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1、中国科学院考博英语-7( 总分: 99.50 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、PartIVocabulary(总题数:20,分数:11.50)1. Awards provide a(n) _ for young people to improve their skills.(分数: 0.50 )A. incentiveVB. initiativeC. fugitiveD. captive解析:incentive 刺激,诱因,动机;initiative 主动,首创精神,进取心,如:take the initiative( 采 取主动 );fugitive逃亡者; captive 指“俘虏”。根据

2、句子大意,正确选项应是 incentive 。2. While he was in Beijing, he spent all his time _ some important museums and buildings.(分数: 0.50 )A. visitingVB. travelingC. watchingD. touting解析:解析visit 指“访问,参观、拜访人、参观地方或事物的行为或例子”。如 I visited museumsand sat in publicgardens 我参观了博物馆,还在公园里坐过。 travel 和 tour 表示“旅行”; watch 意为 “观

3、看,注视”。因此,根据句意应选 A。3. The profession fell into _ , with some physicists sticking to existing theories, whileothers came up with the big-bang theory.(分数: 0.50 )A. harmonyB. turmoilVC. distortionD. accord解析: 解析 句子的大意为:这个领域陷入了混乱:一些物理学家坚持现有的理论,而另一些则提出了大 爆炸理论。A 项 harmony协调,和睦,融洽,调和”;B 项 turmoil 混乱,骚动”;C 项

4、 distortion 变 形,物失真,扭曲,曲解”;D 项 accord “符合,一致,协议,自愿”。所以B 项符合题意。4. Workers in this country are getting higher wages while turning out poor products that do notthe test ofinternational competition.(分数: 1.00 )A. keep up withB. stand up toVC. comply withD. attend to解析:5. Building the Birds Nest calls for

5、 giant curving beams which crisscross in an _ patternof woven steel.(分数: 0.50 )A. intuitiveB. intensiveC. intrinsicD. intricateV解析:解析D 选项:intricate的意思为“错综复杂的”,女口 : I have a novel with an intricate plot .(我有一本情节错综复杂的小说 )。句意:鸟巢的建造需要巨大的弯曲横梁。这些横梁纵横交错,是用钢筋以一种非常复杂的方式编织而成的。故选D。其他三项意思分别是: intuitive 凭直觉获知的;

6、intensive 加强的, 集中的,彻底的; intrinsic 内在的, 本质的。6._ The organ transplant community hashumans and monkeys forethical reasons.(分数: 0.50 )A. knocked outB. bailed outC. pointed outD. ruled outV解析:解析根据句意“排除在外”可知。 本只有 D 项 rule out “把排除在外,排除的可能性”符合题意。因此本题选D。7. Please do not be _ by his bad manners since he is m

7、erely trying to attract attention.(分数: 1.00 )A. disgustedB. embarrassedC. irritatedVD. shocked解析:8. All sorts of technology have _ to make the new medical systems applied in rural areasefficient and effective.(分数: 0.50 )A. come into playVB. come into conflictC. taken actionD. taken place解析:解析根据句中“各种

8、技术都起了作用”可知,只有A 项符合题意。come into play 意 为“开始起作用”。根据题意可知,A 项为正确答案。9. The prime ministers proposal for new taxes created such a(n)_ that his government fell.(分数: 0.50 )A. sensationB. upheavalC. withdrawalD. outbreakV解析:解析根据句意“引发暴动”可知,本题只有D 项 outbreak 暴动”符合题意。因此本题选 D。10. The burst of growth and prosperit

9、y in America after 1945 had social consequences that wereanywhere in theworld.(分数: 0.50 )A. unprecedentedVB. unidentifiedC. unaccountableD. unremarkable解析:解析A 选项:unprecedented 的意思为“前所未有的”, 如如: The air crash caused an unprecedentednumber of deaths (这次空难的死亡人数是空前的。 ) 句意: 1945 年以后,美国的急剧发展和繁荣产生了 全世界前所未有的

10、社会效果。故选 A。其他三项意思分别是:unidentified 不能辨认的,身份不明的;unaccountable 不负责任的,不能理解的;unremarkable寻常的,不值得注意的。11. Drink coffee when youre sleepy; its a good _ and will help to keep you awake.(分数: 0.50 )A. incentiveB. promptC. stimulusVD. appetite解析:解析根据句中“对人体生理上的刺激”可知,只有C 项 stimulus 意为“刺激物,促 进因素”符合题意。因此本题选 C。12. Th

11、e prime ministers proposal for new taxes created such a(n)_that his government fell.(分数: 0.50 )A. sensationB. upheavalC. withdrawalD. outbreakV解析:解析根据句意“引发暴动”可知,本题只有D 项 outbreak 暴动”符合题意。因此本题选 D。13. The computer can be programmed to _ a whole variety of tasks.(分数: 0.50 )A. assignB. tackleVC. realizeD

12、. solve解析: 解析 四个选项中,只有 tackle( 应付,处理,解决 )可与 task 搭配。14. A knowledge of history _ us to deal with the vast range of problems confronting thecontemporary world.(分数: 1.00 )A. equipsVB. providesC. offersD. satisfies解析:15. The most _example of water pollution occurred in 1969, when the Cuyahoga River in

13、Ohiocaught fire and helped shock America into adopting the Clean Water Act.(分数: 0.50 )A. concreteB. preciseC. positiveD. notoriousV解析: 解析 句子的大意为:臭名昭著的水污染事件发生在 1969 年,那年俄亥俄州的凯霍加河上发生火灾,这震惊了整个美国,最后导致水净化法的出台。A 项 concrete 具体的,实体的”;B 项 precise 精 确的,精密的”;C 项 positive积极的,肯定的”;D 项 notorious “臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的。所以D

14、项符合题意。16. There was something feverish, even _ , in the manner in which shoppers crowded into shopsin the last days before Christmas.(分数: 0.50 )A. desperateVB. courageousC. discriminatingD. courteous解析:解析句子的大意为:圣诞节前的最后几天,购买者拥入各大商店,近乎疯狂地采购。A 项desperate 令人绝望的,不顾一切的”;B 项 courageous 勇敢的,有胆量的”;C 项 discri

15、minating 有 鉴别能力的,有识别能力的”;D 项 courteous “彬彬有礼的,客气的”。所以A 项符合题意。17._ Being colour-blind, Sally cant make a between red and green.(分数: 0.50 )A. differenceB. distinctionVC. comparisonD. division解析:解析make/draw a distinction between是固定搭配,表示对.加以区别,为正确答案。而 make a difference between(区另 U 对待)和 make a compariso

16、n between(把.力口以比较 )均不符合题意。18. We should make a clear _between competent and proficient for the purposes of ourdiscussion.(分数: 0.50 )A. separationB. divisionC. distinctionVD. difference解析:解析make/draw a distinction between 是固定搭配,表示对.加以区别”(如:A distinctionshould be made between the primary and secondary

17、 contradictions要区分主要矛盾和次要矛盾。 )为正确答案。而 make a difference between( 区别对待 ) 不符合题意。19. The current financial crisis _ a holistic, global approach to deal with all issues.(分数: 0.50 )A. cries out forVB. gets hold ofC. boils down toD. goes in for解析: 解析 A 选项: cries out for “迫切需要”, 如: All these things cry out

18、 for careful planning ( 所 有这些事情都迫切需要作出细致的计划。 ) 句意: 当前的金融危机迫切需要一个全球一体化的方法来应对所 有的问题。故选 A。其他三项意思分别是: gets hold of 找到某物以供使用,找到某人; boils down to 简化为,归结为; goes in for 从事,支持。20. The researchers found the age at which young people first fall _ to bullies seems todetermine how much it affects them.(分数: 0.50

19、)A. sacrificeB. shortC. witnessD. victimV解析:四个名词选项中:sacrifice( 牺牲)一般与 make 搭配;short 可以与 fall 搭配,但一般是 fall short of 的形式, 意思是“不足, 达不到(目标),不符合”; witness 证人, 目击者, 证词,一般不与 fall 搭配; victim 受害人,牺牲者,可做 fall 的宾语。正确答案是 victim 。二、PartnReading Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、 Section A ( 总题数: 0,分数: 0.00)四、 Passag

20、e 1 (总题数: 1,分数: 6.00)States are considering major changes in prepaid college tuition programs - raising prices, restricting participation ofcanceling them - as they grapple with financial woes. Nationwide, families will likely have to pay more to participate, oraccept that they might not cover tuiti

21、on when children go to college.Colorado has closed its prepaid plan to new investors and told existing ones that it may not cover future tuition increases.Wisconsin stopped selling its plan Dec. 20. Maryland and Illinois areamong states hiking prices by 20% or more.Prepaid plans let parents lock in

22、tuition by paying for it now, protecting them against risingcosts. But the hear market has hurt investment returns, leaving the plans unable to keep up with big increases in tuition.So far, Colorado is the only state that has told participants their investments may not cover tuition, and no plan has

23、missed a payment.Other states have said they will fulfill obligations, even if it requires a legislative bailout. Still, the financial problems haveforced thousands to grapple with uncertainty - something prepaid plans were designed to avoid. More than 1 millionfamilies have an estimated $ 8 billion

24、 invested in the plans, says .Some states, including Colorado, may replace the prepaid plan with a guaranteed investment contract, a CD-likeinvestment thats backed by an insurance company. Investors get a minimum rate of return, but no guarantee that it willcover tuition.Wisconsins EdVest program is

25、 encouraging investment in a stable value fund, which is similarto a guaranteed investment contract, in its investment plan. Wisconsins prepaid plan never guaranteed to cover tuitioninflation. It also never got a lot of investors, possibly because it lacked that guarantee.In Florida, a task force is

26、 considering limiting the states prepaid program to low-income families. Ohio officials are alsolooking at limiting participation, but its a measure they hope to avoid. Program administrators are looking foralternatives, says Andrea Feirstein, a state-plan consultant.Maryland recently boosted its pr

27、ices by up to 30%; Illinois by up to 23%. The increases have made some prepaid plansuneconomical for parents of older children. In Ohio, the price of one years tuition for a child over 12 months old is $ 8,000, more than 40% above current tuition at OhioState. SO it may not be a good deal for childr

28、en starting college in three or four years becausetuition may not jump that much that fast.(分数: 6.00 )(1)_ .Prepaid collegetuition is generally designed on the principle that _ .A. it is easy to pay at the present timeB. it is economical in the long runVC. it saves pains to pass the entrance examD.

29、it ensures the admission to the college解析:(2)_ .Many states plan to modify their prepaidcollege tuition programs _A.under the mounting financial pressuresVB. because of deficient college facilitiesC. to ease overcrowding problems in collegeD. to limit the participation of low-income families 解析:(3)_

30、.The word investors (inboldface in Paragraph 2) most exactly refers to those who _(分数: 1.00 )A. serve as the main source of finance to the stateB. invest money in developing local collegesC. sponsor colleges and their educational programsD. join the plan and pay the tuition in advanceV解析:(4)_ .Color

31、ado now has told participants in theprepaid tuition plan that _ .(分数: 1.00 )A. they would not have to make any other payment laterB. they would not be guaranteed against further paymentVC. the plan would cover further tuition increasesD. the plan would be replaced by a guaranteed investment contract

32、 解析:(5).The expression a CD-like investment (in boldface in Paragraph 5) most probably refers to an investment_ . (分数: 1.00 )A. to support civil defense分数: 1.00 )分数: 1.00 )B. put in producing compact discC. to promote show certificate depositV解析:(6).It can be inferred from the last pa

33、ragraph that in Ohio _.(分数: 1.00 )A. prepaid plans require a participation at most 3 or 4 years before starting collegeB. children may start college 3 or 4 years earlier than at a normal age if they prepay tuitionC. college tuition 3 or 4 years later may not be so high as todays price of prepaid tui

34、tionVD. the younger a child to join the plan, the greater loss he/she will suffer at the age for college 解析:五、 Passage 2 ( 总题数: 1,分数: 6.00)Potentially offering a powerful new tool against terrorism, researchers have found a novel way to detect deception: in theliars blushing face.The technique, desc

35、ribed in the journal, Nature, uses a thermal camera to detect sudden, involuntary shifts of blood flowin the face. The system performed as accurately as a traditional polygraph, the scientists report.Yet the camera can provide answers instantly, and does not require a highly trained specialist to op

36、erate it or interpret itsresults. This makes it far better suited than the polygraph for a new, high-techapproach to security that is alreadyraising the hackles of civil libertarians:the screening oflarge numbers of citizens, at airportsand other sensitive areas, who have donenothing wrong.The next

37、decade is going to see the development of truly accurate lie detectors, said Stephen M. Kosslyn, an expert ondetecting lies and a professor of psychology at Harvard University. The prototype, built by researchers at the MayoClinic and Honeywell Laboratories in Minnesota, is at least 2 years from bei

38、ng ready for general use. But other scientistssaid the discovery of previously unknown physiological changes in the face was itself an important step forward. This ispotentially very important work, which may open a new window on the mind, said Kosslyn. Pushed by technologicaladvances, and with fres

39、h interest,since Sept. 11, the discovery is partof a boom in the scientificstudy of deceit and its detection. Although the lie remains a mysteriousphenomenon, researchers in recent years have found a number of new approaches that might replace the polygraph,from brain scans, to subtle changes in eye

40、 movement, to sparks of electrical activity that signal a person has seen avictim or a crime scene before.The new finding, though, is remarkable for its simplicity. When a person tells a lie, the team found, there is a sudden rushof blood to the area around the eyes, according to the Mayo Clinics Dr

41、. James A. Levine. Although the change is not:ordinarily visible, the blood warms the skin, causing hands of color to appear through a camera sensitive to heat.The team devised a computer program that can identify the telltale changes based on the camera images. In testing atthe US Department of Def

42、ense Polygraph Institute, which trains federal polygraph examiners, the device performedbetter than polygraphs, with 85 percent accuracy compared with 70 percent for the polygraph.(分数: 6.00 )(1).Compared with a traditional polygraph a thermal camera _ .(分数: 1.00 )A. can show accurate resultsB. can e

43、asily be handled by anybodyVC. is a high-tech approach to securityD. is used to fight against terrorism解析:(2) .The phrase raising the hackles of (in boldface in Paragraph 3) most probably means_ .(分数: 1.00 )A. arousing someones interestB. giving someone high priorityC. drawing someones attentionD. m

44、aking someone feel very angryV解析:(3) .A thermal camera is expected to detect deception by _ .(分数: 1.00)A. showing the physiological changes in the liars faceVB. scanning the liars brain and his/her whole bodyC. catching the sudden movements of the liars eyesD. screening the sudden rush of the bars b

45、lood pressure解析:(4) .With respect to the advances in studying lie detection scientists think highest of _.(分数: 1.00 )A. simplifying the entire process of detectionB. the mechanic design of thermal camerasC. substituting new approaches for polygraphD. the discovery that one blushes while telling lies

46、V解析:(5) .It can safely be inferred that Sept. 11 _ .(分数: 1.00)A. confirmed the failure of polygraph in detecting deceptionB. made Americans begin to know about lie detectionC. gave a spur to the study of lie detection in the United StatesVD. triggered Americas development of lie detectors解析:(6) .Acc

47、ording to the passage thermal cameras _.(分数: 1.00 )A. have yet to be put to general useVB. have proved successful since 2 years agoC. have to undergo tests at least half a yearD. have been playing a dominant role in lie detection解析:六、 Passage 3 ( 总题数: 1,分数: 6.00)On the outside, Betsy Lueths school l

48、ooks like any other in this arty neighborhood of Minneapolis: a sprawling, boxy redbrick building with plain steel doors. Yet inside, the blond, friendly Minnesotan presides over an institution unique in theheartland: Yinghua Academy, a chartered public school where elementary students of every ethn

49、icity study subjectsranging from math to American history in Mandarin.The idea behind Yinghua, as with many immersion programs, is to introduce kids to the language and culture as early aspossibleideally, before age 12, while theyre still absorbinginformation like sponges. Kindergartners and first-g

50、raders are taught exclusively in Mandarin, and a single period ofEnglish is introduced in the second grade. By the sixth grade, kids are learning half in English and half in Mandarin, withthe expectation of proficiency in both.The challenges at Yinghua are numerous. Most teachers come from Taiwan or

51、 mainland of China, and culturalmisunderstandings prevail. Lueths instructors are learning to be tolerant of local norms like nontraditional familiesand boys who cry as well as a lot more parental input than theyreused to. In China, teachers are revered. They are not questioned, says Luyi Lien, Ying

52、huas Taiwan-born academicdirector. In America, parents are more expressive of their opinions. VYinghuas student body, once 70% Asian, is now 50%white, black or Hispanic. The school has more than tripled itsenrollment, to 300 kids, many of whom commute an hour each day. Research has shown that in the

53、 long run,immersion programs can provide cognitive benefits, including more flexible, creative thinking. Though students fromthe programs lag for a few years in English, by the fifth grade they perform as well as or better than their monolingualpeers on standardized reading and math tests. For multi

54、cultural families, the psychological boost can also be important.Lueths adopted daughter, Lucy, used to squirm when cousins asked why her skin color was different from theirs. Now,Lucy proudly answers them, Yeah, I was born in China. Lueth recently won an $800,000 grant from the Department of Educat

55、ion to develop a teaching model for immersionmiddle schools, and she advises educators around the country who are starting their own programs. If Yinghua canmake Mandarin a success in Minnesota, so can they. This is a glorious culture and an increasingly important languagethat we are meaningfully te

56、aching to our children. And were in the middle of nowhere. (分数: 6.00 )(1).According to the passage, Yinghua Academy is _. (分数: 1.00 )A. an English language school for immigrantsB. a high rise sticking out in the neighborhoodC. a grade school with students of different racesVD. a unique institution w

57、ith an Asian owner解析: 解析 根据文中第一段的“ Yinghua Academy, a chartered public school where elementary students ofevery ethnicity study subjects ranging from math to American history in Mandarin ” 可知,英华学院是一所特许公立学校,来自不同种族的小学生在这里用汉语学习从数学到美国历史等各种 科目。据此可知,C 项“一所培养不同种族学生的小学”正确。(2) .In comparison with their count

58、erparts in other schools around, Yinghuas twelve-year-oldAsian children would most probably be _.(分数: 1.00 )A. better at Western cultureB. more proficient in EnglishC. better at acquiring knowledgeD. more bilingually competentV解析: 解析 根据文中第二段的内容可知,如同其他浸入型双语教学模式那样,英华学校也认为应尽早开 始教授孩子们语言和文化。 理想的年龄是在 12 岁

59、之前,这时的孩子们仍像海绵那样吸收着知识。 幼稚园和 一年级只用汉语教学,从二年级开始引入一节英语课时。到了六年级,孩子们的学习一半采用英语,一半 采用汉语,以期两种语言都达到非常熟练的程度。据此可知,与周围其他学校的学生相比,英华12 岁的亚洲学生最可能具有更好的双语能力。D 项正确。(3).Most instructors at Yinghua are trying to adapt themselves to the local parents who are _ .(分数: 1.00 )A. soft with their childrenB. unafraid to be criti

60、calVC. as stubborn as muleD. respectful of nobody解析: 解析根据文中第三段的“ The challenges at Yinghua are numerousIn America, parents are more expressiveof their opinions ”可知,英华面临着众多的挑战。大多数的教师来自中国台湾或 大陆,文化差异导致的误解普遍存在。卢思的教师们正在学习容忍当地的行为模式,比如不符合传统的家 庭和哭闹的孩子,以及父母给孩子灌输的更多的思想。“在中国,老师很受尊敬,没有人质疑他们。”在 台湾出生的英华教务处主任连路一说道


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