1、 济宁简介(中英双语)济宁市,位于中国山东省西南部,是山东重要的工业中心城市之一。辖二区三市七县,即市中区、任城区、曲阜市、兖州市、邹城市、微山县、鱼台县、金乡县、嘉祥县、汶上县、泗水县、梁山县。总面积1.1万平方公里,总人口831.31万人。Jining, located in the southwest of Shandong, China, is one of the key industrial cites of the province. It governs two districts, three cities and seven counties, namely, Shizho
2、ng District, Rencheng District, Qufu, Yanzhou, Zoucheng, Weishan County, Yutai County, Jinxiang County, Jiaxiang County, Weishan County, Sishui County, and Liangshan County. It covers an area of 11,000 square kilometers, with a population of 8.3131 million. 济宁素有“孔孟之乡、礼仪之邦”的美称。世界著名思想家、教育家孔子、孟子都
3、出生在这里,是中华文明儒家文化发祥地。曲阜的孔庙、孔府、孔林被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产。一年一度的“中国(曲阜)国际孔子文化节”,吸引海内外宾朋云集东方圣城。济宁还拥有邹城“四孟”(孟府、孟庙、孟林和孟母林)、水泊梁山、微山湖、嘉祥汉画像石刻以及汶上太子灵踪塔等名胜古迹。Jining, the birthplace of Confucius and Mencius, the great thinkers and educators well known in the world, has long been praised as “the Hometown of Confucius a
4、nd Mencius, the Land of Proprieties” as well as the cradle of Confucianism. Confucius Temple, Confucius Mansion and Confucius Cemetery in Qufu have been included on the list of World Culture Heritage by UNESCO. The annually celebrated “China (Qufu) International Confucius Cultural Festival” attracts
5、 both domestic and foreign friends to the holy city. Moreover, there are many other places of interest such as “the Four Sites on Mencius”, namely, Mencius Mansion, Mencius Temple, Mencius Cemetery and Mencius Mother Cemetery in Zoucheng, Water Margin in Liangshan County, Weishan Lake, the stone car
6、vings of Han Dynasty in Jiaxiang County, and the Tai Zi Ling Zong Buddist Pagoda in Wenshang County etc. 济宁地理位置优越,交通通讯便利。京沪铁路、京九铁路纵贯南北,兖石铁路和济新铁路横跨东西,高速公路通车里程223.7公里。在建的京沪高速铁路途径济宁辖区,工程设计停靠曲阜站点。济宁曲阜机场有直飞北京、上海、广州、成都、沈阳、青岛等地航线。京杭大运河流经济宁,内河航运发达。济宁距离日照海港200余公里,距离青岛港400余公里。移动通信和国际互联网络覆盖城乡。Jining enjoy
7、s favorable geographic location and convenient transportation and communication. The Beijing-Shanghai Railway, Beijing-Kowloon Railway go through the city from south to north; Yanzhou-Shijiu Railway and Jining-Xinxiang Railway pass through the city from east to west. 223.7 kilometers of expressways
8、have been open to traffic. The newly built Beijing-Shanghai Express Railway crosses Jining, with one stop in Qufu. Furthermore, Jining Qufu Airport, with direct flight to domestic cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang, Qingdao, etc. has been put in use. The BeijingHangzhou Gran
9、d Canal flows through the city, with strong river transportation capacity. Jining is only 200 kilometers away from Rizhao port, and 400 kilometers from Qingdao port. Mobile communication and internet services cover both the urban and rural areas. 济宁物产丰富,煤炭、电力、淡水等资源充裕。煤炭储量250亿吨,年产原煤8115万吨,是中国八大煤
10、炭基地之一。年发电量494亿千瓦小时。淡水储量60亿立方米,石灰石储量20亿立方米,建材石料储量20亿立方米。稀土矿储量1300万吨,居全国第2位。Jining abounds with coal, electricity, freshwater and many other resources. It is one of the eight largest coal bases in China, with 25 billion tons of coal reserves and an annual production of 81.15 million tons of natural co
11、als. The annual generation of electricity reached 49.4 billion kilowatt hour. There are reserves of 6 billion cubic meters of fresh water, 2 billion cubic meters of limestone and 2 billion cubic meters of construction stone materials in the city. There are 13 million tons of rare earth reserves whic
12、h ranks the 2nd nationwide. 济宁综合经济实力在山东省17个中等规模以上城市中居上游水平。2009年,面对国际金融危机冲击带来的严峻挑战,全市经济社会发展整体好于预期,实现地区生产总值2279.19亿元人民币,同比增长12.7。人均GDP达到28492元(约合4171美元),增长11.9。地方财政收入134.66亿元,增长12.7。进出口总额28.9亿美元,下降9.8;其中出口16.03亿美元,下降10.7;进口12.83亿美元,下降8.6。引进外资实际到帐4.16亿美元,增长7.3。旅游社会总收入185.11亿元,增长22.8;接待国内游客2444万人次
13、,接待境外旅游者25万人次,旅游创汇1.2亿美元。全社会固定资产投资1101亿元,增长25。消费品零售总额867.4亿元,增长19.1。城镇居民人均可支配收入达到15163元,增长11.2;农村居民人均纯收入6470元,增长8.5。城乡居民储蓄存款余额1073亿元。With its sound and rapid growth, the comprehensive economy power of Jining ranks among the top of the seventeen medium and large-sized cities in Shandong Province. Fac
14、ing the severe challenges from the international financial crisis in 2009, the overall economic and social development of Jining is better than expected. The GDP has accomplished RMB 227.919 billion Yuan, increasing by 12.7% compared with last year, and the per capita GDP totaled RMB 28,492 Yuan(abo
15、ut 4,171 USD), increasing by 11.9%. The local fiscal revenue reached RMB 13.466 billion Yuan, increasing by 12.7 %. The volume of import and export amounted to 2.89 billion US dollars, decreasing by 9.8 %, in which the volume of export was 1.063 billion US dollars, down 10.7 %, and the import 1.283
16、billion US dollars, down 8.6 %. The actually utilized foreign investment reached 416 million US dollars, increasing by 7.3 %. The revenue brought by tourism reached RMB 18.511 billion Yuan, up 22.8%; The tourism earnings amounted to 120 million US dollars with 24.44 million domestic visitors and 250
17、,000 overseas visitors. The investment in fixed assets amounted to RMB 110.1 billion Yuan, increasing by 25 %. The total retail sales of consumer goods were RMB 86.74 billion Yuan, up 19.1 %. The per capita disposable income of urban residents reached RMB 15,163 Yuan, up 11.2 %; and the per capita n
18、et income of rural residents was RMB 6,470 Yuan, up 8.5 %. Besides, the balance of the deposits of urban and rural residents was RMB 107.3 billion Yuan. 济宁农林牧渔业全面发展。粮食播种面积962.26万亩,粮食总产量446.2万吨,单产达到464公斤/亩。林地面积21.69万亩,森林覆盖率26.5。水产养殖面积67万亩,水产品产量32.2万吨。农业机械总动力869万千瓦。The agriculture, forestry, ani
19、mal husbandry and fishery developed in an all-around way. The sown area of grain in Jining totaled 9.6226 million mu with a total output of 4.462 million tons and 464 kilos per mu; the area of woodland added up to 216.9 thousand mu with the forest coverage of 26.5 %; the aquiculture area was 670 tho
20、usand mu, with an output of 322,000 tons. In addition, the total power of agricultural machinery amounted to 8.69 million kilowatt. 济宁工业门类齐全,基础雄厚,结构不断优化。规模以上工业企业3763家。工业利税超千万元的企业265家,其中利税超亿元的企业49家。煤电化工、机械制造、生物技术、纺织服装、食品医药五大支柱产业生产企稳回升。一批海外知名企业落户济宁。Jining has diverse industries with a solid found
21、ation and continuing restructuring. There are 3,767 large scale enterprises. There are 265 enterprises whose profit and tax exceed 10 million Yuan and 49 enterprises whose profit and tax is over 100 million Yuan. The pillar industries including coal and electric chemical industry, mechanical manufac
22、turing, bio-tech, textile and garments, food and pharmaceutical industry have begun to stabilize and recover. A group of internationally well-known enterprises have started their business in Jining. 济宁科技、教育、文化、卫生、体育事业健康发展。全市有国家级高新技术企业49家,国家火炬计划技术产业基地4处,省级工程技术研究中心46个,市级农业科技示范园20处。有普通高校6所,成人高校2所,中等职业学
23、校50所,普通高中51所,普通初中259所,小学1306所,特殊教育学校13所,学前教育幼儿园1256所。有各类艺术表演团体12个,公共图书馆11座,艺术馆1座,文化馆12座。有医院115个,卫生院141个,妇幼保健机构13个,高等医学院校2个,中等医学教育机构6个,医疗床位26932张。群众体育活动深入开展,竞技体育水平在山东省继续保持好位次。The science and technology, education, culture, hygiene, and physical education are developing well. There are 49 new hi-tech
24、enterprises in Jining, 4 technological industrial bases for the National Torch program, and 46 provincial-level engineering research centers and 20 municipal-level agricultural science and technologies demonstration parks. There are 6 universities and colleges, 2 adult institutes of higher learning,
25、 50 secondary vocational schools, 51 senior middle schools, 259 junior middle schools, 1,306 primary schools, 13 special education schools, 1,256 kindergartens. In addition, there are 12 artistic performance troupes, 11 public libraries, one gallery of art, 12 houses of culture. There are 115 hospit
26、als, 141 clinics, 13 maternal and child health care institutions, 2 medical colleges, 6 secondary medical schools, and 26,932 hospital beds. The mass sports are promoted in a deep-going way, and the competitive sports performance scores remains the front place in Shandong Province. 济宁市着力开展对外友好
27、交往,与日本足利市、法国米卢斯市等缔结了国际友好城市对子,与韩国大邱市寿城区、日本小松市、俄罗斯塔甘罗格市以及美国、德国、南非、澳大利亚等国家和地区的一批城市建立了友好合作关系,与近200个国家和地区保持了经贸伙伴关系,并积极支持世界各地300余所孔子学院、孔子课堂传播中华文明成果。济宁始终不渝地坚持实施互利共赢的开放战略,积极营造良好的外部环境。Jining is striving to promote friendly exchanges with foreign countries. It has established sister-city relations with Ashika
28、ga of Japan, Mulhouse of France and so forth. It has also established friendly cooperative relationship with Daegu of Korea, Komatsu of Japan, Taganrog of Russia as well as the cities in U.S., Germany, South Africa, Australia, etc. Meanwhile, It is developing economic partnership with almost 200 cou
29、ntries and regions, and also giving support to nearly 300 ConfuciusInstitutes around the world to spread Chinese civilization. Jining, has unswervingly been sticking to the win-win opening-up strategy while making great effort to create a sound external environment. 根据山东省人民政府批复的济宁市城市总体规划(2008-2030年)
30、,济宁城市发展以建设山东省经济强市为目标,不断提升济宁在鲁南经济带中的地位和作用,充分发挥在鲁苏豫皖四省交接地区经济管理、科技创新、信息、交通、旅游等方面的优势,逐步将济宁建设成为产业结构合理、城乡融合发展、生态良好宜居、具有区域竞争力的现代化城市。 In accordance with the Urban Overall Planning of Jining City (2008-2030) approved by Shandong Provincial People's Government, Jining will target at developing into a
31、n advanced city in economy, continue to enhance its role in the economic belt of southern Shandong, and give full play to its advantages in economic management, technological innovation, IT, communication, tourism etc, especially with its location of the junction of Shandong, Suzhou, He'nan and
32、Anhui provinces. In the near future, Jining will be built into a dynamic city with the rational industrial structure, harmoniously-developing urban and rural areas, favorable environment as well as regional competitive edge. 孔子曰:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎”。热情好客的济宁人民欢迎海内外宾朋光临,感受中华文明,品味儒家文化,开展友好交流与互利合作,建设共同繁荣的和谐世界。
33、Confucius said:" it is a great delight to have friends from afar". The hospitable people of Jining is always ready to welcome all friends at home and abroad to experience the Chinese civilization and Confucian culture, develop friendly exchange and cooperation, and work together for a prosperous and harmonious
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