签证必须在开舱前进行,请带我到现场看一看。You should apply for sea prot
23、est endorsement prior to opening the hold,take me around the spot please.请在这里签字盖章。Please sign and stamp it here.你好,我们是海事监督员,请问船长在船吗?Good morning ,we are harbor officers from maritime safety administration ,is the captain on board now, please.请出示港口国管理报告,你船有复查项目,你必须申请复查。Show me your port state control
24、 report, see, there are items to be rechecked ,and you should apply for a recheck.我们是实事求是的,有一件事我必须指出的是。We have taken truth from the fact ,one thing I shall point out is这个缺陷已经对海洋环境造成严重威胁,在纠正缺陷之前你船禁止离港。This deficiency has posed great danger to maritime environment ,you are not allowed to leave before
25、having improved it.在你纠正却先后,请向我们申请复查。After you have improved the deficiency, apply us for a recheck ,please.对不起,我不得不说,我没有看到你们采取足够的安全措施。Im sorry to say I cannt see you have taken enough safety measures already.船长,这是你第一次到本港来吗?Captain,is this the first time you have been to lianyungang?你可能不太熟悉本港有关规定,我给你
26、提个醒。You may not acquainted with the port regulations, so I remind you about them.海事主管机关有权采取强制措施避免或减轻污染损害,由此产生的费用由你船承担。The maritime authority is entitled to compel the undertaking of minimizing or avoiding pollution damage, and all expenses incurred thereof should be borned by your vessel.本港禁止拍照。It i
27、s prohibited to photo in this port.你船违反了有关法规,我们上船来进行调查,请予配合。Your ship has violated the relevant laws and statutes, we come on board for investigation, please cooperate with us.就这件事情,你应该写一份报告给我们。You should submit us a report on this matter.船长,我们来通知你,你船将被处罚10000元。Captain, we come to inform you that yo
28、ur ship will be fined RMB 10000.如果你要求听证,请在3日内向我们递交书面申请。If you require hearing, submit a written application to us within 3 days.船长,我们来送达处罚决定书,请签收。Captain, we come to deliver the notice of penalty, please sign the receipt.船长,你知道你船已经违反了我们国家的法规了吗?Captain ,do you know you have violated our laws.船长,我们来通知
29、你,这次你被免予处罚了。Captain ,we come to inform you are exonerated from fine this time.船长,据报告,你船在航道内超速行驶,请把轮机日志拿来我看看。Captain ,it wa reported that your vessel exceeded safe speed in channel ,please give me the engine log to have a look.船长,交管中心发现你船在锚泊期间未按规定收听VHF电话,请你给我们一个解释。Captain ,the VTS didnt found you kee
30、p on VHF watch in accordance with the relevant regulation during anchoring, please give us an explanation.这不是一个你倒了多少垃圾的问题,而是你明知故犯的问题。It is not a question of how much dust you have dumped ,but a question of your knowing violation(against the port regulation).我希望你陈述事实,找不合理的接口是没有用的,我们将会考虑你对待问题的态度。We ho
31、pe you tell the truth, it is no use giving unreasonable excuse ,we will take your attitude towards this matter into consideration.你的报告应包括船名、总吨、船公司等。Your report should contain such information as ships name , gross tonnage, owner and so on.DSC报警装置属于港口限用设备。DSC alarm device belongs to the equipment res
32、tricted for use in port.我们发现你船附近睡眠有大量油膜,我们需要从你船油舱取一个油样。We found a big oil slick on the water surface not far from your ship, so we need to take a sample from your oil tank.经检测,从你船提取的油样与海面上提取的油样一致。Upon examination, the oil sample taken from your ship is identical with that one from the sea.在加油期间,你应该准
33、备好防污器材,堵上甲板出水口。While being fueled ,you should prepare anti-pollution material and fill in all holes on deck.我们希望不要再发生类似的事情。We hope nothing of this sort happen again.这次是由于船员的玩忽职守造成的。This accident is caused by neglect of duty.我们将进一步调查这件事情。We will investigate into this matter.事故发生后,你采取了什么措施。What steps have you taken after the accident took place?当时谁值班?Who is on duty then?你
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