1、参赛内容:高中必修1第5单元第5课时Lesson Plan of Unit 5Nelson Mandela a modern hero(第 5 课时)一、教材内容分析覆盖内容: Writing 教材分析:本课时是与人物描写有关的写作课。首先,文章的篇章结构、段 落层次如同房屋的框架一样,是一篇文章的骨架。课后 70 面的练习一是一篇与 人物有关的短文。 所以老师可以灵活运用教材, 将本练习作为文章篇章结构的一 个范例。同时,文章中的句子,如同房屋的砖瓦一样,是一篇文章的血肉。而学 生所写的这类作文,容易出现这些问题:过多简单句;太多逗号;句式单一等。 英语写作的成功与否在一定程度上,取决于学生
2、写出的句子是否具有句法成熟 性。句子组合能有效增加句子的平均长度,使句式多样化,提高学生的句法成熟 性,从而达到提高学生的篇章写作水平的目的。 如何通过合并句子提高写作能力 是本课写作教学的重点。因为本单元的语法是定语从句, 所以在本课时, 我们主 要讨论如何运用定语从句合并句子。这同时也可以巩固定语从句的知识。二、教学目标By the end of this class, the students will be able tolearn to write a short description of a famous personlearn how to improve the quali
3、ty of the sentences by sentence combining三、教学过程Step 1 Lead-in and presentation (7 minutes)1. Do exercise 1 on page 70 (single work)2. Check the answers of exercise 1 on page 70 (class work)3. Discuss about the structure of the passage in exercise 1 on page 70 (pair work)and present the structure of
4、the passage on the screenThe structure of the passag:eParagraph 1: Personal informationParagraph 2: His / Her hard work and achievements4.Discuss about the outline of a description of a famous person and present it onthe screen. (class work)The outline of a description of a famous perso:nParagraph 1
5、: Personal informationParagraph 2: His / Her hard work and achievementsParagraph 3: His / Her good qualitiesParagraph 4: Your opinion【设计说明:本环节以一篇与人物描写有关的课后练习为载体,在老师的提示和帮助下,让学生归纳人物描写类文章的段 落结构。为后面的写作打下框架基础。 】Step 2 Writing (23 minutes)(single work)Ask the students to write a short description of Nelso
6、n Mandela based on the informationon page 39.【设计说明:在本环节中,学生按照步骤一中所总结的人物描写类文章的段落结构, 结合 39 面的提供的有关 Nelson Mandela 的信息,进行写作实践,为下一步运用定语从句进行的合并句子练习做好准备。 】Step 3 Sentence combining( 10 minutes)(class work)By showing one of the passages written by a student on the screen, the teacher discusseswith the stud
7、ents about the different ways of combining sentences to improve the quality of thesentences using the attributive clauses. (class work)For example:1. Nels on Ma ndela was bor n n ear Tran skei on July 18, 1918. He got the law degree atthe uni versity in 1940.f The Nels on Man dela, who was born n ea
8、r Tran skei on July 18, 1918, got the lawdegree at the uni versity in 1940.2. In 1952, he set up law office to help poor black people in Joha nn esburg. But it wasclosed by gover nment.fIn 1944, he set up law office to help poor black people in Joha nn esburgvhich wasunfortun ately closed by gover n
9、ment.3. In 1964, Man dela was senten ced to pris on for life on Robbe n Isla nd, because ANCblew up buildi ngs.fIn 1963, ANC bega n to blow up build in gs, which was the reas on why Man dela wassenten ced to pris on for life on Robbe n Isla nd in 1964.4. He is a brave, determ in ed a nd persevera nt
10、 man. He devotes all his life for the equalityof the black and realizes his dream.fHe is a man who is so brave, determ ined and persevera nt that he devotes all his life forthe equality of the black and realizes his dream eve ntually.fNot only is he a man who devotes all his life for the equality of
11、 the black, but also he is aman who is brave, determ ined and persevera nt in realizi ng his dream.【设计说明:本环节采用现场修改作文的方法,与学生一起讨论如何运用定语从句合并句子,提高句子的质量的方法。】Step 4 Homework( 1 minute (single work)Ask the students to improve their passages by sentence combining with theattributive clauses.【设计说明:本环节让学生运用本课
12、所学的运用定语从句进行句子组合的方法,改善句子的质量,提高写作的水平。】四、教学评价本课时是写作课。针对学生在写此类作文时容易出现这些问题,女口:篇章结 构不清晰;过多简单句;太多逗号;句式单一等,教师结合本单元的语法点定语从句,通过与学生一起运用定语从句合并句子, 在一定程度上有效增加句子的平均长度,使句式多样化,提高学生的句法成熟性,从而达到提高学生的篇章 写作水平的目的。参考范文:My hero - Nelson MandelaNelson Mandela, who was born near Transkei on July 18, 1918, got the law degree a
13、t theuniversity in 1940.In his whole life, Mandela was devoted to helping the black people. Having formed ANCYouth League in 1944, he set up law office to help poor black people in Johannesburgwhichwas unfortunately closed by government becausehe attacked anti-black laws made by thewhite. Whats wors
14、e, in 1962, he was sentenced to fiveyears hard labour for encouraging violence against anti-black laws. In 1963, ANC began toblow up buildings, which was the reason why Mandela was sentencedto prison for life onRobben Island in 1964. After being released from prison and winning the Noble Peace Prize, hebecame president of South Africa in 1994.Not only is he a man who devotes
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