1、课题:U nit7 H ow m uch are these socks?6 ectionA la2c)学段:初中学科:英语姓名:李春萍单位:胶州26中联系电话号:(学校统一编写)U nit7 H ow m uch are these socks第一课时S ectbn A ( la-2c )教学目标:基础性目标:1.知识与技能:(1 ) Leam 1he new woids and expressions: woids aboutcblhes like ( pants, sock, shirt T-shirt, shorts,sweater shoes, skirt)
2、, words about cobiB like ( bbck, white, red, green, bhe, ye lbw ),descrptionswordslike (bfe, sm all short; bng).(2 ) Leam how to ask aboutthe pricesow m uch is ,? -Its , dollarsow m uch are , ?一They re , dolhtB2.能力目标:Leam how to shop.3情感目标:通过本课学习,学生学会有礼貌地谈论物品的颜色和价格,与他人 文明沟通。发展性目标:(l).Heb the student
3、s to devebp Ifetening and speakhg skill(2).Encourage the students to leam in groups 过程与方法:(1)W oik h pains or groups to Jeam new sttucture.(2)Taskased teaching approach(3)D em onstetion m elhod情感态度与价值观:(1)U se English to talk aboutshopping coirect and politely.(2)正确引导学生的穿着打扮。教学重点、难点(1) M aster 1he n
4、ew w otds and expressions: how m uch, pants, sock, shirtTrhit shorts, sweater; shoes, skirt, sale, dolhi; cobt; black, white, red, green, bhe, ye lbw, b迴,sm allshort, bng(2) Le am how to ask aboutthe prices: H ow m uch is ,? It s,/H ow m uchare ,? They re,(3) In prove the students wading and speakhg
5、 教学工具(1) a tape player(2) ppt教学过程S teplFee talk1. G reethgs.S ing a song of cobr2. S how a picture of a cblhhg storeT : I like shopping.D o you like shopping? D o you w antto go shopping w ith m e?N ow let s go to acbthing store.Look!There are bts of beautifiilcblhes on sale!The wealher is getting c
6、older and colder Iwantto buy a hatand a sweater设计意图:通过歌曲,复习颜色的单词,激起学生学习热情,出示服装店图片, 使教学很快导入到学习主题S tep2P wsentatbn1. S how a prtutB of a shirtT : Look! W hat s 1his?S s: It s a shirtIn 1he sam e w a.y,leam olher cblhing woids2. R ead woids and m em orize 1he new woids3. play a m em oiy gam eD ivide st
7、udents into four groups ,show 1he pictuws of the cblhes4.1a: M ateh the wonds w ilh 1he 1hhgs in the prture.Then check together lb Listen and circle the1hings,then check answ eiB.please say 1he w old and spell it quickly, who w illw in?.设计意图:通过分组竞赛的方式,促进学生之间竞争的意识,巩固所学新单词。5. Talk aboutcblhes:A :W hat
8、 s 1his ?B :It s a sw eaterA Ji ow do you spell it?B :S-W -ETTt瑕A :W hatcobr is it?B :It s ye lbwA Ji ow m uch is it ?B :It s 10 dollars通过实物图,教师提问,学生集体回答,由单数名词到复数名词,反复操练新 句型。总结句型How m ach is /are,? It is /They aw,”的特点:单数用is ,复数用am.6. Explah: how m uch and dolhrS tudents listen and repeat7.Show som e
9、 m oe pictures,ask the students practice convetBationsh pairsS tep3.Listening practice1.2a:Lis ten and epeat,教师用一长一短的pants和shorts呈现long和short,用一大一小的hats呈现bfe和small并让学生跟着老师做手势,1heri ask students wad one by one,atbscheck thewotds spelling in paitB2b2c: There are two persons in the conversatb n.They ar
10、e talking aboutthe prres of 1he cJothesP lease listen to the tape and do 2b/2c 设计意图:通过播放录音,锻炼了学生的听力,巩固了所学的知识。2.G uessing gam e fi ow m uch isAre , ?Showsom e prtures on 1he screen,ask 1he four groups to guess the pricesS tep4 S cenarbs S in uhtbn (情景模扌以)Maiy要过生日,同学们到商场给她买鞋帽,衣服等礼物,学生四人一组,练 习对话,教师巡视指导
11、。最后小组展示对话成果并选出优秀小组。设计意图:通过“shopphg ”这个生活平台,学生不仅可以在愉快的氛围中运用 本节课所学询问价钱等语言,而且使学习的过程变得生动有趣S tep5 Sum m ary and hom ew oik1总结强调本课所学的单词、短语和询问价格的句式。2.M ake a survey to your friends and getlhe hfotm atbnabo utihe prices,the colours of theirclothes 1hey wearhg today, write dow nthe hfotm atbn. Then fill in 1he chartnam escJothescobiBprices设 计 意 图 : 让 学 生 自 己 总 结 回 顾 , 养 成 学
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