1、致用英语听力教程答案文档编制序号:Unit OneTitle: Business1. Listening Practice1 Pre-listening.Key:1. agreemnent ' t know something someone for the first time8. say hello or goodbye2 Core listening.Task 1Key:1. Lucy Chang told Andrew Lu to call her “Lucy” .2. Andrew Lu is from Phonix, Arizona.3. Now she is in the
2、 human resources department.4. She was in the sales department for six years.Task 2Key:Task 3 Key: Business introduction general rules two equals to each other administrative assistant stand up full attention make eye contact confident and a good listener a thousand words avoid embarrassing Task 4 K
3、ey:Practical ListeningListen to the dialogue and complete the chart 40%33%17%10%9%18%44%29%II Fun Listening Task 1.1. show business2. experience millionaires to failyour business goalof success tough problemsTask 2.Supposed out of sight loneliness confess sign breathe blinded plannedUnit TwoTitle: M
4、arketingI. Listening Practice 1 Pre-listening.Key:hand8. previous14. proxy2 Core listening. Task 1 Key:Marketing department: Sales Sales promotion Advertising Human resources department: Recruitment and personnel training Production department: Production control purchasing Manufacturing Quality con
5、trol Engineering support Finance department: financial management Accounting Task 2 Key:Task 3 Key: companies lines stages profitability evolution pursuing objective lengthen variations segments flavoursTask 4Title: International TradeKey:Product: What to sellPrice: What prices to chargePlace: How i
6、t will be distributed and where people will bur it Promotion: How the product will be supported with advertising, special activities, etc.Practical ListeningListen to the passage and complete the blanks.Market leader market challenger market follower market niches monopoly oligopoly cartel dominant-
7、firm oligopoly II Fun Listening Task 1. 1. safe from an attack 2. attainment of group goals 3. various market followers 4. formally organized Task 2. Smallest sea hug memories stand by my sideUnit ThreeI. Listening Practice 1 Pre-listening. Key:Colombia: coffee beans and coffee Brazil: coffee beans
8、and coffee America: wheat Australia: wine 2 Core listening. Task 1 Key: import and export activities international trade payment the major subordinate determine the delivery terms advance transportation multinational corporations Task 2 Key:Task 3 Key:Task 4 Key: Group E has one term only. : It is c
9、alled a departure term. Group F has three (shipment) terms: They are Free Carrier, Free Alongside Ship and Free on Board,Group C contains four shipment terms: They are Cost and Freight, Cost, Insurance and Freight.Group D include five terms: They are Delivered at Frontier, Delivered Ex Ship, Deliver
10、ed Ex Quay, Delivered Duty Unpaid, and Delivered Duty Paid.Practical Listening Listen to the passage and answer the following questions. Key:1. Within the UK, the methods of transfer usually used are cheque or credit transfer, with inter-bank settlement effected through the clearing houses.2. Instru
11、ctions are conveyed by mail or cabled payment order or by means of banker, s draft or international payment orders.3. Because it is not a particularly safe or sensible thing.II Fun ListeningTask L1. trade gold2. master3. service4. mine of gold5. cheapest6. best sport7. knowledge acquiredTask 2.No ma
12、tter cry in the morn lose control in my heart in the winds play a partTrouble is a foe he always seems to grow he knows what I know ease on down the road don' t be alarmed in a sucker the way he makes me feel make him leaveUnit FourTitle: Etiquette1. Listening Practice1 Pre-listening.Task 1Key:1
13、. spoon into the soup2. napkin in case remains3. spoonful blow4. empty before answering5. 15% tipTask 2Key:1. When meeting somebody for the first time, it is polite to greet each other or introduce yourself.2. You should not ask questions about age, living habit, and phone numbers, when talking to s
14、omebody of the opposite sex. Because they are personal questions and it is impolite to ask about them.3. You can never ask a personf s salary, prpperty, financial situation and social security number, no matter how long you have known him/her.4. If you want to know where a person was born, you can a
15、sk” where are you originally from” instead of uwhere are you from”.Core ListeningTask 1Key:Task 2Key:Task 3Key:2. T 3. F 4. F 5. TTask 4Key:Practical ListeningListen to the passage and complete the chart.Key:1. Paste these into your message when you need them.2. they wish to receive a quick response
16、.Fitle: Banking3. annoy customers and even bring down their email system.4. only send attachments when they are productive.5. reading from paper, the structure and layout is very important for email messages.6. blank lines between each paragraph7. number them or mark each point as separate to keep t
17、he overview.8. it will lose its function when you really need it.9. your message will come across as slightly aggressive if you flag it as “high priorityn .II Fun ListeningTask 1.1. observed in affairs of state2. ceremonies compliance3. normal range of intelligence4. morality principle intervalsTask
18、 2.AfraidRight insideExactlySupposedShine on meDreamShining starBelieveReasonMissingPostscript:Unit FiveI. Listening Practice 1 Pre-listening.Task 1Key:Dialogue 1Answer: She wants to open a current account.Dialogue 2Answer: 300 pounds.Dialogue 3Answer: One yuan.Dialogue 4Answer: Two hundreds, Task 2
19、Key:3. T 4. FCore ListeningTask 1Key:1. A 2. C 3. ATask 2Key:US dollars2. 5, 0003.4. fluctuate with theTask 3Key:Retail banking: deals businessestwo fifties, and the rest in twenties.4. Binternational money marketdirectly with individuals and smallBusiness banking: provides services to mid-market bu
20、siness Corporate banking: is directed at large business entities Private banking: provides wealth management services to high net worth individuals and familiesInvestment banking: relates to activities on the financial marketsTask 4Key:Practical ListeningListen to the passage and complete the chart.
21、Key:II Fun Listening Task 1.1. prove2. established3. banker shining4. liberties currency deprive property restoredTask 2.DiamondCareMoneyEverybodySatisfiedPostscript:Unit SixTitle: Stocksenhancelongpersonal1. Listening Practice1 Pre-listening.Task 1Key:Dialogue 1Dialogue 2Task 2Key:1. ownership2. co
22、mmon stock preferred stock3. Common stock4. convertibleCore ListeningTask 1Key:Individualcompanyprivate publicspecial privileges elections distributions purchasesubordinateTask 2Key:1. F 2. TTask 3Key:Shanghai Composite Index:3,Shenzhen Composite Index:11,Task 4Key:4. FPractical ListeningListen to t
23、he passage and complete the chart.Key:1. better returns, particularly when money is invested term.2. control over where you put your money.3. The flexibility to change your investment when your circumstances change.II Fun ListeningTask 2.heartTitle: Convention and Exhibitionlove brighter trycry feel
24、sorrow living space place entire dying giving bliss enough conceived joyful shinesoul plain create swordsPostscript:Unit SevenI. Listening Practice 1 Pre-listening. Task 1 Key: Dialogue 1Dialogue 2 1. c Task 2 Key: display items clients You are welcome, booth inform in advance reserve Core Listening
25、 Task 1 Key: 1. New business relationship with two new clients. 2. A sale of 20 million RMB of silk skirts. 3. Acquaintance with more than 200 customers. 4. Over 10 suggestions from customers. 5. The brand has been strengthened.Task 2 Key: 1. the silk blouse 2. the financial position, credit standin
26、g and trade reputation 3. equality and mutual benefit Task 3 Key: F F T T Task 4 Key: Time: Mayl-October 31,2010 Site: Nanpu Bridge-Lulu Bridge region in the centre of Shanghai. Theme: Better City-Better Life Transportation: Inner-city Metro Line 7, Metro Line 8 South Extension, Metro Line 13, Metro
27、 Line 9 Phase II, Metro Line 11 Phase I , Metro Line 2 East Extension, Metro Line 10.Intercity: Shanghai-Hangzhou Meglev TrainPractical ListeningListen to the passage and complete the chart.Key:4. B5. A6. B7. CII Fun ListeningTaskSunriseRainKilling fieldsNoticeCrying weepingWorldPeaceFlowering field
28、sDreamsWarDreamGlancePostscript:Unit EightTitle: InsuranceL Listening Practice1 Pre-listening.Task 1Key:law economics another guaranteed company charged RiskTask 2Key:Protection secure living name game stress follow suit biological event accidentsCore ListeningTask 1Key:A: Protects you against finan
29、cial loss if you have an accident.C: Covers the cost of medical treatments.D: Insures against accidents, not necessarily tied to any specific property.B: Provides compensation for damage or destruction of a home from disasters.E: Provides a monetary benefit to decedent * s family or other designated
30、 beneficiary.H: Repays some or all of a loan when certain things happen to the borrower such as unemployment, disability, or death.F: Provides protection against risks or property, such as fire, theft or weather damage.G: Covers legal claims against the insured.Task 2Key:T F F T T FTask 3Key:basis p
31、remiums status, age, gender options reduce cost increase carefully situations for example: insuring insureReduce risks plan doctors servicesTask 4Key:and have enough money to pay your t need any insurance.1. If you have no dependents finale expenses, you don'2. One cannot leave an inheritance fo
32、r his dependents to make changes after his death.3. It is the income that one receives through his employment but that isn, t part of his gross wage.4. These might include the funeral costs, taxes and administrative costs.Practical ListeningListen to the passage and complete the chart. Task 1Key:(V)
33、local insurance agent Insurance companies Over the phone By mail Over the InternetTask 2Key:1. agent dissatisfied2. explanation copy original documentation president5. visit attorney insurance policy documents structure caseII Fun Listening Task 1B DTask 1 T T T F Postscript:Unit NineFitle: Environm
34、ent1. Listening Practice1 Pre-listening.Task 1Key:Climate global greenhouse scientists level risingrateTask 2Key:Cycles changes unbelievable Burning life-threateningcausesCore ListeningTaks 1Key:F T F TTask 2Key:C D ATask 3Key:1. Heat waves can cause lower crop yields, wildfires, power outrages, inc
35、rease smog, and mortality.2. Because children have a smaller body mass to surface area ratio than adults.3. It suggests a low awareness of the dangers of heat-related illness.Task 4Key:D B CTask 5Key:1. problemsolutions2. classmatesparentsteachers3. lights, computers, video games lights air conditio
36、ners heatersWashing machines4. air conditioning5. adjust vacation6. busestrains7. walkbikedrivingPractical ListeningTask 1Key:Products lighting heating coolingHeat and cool smartly:1. filters2. tunedreduce, reuse, and recycle:1. newspapers beverage containers paper2. recycled items repaired reusedUs
37、e water efficiently:1. lawn coolest2. shaving brushing teeth3. waste basket flush4. leaksTask 2Key:B D CII Fun Listening Taskhandle twist sneakers transportation emissions fuelrecyclePlantclimategame boy shadenapcoolteethcouchshutshower billsPostscript:Unit TenTitle: LibraryL Listening Practice 1 Pr
38、e-listening.Task 1Key:Children memory interest in reading meet other familiesTask 2Key:Internet computersavailable bookedCore ListeningTask 1kid-friendly socializestory-timecommunity membersbookings drop inallowance differentKey:T T F F FTask 2Key:D C DTask 3Key:times.8. It* s usually during tough e
39、conomic9. Thousands of dollars.10. It shows that 70% of Americans are cutting back on luxuries like movies, including 76% of young adults.11. Americans are looking for affordable entertainment options attheir local libraries.Task 4Key:Librarians: map out teach materialsnew materials existing collect
40、ions childhood learning entry-level re-shelving organizing books check out issue library cards experienced librarians library helping its users Practical ListeningTask 1Key:1. In an effort to reduce the unemployment rate, the Seattle Public Library offers its community several resources for jobsearc
41、hing,2. People can access its website through is free computers and WiFi or at home.3. Community members can take ad vantage of the librarys resume/ cover letter workshops, . Interview preparation and literacy/ grammar help.4. The Seattle Public Library offers classes on English as a second language
42、, as well as citizenship classes to prepare people for the US citizenship exam.Task 2Key:T F F TII Fun ListeningTask 11. best of friends2. Choose an author3. portrait4. lighthouse erected5. appetite is half the feastTask 21. Because she had a complaint to make.2. Because the book she borrowed was a
43、telephone book.Postscript:Unit ElevenTitle: TourismTeaching steps:I. Listening PracticeI Pre-listening.Task 1Key:TFTTask 2Key:5413413166227710/8/910/9/8CoreListeningTask1Key:Fuji Mountain(4)The Great Coral Reef (5)The Eiffel Tower(2)The Great Wall ( 1)The Statue of Liberty(3)Task 2Key:EmilyEmilyJess
44、icaJessica and BobBobBobTask 3Key:Sunny Cafe: Right across from the Central Post Office InterestingNational Museum: Near City Hall Not interestingCraft market: In the park next to the subway station.Interesting.Task 4Key:1. “ I like travelingM2. inbound toursindependent tourspackage toursvacation to
45、urssightseeing tours historical and cultural tours outbound tours eco-tours3. Because independent tours give you such great freedom to move around a different country and experience unique, beautiful and exciting adventure that you will never have in package tours.4. Because people don' t have t
46、o worry about how to spend their time, how to arrange their travel routes and where to live. What' s more, people are safer because they are traveling with a large group of people and tourist guide will help them.Practical ListeningKey:Cars :FreedomLead to pollution, traffic accidentsTrains: Saf
47、e, spacious and can do lots of other things slow ,lanes: quick and convenientExpensiveII Fun ListeningTask 16. home is the best7. believing8. makes Jack a dull boy9. knows much10. Romans doPostscript:Unit TwelveTitle: GUIDINGI Listening Practice1 Pre-listening.Task 1Key:1. The man was lost and could
48、nt t2. The lady became his tour guide3. She got 20 bucks.Core ListeningTask 1Key:C D CTask 2Key:find the way.to show him thedirections.TheDailyItineraryMoriningAfternoonEveningFirst DayTian' anmen SquareThe Forbidden CityPeking OperaSecond DayThe Great WallThe Temple of HeavenPecking roast duckT
49、hird DaySummer PalaceA rickshaw tour of the HutongShoppingTask 3Key:TF FTask 4Key:1. To sit by the window to enjoy a better view.2. Because it was said the footprints were left by the Buddha.3. They are over 80 years.4. Because there are two white jade statues of Sakyamuni which are 200 years old.Pr
50、actical ListeningTask 1Key:GuidingcasesimpressioncasesculturehistoryIn additionairportinterestingsafeappreciatetypesobeycustomsaware ofII Fun ListeningTask 11. They were on a venture/ vacation.2. He was once Sara' s high school love.3. Yes, she was. Because she thought she can make any man who married her to be a CEO.Postscript:Unit ThirteenTitle: virtual community1. Listening Practice1 Pre-li
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