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1、2016河南中考英语试题及答案解析本卷须知:1. 本试卷共10页,七个大密,总分值120分,考试时间100分钟“清用蓝、器色水笔或 圆珠笔直接答在试卷上2. 答卷前请将密封线内的工程填写清建。一. 听力理解(20小题,每题1分,共20分)第一节听卜而S段对讯 何段对话后有一个小题.欢题中所给的A、B、(:三个选项中选出能正确答案. 并将其稣号填入题前括号内.每段对话读两()1. Who is going to Caiwda?A. Jack.B. Chris.C. Julie.()2. When can Linda probably conic to the party?A. A< 6:3

2、0. B. A< 7:00.C. At 7:30.()3. What did Eric do last weekend?A. He read a book B. He stayed ai home. C. He went 两mining.()4. Why docs Peter look unhappy?A. Because he has a math problem.B. Because he failed in the nu(h(es(.C. Bccaus-c he's lost his nuih textbook.()5. How many people arc there

3、in the boy's family?A. Two.B. Three.C. Hour.笫二节听下面儿段对话戒独白.何段对话或独白后有儿个小题.从题中所给的A、B、C三个逸项 中选出A4正确答案,并将其坏号城入BS前括号内.每段对话或单独读两奶听下而一段对话,答1£第6至笫7两个小题.()6. How docs the woman like dogs?A. They arc noisy. B. They arc peaceful. C. They are easy to train.()7. What will the womim have 挪 a pet?A. A cal.

4、B. A dog.C. A bird.听下面一段对话.答复第8至第9两个小题.()8. Where is (he womiin going?A. To die bus Mation. B. To the train staiioo. C. To the aiipoit.()9. How much docs the woman pay?A. $40.B. S45.C. $50.听下而段独白.答发笫10至第2三个小的)10. How often docx Dennis btiy a new xlory book?A. Every day. B. Every week. C. Every month

5、. )1. WTiat docs Dennis think of reading?A. Fantasik.B. Boring.C. Relaxing.)12. What dues Dennis want (o be when he growx up?A. A tcaclKr.B. A writer.C. A reporter.听卜面一段对话.答夏第13至第15三个小圈-()13. Who dg the woman buy a birthday prcsenl fof?A. Her sister. B. Her mother. C. Her daughter.()14. What size sw

6、imming suit docs the woman want?A. Small.B. Large.C. Medium.()IS. Where can the wonum huy a cheaper swimming xui<?A. On ibe first floor. B. On the second floor. C. On the third floor. 笫三节听下而篇短文.根据垃文内容.按照所听内容的先后顺序将以下图片掉序并埒;H标弓 城写在题号后的横戏上.短文波两碗。20.二、单琐透择-Kate.arc youonly child in your family?-Ycs.b

7、utnew baby is on the way.A a;(hc B anzlhc C the.a D thc;(beAre you going out with Jade kwiighi?-That's my.Mind your own.A offer B business C question D chanceWhm ;i bad day!Everyone has oiw of (Imho days whengoes right.A nothing B anything C everything D somethingMy parents said they would come

8、(o visit mc.l couldn'tto see them after several months awayfromA wait B help C expect D afford25.1 have been to quite a few rcslauranu.but I cun say this one is.A good B belter C the belter D the besth's so cold outside.Remember to c!om! the dooryou when you leave.A beside B before C with D

9、behind- You look very prctty.If Isay so.Think、a l<M for saying that.A muM B may C will D have to-Tlwre is soine knocking al the door.-It must be the computer rcpairinan.lhim to fix my comptitcr.A call B have called C calkd D will call29/nie asked Tim lo go and<>u( if then: wax anyone else a

10、bsen(.A find B tending C to Gnd D tbundA stupid man tells a woman to shut up.while a wise man (ells her that her mouth is quite beautiful it is closed.A unle B siitce C when D (houghWe arc going to take the high speed train to Xi'an tonu>rrow.so an early arrival a( the station.A advises B is

11、advised C is advising D was advisedTh3lerx may Iwve ;i bright future if they can provide u movie experiencepeople can not gel athome.A that B who C whom D whatEvcr)onc wants to reach the top of the mountain.but all the happiness happens while youit.A climb B climbed C are climbing I) luve climbedAln

12、wst every university now has a website which allows us tothe infbrnution about it.A look at B look after C look around D look through-Wha( did Tom say to you juM ik>w?-He asked .A why I am so happy today B what will 1 do for the weekend C who did I play foolball with D if I could go id (he movie

13、with him tonight.三、完形加空A man feared his wife wasn't bearing as well 踮 she used to and he thought she might need some hearing aid(助听).Not quite sure how io 36 her, he called the family doctor u» discuss (be problem. The doctor told him there was a simple test the husband could do to give the

14、 doctor a txuer 37 of her hearing loss.“Here's what you do. " said (be doctor. *Stand about 40 tcc< away from bcr» and in a 38 conversions .peaking xg ifttfl) see if she hears you. If m>i, go(o 30 feet, tl>en 2(>fee(. and so (m 39 you get a reply.*Thai evening, the wife was

15、 in the 40. and he was in the yard. He said to himself *l am about 40tcd and lei me sec whal will happen.* Then m a usual tone he aked. "Iloncy, what s for dinner?*No 41.So the husband moved closed to the kitchen, about SOfcct from his wife and asked." Honey, what's for dinned*42 no re

16、ply.Next he moved into the dining room where he was about 20 feet from his wife and 43, “Honey, whai's for dinner?*/Xgain he go< no reply. He walked up to the kitchen door, about 10 feel away. "I ionc> wh;it*s for dinrxf' " Again ibere was do rvply.So he 44right up behind her

17、. “Honey, what's for dinner?”"Chicken! James, for 45timc I've said that."A. save B. help C. face D. guide30. A. choice B. excuse C. idea D. suggestion38.A. loudB. strangeC. specialD. usual39.A. untilB. beforeC. whenD. as40.A. toiletB. gardenC. kitchenD dining room41.A. dinnerB. gyC

18、. moveD. reply42.A. StillB. EvenC. JuslD. Almost43.A. laughedB. repeated C. thoughtD.added44.A. ranB. stoodC. walkedD. jumped45.A. secondB. MrdC. fourthD. Gflh四、阅读理郸A doctor entered the hospital hurriedly after being called in for an important surgery外科手术).He found the boy's father in the hall w

19、aiting worriedly.On seeing him, lhe father cncd out, "'Why did you lake all this lime to come? Don't you know (hat n)y son is in danger? Don't you have any sense of duly?"The doctor smiled and said. "I'm sorry. 1 wasn't in the hospital and I came as fast as I could

20、 after receiving the call and now, I wish you'd calm down so that I oin do my work *Cahn down?! Wlial if your wmi was in ih侦 room right now? Would you calm down? If you own son dies while waiting for a doctor, then what will you do?* said ibe fadicr angrily. The doctor smiled again and replied.

21、* We will do our best and you should also pray析捋)for your son s healthy life.*The surgery kx>k vxne hours aficr whnrh lhe diKtor wcnl out happy, " Thank g<xx!nex! You son i. saved!" And vitlu>ut waiting tor (he faller's reply he earned on his way running by saying.* If you hav

22、e any questions, ask the nurse.*C(nikln't be wait some minutes so that I c<in ask my son's suite?* shouted the taibcr when seeing lhe nurse minulex after lhe <kx:k»r leftThe nurse answered, lean* coming down her face. Hu M)n died yesterday in a road accident. He was at the burial(

23、理礼)when we call him for your son's surgery And now that he saved your son's life, he left running to finish his son's burial.”根据材II内容选择最正确答案.46. What did the doctor do after be received the call for the surgery?A. He asked another doctor to do his duty.B. He went to lhe huspiuil 妣 swn ax

24、 pcsiblc.C. He di“u心d che boy's state with the father.D. He waited until his son's burial was finishedThe father shemted m the doctor because he thought?A. be IumI wailed【00 long.B. no one care for his sooC. the doctor was coW(0 himD. lhe xufTgery «x>k a long limeWho told lhe iniih(0

25、 the father in lhe end?A. The doctor B. The nurse C. His son D. A patientHow might the father feel after be knew the truth?A. Angry B. Excited C. Sorry D. (X>ublfulWhat is the best litk for the text?A. Seeing is believingB. Time waits for no manC. Practice makes perfectD. Think before you decideB

26、Have you ever had trouble sleeping in a new place?Lots of people do.八nd now researchers from Brown University in Rhode Island think they know why. They IouikI llut une half of the brain ',nrmains morv awake* ihun (tie other luilf when people are trying to sleep in a new place.The sleep findings

27、urrc reported in Current Biology by Brown University. In their report, (he researchers Mid many people report (bey have a harder lime xkq>ing the Gnil night al a hotel or <Mher "uisidc ihuir henne. They call it ' fifsi-nighc influence* . " In Jupun ibe、say. *lf you change xuuiExp

28、lore and Discover: A City TourDiscover some of Winnipeg's rich histoneal past on a guided tour,When: Every Monday and ThursdayDeparts:EntranceUnionStation8:30 am (about 2 hours)Cost: $ JO per personContact: O Tours 204-254-3170 Call to book ahead, space is limited, walk-ups welcome !Winnipeg Rai

29、lway Museum & Gift Shop Where the past meet the present ADMISSIONStudents(6* 1 Syears) S3.005 Underjwith a parent). $FREEFor group toursCall 942-4632 or email wpgrail spgrailwwmuseumWelcome to The FortesSix thousand years ago this was a great place to nwt. Centuries later, is still is. The Forks

30、 is a place where you can visit and find plenty to do, iee, Uste and experience.Hours: The Forks is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.The Fork Market Hours:The Fork Market Hours:JulySeptember 1Open daily 9:30 am to 9:00 pmSundays 9:30 am to 6:30 pmInfo Hotline: 204-957-7618September 1June 30Open

31、daily 9:30 am to 6:30 pmFridays 9:30 am to 9:O0 pmbed. you can't sleep.' * said Yuka Sasaki, one ofihe report's writers. °You don't sleep very well in a new pkicc. We all know about it*Bic researchers measured brain wavc5(iWtt 脑波)for 35vo)untccrs over two nights in a laboratory.

32、 The two nights were a week apart(间隔). They found during lhe IhsI night the left half of the brain was inure active than the rightToll Fre«: 1-888-942-6JO2TheForksthe fortes half. This was during the first deep skq> period, the iv>ea!vl»em said.Sasaki said a lot of questions remain.R

33、esearchers did not keep measuring brain waves all night long So. they don't know if the left half keeps" watch" all nighl, or whether it "'works in shifts(纶换)with the right half later in the night * . They also do ix>t know why the brain aciiviiy. al lez during the find per

34、iod of deep sleep, b. always on lhe left half.For some, this research may be 5而叫.It is good to know (hat <nir brain is "looking out for us* in a new place. Bui il may nol help with xleq>. Thai brain aciivily. a( leaM according(0 this new n?>exifvh. makes it harder to get the sleep peop

35、le need 10 wake up well rested in the morning.HliWHH内容送择最止端答案.47. How many limes dxl (be researvhers measure brain waves fbr 35 volunteer%?A. Once B. TV ice C. Three limes D. Four linwsThe researchers foundduring the first dccp-skq> period.A. the brain waves remained the sameB. the brain aciivily

36、 help with sleepC. the right half of lhe brain kepi " watch*D. the left half of the brain was more activeWhich of the following is one of the quEioru that remain?A. Wliedwr Hie new bed keeps you from sleeping.B. How you have trouble sleeping >n a new placeC. Why the brain activity is always

37、on the left halfI). What people can do when they can'l sleep wellThe underlined word Mcalming* has die closer meaning to * .A. pleasing B. diflcrciK C. serious D. strangeWhat is the text mainly aboul?A. Whal will have k> do (o xleq> wellB. How rescatvhcrs measure brain wavesC. Who doesn

38、9;t sleep well in a new placeD. Why it s harder to sleep in a new place.根据材料内容选择蚣正珊答案-并将其标号填入提前括弓内.()56. You can 前Iif you want(0 go on A City TourA. 942-4632B. 204-254-3170C. KM-957-7618D. I -888-942-6302()57. Martin will visit Winnipeg Railway Museum with his 4-ycar-old daughter. How much should he

39、 pay?A. S3.00B. $5.00C.$8.0()D. $ 34).00()58. Which is the piviper time to visit The Fmls Market?8:30am on Sundays in July8:30am on Saturdays in June7:30am on Fridays in Auguxl7:30pm on Mondays in October59. Wlui is nwniicxied in each part of lhe text?A. Open hours B. Group tours C. limited space D.

40、 Histories! pastWhere is the text probably taken from?A. A guidebookB. A movie posterC. A sports magazineD. A science ivportDThere arc so many expressions in American English tlwt sound plcasun(令人愉快的)but arc not _6l_WI>en simwone 2)、ibey have(0 * face lhe music * , ii does im>i mean (Iwy arv g

41、oing (o a coiiceri.-Facing the music* nicans to accept and deal with the punishnKni of an action._62_For example. " 1 can't face another night of camping! It s a cold and rainy* .Or "In life, you must face your feirx* , Face uved in (his way is very common.But now. let's go back 10

42、 facing lhe music. Imagine a friend aUcs you to uke care of Iwr beautiful red sports car. She gives you the keys and says. * Thanks so much for watching my car while I'm away. But pkiwe. do F drive it. It is an extremely 极其)fast car. -63-Ydu want to show off to some frknds. So. you drive il nmnd

43、 (own(»ne night. As bod luck wxnild have it, you lose conlrul of lhe car ami dn、c i( into a stop sign. Bang!VFen your returns you muse tell her what you have done and " face the music" _64_ ii could be losing her fricixkhip or puiying for repairs Io her sports to her sports uir or bot

44、h. Whiitevcr (be music is, you mita face it._65_To " take your medicine" means to accept the results from something bad you have done. And if someone says. " You made your bed. Now lie in k* they mean you created a bad station and now you will experiemre the results.根据材料内容.从下面h个选项中选出诡

45、城入文中空胡处的最正珈选项使短文意恩通顺,内容充 落.并将其稣号地写在下面80后的柚戏上Bul you do n<x listenA. M Face lhe mu>ic * isa #xxi exampleThe "music " Iwrc is (Ik result of your actiomB. American often use the word " face " in this wayB.Thcrc arc other American expressions (hat mean the same thing as "

46、Pace (he musk * 61 62 63 64 65而、诃语迷用(10小砸.弟题1分.共10分)阳读烦文,从方框中选驿适当的网井用其正确形式地空,使短文通顾.意恩完整,每空网填词. 每词眼用一次,方框中有两个词是多余的.always Uilk count I below friend or people send free aixnind andNext time you're in a public place, take a look around you. And 66 how many people are using (heir phones.! can tell y

47、ou now that it is probably more than half, whether you're on a bus. in a cafe 67simply walking down lhe street.I*m rx>t saying lhal I am not an example of this, but it68amazes (使惊骨) me bow people canspend so much lime on their phones wi(lM)ut6910 others. Has it gone too faf?Recently, my smart

48、 phone broke and had (o be70off for repair for a week or so. I had to use aredly old. basic phone just to keep me in touch with my family and _7J. /ll I could do on (his phonewas 10 send text messages, nuke calk and phy nne game. And I k)ved ii. I loved being72from theInternet, and 1 really didn'

49、;t mind n<x having updates (更新 I about what my friends were doing. h allowed _73to spend more time enjoying my time in London and watching the people _74me and reallysec wha( was going on.However. I knew dial as uxxi as I goi my sinari plione back I would be one of those75otice again.Pcrhajw I sh

50、ould just go back to using the basic phone and forget I ever got my wnart phone back.六、补全对话(5小JH,每题2分,共10分)向的对话情JR,在修个空白处填上一个, J句子,使对话的意恩连贯、完整.A: Wlut terrible weather! I'd love to go out, but 1 think i( will just continue raining.B: Well. 1 listened to the weather report. 76.A: I hope so. Liste

51、n. Pm going to have «i party this Saturday. Would you like to comc*?B: Oh, I'd love to. Thank you for inviting me.77.?A: Well, only my friends. Just u chance to get together and have fun. Peter and Mark arc going to help out with (be cookingB: Hey. Pll Iwlp. too! 78.A: Wbuld you? That sound

52、s delicious! My Russuin cousins arc going to be here. I'm sure they'll love it.B: 79.?A: Yex RiKMims! They love making friciMls. The nuxv I think boul my party, the tnnn: I gel excilecl.B: So do 1.80.A: That's what I'm expecting!七、H面表达(15分)我们的仰,次变化都见ii.药我fJ的成长.请以"The biggest per

53、sonal change Pve ever made"为题. 并根据要点和要求.用英语写一斜短文.1. 登点I I)变化是什么:2)变化是如何发生的;3)变化后有何应受:2. 要求:I)文中不簿出现真实姓名和学校名称,2)诃数80左右。答案及解析一、听力理解(2()小题,每题I分,共20分)12345BCBAC11121314ISAKACA678910CABBc1617181920BE1)CA【答考答案及解析】二电顼透择21【答案】C 网句中only child意为独生子女.发示独 无二防用the在此处&荷指.下句意为: 是的.但是一个新生儿就快谜生了.表泛指用a或an. n

54、ew以辅音者*开头.因此用a.由因此答叫他来修电队这件*发生任过去H不能延埃.因此选C.31【答案】B 我们被建议早点到达火车站,由JH您可知成透择般现在时的被动i吾态,34n案】D 现在儿甲每一所大学部4一个允许我们浏此相关信息的网站.浏览为look through案迭。22【答案】B Thafsone'sbusine«. «示某人自己分内的事情.23【答案】A I.句为:务么精穗的-天啊.由此时列卜句:仰个人祢有中事不知利的日了. Ncxhing is right.意为没有季怖的顺利的,24【答案】A 我的父母说他们要朱番我,符合句克的为CaZwmttodosh

55、表示迫不及待吸做 某莎:烈家几个月后我迫不及待地强要见到他们.25【答案】D a few restaurant 示三个或三个以上答笛.耍用般高级*示这是揪好的罟馆. D 选攻符合,26【答案】D 外而点冷.你离开的时帙,记得美I.身后的门.Behind在后虬27【答案】B 如果我可以说的话.你看上去女稳亮.may "J以友示请求.许W.28【答案】C 一TT人在敲门。-肯定赴电脑惚理人员,我叫旭来修电脑.29【答案】A 七察and的并列用法 and前为动诃血形go.所以应选动词原形"之对应.30 t答案】C when当的时候,明智的人会告诉地当她闭上嘴的时候地很关。32【答

56、案】A考察定ifi从句的用法.先行词experience为事物.在选顼里只能选血虬33【答案】C所仃的快景佩于你学登的过朽'.常识和道理表达应用一农现在时.35【答« I)考察宾语从句.A时志不一致.B和C不是陈述句语序.因此iiD.三、完形域空B A 为,拯救".B 为,用助".C “面对.D“指导”,IliRfbe calkd the family doctor <o dixcuss lhe pcoblem "Jfel.木姓答案 B.36. C A* 选择'.B “借口 . C* 主怠,概念",D“建议固定|ftfid

57、-givesb.anideaof.(tt 某人对某事有所了解).可知此成逸C.37. D A"大出的”.B ,奇怪的”.C*特殊的“,D"平常的",根据上下文-nicn in a usual tone heaxked"可知遥 D.38. A A*自到".B-在之bV .C,当时候",D”作为/当.时候/因为”.本句* Ifncx.go to 30 feet, then 20fcci. and so on 39 you get a reply?意恩足"如果不行就相 30 英尺.不然就 20 英 尺或等等,直到你得到回岌”可知祥

58、案为A,C A" JW所',B"花园“.C* 厨房”.D-餐厅".根«±T i-Honey, whafs for dinner? ”及' So the husband moved closed to the kitchen"得印妻 K应该在厨房.因此答笑 C.39. D A' 晚餐B-方式".C"移动 D"回应".根据上下文 If not. go to 30 feet, then 20fcct. and so on 39 yo<i gel a reply.* 及&q

59、uot;Honey, what's fbr dinner?” W知适 D.40. A A"仍然".B“其至'.C*Wr. D“凡乎",根据I卜文No4l一很知仍分,E 应选A,B A-大笑“,B"水JT , C* 认为。D” 增加",下文“Honey, whafstbr dinner?" -Hfl( ft.因此选B.41. C A, 跑".B"站立C"走".D,跳”.IfJiK ETA He walked up to the kitchen door. 代如此怠为他走向鉴r身后,应选c.42. D A"第二",B* 第三。C"第四”,D-S5五“,-Honey. whuCs for dinner?* 一句出现 第丘次因此他妻了答虻了五次.答案透D.四阙诙理解A篇谷案】B.推理判断亶.由第段 A doctor entered the hospital hurriedly after being called in for an important surgery (外科手术).和敞后-段 The nurse answered, t


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