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1、金太阳新课标资源网 Unit 27Behaviour1. How people express themselves when they complain is important. (Page 51)人们在发牢骚时怎样表达自己的意见是重要的。express v. 表达典型例句Teenagers often have difficulty in expressing themselves.十来岁的孩子在表达思想方面常常有困难。Their pleasure expressed itself in a burst of applause.他们的喜悦从一阵热烈的掌声中表现出来。The figures

2、 are expressed as percentages.这些数字用百分数表示。Id like to send this parcel express, please.我想用快递寄这件包裹。相关链接express oneself 表达自己的思想感情express itself 显而易见, 不言自明an express bus/train 特快公共汽车/列车expressway n. 高速公路expression n. 表示;表达;表情;表达方式, 词句1. 1)观察简答express的形似词impress表示“_”, 其名词是_。答案:打动, 给留下印象;impression2)单项填空(1

3、)Can you _ yourself to others in English, Mary?Sorry. I cant _ myself in English. Chinese, OK?A. express;expressB. express;introduceC. introduce;expressD. introduce;introduce(2)The teacher pointed out the wrong choice of expression_ my composition.A. inB. onC. ofD. from(1)提示:句意为:“玛丽, 你不能用英语向别人作自我介绍吗

4、”“对不起, 我不能用英语表达, 用汉语好吗?”introduce oneself to sb. “向某人作自我介绍”;express oneself表示“表达的思想”。答案:C(2)提示:句意为:“老师指出在我作文里我选择了错误的表达。”in表达“在内”。答案:A2. Her parents are determined that she should not take the part as they want her to finish school and devote herself to a future as a doctor. (Page 52)她父母决定不让她接受这一角色,

5、因为他们想让她上完学, 将来做个医生。devote v. 把献给;致力于典型例句She devoted herself to working out the problem.她全力倾注于解决这一难题。Mother could only devote 2 hours a day to our housework.母亲一天只能花两个小时在家务上。They are devoted to their children.他们深爱着自己的孩子们。相关链接be devoted to 献身于, 专心于devotion n. 挚爱, 关爱, 关照ones devotion to 某人对的关爱/热心活学巧用2.

6、1)观察简答devote.to中的to为介词, 其后接名词、代词或动名词;带to是介词短语还有哪些?答案:pay attention to 注意look forward to 盼望着lead to 导致stick to 坚持, 遵守object to 反对contribute to 有助于2)单项填空(1)Once a decision has been made, all of us should_ it.A. direct toB. stick toC. lead toD. refer to(2)She devoted all her time and energy to_ the lit

7、tle child.A. look afterB. looking afterC. looked afterD. looks after(1)提示:B、C、D选项中“to”均为介词, 但根据语境只有B项合适。stick to“坚持”, lead to“导致”, refer to“谈论”。答案:B(2)提示:devote.to.中的“to”为介词, 故后面应跟名词或动名词。答案:B3. As far as punctuation is concerned, a row of exclamation or question marks after an important point may be

8、 acceptable for chatting with friends, but could look out of place in other contexts. (Page 54)就标点符号来说, 在一个重要问题之后的一连串的感叹或问号在与朋友闲聊时是可以接受的, 但要注意与上下文的空隙。as far as 意为“远到;直到”, 表示距离;可以表示程度, 意为“直至;有多大”。典型例句You can go as far as the end of the river and youll find some beautiful birds there.你走到河的尽头, 就会发现一些美丽

9、的鸟。We didnt go so far as the others.我们走得不如其他人远。His parents supported him as far as they could.他的父母全力支持他。相关链接as/so far as it goes 达到一定程度(通常并未如愿)as/so far as sb. /sth. is concerned 就某人/某事物而言活学巧用3. 1)观察简答as far as 的否定形式是 _。答案:not as/so far as2)完成句子(1)据我所知, 他不想出国。_, he doesnt want to go abroad.(2)对我个人来说, 你怎么做都可以。_ you can do whatever you like.答案:(1)As far as I know(2)As far as I am concerned3)单项填空How far apart do they live?_ I know, they live in the same neighborhood.A. As long asB. As far asC. As well


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