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1、Module Four Unit 1-5 语言点Unit 1 Women of achievementReading IA STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE1. Following Janes way of studying chimps, our groups are all going to visit them in the forest.我们一行人准备按照简研究黑猩猩的方法去森林拜访他们。句中的following为现在分词作伴随状语,因是主动关系所以用following点拨:分词做伴随状语如分词与逻辑主语是主动关系则用-ing;被动则用-ed Some kids

2、are on the playground, playing football.比较:Seeing her mother, the baby smiled.Seen from the top of the hill, our city is more beautiful. way of dong sth = way to do sth 做的方式He came up with a way of solving the problem. 他想出了解决问题的方法。2. Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and under

3、stand how much they behave like humans.简已经研究这些黑猩猩家族好多年了,她帮助人们了解黑猩猩和人类的行为是多么地相似。behave: 表现 The child behaves badly/well/properly at the party. 那孩子在聚会上表现差/好/得体。The parents encouraged the children to behave well in front of the guests.父母鼓励孩子们在客人面前好好表现。拓展: behave oneself 表现得体;有礼貌Please behave yourself.

4、请礼貌点儿。 You are expected to behave yourself while I am away. 我不在家时你要乖。 behavior:n 行为;举止【C】 Sometimes the boys behavior is very strange. =Sometimes the boy behaves strangely. 有时候,那个男孩的行为很怪。 well-behaved children:有礼貌的孩子3. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.我们当天的首要任务是观察

5、黑猩猩一家是如何醒来的。此处watching在句中为动名词做主语,谓语动词用单数。Doing morning exercises is good for health. 做早操对健康有益。Reading aloud is important in learning English. 大声朗读在学外语中很重要。拓展:Seeing is believing. 眼见为实Asking costs nothing. 多问不吃亏4. This means going back to the place where we left the family sleeping in a tree the nigh

6、t before. 这意味着我们要返回前一天晚上我们离开时黑猩猩一家睡觉的大树旁。mean doing: “意味着”Missing the train means waiting for another hour. 误了这趟火车意味着再等一个小时。比较:mean to do 打算做某事 I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot. 我本打算今天给你这本书,可我忘了。Sorry, I didnt mean to hurt you. 我本没想伤害你拓展:Environment means much to a child. 环境对儿童有着重大意

7、义。What do you mean by saying that? 你那样说是什么意思?5. Everybody sits and waits in the shade of the trees while the family begins to wake up and move off. 每个人都坐在树荫下等待,而猩猩一家开始苏醒和走动。 句中while 表示前后两种情况的对照。译为:“然而” Their country has plenty of oil while ours has none. 他们国家盛产石油,而我们国家却一点没有 Many people enjoy playing

8、 football while others just enjoy watching them. 好多人喜欢踢足球而有些人只是喜欢看。 shade: n. 荫;阴凉处 in the shade of 在的阴凉处 vt 为遮住光线;The big tree can shade many people in hot summer.在炎热的夏季这棵大树可以为好多人遮阳。move off 离开 Bill waved his hands and the car moved off. 比尔挥挥手,汽车就开走了。 6. Most of the time, chimps either feed or clea

9、n each other as a way of showing love in their family. 在大部分时间里,黑猩猩或互相喂食,或彼此擦身,这在他们家族里是表达爱的一种方式。most of the time:在大部分时间里7. However the evening makes it all worthwhile. 但是到傍晚时分我们就觉得这一切都是值得的。worthwhile:adj 值得(出力)的;值得的(可作定语和表语)I think teaching always a worthwhile job.我认为教书一直都是一项值得出力的工作 The meeting / Doi

10、ng the job is worthwhile. 这次会议/做这项工作是值得的 The smile on her face made it all worthwhile. 她脸上的笑容是这一切都非常值得。常用表达:It is worthwhile to do / doing sth表示“值得做” It is worthwhile to do the job. = It is worthwhile doing the job. 练一练:翻译 这本书值得一读 _ 答案:It is worthwhile reading/ to read the book. = Reading/To read th

11、e book is worthwhile. 拓展:worth: adj. 值得的(只做表语;后跟名词、代词、动名词) The book is (well) worth reading. 这本书(很)值得一读。8. We realize that the bond between members of a chimp family is as strong as in a human family.我们明白了猩猩家庭成员之间的联系像人类一样紧密。bond:n.联系;关系;结合;纽带 the strong bond between A and: B AB之间的密切联9. She spent yea

12、rs observing and recording their daily activities.她花了多年的时间来观察并记录黑猩猩的日常活动。 sth 观察某事物 sb. doing 观察到某人正在做某事observe:观察 + sb do sth 观察到某人做了某事 that 观察到She likes to observe the behavior of insects. 他喜欢观察昆虫的习性。He observed her come across the street.She was observed to come across the street. 他看见她穿过了街。 I obs

13、erved Tom wandering by the river. Tom was observed wandering by the river. 我看见汤姆在河边漫步了。 遵守We must observe the rules of the road / the law. 我们应遵守交通规则/法律拓展:observe 有“庆祝”的意思: observe Christmas 庆祝圣诞observation:n. 观察当表示“看”时,observe,watch,see的区别:observe: 相当于watch carefully,指从不同的角度长时间地看并研究,尤其用于实 验或研究等场合,如o

14、bserve the stars(观察星星),observe the behavior of birds(观察鸟类的习性)等;watch: “看;观看,特别留意、感兴趣地看运动着的东西”。如 watch TV(看电视),watch a game(观看比赛)等;see : “看到;看见”;强调看的结果,有意或无意地看到; 10. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. 她母亲头几个月来帮过忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。 点拨:这是一

15、个倒装句。正常的与语序为: She was allowed to begin her project after her mother came to help her for the first few months.当only位于句首且后面跟的是“非主语”时,主句采用部分倒装。(一般疑问句语序)Only then did I realize I was wrong. 只有到那时我才意识到自己错了。Only in this way can you learn English well. 只有用这种方法你才能学好英语。 比较:Only teachers are allowed to use t

16、he laboratory. (only虽位于句首但后面跟的是主语,故句子不倒装) Only when the teacher came did the students stopped talking. (only位于句首且后跟的是非主语,主句倒装,从句不倒装)11. She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other, and her study of their body language helped her work out their social system. 她还发现了黑猩猩之间是如何交流的,而且他对黑猩猩身势

17、语的研究帮助她勾勒出了黑猩猩的社会关系。 communicate:交流;传达 和交流 communicate with sb He isnt a man easy to communicate with. 他不是个好沟通的人 表达;传达Generally speaking, teachers are able to communicate their ideas clearly. 一般来说教师能把自己的意思表达清楚。work out:拟定;算出;解决;结果(常与副词连用);锻炼 We didnt plan it like that, but it worked out quite well.

18、我们原不是那样计划的,但结果却很好。 When will the plan be worked out? 计划在什么时候制定出来。 He works out every morning to lose weight. 为了减肥,他每天早上锻炼。12. For forty years Jane has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. 40年来,简.古道尔呼吁世人了解并尊重这些动物的生活。outspoken:adj. 直言的;坦诚H

19、e is an outspoken man. 他是一个很直率的人。It is possible to be outspoken without being rude.既直言不讳又不显得粗鲁是可能做到的。respect: vt. & n. 尊敬;尊重; vt 尊敬;尊重(人,意见等) We should learn to respect others. 我们要学会尊重别人。You ought to respect his opinions. 你应当尊重他的意见。 n 尊重;尊敬;敬意 (show respect to sb = have respect for sb 尊敬某人)The n

20、ew officer soon won the respect of his men.新官员很快赢得了人们的尊敬。You should show respect to / have respect for your parents. 你们应尊敬家长。拓展:respect oneself 自尊;自重If you dont respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you? respect sb for sth:因为而尊重某人I respect you for your courage. 我敬佩你的勇气。respectful表示“

21、尊敬人的;有礼貌的;恭敬的”13. She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. 她主张野生动物应该留在野外生活,而不该用于娱乐和广告。 argue:vt/vi 争论;辩论 argue for提出理由支持;为辩护(argue against提出理由反对;)The lawyer argues for the poor man. 律师为这可怜的人辩护。He argued for/against the plan. 他赞成/反对

22、这个计划。He argued against the use of animals in this experiment.他反对用动物做这个实验。 argue with sb. about sth.就某事和某人争论; He argued with Mary about the matter. 他和玛丽争论过这件事。 We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal.我们和服务员就菜价争论了起来。 argue that. 辩论说 He argued that sending men to the moon is a waste of mo

23、ney. 他辩论说/认为送人到月球上去是浪费钱。 argue sb. into /out of doing sth.说服某人去/不做某事 I argued him into /out of going. 我说服他去/不去了。 拓展:argument:n. 【C/U】 settle an argument指“解决争端” They got into a violent argument about whether to go by sea or by air. 他们就是乘船去还是乘飞机去的问题展开了激烈的辩论。 entertainment:n.娱乐;招/款待; 娱乐(总称不可数;指具体的娱乐表演可

24、数) A cinema is a place of entertainment. 电影院是娱乐场所。 They are giving a musical entertainment. 他们正在进行音乐表演。 招待【U】 The hotel is famous for its good entertainment. 这家旅馆因其好的招待而闻名。 拓展:entertain:vt 招/款待;使高兴/欢乐 He cut off a branch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄来款待我们。 He entertained us by singing songs. 他唱

25、歌为我们助兴。14. She is leading a busy life 她过着忙碌的生活, lead/live a life 过着的生活 He led a hard/simple/happy life. 他过着艰苦/简朴/幸福的生活。15. Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头,我就会想起实验室的黑猩猩。come + doing: 翻译成“过来/进来”The sunshine came streaming through the wi

26、ndows. 阳光透过窗子涌了过来。once:一旦;曾经;一次Once printed, this dictionary will be very popular! 一旦出版,这本词典将会非常畅销!crowd in:(想法、问题等)涌上心头/涌入脑海After the meeting, problems about the plan crowded in (my head) 会后,关于这个计划的问题涌入了我的脑海。拓展:crowd:n.人群 vt 挤满;使拥挤 n 人群 I spotted my father in the crowd. 我从人群中认出了父亲。A big crowd gathe

27、red at the scene of the accident.一大群人聚集在事故现 vt 挤满;使拥挤Shoppers crowded the store. 购物者挤满了商店。= The store was crowded with shoppers. 商店里挤满了人。 crowded:adj. 拥挤的 a crowded bus 一辆拥挤的公交车 a crowd of:一群;一堆;许多 :a crowd of magazines / lookers-on16. And then I think about small chimps in cages though they have do

28、ne nothing wrong. 然后我就想起那些没有任何过错却被关在笼子里的小黑猩猩。think about 思索;考虑;do something wrong做错事;I did nothing wrong. 我没做错什么。17. She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women.她鼓励着人们为妇女们的成就而欢呼喝彩。inspire: vt. 鼓舞,使产生,启发 鼓励(inspire sb to do sth鼓舞某人做某事)His words inspired all of us. 他说的话使我们都受到鼓舞。He i

29、nspired me to work hard. 他鼓励我努力学习。 激发;使产生(inspire sth. in /into sb.= inspire sb. with sth激起某人的/使某人产生)He inspires self-confidence in /into his students. = He inspires his students with self-confidence. 他使学生产生了自信。 启发,促成We should inspire the children to think. 我们要启发儿童思考。His wife inspired his first nove

30、l. 他妻子让他有了写第一部小说的灵感。 拓展:inspired adj.受到鼓舞的,有灵感的inspiring adj.鼓舞人的inspiration n.鼓舞,灵感 Many poets have drawn their inspiration from nature. 许多诗人从大自然中获得灵感。 Lets give inspiration to each other. 让我们互相鼓舞。 Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. 天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的努力。 练一练:The

31、 children were _by the _ book. 答案:inspired;inspiring; 孩子们深受这本激励人的书的鼓舞。Reading IIWHY NOT CARRY ON THE GOOD WORK?为什么不继续他的事业?1. I did not know the answer until one evening when I sat down at the computer to do some research on great women of China.直到有一天晚上我坐在电脑旁研究中国伟大女性时,我才有了答案。do research into / on 进行方

32、面的研究They are carrying out a research into the causes of cancer. 他们正在研究癌症的病因。They are doing research on blood diseases 他们正在进行血液病研究2. By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in womens diseases. 很偶然地,我看到了一篇关于林巧稚大夫的文章,她是妇科专家。by chance(= by accident) 偶然,碰巧,意外地I

33、met her quite by chance.我遇见她完全是偶然的. come across (尤指偶然)遇到;发现;I came across the book in an old bookstore. 我在一家老书店无意中找到的这本书。 拓展:come的相关短语 come about 发生(相当于happen无被动不加宾语) come on 加油;快点;得了吧; come up with 提出;想出 come up (种子、植物等) 长出地面;被提出;3. It seemed that she had been very busy in her chosen career, travel

34、ing abroad to study as well as writing books and articles.她似乎一直都为自己选择的事业而奔忙,去国外留学,写了很多书和文章。点拨:句中的it是形式主语, that 从句是真正的主语;而主语从句中的traveling与writing是伴随状语。Chosen是过去分词作定语修饰career.It seems/seemed (to sb) that (在某人看来) 似乎.It seemed that no one knew what had happened. 似乎没有人知道发生了什么事。It seems to me that he have

35、 caught a cold. (=He seems to me to have a cold.)我看他似乎感冒了。拓展:It seems/seemed as if / as though 看起来好像It appeared (to sb) that / It appeared (to sb) as if (在某人看来)好似4. One of them caught my eyes.其中有一本书引起了我的注意。句中catch表示“ 吸引;引起(注意、兴趣等)”catch a person's eye = catch ones attention引起某人的注意The window disp

36、lay caught her eye. 窗上的展品引起了她的注意。A newspaper headline caught his eye. 报纸的大标题吸引了他的注意。 拓展:keep an eye on 照看;注意 turn a blind eye to 故意不看;视而不见5. It was a small book explaining how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.这是一本介绍如何从妇女怀孕到护理婴儿的过程中降低死亡率的书。点拨:It was a small book是主干句,explaining至

37、句末是现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰book;其中from having and caring for babies作时间状语。explain:解释 + 名词、代词、从句(常用结构:explain sth to sb = explain to sb sth)现在分词作定语时与被修饰词之间是主动关系,相当于定语从句Who is the man standing by the door? = Who is the man who is standing by the door?Australia is the only country covering an entire continent.= A

38、ustralia is the only country that covers an entire continent.试比较:This is the man referred to at the meeting.= This is the man who was referred to at the meeting. 这就是在会上被提到的那个人。 rate:n. 比率;速度 比率 Small incomes have brought down the birth rate. 低收入降低了出生率 速度 The car is going at a rapid rate. 火车正在以很快的速度行

39、驶。 拓展:at the rate of 以速度 She reads at the rate of 100 words a minute. 她的阅读速度是每分钟100词。 The car was going at the rate of 40 miles an hour. 汽车在以每小时40英里的速度行驶。 care for:照顾/料;喜爱;关心 They cared for the patient day and night. 他们日夜照料那个病人。 In fact, I dont really care for basketball. 事实上,他不喜欢篮球。 拓展:care about:在

40、乎;喜欢;关心 He doesnt care about money. 他不在乎钱。6. She gave some simple rules to follow for keeping babies clean, healthy and free from sickness. 她提出了一些可以遵循的简单的做法,保持婴儿清洁和健康,让他们远离疾病。free from 不受(免于,没有) He leads a life (which is) free from care. 他过着无忧无虑的生活。sickness:n.疾病;恶心 疾病【C/U】The worker was absent as a

41、result of his serious sickness. 那名工人因病缺席。 恶心 【U】 He is suffering from sickness. 他感觉恶心。拓展:sea-sickness 晕船;7. I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside. 我仔细看了这篇文章,了解到那是为农村妇女写的。 intend:vt. 打算;计划;想要” intend to do sth“打算做某事”(有时也用intend doing表示打算做某事) I i

42、ntend to finish reading the book today. 我打算今天把书读完。拓展:intended to have done = had intended to do本想但是 I had intended to help you but I was too busy. = I intended to have helped you, be intended for表示“打算给某人;打算供.使用;某人被希望成为” This gift is intended for you. 这个礼物是打算给你的。The book is intended for beginners. 本书

43、是为初学者编写的。He was intended for a teacher. (他家人)打算让他当教师。拓展:intendfor“打算使某人成为;打算送给”I intended these flowers for your mother, but as she is away Id be glad if you would accept them.我本打算把这些花送给你妈妈但因为她不在我将很高兴把它们送给你。His father intended him for a teacher. 他父亲打算使他成为一名教师。 be intended to (do) “是被用来” The fund is

44、designed to help the poor students.小结:类似的结构:be designed /meant/intended for sth/to do sth 打算给 作用The room was designed for children.The gift is intended/meant for you.8Perhaps if they had an emergency they couldnt reach a doctor. 也许是她们在遇到紧急情况是找不到医生。 emergency:【C/U】突发事件;紧急情况 In case of emergency, call

45、 the police. 万一有紧急情况,叫警察 In an emergency, dial 110. 紧急情况时请拨110 reach:(通常只用电话)联系;联络 Has the doctor told you how to reach him or her in emergencies? 医生有没有告诉你出现紧急情况时怎样与其取得联系?9. Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time. 突然我想起,在那个年代,一个女子去学医是多么的困难。点拨:句中第一个it

46、为形式主语,真正的主语是how引导的主语从句;第二个it也是形式主语,真正的主语是to get medical training.hit:“突然进入的脑海” A good idea suddenly hit Robert. 罗伯特突然想出了好主意。拓展:= A good idea suddenly struck Robert. = A good idea suddenly occurred to Robert.10. That was a generation when girls education was always placed second to boys. 那可是一个女性受教育总是

47、排在男性之后的年代。second to :次于的;赶不上 拓展:second to none 最佳的,比谁都好; second only to 仅次于generation:n.C一代;一辈; They belong to the same generation. 他们属于同一代人。11. Further reading made me realize that it was hard work and determination as well as her gentle nature that got her into medical school. 进一步的阅读使我了解到,是苦干、决心和善

48、良的天性使她走进医学院的大门。determination:决心;果断 My father was a man of determination. 我父亲是一个果断的人。 She has the determination to overcome all the difficulties.她有决心克服一切困难。拓展:determine:v决心 determine to do = be determined to do决心做某事12. What made her succeed later on was the kindness and consideration she showed to al

49、l her patients 后来是他成功的是她对所有病人献出的爱心和体贴。consideration:n.考虑;体谅 考虑【U】After much consideration I accepted his help.仔细考虑之后,我接受了她的帮助 体谅【U】He has no consideration for others. 他一点也不体谅别人。I am grateful for your consideration. 我很感激你对我的体谅。拓展:in consideration of由于;考虑到; under consideration 在考虑中take into considerat

50、ion 把考虑进去13. There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi, tired after a days work, went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her.数不胜数的故事讲述着林巧稚如何在劳累一天后又在深夜为贫苦家庭的产妇接生,而这些家庭是不可能给她报酬的。deliver:vt. 接生;递送(信件等);发表(演说等) 接生;给接生 The doctor delivered the baby. 医生接生了这个婴儿。 They d

51、octor delivered the women. 医生为那个孕妇接生。 送;递送; We deliver newspapers. 我们每天送报上门。 作(演讲等) He delivered a speech. 他发表了演说。14. I discovered that Lin had devoted her whole life to her patients and had chosen not to have a family of her own. 我发现林巧稚把毕生都奉献给了病人,而自己却选择了独身。 choose (not)to do选择(不)做He chose to fly ra

52、ther than drive. 他选择乘飞机去而不是开车去。His parents chose not to settle in the countryside. 他父母决意不在乡下定居。15. Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?为什么不像林巧稚那样去读医学院,继续她的事业呢?carry on:继续,坚持 carry on(with)sthWe can carry on (with) our discussion after lunch. 我们可以在午饭后继续讨论。 car

53、ry on doing sthEven after the music started they carried on talking. 音乐都响了,他们还继续说话。Unit 2 Working the landReading IA PIONEER OF ALL PEOPLE1.Although he is one of Chinas most famous scientists, Yuan Longping considers himself a farmer, for he works the land to do his research.尽管是中国最著名的科学家之一,袁隆平仍然认为自己

54、是个农民,因为他在田间耕作,进行科学研究。consider:认为;考虑 认为 consider sb (to be) /(as)+ n/adj 认为某人 consider sb to have done 认为某人做了某事consider it+形容词/名词+不定式短语。 consider+宾语从句We consider Tom to be honest. = Tom is considered to be honest.We all considered him to have stolen Tom's wallet. = He was considered to have stole

55、n Toms wallet.我们都以为他偷了汤姆钱包At first they considered me as a doctor. 起初他们认为我是医生。 We consider it hard to study English well.我们认为学好英语很难。 I consider that the music is well worth listening to.我认为这音乐值得一听考虑 consider (not) doing 考虑(不)做某事 consider+名词/“疑问词+不定式”。 Youd better consider my suggestion. 你最好考虑我的建议。 We must consider what to do next.我们必须考虑下一步要做什么。


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