1、 Wuthering Heights1.who is the housekeeper at Wuthering Heights?A. Lockwood B.Hareton C.Joseph DZillah2. The name of Heathcliffs house is named Wuthering Height just because Wuthering means _A. windy B.sunny C.rainy D.snowy3. when the doys jump on the Lockwood,a large woman hit the dog with_A. a fri
2、ng pan B.a walking stick C.trembing hand D.a sitting chair4. Cathy Linton is Hindleys_A. wife B.niece C.daughter-in-law C.cousin5. How did Lockwood find his second visie to Wutheirng Heights?A. pleasant B.Depressing C.Welcoming D.comfortable6. Heathercliff allows Lockwood to stay at Wuthering Height
3、s because_A. Heathercliff wants to show his kindnessB. Lockwood is frightened by his doysC. Heathercliff wants to express his welcomeD. Lockwood is held back by the heavy snow7. Which word can be used to best describe Hindley?A. mild B.cruel C.hardworkng D.kind-hearted8. What nigtmare does Lockwood
4、have while put up at Wathering HeightsA. The ghostly Catherine tries to enter through the window.B. The branches rap the windowC. He is driven away from Catherine's room.D. The prettiest Catherine talked to her.9. Which sentence is true?_A. Heathcliff is a born gentleman.B. Hareton and Catherine
5、 are cousins while she and her husband are not.C. Catherine Linton is the ghost Lockwood came across at Wuthering Heights the otherD. Heathcliff laughed at Hindley's horse.10. Hindley hit Heathcliff with an iron bar when they were young boys. Why?A. Hindley disliked Heathcliff and treated him ba
6、dly.B. Hindley wanted to take possession of Heathcliff's horse.C. Heathcliff wanted to exchange his horse with Hindley' horse.D. Heathcliff laughed at Hindley's horse.11. Catherine was very fond of Heathcliff. The worst punishment for her was_A. to keep them separate B.to forbid her goin
7、g outB. to send her away to school D. to send her away to school12. After his father's funeral, Hindley stopped Heathcliffs lessons with the curate and made him work outside in the fields with the farm boys. Heathlff didn't mind at first,because_A. Frances didn't want him in the siting r
8、oomB. he and Catherine were growing up ike wid savagesC. Catherine taught him what she learntD. he was happy wit the farmwork13. One Sunday evening Catherine and Heathecliff were sent out of the sitting room for making a noise, then they were no where to be found. Where had they gone?A. the moor B.
9、Thrusheross Grange C ran down the hil D. the courtyard14. Who is the Rival for Hetheliff_?A. Edgar Linton B. an unknown young man C.Joseph D. Hindley Earnshaw15. When Catherine came back from Thrusheross Grange, what was she like?A. as wild as before B. no longer a wild girl B. as lovely as before D
10、. no longer a lovely girl16. Nelly showed sympathy for Healthcliff So what did she do to encourage him?A. Nelly helped him put on clean clothes and encouraged himB. Nelly said nothing.C. Nelly made some clothes for him.D. Nelly encouraged him to run away with Catherine.17. What made Hindey start dri
11、nking and gambling?A. His wife's death B. His nature C.The birth of his son D. Catherine's marriage18.When Catherine told Nelly the secret, where was Healtheliff?A. In the barn B. outside the kitchen door C. inside the kitchen D. on the moor19. From the passage, we can conclude that_A.Cather
12、ine loves Edgar more than she loves Heatheliff.B.Catherine loves Edgar more than she loves Heatheliff.C.Heathclif leaves because he thinks Catherine doesn't love him and he misunderstands her.D.Deep inside Heathliff's heart he knows that Catherine does everything for his good.20.Who asked Ca
13、therine marry and she accepted?A.Edgar Linton B. Healthcliff C. Joseph D. Mr. Lockwood21.What happened to Catherine after Heathliff left Wuthering Heights?A.She went to look for him B. She became mad.C.She remained single and died lonely. D. She married another man.22. She married another man._A. lo
14、ves Edgar more than he does her.B. was more bad-tempered after she left Wuthering Heights.C. has been in love with Edgar all the time.D. has found temporary happiness since her marriage.23. Why might Heathcliff want to marry Isabela?A. For his love for Isabella. B. For the wealth of the Lintons.C. F
15、or her love for him. D. For his responsibility for her.24. who was riding the horses that Nelly heard at two oclock in he morning when she was sent for a doctor?A Isabella and Edgan B. Cathrine and HeathcliffC. Isabella and Heathcliff D. Cathrine and Hindley25. Who do yoy think wanted to hurt Isabel
16、las day?why?A Iabella, for hartred. B .Catherine , for jealousy.D. Edgar, for fear. D. Heathelif, for revenge.26. Isabela fell in love with heathcliff because_A .he was kind and affectionate to wards her.B. she liked his wild pssionate nature.C. she wanted to leave ThrushcrossGrange.D. he behaved an
17、d dressed liked gentleman27. What does Heathcliff want Nelly to promise him?A. Clean the dirty sitting room for himB. Arrange a meeting for him with CatherineC. Take good care of his wife, IsabellaD. Help him write a letter28. After Isabella ran away from Wuthering Heights, who is the owner of the b
18、uilding?A Old Mr Earnshaw B. Heathcliff C. Catherine D. Hindley29. Which city did Isabella go after she left Thrushcross Grange?A. Liverpool B. London C.Manchester D. Paris30. Why do you think Isabella calls her son Linton?A. Because she likes the name.B. Because she wants to get back at Heathliff,
19、because he hates the Linton familyC. Because she misses her brother very much.D. Because she misses her brother very much.31. Who found Hindley when he died on the foor?A. Catherine B. Heathcliff C. Hareton D.Joseph32. Well, tell him that if he has this baby, I'll make sure the other one takes h
20、is place." (P73)Int his sentence, who is the other boythat Heathcliff is referring to?A. Hareton Earnshaw B. Cathy Linton C. Linton Heathcliff D. Joseph33. From the dialogue between Mrs. Dean and“I”,we can safely say that_A. Heathcliff is a borm gentleman.B. Hareton and Catherine are cousins wh
21、ile she and her husband are not.C. Mrs. Dean has lived at Thrushcross Grange for 18 years.D. Catherine Linton is the ghost “I”came across at Wuthering Heights the other evening.34. Mr. Lockwood had to stay overnight at Wuthering Heights because_A. it was too late to go back to Thrushcross Grange.B.
22、there were no servants to take him back.C. he didn't feel well.D. he hurt his back.35. Heathcliff ran away because_A. Catherine hurt his feelings. B. he wanted to get away from Edgar.C. Hindley treated him very badly D. he wanted to make his fortune.36. Isabella fell in love with Heatheliff beca
23、use_A. he behaved and dressed like a gentleman.B. he was kind to herC. she liked his wild passionate nature.D. she wanted to leave Thrushcross Grange37. Catherine became ill because_A. she saw Heathcliff kiss Isabella.B. she couldn't live without HeathcliffC. she was expecting a babyD. .she thou
24、ght Nelly was a witch.38. Heathclif wanted his son to marry Cathy because_A. he knew they loved each otherB. he wanted her to live at Wuthering HeightsC. he wanted to own Thrushcross Grange.D. He thought she was lonely.39. Which of the following is right?A. Old Mr. Earmshaw brought Heathclff home an
25、d cared for him as a son.B. Hindley and Heathcliff soon became close friends.C. When Hindley died, Hareton inheried Wuthering Heights.D. Mrs. Dean was Catherine Earnshaw's cousin.40. According to the story, which of the following statements is wrong?A. Wuthering Heights was an appropriate name for Heatheliff's house.B. Hindley Earnshaw came back to the Wuthering heights with a wife!C. Mr. lockwood was warmly received when he went to visit Heathcliff.D. Catherine didn't want to marry Heathcliff because he was poor.41. What was relation between Hareton Earnsha
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